HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-07-05..RESIDE 'TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Butlding Diuision ? 26-37 53 It io the reoponoibility of tla fran tha otreeb, anC that thetsuildiwJ D|vicion apry'or;e<l P SPFINGFIELD hte: holder oee that aLL inopectiono ar.e nade at the proper tine, that acch addreeg ie teadabie t oard ia Looated tll numbet , nwnbcn. of inspeclictr beforc 7:00 c:r pnol pUl,E rOnJilg?ECI!9N I!!]!ESd:CALL 726-3769 (necorder) atate your City deoign^t-ted iob eady fon inapeotion, Contraotora or Ailers nane an-d plone ti,LL be tmde the edne dcg, requelts ncde after ?:00 on vill be nnde tha nctt :orrkittg day. iob aCdreeo, tYPe Repteoto neceited at the front of the ProPePtY.Duil<ling Si.tc at aLL tines.slu:Ll renain on tha after up of hh$8 SITE IilSP'CIION:ffi;ttrfrt To beprior to eet forne. AilDERSLAB PLU|'I9INC. ELECIRICAL t ny 6FT6ucned. F)dlINC t FOUNDATICN: To be tmde after tnenchea aPe ard FITIAL PLUMIIIIIC FINAL MEC'IANICAL FINAL ELECTNICAL I NSULATION /VAPOR RANNIEN I NSPEC'IION : To be rmda after all inaulaticn ad rcquined tapor buriere ole in plaoe bui before any lath, gypourn boat4 or tnll couering ie applied., and befono ory inaulation is concealed. four City Deaigr,ated Job Nwnber fo:. .lFil9E: gateB P.A,E. lorns at e erected, but pnior to pouring ccnerete. UNO\RCROUIID PLUM9TNC. SSIIER, IT.ITER, - TlS&nchee. UilDENPTAOR PLIIT'BINC E MECIIANICAL: o1 floon inaulction or decking. POLAIP \EAM: ?o be nnde Ptiot to ffitatal of ftoor insuhtion ot deckirq, noucil Pr,a!,lqlilc. El,EtrnlcAL t ttEcll= ANICAL: No unrk ia to bc couered Gllt'thcse inspecliona harte been nade and approrsed,. F|\EPLACE: Wton to Plccit:r1 faoingfriffi arul before -franing inapeb- tior.. F0ANIN?: I'tuct be requeoted, aften approial of rough plurbing, -el.ectrt-oal E naal:riniael. nll rcofiryi braatng o chclllmcye, eta. nwat be . conpletad. Ilo r,tonk ie to be con- ,-?ac!el wgil thtfl inaBaasian rw 'bcon tiiii<lc and appitl6il, DnYllAf,L illSPEtrlON: To be nndoiftefil&iGtTta in ptace, but prior to any tapitrg. MASONRI: Steel location, bond Siffijgreuting or verticala in accordance brith U.B.C, Seotion 2415. I,IOODSTOVE: After installation ie ccnpleted. CU4B d A?PnCiqlLAP!?ONt: After fornsaru7r".te{il;fr4 b pouring conc$ete. SIDEIIALX E.DRIVEHAY: For all eon-ffiorete paving aithi.n atpeet fight- of-,xi, to be nnde aften all exca' oating oanpleto & forn rmtk & aub- base nntevtal in Place. t{hen conplete -- ProoiCe or rouable sectiono thtough :.7 AIL pnoiebt conditione, auch aa the i.natallation of str€at *1ee1, cmPlobion.of lihn ";ir;';"d1;"a"'iipi"o,-ite., me* l:D ^.ta.ra^d. 1".'.1^. eh. i?ryfLDit''i F-r''t/ti --' !;e;':;tetl:iti' FIilAL BUILDINL: the Fina1 Duilding fnapection nuet bo requeated after tha Final Plunbing \J Electnlcal, and. Meclanical Inspecbiono 1*oa been nade otd approved Job location: iaDs0(a t rc.slott nrurc _Aaceacone l,tap ll Subdivision: A.lalcr: Plpne:Addt est: ci ): r(.s I'hone Describe llotk: Date of npplica ors TI Neil VaLue n rit Additian RenoCel General P lurnb I tlechanlca t r- jJ:a S,r p e f,e!!&.18- ti !e 9ry1c1g4 Sanilary eeoet capped at ptoperty Line Septic tank y,npeil and filled utth gratel Final - t{hen abcoe itqas ave canpletcd and uhen darcLition ia oonplete or atrus' ture wued atd, Premtsea cleaneC uP. Blooking and, Set-ttP Ptwtbing connections -- aa/rer atd oalet Electrtcal Ccmneotion - Blooking, eet''u, and olunbinq connectiona nrast be appno"*ad befirc rcquZating electrteal inspectiort Aaceasov; BuilCing Pinal - llftar pcncheo, akirting, decks, eto, are canpleted. AAt,t, t.,Alilct,E!; ANI) ct.EAftrtr.ns t,,t::T nl: AccESsInLE, ADJU!;7'ttt:Nt To ltl: t'ttt.,t: AT No r0ST ro crly P.t1re ! of :l tr T SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-d bI t: L-CO Bedrooma: lteat lace t Int Facea - Houae JOB NO. Z of lot Iot Sq. Ptg.LOT ?YPE fntetior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac ! of Stortes Total Height lopogruphg -- Feee -- Building Vqlue & Permit ?his permit ia gr:anted on the esPreos ootdition tlut the said-constntction sllr,ll'" tn all r"eepeets, conforn'to tlrc hrdirance adopte,T by the city of Springfield., inctudi.ng the -Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and, uae of buildinge, and may \e auapended or neookeC at cny tine upon vic- lation of any prouiaione of eaid ondinancee. TO?AL VALUE I?EM FTC * Fee: I S.D.C. 7.5 r Duilding Pernit Total Clargea State Signed Recetpt ll: Date Paid Plan Plumbing Permit No peraon alall constract, inatal!, alter or clunge dnll net cn etisting plmbing or drainage eyetan in ultole or in part, unlees euch peraon ia the Legal poseeseon of a oalid. plwrberte Licenee, ercept that a pe"son rmg do plwbing wrk to propenty uhich is oaned, Leased o7 operated by the appli.- cant. CHARCE , Flirtures Residenti.a,L (1 bath) Seuen Plwtbing Penrit State Electricol Permit l,lhete State ta,t requiree tlat the electrtcal uarrk be done by an Electnical Contraetor, the eleetrLcal pontion of thts permit elall not be oaliC unttl the label loe been aigned by the Elecbrical Contractor. ,IEM NO. SC) Stcte I * Nan/Exterd Circuits Sertice I?SM NC.RCF CIIARCE * Mechqnicol Permit Eshant llooC llcodetoue Vent Fa,| Pelrzi.t Isauorca Meclanical Pernit -- ETICROACHMEN? -- Seqlritg Dzposit Stordge tbintenance Permit Sida,lalk ?ence Electrical Iabel tbbtle llone PLan Excminer udte TotaL f ilAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the conpleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infonntion het,eon ie true and. eorrect, anC I further cettify that any ard aLL uork perforned ahall be dond in accon- dance tyi.th the tudinances of the City of Springfield, atld the la;e of thc ' State of oregon pertaining to the uork Ceacribed herein, and. tlat N0 occu- PANCY trill be rmde of any atructune uithout permieaion of the guilding Di- viaion. f further certifg that otly contrdctora ard ezplcyeea uho are in canplianee dith oRS 701.0ss uiLL be ueed on thia project .{ortoAnunttNO mrI., a -2s,(rs Signed Dabe Fvrntce *TU'S State Sutclame Total Clanaea - 6urba* ll..RESIE NTIAL.. z2s North stt s;to,uffPLrcAru0N/P4RMfi Sprtngfield' Oregon 97477 BuiLdLng Diutsion 7 26-37 53 El-ec l-t:c].An SPFINGFTELD-U To aL required uaPor ba.rtiete ee i.n place but before .@1A Lath, gypswn boarC ot' ary inaulation is applled, and before concealed. tnLL cooe?Lng Ls Date re 3 9o 3VJ'{? 7-.o to see that aLL inapections are nade at the pto?e? tine, that acch addrees is reaaab'ie nmbet',of inapecticn nwnbct,.befcte 7:00 c:t Iout City Desigr'ated Job Nwnber fs: OR BU drP Srrp It is the responsibility of tle permit holdet' fton the st?e'et, anl that the -permit -card ia.-*Building D)uicior- approv*ed plan shcLL rema"n Located at the frcnt of the,property' on the Building Sttc at aLL ti.nes' IROCSDUIE FOR INSPECAION RSQIESTiCaIU 726'3769(recordet) state ltout' CitA Cest7nated iob requestedanduhen!jo,ffiniayro."inspection,Contlactorsor.olmersnanecndphone uiLL be nade the "rr""ii,'rZA'";l;"^Ld" ilti-ztoo'^ uvLLL be nnde the ncxt tnrki4T dav' job aCitess, tYPe Pequests l€c€Lu'€d SITE INSPECTION: escaoation, but decking. FNIAL PLUIIBIIIC FIIIAL I4ECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL lo be nade after priot tc set uP of x FOOTING & F1UNDATICN: lo be rrude iTidFTfrili- ar eir c au at ed attd 1orr" orn enected, but Pt'ior to pourtng ccncrete. \-|DRYIALL INSPECII1N: Ic be nadexwww;io:,;,*""' Sanitoty seset capped at pt'operty Lire Septic to* yr,ped artd filled utth gtatel Final - l{lten abcoe i.tens ate ccnpleted and uhen dqtolition is canplete o! st"uc- ture moued attd premiaes cleaneC up' 8, ana x uilpEPFLOoR PLUTEIN1 q MEC!!!NTC.!L : To be made p?ior to LnsxaLtatlon floor insulation or decking. of POST AND BEAM: To be nade Priot' to TniTiTGlGof floon insulati'on ot' to inspec*ions haoe beetc MASINRI: Stee|, Location' bond dZffilgrouting or uerticals in' accond&ce tlth U.B.C. Section 2415. H00DST0'/E: After installation is cc^pGiA. 1URB ,$ APPRCACH APSQN: After fornsi;7rr;tdEtVFlo" to Pourtng conerete. SIDEVALK e. DRIIFI!!|L: Fon aLL con- fieiiffifr-iithi.n street night- of-tnu-- to be nale after aLL erca- iLt:"L'eorrptete & forn wtk & sub- base natetLal in PLace. hhen conPlete -- ProuiCe or mooabLe- sections through facing inspee- nade and approued.. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to Pkeir4 ^dt;;l;G and before froning tion. FRA\IING: l4ust be requested after Gpiffi.t of rough plutrbing, electt"i- ctL 8 nectanieal, - ALL roofing bracittg E chinmeye, ete. nast be . conoleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con' . ""il"d until this insPection las 'been made anC apPtooed. ?ENCE: Aa*'P.U.E. -. . .-- .: .;,,-- ALL pt,ojecb conditions, such as the installation of slPeet-.t-re-e|, conplct'ion of the required Landsecptr.g,"Lt-"'.-,'i"t te aatisfif,l"lrfZlr"'l|'"-iunotnc FItiAt' can be requested' .\ A' x:#ii!"*i:X; ,#:*2zt';:"H:#,.:*'i:;i'7"#'^r:: # "Y;r:,artet' the Final Plwnbins Hcnes Blocking attd Set-:tP Ptwnbing eonnections -- aaier otd oaler Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking' seL-ut . and olunbinq connections rntst be apprcted i,"f oi, " re qie sti.ng eL eclri cal insp ec t io;': AccessonY BuilC'Jrtg pcrches, skirting, decks, leted. Pinal - After etc. ate comP PeLTe 1 of 2 Job Iaeation: Ll DTc,z Lat llAssessors tulap fl Stbdiuision: Phone:Address: O,men: LL n*I0 q7zipci d 9,2t 7ee Date of Value Descz,[be L'ork: Additicn RcmoCel Tfr*/tulYY) [vrryt tu ilnlu' -1l'nSfL sr,itct Cs^oJ 'clNJr 2 fuftuaPLftIGeneral 5 ON k sdts7fo,0 Plurnb s L{/L-outllec].C IiJ,ec rr a tr *AT,L h!AIIIrcT,ES AND CLEANOUT{|iltt!;? nE ACCIISSTBLE, ADJASTIIEN| To BE I'iliDE AT tto cgsr rc cl?y 11 ,,ooorn,,o^o _r foms. T tr tr JOB NO *OLAR ACGESS REQ.-L-CO BeCtoons Zone: LOT TYPE _ Inter'iot Corner Panhandle - ,ul-dn-roo tot Faees - Lot So. Fts. tr cf Lot Cooeraqe I of StorLes Total Height Iopography I!eat DT House Accesg. ITETI FTC x Building Vtllue & Permit Ihis permLt is gtanted on the etpress co-ndi.tion tlat the said'eonstmtction slnll, in atl reapects'-;";ii;io the lrdinance adopteC 6y the c,t'tv of 1w;"iftiil, ircLluding't'iLi"["il"g crdinanc-e, negulctittg the ccnstruc!:":.,^ ;a ;;" of Luildings,'and' mag be- susp.ended or revokec at cn7 t'me uPon oic- |ation o7 ony prc,sTsions of said 0t'dinances' TOTAL VALUE S, D. C.1..5 s Building Petnrit f,o 17eo, 7s Date Paid State Reeeipt ll: Total Chatges L3 * ITEM NO.FEE CHARGE Plumbing Permit No pe?son shall consttuct, inalall, alter ot clunge -any nel.Cr existi'ng')iri,it'ti"""'tri"i;;;s;-'";;l; tn inoie or tn patt' inless such person is the Lesal posaessor of " rZlia'pliii,'i i;'"n"tI", eicept that a plrso' na's do ptmbing uork to p"opnlty-"iiii-it o*na' Leased or operated by the appli- cant, Eistures Z €o 5uo Residential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Pl;nbing PenrLt State Swch,an'ge 7/5 7S Electricql Permit wet,e state Lan requiyes tlwt the electrical uolk be done by -an glectrical Cont"acto", the electriilc"t, pi"lio"-_of this -pernit slall rot be oaliC until lie titnt'las been signed ty the Electrical contractot" T0 frE oakTm DY sG*7'N' @DTiLAdm Nart/Exterd Circuits 1o Setltice /3Stcte lotal b,,{ ITSM FFF CIIARCE Mecho nicol Permit bhanat HooC z- Vent Fot Z ao ao I'lcodstooe Pertrtt Issudnce Mechanical Permit 75 , -- ENCROACHMENT -- Stot age Maintet'nnce Permit C'utbcu!. Sida,:alk lenee Electriea'L label MobiLe Hone f HAw CAREFULLy ExAllINgD the completed application fo-r'pernit' atd do i"ilta iirllfa-lt".t-itt-;"lorrrntibn heteoi ie ttue and co*ect' cn'7 r firli"nn in"tl.iy that any ira "1t ao.rk pe-rfotnted stnll be done in accor- dnnce r'rLth the ordiiai'cls- of the ci'q bf bprLngfield, .and th-e la;s of the * State of Oregcn pn"'ii,i.ii"s io the wik Aeecribbd herain, cnd that N0 9CCU- pAqcy ditl be nnce ;7-;;;i" ,t;";ii* i.ttt o"t perniaai-on of the Building N- il,ul.i".. I further iunil'ig tlnt on|.y con-tractora ad erplcyeee uho ee in iiplianee ,ttt oas 701.b55 uiLL be- ueed on thie ptoieet t/7 20- ,IO']'AL AI'IOIJTIT DUI|: A /q,73 :;i11ned Date L NC. Ftnmoe BTU'S ?otaL Charaas {, kk4e- 4