HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-02-171 a G0 0/-6 cQ ?-/6 LLane County Authori zatrott for' SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR I OAN RFVTFt^l FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application/Permit # ov Z 5g'"' r,oTlPAii(APP FFOIOSED USE OF PROPERTY l-l rndustrral fln.,uri. !X nesidential Cc,inmerc ia1 (-i':'Y ZIP Y1 SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEI^I - BE SPECITIC OF OF I]I'JPLOYEES Proposed Exi s ti AND =-_- NAME AND the following 1egaI interest in the property,f]or... of record; []c.,r,t.u,,L. pirrchaser;Iauthorized agent. I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed shal"I be done in occolddx,r.: rii:li tii,r ordlr)ances of Lane Cowty and the Iaws of the State of Oregonpertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be nade of 3r.r slr',rctirre without the pcmission of the Building Division. I fur-ther cerEify that regi.stration uith the Builderrs Board is in full force and effect as required by ORs 701.055, that if exempt the basj,s for e is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ad enpl.oyees who are in complj-ance wlth oRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ A!{D CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROI'GHLY. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION }'OR on j.s true and correct, and that I 2 -//-rr NAME SIGNATURE DATE IT, ar,J,lo tif), thit all inforration AUTHORIZATION 'tAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: FOR LOAN REVIEt,J--NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REqUIRED Date: rnstallation Record rssued? fl v." I lr" Maximum DepthInstallationof TrenchesSpecifications: _ Tank I pnus EXAMTNATToN: COM}IENTS: 4 A Ga11on Da Use(l r or lrl Date tr front s ideCL, SANITATION: S. I. f B. P. S COIO1ENTS SEPTIC INSPECTION rearinterrcrr Partition #Parcel #ParceI Size Lineal Eeet of I) r'.t i r:f i e ld READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOU fl pmutlrxc,zZoNrNG: t'linj.mum Setbacks, t", BY LANE COUNTY Der ORS OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EASTsTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INI'ORMATION cr4-25 Rt}+ _- DUCI,ARED $ VALUE TELEPEoNE ft9 SETS.rlCiiS.e:iD OT:l:R CC::DITlr::S Oa;PPROI.'iL ]1UST BE STRICT:,'i OE:5R!'ED. \/iOLATIOT- CA:- RTSULT IN REVO- C;,lIO:: Oa !:lIS i'anilli, CIT;TiC:i U:iDtF PROVISiO)iS Oi L.i5E -'J'J);rY'.i Is*FF.,\aTiO]J OFDi:;.i):CE, ;ID/OR OTIIER RE}IEDIES ALLOI4ED BY LAId. WIIEN READY ECR I:.iSI'!C]ION, C.\:.1 687-.1065. A }1I\I}luii CF.:.T L:;ST 24 I]OUiS ADV-\::CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @l::l'ljr_etn-e_-ToIIowirgin:c.i]t!on!eady:iermi.tnumber,]obaddreSs.t,.vpeof inspecli-on, when 1t wrll be ready, your name and phoic runber, and any s?cciaI Circctions to stte, BUILDING DIVISION: T i.:cu1 nEf 't :.stECTT oNS : 1. Foundatiol _II:-pSq.!l, To be made af ter trenches are excavated anC forms'erected and naterrals for tile ioundatlon are (lelivcrcd on the Job. ifhere concrete from a central when a_I1 mIxlng 2. plant (cormonly Lermed "transit mrxed") is to bc used, materi.als teed not be on the job. Concrete Slab or Uncler-aloor InsDectron: To be maie aitei alf in-sl.ab or under-fIoor nrifaing EEiil-e eq-uipmot, smut, piplnll ressorles, and other ancillarv equipment itens are inplace but beiore any conc.ete is poured o! floor saeathing installeC, lncluding the subfloor. Framing 6 lnsulatj.cn Inspections: To be made after the roof, alI iraming, fire blocking, and bracrng are in.J]ace and alL pipes, fireplaces, ciinnevs, and vents are compl.ete and a1I roughel.ectrical and plumbrng are approved. _,'5I ua]I risuiation anC vapor barr.ier are in place. I L , 1. Lath and,/or Glrpsum Board Inspecti.on: To be made after all lathing and qypsum board, incerior aad e>:terio!, is in pl-ace buL before any pLastering is applied and beiore gypsm board joints' and iasleners are taped and fioished. 5. Pinal Tnspection: To be made after the buil.ding is complete and before occupancy. APPRoVAL RECUIRED. :lo work sha}l be done on any part of:he buildj.ng or strucLure beyond the poj.ntindicated in each successive anspection without first obt3ining the approval, of the buil.ding oiflcial.Such aPproval shall be given cnly after an anspectj.on shaLl have been maCe of each success.ive step.in the constrqction as indicated by-each of the i.nspecticis re?uireC. NOTE: eit i:uitai-ng p...it. requ.ire ilspectj"ons'for the qork authorized, such as but not finited ro: A. Block wall: To be made after rej.nforcing is ir pLace, but before rn_v qrout j.s poured. Thisrnsp-6c[f m is required f or each bond beam pour. There uj.lt be nc approval unt j-i the plunbinqand eLectrrcaf inspections have been made and approved, B. l'Jood Stove: To be made after completion of masonr-\, (if applicable) and when tnstallatron is(:mletq Instail.atlon shall be in accordance $itL an acpioved, natronalLy recognizeC testingaqency and. the nanuiacturer,s installation rnstauctlons. l** C Ilobj-le Home: An rnspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an approvedsewer or septic slslcm for setback requirements, b10cking, aootinq connecLion, tiedowns,s<rrtinq, and plwbang connections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile h;mes or asrecomeided by the manufactuler. 2. Mobile home minimum finj.sh floor elevation shall be certified when requj.red by a flood-plai.n management letter. 3. ]lobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting sha1l be insLal}ed and ready fcr inspec-tion within at least.30 days after occupancy. Tledowns and skirtj.ng shall be installedper enclosure. D. Syimint,Pgol: Below grade when steeL i.s in place and before concrete i-s poured. Above grade?hen pool- is instal.Lec. APPROVED PLANS }IUST BE ON Ti'iE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. TIIIS PER{TT WTLL EXPIREIF h'OR( DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 1.80 DAYS, OR IF !iORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR IIORE THAN I8O DAyS.SUSPENSION OR REVOCATIOIJ :{.\Y OCCUR IF TIIIS PER,UIT WAS ISSUED ON TiiE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUSINFOR[1AT1ON. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POII,:T OT REQUIRED INSPECTIOIJS VJILL DO SO AT Ti]E]R OWN IIISX. SUBSURTACE ;\ilD .\LTERNATIVE SEh'AGE pISPOSAL SySTEUS: 1. Permits sha1l be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. 2. UPon,completrng the construction for which a permj.t has been issued, Lhe permi.t holder shallnotify the Lane courLty Deparment of Planning and Comfiunity Developmcnt bi submj"tting theirstallation record forn. The Departnent shall inspect th; construction Lo determin; if itcomplies with the rules contaj-ned in this Civision. If the construction does comply with suchrules, lhe Dcpartment shaII issue a certificate of satisfactory compl.etion to tne'plrmitjholder.lf llle construction .Joes not comply with such rufeg; the Dep:ir-tlr6nt-shal1 nbtif), t'ne petmitholder and shall retuire satlsfactory conDleEion before issuing the ccrtifrcate. Failure tomeec the reouirements for srtrsfactory comDl-ctron rlthin r reasonable time constrtutes a vto-Lation of oRS 454.605 ro 454.?45 and this rulc. :ctblck5 - SublurlJc4: !rc Drsi.osal Scptic Tank Drainfield Lroin: Interior propcrt;'lines 10, i0'id,le oi roa(i rr;irt-of-way 10' l0 r IlililoiDq tcjnilairon 5' 10,irells, other Hater sources i0, IOO, l \,s E o C fo oo{ ! E o c,o oof 4l x3 00'09 o0'o? ,(rt l.Is0,J30 e ssr 3lv0 N0r13-1'Jl.lO3',rs3 EHro )l3d rs s0s dJ H"IH ATI N3HV1 l : nDSS,J,IU ::}TU:} .f.:r L. 7,5 : NIVH 'IJ 33J )133H3 NV'1'J 33UVH3HnS Stvls 33J -lV3INVH33l.l : Ulf,l 'lJ : Hf,lS VH AS0S S8b6t 3'1 : HIVfi,/XIJ* lJ-1 x3,J uns H33H '1,Cl.il ,J'I ,JTI .JII . I 'J'rl_,rE Is[v{ 33J Norlvn-tvn ts03 rrNn rJ DS NOIIdIHSSS(I NOlt3V ON -lddv 3(0J 3U0 '0-lgIlINIU;S ,'IAV I'IVCINI.J 9?t H00V 'SHl^l 'N0SNl)l3I( 3l'lN HINfiO $tl;E ?Et 3NOH.J lo0 srq-trl{, SSrUors toO strNn 0 shluoE rl 3sn 3,JAr :}0'1tI f'l3N--iii,a' -- -ror Arosns f oreoahi:rcor l *-11 3U0 '('l3Il5NIUdS ' '3iV 3]VOINI'J 9?t/ U0(V 'SUl^l 'NCISN3)l3IO INVSI']'J'JV d89IAO 3M 88b6g * 1,JI3X3H l3l',l AN3 r',rro ltNnCI3 3NV1 E : fil T I \ l.o' MoP 17-03 -?2- a-3 AVE. ?2J. 39@ 6 Y TITLI COI,{PANY Tl.i PY OF ASSESSOR'S IVIAP IS Pil ID SOL[L'( 1'O,ASS1ST IN LO.I !:01' PRii:[RTY. , NO LIAI]ILIT"/ IS A.SSUhl YKE LEGAL DESCRIPTIO i,'i8S'fil ;';l; AV;Eff 8lE i 4 9 tot !*, ho t \ \d ,J CI I i 0's* R l.l \{ { TO i4/ .//1. 4*OO .<1 r400 IAVE. t500tAFz,< CT' lrJ -I \t C 9 ) .T Il I ! 3800 t 3700 r\. t l?An r .l 300 ?z' 3 77t 20o. ?t' ,1,e z, @ \ a. Ir i { : lol 62ts a.a, ll A 62t 6' &,o. ett'l 62t7 iat TD 3.tl800 t tr.rz' ,\.J lrq ,v/. I\ t 620t / pA.a. 62@,. arr, 6ffiI N 6204 I t200 I 6 au-at:t- 4900 n \ \, 7 r300 4500 s {a dPa'62G 3 i I @o7 2 5900 &.a' lO 6000ADD tar' ll EXr ,r2t? \t jylDA5200 \ { 5t il E \ .1Y.o 7 ) & .drtr7rY 2t 4300 t ra c a ( I r600 7o,0 900 tooo 4