HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-06-10.. RESIDENTIAL.. z z s )t o r-,h s z;t s; :t e eAE ? L ; c A: r 0 Il / PE F'!,r ! Spfingiield, Cregcn 97177 EULLC"NE DLvLSLAN / ZO-O / D,7 sPtlNcFlrt n ?ccz'-:; r Date: aP. ,!% 8.7. t /2o Z*Etx- t ?a /o--. c/a .?o /;.80 t(t 1 Consartc)i.n Letder ,iob '-oe=ticn: Aeceseor: )r.al {lca bt I / n 0a) j-ter: ..tC&ess..?.G-2EPlone: ci:g: /atrl<r'tlq TlYo P*,7a+5<-"'€4<." 5/D€ 6F Flaee'.tcF /rY &/r7. 44P69 F/r7€-?Yaac- .*.,cg7, Ue<./F<,a?,h b gorf, Desci.be ilot k: Value n tcte of ApgL i*r!"n €-/O -e3 Cenercl t) io lhe :eaconsibili:y of ttu penr* iotder;y,r-,ci, st?ee., ar.C =ic ,ni "rii:i-i;l;'3uiii:€ Vi:ti:zo-. .J:roL-ed ptin s;=tl reni-n ' to see tha; aL?. inseectians ae nad.e at lhe p?opar line, i!,et 434fi -,lit4ss is teaiabielccated at the frc1t' of ttte trooeri: - - -- on t7c Etli<irng Stte at alt' :;mes." ?20ciDU?9 F'n rfi?irrcil1l-!Utsr:e^tL-'6-3?6-9Ii*qr(?:rr.s.tate aour city cesigra.ted. job nur,ber, job ac&ess, typetzqresccc cri :i:en rc' .z;lLi be :icaiiiip"ccicn, cd#tars oir cLzets'r.aae ,=d. phcle nunbcr. pequeste recei.;eci'-"ill be trad,e the "&" ug, rrrr""t"'kl oft* zr0o'o', oiLL be,*a;;7:;1,}j;;"ZTryrZ;. of instec=icn befctz 7:C0 ct Iour Cifu.Desigra.ted Job ltunbet fs: T I C:-. -.r<:i---rr. ezccuctian, cu: nra.ia ailerprlcr lc se) uc oJ'to be ic forns ^17reqtited uaot baviers @e in ola,cebat--before.ory /a.th, Wpfl<n bcatC crtxtLl .coue?ang is ccplied, a<i beforee.y insuTa,tion is conceal,ed. Soti:oS saxt cqTed =t ptc-oetq Zite Septic tozk pqeC a"d, flLlai .ith grztzi Fincl - i'lhen cbcve itens ,ye cctnleteibd, ahen ds.tclJtiozt is c*.t=ie2e c:r srn:-ttpe noved od. trenises clb*tei ut. a" r9.:e :rer.ckee . ,As! le .ecte3ieC cr.)er cny FC.Q::;C I F?t-,::DA!:2.r: ?o ie rciecj=et :lenc4es c.re ezcatcted arifcn:s cre etee--ad, but ticr ;cpou--rq canc:et€. D\!YLLL iJSP!C?!?:t: ?c be naieti=er aLL crluaZl ls i.n cl,cee,but pt*tor to cny ;apin4. x tWSC)lR!: SteeL beats, gzvalina aeeorcoce ,ith 2415 . location, bondoyJe"ticcls in a.ts.C.Secttcn Aftat installation ls Ecnzs Fital- - Aftcr_7crc-kes, skitxing, Cecis,etc, @e clnele;aC. t I u!t?!p!!.jC? ?i:i:pitG I :.,iC?t:tIC;3:, , i2 ae r=ae ar"-cr ic --nszcl-.gltat o_-!-!oor ineuizian o: a"cka;;:- - - -' I | ?75? AitD 3JA:,!: ?o ':e rcCe tr)oy :orr-L_J l.r.srcro;=--cn o! flcon ir-tuk=icr, cr&c\ar€. CUPB ,T A?PPCACI! A?PON:diFiiTfrjEon to cov.c"ete. ;nnac4.tE..- &::tDLeaad,. Aftet fornat pottdnq a? F!?!?L;?:: ?y\or ..o ;kc-Jrg j:cznonc=er-d-s crC beiore jrztlr4 inscei- S[D!'!,|A.LK 4 DRf,,TiAI: ?oz, all cc-tt_ cr-ece paviry aichtn st?eet right_of'-,,;c!, tc be ncle a;'ter aL! iscc_uatlng canole=e 3 iorn ,,:ot,k I cub-base r.cteytal in pi.ace. LO., ccr.pLe - cec-cd :7.csa ir-s=e:=!ots h;:te leet: =tzC. :2crcie!. c>t:.cvcL cl rcuchcai ! zecianiei':-;iw-birq, eLac--ti- AL! rcoiir4 3Y,'.tCg,: ',lhet coaolete -- *cvidegates o" nouable sectians thtcaghDil? brcirq 7 , e!:. -,.6; lg:lo .xr< is tc be con-ur-:-ti, :his in.ttcecicn 7ea oeen nde cai cporctei. l !I:tAt ?at":.,!31:;c ?::iAL :Ii'i;JIC;L iI.'rA, 3:J;.sJt;; -.-ALL pro;ec; cc,ii:-ons,;rc.t cs th.e "ins--a!-Lcv..Jcn cf s,reec ttees, :ci.lez-ice ci ;ierequireci icncscccing, ctc., n st be scciiiiid-r;i;;;;"Suitcr::c ?!ji;L:cn be '.ectesced,. /i, lIit.lL ts[JItD::tC: Tne Fincl iuild,ira lnsceexicn rlst be requesred. zi-.ar eha !!t*L ?L,trbirq\ / ileccrical, cd. ltechanic;i ;;;;;;:,""ns i,ave been nace cri a=zrcvzi--( 'ALL i.tA::i:cLis AilD CL1AICU?S :fiSr 3E .lc3Essj3!;, ADJL'i7:E::T :O 3? ]tDi !? !!O ClS! ?C Cr!?:7e 1 of 2 Elockr,ng od, Set*g Pl.tnbing ccnneciicze -- sare? ad, ualet Electrlcal Ccnnectlon - Blccking, set_uuani pitonbing connections orst b'e'nircr;Zabe;'ore reque s t-Jng e I ec=ical i"s" iii ;i"-- Aceessc,.g BuiZiirg T t SOLAR ACCESS RAQ.-t-coc*JOB NO. I .^- e- =.-4' Jq.. . va. i cf lct ?ale=zgc_ I of Stor|es n^.-7 , ^-' -'^- ?c2ogryiT Cc:t=crcL Ciata: _ inter"Jcn _ Cortet _ ?cniurile Cal-cie-sac 3eclacrs: leo uace Building V<llue & Permit This 2enr-t is granted on the e*?ess condiiion tl@t the said.ccnscrtc=ioa shz.!L-, in alL rbseeeis, eonfcrn '.c the }r4inar.ce zCo-oteC biy th.e CitT t_f Sprtrgfieki, tncluirng ;he Saning C"Carc:r.ce, tegrtlctitzg lke =crs;-te'icnctci use of bu'tl<itnqs, cnC na'g ba sucoet"ieC or reuckei d! e.! t')ee t:cr u;.c' lation cf .ty prcuisions o7' saiC Cvdircnces. lclcce )ce ?aces - r_=1t Y TaLue )b:n a=:ce I I Hav*rg'/a* -AAaf.rtf.,? S.D.C. I.5 s 5- .26 faa ?uiH:lng ?en:it SU.te !o+.cl C?ctges Pe*): iss'"tzca Mecia.nic:L ?etmit td Su]. Receipt t: Mecho nicol Permit ?ee: llo pereon shall cot.stzwct, inslall., altet ot change_ct'.y ne?r_c? e=tsiing plutnbirq cr drainage sustqn in ahole or in patt, unless such Verscn is !h'e iegal pbssessor of e ualid pluber's Licanse, o:ce?t that a ?zlsort nc7 d3- ptinaiig aork to propetq ihic;t is otzed,'.Leasad ot apetcted by the 'z??L.i- @nt. t Soti I?!:.1 .rri;ees Sestiential (l bcth) ?Xttnb4ng Perrit Plumbing Permit Electricol Permit tthere Stcte La,t requires tl".at the electtical uork be done bg an lTectrical Contructor, the eleclrtcal por'-ion of thia Vetit shall rot be uclii utzti! the l.a,bel ius beea siqzed by the Electrical Sontrccto?. 1-r ,:io. 3a * tlil/Eztend, Cirails Sertice :?:;1 C:iliC3 ?zr:ee 2TU'S *h.ast llooC Tent lat vcoiszo;e 6l2a33W7- f IIAW 1ARE?\LU lxAllr;t\D ;!e ccrpleteC qpltcatiot'. fcr petnti, *ti io iereby ceriify thc,t aLL info:r'alton heteci- is true cr-C eartecz, cr'l r f"r:l".et cettt-iy :hat ang ctl ail';ork Verioned slatl be fute i:'t cc:ct- dance 'ich the ardincze)s of the City cf Sonngfield, anl' :he iaa of t'nc St<zte of aregcn pettaininc to ,he Dop.'K Cesc.-)bcC herrJn, azC :)s,'" :J0 CCC!,}- PAJCI vili. be ne.ie of' cary aarrc=.:1,a uilkortt te*t:lssiatr of the 3ulliing V)-tision. f frttther':etzii! eist otly.cn'-rcc.c?s oz:i etplcyees tbs s,2 in cczpliance uath CRS ?01.055 oill, be used cn )his prcjece *rbet! i yobila Scne -- a:tc?.cAC:::i::: -- Sees-)ir Dz=csi: .?6 :cT.4i L\:au:!T Dt)g:./* Ac5 JLEi2A Dtte Storace ll4.!v1a4 ta ?enee Fair t.,L Ccn ie^., l7tfr r{cr, n bont 0D., 7z€-q o 3€ {/ho ,"'{ I I I I I ll I t I I l l 1 ? = o c \\ ui d zo U =;z ; ,2 Jo l( d J U : o! oo : a :] o: : a J I I LIII]OGRAf,ItT:D IN U 5 A ADOI50N u,[5LEY PUaLISHINo ANy. rNc. REAolr{G. MAS5. A.W Isaiagwt f ret"-r* ,{,},',n 0,,? tl,,/ lt,,L I /?l o"/j / !L 'lr/u r 1 t I ll I I II \- S' t. t\ I LrIl) 7 a ,,n,Lt ,t 27t Fl lv tt I 2Iti(i!'.l II l/ .\,1 tl i\I. I 'l i -t \-Itt.i a t I \,- +') 'l T t {. ctr{ J lri ll I \x I I ir t:i [;I 2. f lt ,e I a,l,t-{e uis t l1 I iv ,E,I I t?t J I zlr\, 4 '7t I ( /j ( I ! 'lu t. br ( It)f. ) rnt I 4 I, / I I G l4 (( :F i. ,Qt/ tl b l/ c /J I -a fl III II.( .,{ a I I I I /t i I ,' rl t. T!-!r coNrtrNrs HERE oF HAVE BEEN ALTERATIONS INDiC,ATED IN COLOREE)OR ALTfRATIONS MADE AI:T':R DAT, BELOWAPPROVED BY THE BUILDINJ OFFICIAL. OF SPRINGFi[LD, OREGON JoB SToRIEs TYPE CoNsr BY 7 DA REVIEWED, WITH LEGAL DEscRtprtoN ADDREss Owruen PENCII. UNrrs ZoNe OccupANCy GRoup DATE RECIEVED CHANGES SHALL BE CITY APPRoVED I Occuparucv Loao