HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-12-10OREGON web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Building Permit CommercialSign Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2663-SIG N IVR Number: B1 1072555143 City of Springfield Oevelopment and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-726-3753 Email Address : permitcenter@springfield-or. gov SPRINGTIELD $ Permit Issued: December 10, 2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Sign Submitted Job Value: $0.00 Description of Work: Sign (1) freestanding with electrical Type of Work: None Specified JOB SITE INFORMATIOT{ Worksite Address 2311 OLYMPIC ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 1703254101101 Owner: Address: OLYMPIC STREET PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 26125 EUGENE, OR97402 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL INFORIIATION Business Name IMAGE KING INC - Primary License ccB License Number 1613 13 Phone 54t-484-1482 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 6999 Final Sign 6900 Sign Location 6910 Sign Footing 6950 Electrical Service - Sign Inspection Group Signs Signs Signs Signs Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www'buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811072555143 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store permits expire if work is not started within 180 Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 18O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's Policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not' Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction' ATTENTION; Oregon taw requires you to follow rules adopted by the oregon utility Notification center' Those rules are set forth in oAR 952-OO1-OO10 through oAR 952-OO1-OO9O. you may obtain coples of the rules by Galllng the center at (503) 232-1947. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by oRs 701'o10 (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.540 (Electrical), and ORS 693'O1O-O2O (Plumbing)' printed on: t2tl,llg Page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//prcduction/01 STANDARD I Permit Number: a1t-19-OO2663-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (L2o/o of applicable fees) Permanent sign - 61 to 100 square feet, per sign Printed on; t2ll}lf9 Quantity 2 1 Total Fees: Fee Amount $178.00 $18.1s $21.36 $ 18s.00 $402.s1 Page 2 of 2 C ;\myR€ports/reports//production/o1 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINCFIELD, OR 974?7 . PH:(!A'|)726-3? 53 o F AX (541)726-3689 ciryrob*u*WtqN CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Site Address:23'11 Olympic St, Springfield OR974Z7 Assessors Mup lax Lot:01 101 OLYMPIC STREET PFTOPEBTIES LLCOwner Phone: Address:PO Box 26125 OB 7,iDg74O2CiEugene Business Name, Firm, etc rr Fl crfi T d 0 rFl FI cg ( Seltzer Plaza Description of Proposed Sign(s): (Please check and complete all appropriate information) - \l,i6ll 1 Freestanding Projecting Roof - Marquee Single Face Double Face - Billboard - Other Square Foolage:137 Total Height above Grade:13'. - 1',| 112" Vertical Dimension of Sign o, 6n"1orrr.' 5' - 3 /12" Horizontal width of Sign or Enclosure: 25' 10 114' Dimension from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure 8',- g' Electrical Installation: X Yes -No(If yes additional electrical permit required) Material Sign is Constructed of:Aluminum, Acrylic, Electric components Value of Sign:$8500 List ALL existing signage and attach a photograph of each sign: (a) Type (c) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. (b) Type (d) Type So. Fts. Sq. Ftg.- Phone. (541) 484-1482Contractor/[nstal Reed Clark - lmage King Signs tJ 'Fld FFi L 0I l'1 it ,( 4051 W 1st AvenueAddress City:Eugene State:Oregon 97402Zip: Construction Contractorc Registration *un o.r' CCB: 161313 Expires:9-16-2016 OFFTCE USE Sign District:ltlnz--Zoning hn By signature, I stale and agre€, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby cerrify,that all Ul I information herein is true and correcl, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance withvry the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the Stare of Oregon pe.tuining to the work described hercin. I t Fl further certify that only contraclors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at tho front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all Date 4F) t V)times during the installation of the sign(s). Shared Drivc(T:)'Ruilding FomiSign Pemir Applicarionl-02.doc tlto- Electrical Permit A lication 225 Flfth Srre8r.Sprlngfleld. OR 97.177.PH(S{1P26-37S3.FAX(S.IlF26-3689 This permit is issued unrlcr OAR 918-309-0000. Pcrmits Rre nontransferablc. Permils erpire if rvork is not starled rvithin 180 dnys of issuarcc or lf rvork is suspended for I 80 days. f,lCITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permirno.: 19 - no:.trG 7- s Dare: I ( >ll n LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL NoYesverified? CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ]Resideutial Govemmenl JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION Job site address:2311 otympic ztP|97477City: Sorinofield State;Qft Taxlot.:01 101Reference: 170352541 DESCRIPTION OF WORK lnstall (1) Freestanding LED illuminated sign PROPERTY OWNER Name:Qf}[/PIC STREET PROPFRTIFS I I C Address: PO Box 23125 State:QQ ZtP:974O2City: fuqgng Phone:Fax: E-rnail: This installation is being rrade on residential or frnn property owned by nle or 0 rnember of my immediate farnily. 'l'his property is not intended for sole, excltange, lease, or ren1. OAR 479.540( I ) nnd 4?9.560( l). Signoture: CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION Business name: lmage King Slgns Address: 4051 W 1st Avenue City: Eugene Stote: OR ZIP:974O2 Fax: 541-465-4994Plrone: 541-4A4-14A2 E-nrail: bruce@imagekingsigns.com CCB liccnsc no.:161313 BCD liceuse no.: Signing supcrvisor's license no.:644 SIG Print nanle of signing supervisgl Reed Clar!-, . / Signillure of siguing supervisor FEE SCHEDULE Total costNumber of inspections per item ( )Qty.Cost ea- Rcsidential, per unit, senlce Included: SI,(X)0 sq. fi. or less (4)$1G0.00 s 30.00 sEsch additional 500 sq. ft..or porrion drereol sLimited encrgy (2)s 38.00 Eoch manufucturcd homc or modular drvelling service or feedcr (2)s 75.00 s Serr{cos or fcedcrs: installation, alteratlon, relocallon $ 96.00 s200 amps or less (2) 201 to 400 onps (2)$1t2.00 s 401 to 600 amps (2)s1 89.00 s 601 to I,000 nmps (2)S2t14.00 s s559.00 sOver 1,000 anrps or volts (2) $ 75.00 $Reconnect only (2) 'I'eruporary serrices or fcedcrs: itrstollotion, alteruliou, r'elocotiot, s?00 amps or less (2)$ 75.00 $ 104.00 s201 to 400 arnps (2) 401 to 600 amps (2)st5,t.00 s Over 600 smps or 1,000 rohs, see services or feeders section obove Brnnch circuits: ne$,, dltet'alion, ttlensiou per panel a. Fec for bronch circuits rvith purchase of a sen'ice or feeder fee: $Eoch branch circuit s 7.00 b. Fce for branclr circuits without purclrase ofa servicc or fccder fee: First bronch circuit (2)$ 66.00 s Eech additionEl bronch circuit s 7.00 s Illiscellnneous lccs:. seruice or/eeder not iltchrled $ 75.00 sEoch pump or irrigation circle (2) $ 75.00 SEoch sign or outlinc lighting (2) 2 $)rK ,n[Signal circuit or a limited-encrgy panel. olteration, or extension (2) s87.00 sErcb odditioual inspection: (l) APPL:CANT USE (A) Enter subtotal ofabove fees (Minimum Pcrmit Fee 587.00)'(?r (B) Enter 12% surclrarge (.12 x [A])s (C) Technology Fee (5%o of [A])$ (D) crurbuingh'ffiT2so F TOTAL fees and surchutges (A through Il):Sh) Contmerciol I it n,E a + ^ - q6trE'o2, =oNo =?oiaj o6a" E>i< E'A ^ !4.c@ 9-{ 6 E6-9L P P JO e€ 23 STRttT I =I =z6 c ! E I-6 T I = E stDtwAtK - =-65 '! !ae = 6 == I- tr a ZONE OCCUPANCY GROUP UN!T OCCUPANCY IOAD THE CONTENTS HERE ON HAYE BEEN REVIEWED, WITH ALTERATIONS NOTED ON THE PI.ANS OR BYATIACHMENT. CHANGES ORALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROYED DRAWINGS OR PROIECT AFIER THE DATE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. E-E =-6 f CITYOF OREGON F F.l t I I t tI 9', l',-6', 6', l-1'-7,--) t'.2' : .0 LivYMslJ H&R BLOCK vetiVDnwiretessLivWell ENTIOHIENED HEATTH H&R BLOCK verizonwiretess VAPE SELTZER PTAZA l8'-7', 9', 5(ALE' 3/8'-l' b' D/FMONUMENTSIGN s(atE, %'=l' Itttc. & llasTAr.r. (D D/t ilIo]tuttlHtl slclt FABRI(AT[D ALUMINUM (ONSTRU(TION AUTOMOTIVT PAIIiI TINISH %, WHIII A(RYtI( PUSH.THRU 'SEITZTR PTAZA' TEIIIRS WHITE A(RYTIC TENANT TA(ES WIIH IRANSTU(ENT VIIIYT GRAPHI(S Y8' f(O PAINTTD I(RYTI( ADDRESS NUMBTRS LED ILLUMINATION FINAL TENANTARTTBD SCALE: Noled CLIENT SELTZER PLAZA PTOJECT MONUMENT SIGN SALES PEP. BK OESIGNER M WIGGINS OATE 9 t0 t9 rucIx€, ot 97402 54r.{4.ta82 -<<l IMACE I(INC SI6NS t-D 5'-=__ SEITZER PTAZA ]-T Per"L 9', 7.6', 0 2'.l', t' .'t' Liv\ tlell H& BLOCK veri77 .:lwiretess SETTZE PIAZA !FF'F-,I 5', l'-8" 1',.6', 9', 18' -7' AME I.t ! 8"5(H 40 PlPi --,'i ,l I (0N(RtTt :f00TrNG i .: _ 5 I-6', Project: Seltzer Plaza Scale: 318" = l', J 1 l0# t4413 Designer: D. (ulnane Sales Rep: 8X Date: 11.25.2019t-*;;;i:;,iil-l h' _tI ----l I 9', .O9O ALUMINUM TLADDING 3/8'r 3'B0LTS (3) IACH SIDE 2" ANGLE IRON SIH 40 PIPE BRATES E\ITRY 24' ATL SIDES FULLY WTLDED ] %' SOUARE ALUMINUM TUBT FRAME l't0il6 3/16'FTLIIIWILD BoTH Slot!, ToP & 00TT0l{ 8',5(H40 nPt 3/8'r 3'BouS (3) tAfiSlDt KINC !ICN5 NIS 4051 W. lst Ave. Eugene, 0R 97402 541.484.1482 Proiert: 5eltzer Plaza 5ca le:)t0# 14413 Designer: D. (ulnane Sales Rep: BK Date: r 1.25.201 9