HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1992-11-16PERMIT #e/5t ,qZ SEPTIC SYSTE14 VERIFICATIONBEOUEST FOR: 60a3 SPRINGFIELD, Ll2 MILE, ABOV E . 701 RAYNER 57 PHONE 'T63 L ARRY HAYES I orvGRs NAi,lE E ADDBESS L475 K I EV STREET, ON WATEFSEPTP ED&CINDY REEVES, NAIIEBUILDER RINGFIELDI S MAIN 5 LEFT ON RAI"1B LING DRI VE TO SITE H APPROX. TE SERI BLING DRIVETR AI.1 AND SHEDGARAGED!'JELLINGTNGLE FAM I LYISTING SIEX TRoPosEo LEE STEM VEREPTIC SY TH, NORTTO NORTH 747"6965TFFlrcmruue e STREET, SP 7t4 ccB, OREGON O\.INER OREGONSPRINGFIELDI OREGON IFlCATION 5"0964 EUGENE,i461 OTY STREET oR EGoN 9740iOAK STREET,,WWand here ce that all inlorm ation I PR[.{T NAI,IE sides ol thls a pplI have carelully read B LARRY HAYES DATEFEES DUE: $APPROVED BY CALL FOB |NS2ECT|ONS (SEE BACK OF FORM FOR TIoNS) 687-4065 days unless inspectlons are cltrrcnt,sEPTlc permits are good for one year. ALL other permits expire after lg0 LMD O4O Rev.6/92 READ CAREFULLY!ConditionsTheOnBasedlsAuthorizationYour "iffi t$5iffi "ffi *ffi *f fi ff^?x#P,xHffi,tffi i-,.?iaffi ,uffiIffiffi ffi ,ttrtffiT$fl $ [Iave the folfowing information ready when you call: 6g74065 Permitnumber - Job dg:, _ Type of inspectionrequired _ When it will bereadyyour name and phone numbei _ Any special directions to the site PowERToBMERuPoNLAND' "**ffi*l?,i5ff^1{'ff}::#-ffif;Heyiffiffiffigl*fi'*fr****oFrHBrRp,Nc,.oNs.MAyBNTBR TJPON ANY LAND AND MATG EXAI\,IINATIONS AND SI'RVEYS AND PI.ACB AND MAINTAIN TIIB NECFJSARY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS TITEREON. FouNDATIoN INSPECTI.N: ro be made *,* "::1'-l:: ti?ffir?q::ffi,3f. any required reinrorcing steer is in prace.UNDERGRoI-IND PIPING INSPECTIoN: To bemadeafter ar unaerSuno piping has u"", i*rili"a pnor to any backfill.CoNCRETE SLAB oR UNDER-FLooR INSPECTION: To be made it", "u i*rr"t o, urra"r-noo, irm1r,.s service equipme.ng conduit, pipingaccessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place tu, u"r.r" *y """*r" is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.RoUGH MECHANICAL ['rsPECiIoN: To be made-afte, dr orctirrg-;d; piping has b""r, ir";; and prior to being covered.ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIoN: To be madeafter "u pt *b;;;;;;L is in prace, prior to being covered. *#HffiffiS*fi,trTifff:ruruX;';f:Xlfff:ffi##:;;;H*oa,,pipes'chimnevsandvenrsarecomp,e,eINSULATIoN INSPECTToN' ro u" made after all insulation *a ,rupo. tui"r, are in place, prior ro covering. i,i{{ffi1?.}f.!it[,:?#,',"T#ffi:X:nm*"t',m#--,;;ffi'*il,',io,-o,a"*,erior,isinp,acebu,beroreanyADDTTIoNAL TNSPECTTONS MAr BE itrqurnru, such as uut not timitea to;BLocK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is-in ptace, but b"f.." .ny;ut is pqwea rhe inspection is required for each bond treasr pour. Therewill be no approval until the plumbing and ete-ctrica inspections trave ueeimua" una app-rr"a. r ri requ'ed tor each bond FINAL MECHANICAL INsPECnou: To be made just prior to a" rt *no" or r"-oa"to area being occupied and pnor to operating any eg'ipnenrFINAL PLUMBING INSpECIION:Jo be made jusrprior to the buildingl srr"n r. or remodeled area being oocupied.EINAL BI'ILDING INSPECTT0N: To be made "?t"J h"itr, gadins *a ir" iriloi"g, struch*e * .*roa"u area is compreed and ready fc oe,pncy.MoBILEA'IANUFACTURED HoMES: An inspection it t quited-^ftu, the mobite home is connected to an apprroved sewer or septicsystem' Prior to covering sewer or water lines, foi setback requirernents, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections.Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirem€nb for mobile homes or is recommended by the marufacturer.Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain ManagemenrTiedowns, if required, shall be installed and ready for inqpeciion witirin:o d"y, rft* ";;;;;y. Tiedowns shall be installedper enclosure. APPROVAL REQUIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building orstructure beyord the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining theapproval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only aner an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the corutructionas indicated by each of the inspections required. rHIs PERMIT wr* *r*' " *&1i1%H',o1?lH"WiliiltT#i"^'f3.3ffi$f.?ffi#STf L"^ffi$if?ffi M'RE rrrAN ,80 DAys.susPENsIoN oR REvocATIoN MAY occuR IF TIIIS PERMIT wAs IssuEb oN TIIE-BASIs or nrcor"rpirrB-oi ERRitr.EdIi E{F6RMATT911, AI\YONE PROCEEDING PAST THE PoFIIT oF REQI.IIRED INSPECTIoNS WILL Do so AT THEIR owN,BIsK. Your sigriature on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAVE€.{REFULLY EXAMINED THIS coMpLETED APPLICATIoN, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct" and that I have a legal interest in ttre property as owner of record or authorized ag;. I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the laws of the State of degon per- taining to the wofk described huein. I further certify that if I am not the owner of the poperty, my registration wittr the Builders Board i" in t u toti" and gffeCt as fequifed by ORS 701.055, and that if exempt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon, and that orrly subcontractors and emplovees who ue in complianie with ORS 701'005 will be used on tre job' $s suBsuRrAcEs,wAcEDrsposAls,*ftr":*Irii#""'$*"-*[:' t,;,[rliius"***o "o' 1oo Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovemenls on Property House Bam Garage lrttcbile. Horne Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED Yes Nlo del-Icr d ilFE Weler District ' Please complete all llnes inslde whlte boxes, if possible. MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tu m.p3 ln th. A.B3nanl I Turtlon Dapt)11 oS ?{ 2-l 03600ffi- TfiF EiIm-- rIrGiiEF -rrri- Torilhip R.ng. g.Gtion lll Sction far Lot %6Irilt- ..@ Eilm-- r7fGil6i- -rrEi- t,it(JNE q '7{1'7t4 1{L- ol6{ TF6[_OWNER OF PnOPEBTY (ll not m. r rbovr/ ,?"/1'? OWNEFS ADDREa3 (f nol ..n ...boy., ztP -IJrym-f- l41f Ktcu llrqes Lca €,f cr*'( Cynh kercs 0cU Orqo't 10/ e 7{t-b ft,t- Dlrectlons to slte lrom nearest maln lntersectlon I- /DS h Nor/l" tl ( Mola"tL 6ur) Le{t 0n lZa^ll,a-1 l" /bsa Norl./,',( l/u rn,/i srrE ADDRES" I bS t Ra.nl I rn Drlde -/tctd Q'l.r{17 MAIL PERMTT TO:Moblle Home/4q€s ent Only ( 04t- fuul Size.oM 0re 0/1 q x(ol No. ol License STAFF EVALUATION from Inlormation Req TBS Verilied Allowed Use Land Managemenl Div. stalf can not be held responsible lor evaluataons or recommendations based on lalse, inaccurate or LMo 14e- 2a2 incomplete inrormstio ril4-68 02/92 FLOOD PLAIN - fouw(- 0b"(c 1a{u Qar+rtt lIsc Eo*[lr*7 3I r i g I i- - Al-'l] I L.T i_tf_t I- flt'_Lu 1..- .i. i... - t.J r J I .l i:. t',, ! I ttrt- i: i::, _. i:.j i::, I.J i::, '- l''! l::. 1... l ': ,.i Ll !". Lf-l I [r : - :tF:'titll : TAI{HI'I FY '! i'0.i:;i::i: i *..1e'00,:irLilil).i: il #i.r]t; 'rTr][: u;ii::. ri ]Jillii"iij AFtr r{EEVh-rJ, E:r i'-rtN[: i::[iuNl'Y " lr [i ,l ,., o" f I :r H i; ii * i;i [i i: !i ili ir t,, rt':', - r ii it f I I r f E I fi , (l UNlTii 001 ;i"f{lRIliii,I,i:ri...iii',1{ i'}*i fiHr:JF.l[ 7/'+r.) i *:i* i:iC.ii'iill..l:t{t; f F:" . ,:f:'fi'Ii"lt;f l:Hi...$, r:-i' t.J i'{ I f i: il ;i T v fi l... Li fi l' i: u hi !:: E I; i .i i :q?:l U fE l::. ili"ii:: ftH[ivHs, [::l) t rlllFl... Nf 'rti::l'I Lli"l pH,Ir::ft:1. i:rT I tll'l t.l .1., J.., !',. 1- t-t ii FIHi[rr:r]'l-l i...Li ];?:5t!?:i ;ijli:\' :iHri Ht..H: F i:H UUi{fii...H'I-t Llri Di1'Ilr i:..i." tqt.i.Il: t1[i*t-tAN I L:Al- !:[:E: ;i f ii'i'il. ,! LJ F: L: i'lF\ i:{ i; il: Ft...AF{ i-;i'.li::i:;i,: Flif:: i:r'i'" i:idr:i:i.l Fl' l:.i...N Ri...i..l \ lt \ i il rF: IlhF U.S I l' **f::i " ('Juj [,r. t a -l I !oo ot!.,o ; =?l I, l I I I i : f'