HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-07-236l!''- CONS TRUCT fN/PLACEMENT PERMIT 1\1 PLEASE USE BLACK INKI AND PRINT.COMPLETE THIS BLOCK. FOR OFFICE USt] ONLY AD-uIicationi'ili'^il"i'""'| t IZ-&- f] rwo Copies of F i:rns flrwo Copies ot Piot Pians f uechani-caI Checkl j st ! r,lumbing chcchfist Intan Chec]', info Shcet ?AX t7 TOI.J}ISHIp RAI.IGE03 e5,2, I SECTION Itoaa LOT BLOCK iocetrd,r ADDRESSt@A C IJF,OPOSED USI] OF P-hC)],ERT'' fnesiaent-: a: fltncus::: al f] commerciaL Irrruri. J/ S VALUE oirrbnd ffi:::::;Lf OF BEDROOMSb + oF sToRIEs #oF qff"'15 Yr AND I d'i;Zis%o tt \f *ffw J}40 L.I TOr.,IiiTRACT']RIS OGF. **trffi,t4 I fr,,u aorn""ruo oon"raotro"(J pERMrr, ana ao ncr,,tr/, r:rtiri thnt: arl lint'....tio, t "r,,,,,V' to the work described herej.n, and that NO OCCUPANCy will be made of any structrure without thc pcrmission of the tsuildio.J Drr/isr.1rr. I f,Ltlll,]r , r'rt that registration with the Builder's Board is in fulI force and effect as required by ORS 701.o55, that if ex€-npt Lhe ba.:is fcr ,,x.'mi,ti.'ii i:' r,', d eith ORS 701.055 will be used on thjs project. I HA\,/E RFjAD AiID (lllE(r:ED TIIIS ,tr 'l v 1 GNA' '"WffiUfi"compL fu4'Z \)a,ar rr=-r ! :,u, ... ,(-'"'tt't "t'' i-l r",,,,t I IIAVE CAREPULLY EXA.I'IINED t,ru.: and a()rraat 1rr.l I firrl i hcreon, and that only APPLICATION THOROUGHLY EMr -Lrrd;;-Fri"t) <_oNCefft I r/l - dtrt n PLANNING ZONING:Zone f rcr,t NT Parcef i-- interiorCllrrrrmw Sctbacks: L, Partitron t -L, sid(- Parcel Sr.z€ re d! r Ccments N:In flood E ry4+1. ADDRESSTNG:cRl.D cooRDINATL N I sarlrrATroN: area? f] *" fl ves, see attaci)ed sheer Date: Date; cut", $'>O.rtO @ lnstall-atiori Record rssued? [ vut I n" Maxrmum Depth of Trerrches E s. r. #B. P. # lnstallation Specifications: Coments: Gal ]on Tank Linea] Feet of Drainfi.eld Date Co[unents: ? CONSTRUCTION AUTHORTZED BY THIS PERMIT ryeFixed Fee/ Unit Cos Floodplain Fee Subsurface Pees Building Fee Sewer/Storm Drain,/Water Plumbing Fixtures Mechanical PIan Check $ $ $ $ ) t $ Description PERMIT -600__ z5.oa Sta S 32,=zD-a /FEES PATD 84,tus , rtn""x I casrr FEE rroN $ DE-> BU By: Date 3 'DESIGNF;E {;,.ir: oRs 4 .80s (1 DA?E & COI'IIIIUNITY DEVEIPPMENT / 125 EAST EIGHTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OFSGON 9740].I,ANE ,AL SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFOITMATION o/ryJ,.- tr _6@_ -.-t-.k- 'v \< SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVOCATICII OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION tJNdER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'S INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REMEDIES ALLOI'JED BY LAIdI. II']TN READY FOR INSPECTION CALL 687-4065. A MINIMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE GIVEN. Have the following information ready: Permit number' iob address, type of inspection, when it wil'l be ready, your name and phone number, and any spec'ial directions to site. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED IIISPECTIONS r)FOUNDATION INSPECTION To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation b. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mt'xed") is to be used,are delivered on the jo materials need nct be on the job. 2) CONCRETE SLAB 0R UNDER-FLooR INSPECTION: To be made after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, ci.l.laryequipmentitemsareinp.Iacebutbeforeanyconcreteispoured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor 3) FRAMING & INSULATIoN INSPECTI0NS: To be made after the roof, a'll framing, fire blocking and bracing rre in place and sandventsarecomp1eteanda].lrou9he.lectrica.landp.lumbingarcapproYe.l.All wall insulation and vapor barrier are in p1ace. 4) LATH AND/1R GYPSUM BoARD INSPECTI0N: To be made after a'I1 lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in p'lace orrbeforegypsumboardjointsandfastenersaretapedandfinished 5) FINAL INSPECTIoN: To be made after the building is complete tind before occupanby. APPR0VAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on'any part of the building or structure beyond the po'int indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the'approval of the Ouilding official. Such approval shall be given only'. after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. N0TE: All buiiding permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not lim'ited to: A. BL0CK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This inspection is required for each bond beam pour. There wi'll be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have been made and approved. B. l/C0D ST0VE: To be made after completion of masonry ('if applicable) and when installation is comolete. Installation shall be in accordance with an approved nationally recognized testrng agency arrd the manu- facturer's instal lation instructions. C. I.IOBILI H0ME: An inspection is required after the mobi]e home is connected to an approved sewer or septic systenr for: setback'requirements, blocking, footing connection, tiedowns, skirting, and plumbing connecti ons. (f) Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requ'irements for mobile homes or as recommended by the manufacturer.(2) t'loliie home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when required by a floodplain management'letter.(3) l4obiie home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready_for inspect'ion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. ir. SWIl,lt4ING p00L: Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade when pool is instalIed. APi'?OVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING I,IORKING HOURS. THIS PERMIT I^IILL EXPIRE IF I'IORK DOES NOT BEGIN iJ.I .-:'DAYS, OR IF t,lORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN]8O DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IF THIS Pt,(;,IT !,JAs ISSUED 0N rHI BASIS 0F INCOI1PLETE 0R ERR0NEOUS INF0RMATION. AN/ONE PROCEEDiNG PAST THE POINT OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS I'IILL DO SO AT HIS Ot,lN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (l) Permits shali be effective for one year from the date of issuance. (Z) Upon completing the construction for which a permit has been issued the permit holder sha11 notify the' '' J)eoaFtm€nt bv ir.rbrnittinq the installation recbrd for,m. The Department shall inspect the construction to I 'd;i.nfri;e',it"tt ionpii=i. ri,i,th th'b rules cphtain-ed in this division',. If the construction does comply vtith ' .;at, iutis,.the Depaqtment shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to.the permit holder. If the ionit.r.libil aoes hot.comply with such rules, the Department shall notify the permit holder and shalI require satisfactory conrpleiion Ubfore issuing the certificate. Failure to meet the requirements for satisfactory cornpletion witt,ih a reasonable time constitutes a violation of ORS 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. :. Setbacks -, subsurface Sewaqe Disposal Septic Tank From Interior property 1 ihes Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Hells, other water sources Drainfield -T0'-'I 0' l0' EI 50' t0' 'I 0' 'l 00' T AUTHOR ION PED{IT //-82 NAME (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS APPLICANT OWNER REASON FOR CANCELLING PERMIT (OR APPLICATION) Y70 rJoT tNSTrl{"c-, 5>-(gE/\L SIGNATURE DATE LO 24 ?- FEES PAID FOR WASTE DISP0SAL SYSTEMS (SITE INSPECTIoNS AND/oR APPLICATIoNS To INSTALL TITE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANNING, OR PLIffBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. AUTHORIZATION FOR POSSIBLE REFUM:'FEE $% BUILDING PERMIT Z MOBILE HOME FEE Z PLIIMBING PERMIT Z PLAN CHECK FEE Z STATE SURCHARGE Z SEPTIC DISPOSAL Z LAND USE APPLI. % PPA OR NPA (PLN $ rEE $ Z SITE INSPECTION FEE $- FEE FEE $ AMD) $ $Z PRE_APPLICATIONS Z RECORDING FEES $ SIGNATURE 6,- MINUS $25.00 FOR PROCESSING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED Z PARTITIONS $ Z COPIES & ORDINANCES $ $ oere 2 \-- eu(-L TO DEPARTMENT OI? FTNANCE: BUILDING PERMIT REFUND STATE SURCHARGE REFUND SEPTIC DISPOSAL REFUND SITE INSPECTION REFUND LAND USE APPLICATIONS PLAN AI'{ENDI"IENTS PRE-APPLICATIONS RECORDIN(; FEES PARTITIONS COPIES & ORDINANCES $ $ $ $ $ 24-08-74/ACCT 4ZL2olPRoc 041 Recelpt /l 24-08-74lACCT 42124lpnOC 041 Receipt /l 24-08-741 ACCT 42134|PROG 043 Receipr JL 1t 24-08-74/ ACCT 42L50/PROG 035 Receipt It 24-08-141 LCCT 4215o/pnoc 013 Receipt # 24-08-74/ACCT 46202lptoc 034 Recelpt /1. 24-08-74lACCT 46210/pnOC 035 Receipt // 24-08-74/ACCT 46202lPRoG 035 Recetpt /l 24-08-74/ ACCT 444L9/pnOC 034 Receip tll $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL AMOT'NT REFUNDED $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME ADDRESS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COURTHOUSE/PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740L 24-08-14lACCT 42133/PR0G 043 Recelpr #_ lane county October 5, L9B2 Solar Concepts Inc. 211 West 6th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 974OL RE: Application # lc-rro5-82, LC-1112-82, LC-ttt3-Bz, LC-1114-82. Dear nanlel M. H111; No action has been taken by you regarding the fees ( $grs.z+ ) due and payable on your appf ication This Department is giving you six (6) working days from the date of thisnotification to pay required fees. If you do not pay you will leave us no option but to cancel your app)ication. if the six (6) working days lapse and you wish to pursue development of the parcel a new permit appliiation and full fees wjll be required. /#",-* ROY L.RNS, IUANAGIR BUILDING AND SANITATI()N DIVISION RLB/j bw c.c. File ffi!'.w Planning & Corrunun.ity Development I Courthouse-Public Sdrvice Building / 125 E. Bth Ave. / [ugene, 0R 97401 / (503)687-4061 ,4 I dl t Environmental Management ACTIVIT-' INFORMATION .C-{EET lone ccunty Il2zz@CCMPLETE THIS SECTTON. INCOMPI.ETE FCR!,IS WII.J. BE REJECTED: SoIar a - t-^5 I !rlL,.-t -f .-, J// tF J?.i-'l ia.//-:t' L PROPERTY OWNERREQUEST ?L]. W. 5rh !L1II.Ii.IG ADDRESS MAIL:}IG ADORESS 1-'-Eugene,Oregon 9740L STATE ZTP CODE 5idli 345-0208 I{OI'1E TELE?HONE IJUI'1.38RtsUSiNESS ?ELE9HONE NU!4AER i{OUE TEI,EPHOIIE NUMBER tsUSINESS :ELEPHONE NUMBER @ teX MAP,/PROPERTY DESCRIPTION NUMBER (f,rom tax rnaps in Depargrent of Assessment & laxation or fron :ax st,atenent,): llaD & Parcel Num.ber: 4l/l"-"shG 2 =ffi;- Tax Lot(s) :E;::;;f, out of rL vQoa * Bv Par.-ition * Tax l4ap & Parcel Nunber of Adjoining Property in Sane Ownership: Tax Lot(s):iffis6$' R"nqe Feltio.- I uone tr Unknownt/,76ooLOT:@ sueorvrstot'l (if applicable): @ nSOUgSt (brlefly describe infcrnation needed):tN9-far-,c',L\6 KFFA c =qdDe. $o*r ujA.fafe- e{gferl O TorAL coNTicuous PRoPERtY rN sA.l4E owNERSHTP:aqres @ pnopentY rDDREss 4 0 ?7 7 @ pnrsext usE oF PRoPERIY: @ uuMaen oF slRucTuPss oN Pg.oPERtY: Standard home rYodul-ar home- Rv in use as residence Garage_ ShoP- Mobiie home_ Storage_ Barn_ O eccess ro ?RoPERTY: ?ubl..!c Road Nane PrivaBe Road Name @ otsaa EAsE:.IEurs ovER PRoPERTY: @ r.rnten DrsrRicr (AlbOrlJ @ ernu DrsrRrcr q((o O PENDTNc ?Ei-Y:TS oN ?RoPEa,TY: COMPI.ETE THIS SECTION FOR CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATIONS I,AND USE, OR PROPOSAI.S SEE *NOTE BELOW.**FOR STAFF USE ONLY** NUMBER: DAfE: TI!,IE TNITIA?ED: ^sFltlFh tW . ATTACHED E@, I erot Plans Qi f, cor,str. Plans Q) I site elan flcopy of tax MaP Iotn"r- SCiIEENING VERIFICATION By: Date: fi6a ?F.Cut: [ .rccegt I ae-'ect O^!!taA l^. iliOTE: .\TT.lC!{ A CC!'/ ')F TIX .YAP : SHCI'J f,l{ISTi:iG STRUCT.'RES .iiID ?A:( '-CTS :.\- /CUR itrl:EiSiil? . 13- -Ailr iA.\.hr l.r:E-i FiFa Flts 9.2'81 REV ( OVER ) laZ4 FX-4,p;A4 l4- AZ 41+11 BLOCK, q # .c 'q Fi ; dtgtZa/ucf ilof Rsad EasenenE - wj.d!h- Users @ enoeoseD ssE oF pRopERTY r-- DETATL: hot water system. - L So'l a r ColIe Drdin Down Drain Back @ eurr.orxG REQUESTS: Contr,acror,s s 36214 Exp. 3/15 /83 (for mobile home secuP also) Directions t,o Sir-e:r i€ anr Check the tlpe of Permit reqqested: flowelling: I ller I neptacement EIAdditional; flaaaition fielteration: Solar I uodular ttorue I r"roUite tlome - Model Year- flnv Istandard construction; !ef.t Check onlY [coumercial: Use Floor Area- Iaqriculeuralr Use fl otr,"t": use Ploor Area f cr,"nge of Use - How? @ lrur,raen oF EEDRooMS 7 NUI'IBER OF STORIES I @ saurretroN FileuEsrs: I site evaluat,ion for SDS feasibility [ :tew syscem installacion [ .tePair,zreglacement I al t.ration,/re location fluoot to exiEting AD0ITIONAL INFORTIIATION : COMPI.EEE TEIS SECTTON FOR I,AND I.]SE CR CCNSTRUCSION .IPPLICE?IONS.**FOR STAFF USE ONLY*' ZONE./LAND USE By: time In:_ lut:- I lccept, I eelect ! elanning Apglication !con"ttuction Permit APP. I rnfor*at,ion only Zoning: Comp. Plan Designaticn:- SANlTATION: Date: Time In2- Out:_ Ieccept E Reject ! Constr. Permit Issue fl sit" Evaluation rssue PER!4rT ISSUEq (SAME DAY oNLY): PenBiE # Byt Date: Tirne in:Out: By L Datr: '' .-,. .. i .r i-..i j::. I1i i.. i..: [ii.JL;[:lilfi:, {}ft f-t,i]i,l L.IJ I ,*fii...iil;'ij i')i:: i f'Fiiii! iir:i'i'i:. i.i';i ii ; ri:,: ? t a t t a e I a fi;pirt1; i. i..iii.l'i 5r{:ii.-ri}Ii l'i_,,ii, i ?{i:ii;:5il+r}.5::iiji0 ili:ii{{::i:f}'i "f, :ii''li: "ftt t?afl ,:r--r l.i5'[i i:i ]:rnHi"i# i] ii [] T :i: i: i'i i: i:::,:ij i.l i:i :i. [' i' :1. ii i'.] i:rliiii:i ;ii 1 L'.i" *,Ti.i , i H:i.'J ri i.- ii i;. l'T t:' i:: ijf,li''Ji:::li i"'li'.1il i'iii -- {-:i:jIji::. rti:iF'i... tlij .i i- ii i:i r-: r.' -rl 'i,! ,iiil i ;{T{lH I E:;f ft lJ Li l'{ I.'l r'-", s{i l':T lJl'iI'i rrt ti i._ ,_.J ..? ._-. 1.j -r.-- .Lr L_! i:ii.i,:ij'i '-ri:ii...ii:+ i .1. i.i:t i::"i::i:. iir:rT;il ^" ..-.i'iil.r: f.if'F ':rHQi-l : t) -I rt i'i ii. iil Il Y Fl1... l-l i'Jil. f:"i ''.( 'i l.ji:ii::'q i...i:: i j i :iii:]:ii i:irr.1i:iiji i., l.i;''l i i... l::. i .;. i.i ft i-,i f.l I i::. i..{.i i'ii.ii::. f i' ti It,i: : Fi li. t.lFii:i il'i .i. i-l i:r 1... f-' fi:: [: ;;'i' i:f i' iii,iil.J!:iut-t #ri:t i'"i I i:rL..fit"'i [;Hi::.i::1,:. fri:.H: l- !r TRS#f- FRONT TI / r}u Approved DATE ISSUED:PERMIT#2 97O -g N R sDS APPROSAL REqJIRm Insp ector SE C; T I NTER I OR REAR S Date Correcti Date SI DEIL ING GApproved Date Correcti on Da te Ins pec tor UN RS Approved Date, ll- t - *4 /Correction Da te Ins pector W OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor Approv Tte lt -l *74 /correction Date I nspe ctor A*{ FR Approved ,/ Date ll- I - 84 /,/,"4,Correcti on Date tl- l- frl /CorrectionApproved te Date I nspector I nspector INSULATION / VAPOR Approved / Date BARRIER INSPE t-4 CTION Correcti on I nspector Q,.LDate LATH / GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTION Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspe ctor FrNAL MECHANTCALEr /w00D ST0VEfl Approved ,/ Date J-f-g{ /Comection Date I nspe ctor FINAL PLUMBINE INSPECTION Approved v/ oate /Z-T - 84 lCorrection Date I nspector Date Correct on te InspectorApproved Approved l M74-r97 Date Insp.proved_Date Insp. LANE COUNTY INSPECTION RECORD /UNDERFLR PLBG.