HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1974-06-24CITY OT SPRINGFIELD APPLICTdTION AND ACIGEIENT I'OR SEWER HOOKUP Application is hereby nrade by the undersigned proPerty orrner for permission to connect the follorving described property t,o a ciEy sanitery sewer l"ine, otuned and rnaintained by the CiEy of Springfield, and I agree to pay such a hookup charge of 94.50 per fronr foot of the property for the first 150 fcet in depth Eo be servecl by such city server line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. en additional $0.03 per sguare foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. ?ropcrEy Description: Address: -1]!9-EainbowBeginningatapild;-;;.theSouther1y.righ!ofr,1aytasI'CEntennlal Bouievard" opposite and 40.00 feet distance Southerly from Engineqrrs Center- line Srarion LE 25+50.24-,- saLd point being North 69.7L feet and East 1157.08 feet of the corner in ansle of the Eist line of the Robert E. Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Seciion-27.-Iownship 17 South. Range 3 We$t, Willamette Meridtan: run thence olr.a-30.-00E55r^ia'alti an;ve"iigrrt It6e--1oiie--E6oia'.qI-#ricfi-ireiis-sbutfi 54o'4Lr 10r' East 50.61_ feet) a disrance of 60.23 Y.eetj thence-South 20 49t 50rr West 87.28 feet al-ong the Westerly righE of way Line of a roadway knor^m as Rainbow Drive to the South Line of Doiation tai-rd Claim; thence North B7o 45r 10rt llest 320.16 feet along s?lq 1Southerly right of way line of said Centennial Boulevard; thence on a 994.9 qqryq leit (E!re long i:hord.of-which bgaEs \o-rth-73o 2+' 55"-Ea-sq -90-.90 fee-t 46.g2 Eeei:)ihence on a sparar curve left (the long chord sf^whieh-!9ars Noriit-t02109 f6;t-t-a-iiistafice-of - I02:10 -f eed; thencE North 670 47r 50r' East the place of beginning. said Cine to 3 feeE)adisith 68o 108. 71 ampbe lL theradius ttance of4gt 15r'feet to Sewer hookup charge:front feet G $4.S0 per front foot = LATERAL _f-9.196 square feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft.$s7 4 .99 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (t) of the equivaLent cost of an eight (B) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the raEe of $4.50 per abutting fronE foot and does nog include the cost of a house connect,ion to said city sev/er, selJer user charges, plumbing permits or oEher such costs to be assumed by the propcrty o$rner O}' SPRINGFIELD O1TEGON PROPERTY OI^]IYERS: By:1 Date:/ STATE OT OREGON SS County of Lane BE IT RtrIIEMB]]RED, that on this Jq day of ) ) ) Pub 1 ic in and f S County and , L9 it'c/ S tal-e , lt before mc, the rrndersigned, a Notary persoually appeared the within name<i knor.rn to me to be Ehe idcnE ical indivi.dual c.z _ ancl acknowledged to me thaL in and rvho executed the rsithin instrument executed the same freely and voluntarily. desc ribed La.- I{IT'N'ISS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. ary Pu b lic !1y Conruission iixpircs s