HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-03-18tt" RESIDE, - ilAL""SPFIINGFIEI.D Phone:f,F3 / ?1/1? 4 Ll Ll etL APPLTCATT1N/PERl,lIr 225 North |th StY'eet Springfield, 2regon 97477 Building Division 7 26-37 53 .tob Locaticn:t //urts*r-rf LU D Aesessorc !'!aP ll S-ubdivieion:rc> utLt Onler:/L u Ctezac 7o B4norto^l Addtess:3tSt P/^e*o Zt AD City:/)4r.ro Descz,ibe h'ot'k: .ndditicn RcnoleL Datc of Appliea VaLue General P lurnb ing nical Lilec E r r) rxl AllfffiT cfflrueT To *4,T RaDtu( tute: Tc,z lot ll S trpe El-ec E r cran It ie the responcibility of the permtt tolde* to aee that at! inspections are nade at the p?o?er tine, that ecch addrees is readabie lron the atreet, aruC that the pennrit card, ie Located at -lh-q frcnt of the-,propetty.-tguildiq D.luis-iot appro"'ed plan shcll renain on the Building Sitc at aLL tines. P\Q!'DU1E FOR INSPE1IO!_ESUESITCALLT26-3769(rccordet) state yout, City Cesigna-ted job eadyforinspection,contractol,solasneratlc,lneandploneltill be nade the sane dcy, requests ncde after 7:00 ott viLL be nnde the nctt :,ntking day. nunben, job aCdtcss, type ntnbcn. ReEtests recei"*ed of irspeclictr befcre ?:00 c;r -_-I ST?S INSPEC?ION: I etcauation, but Iormg, -1 UNDERSLAB PLUIErNC. ELECIRTCAL 6 | ,uucttl:ttc'at: To be nade before any Lbt k i,s eoDcrecl. 7 rcorrnc t FInNDATIIN: To be naCe l-/ ) ;7;"t tt"".E;are ercauated and 12([ forns are erected, but prior to pourtng ccnctete. - uvDsRcp,oulrD pLUMpllqJEuER2_uglR' )Lirq trenchee. -1 uao*ptooR ?LUt:Br:tc E tiEettAilrcAL:tof floor insulction or decking. fl pon ero oeor: To be nade prior to A d;tat6ilcn of ftoot, insulition oP ' deckittg.-Yl no,-,cu prullBrltc. ErffiFnrfu, & tiEctt-x, f ffiiTthcse i'nspections hale beet Iout, City Deaigrutted Job Nutnber fs:. priot tc eet up of INSULA?ION/VAPOR I]ANRIEN IIISP|C?ION :To be after but rnlL @ty DRYIIALL INSPECIION: Tc be nade ifte"TtT@GTTts in ptace, but prior to cny taping. MASONRI: Steel loeation, bond iffiilgrouting or verticals in aceordantce tith U.B.C. 9ection 2415. VOODSTO'/E: ccnpGTA. Aften installation ie CURB & APPRCACil APru!: After fonnsare erecteC but pt'ior to pottring concrete. SIDF,\'IALK & DRIIlEllAl: For all con- cret; pau6,r{tffi st?eet right- of-tey, to be nade after aLL erca- uating catrplete & fona utonk & eub- base nnterial in Place.l f, X made and approted.. FI!?EPLACE: ,tE;;i;G FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FIilAL t|ECilAilICAL FINAL ELECTNICAL Prton to placi.rg ard before franing facing inspec- tion. EE!!!!!!: t4ust be requeated aften approual of rough plwr,bing, electrt-cal I neclanical. AlL toofing braeing C chirmeys, etc. tast be . conpletcd. llo ucrk is to be eon- cecled until thic inspection las 'been nade anC approved. IENCE: Ilhen conPlete -- ProutCe @di or nooable sections thnougli P,U. E. ALt projeet eondltions, such aa tte i.netallation of alreet treea, conplction-of the required Landsccping, ctc,, rust be aatisficd bcfore the B||ILDI\IC PINAL can be requested. )(J( FINAL BUILDIN7: The Final Building Inapection nuot be requeeted alter the Finil Plwnbing .)1}( Electnical, anC Mechanical rnapections haoc been nnd,e ard approtteC. {t DEI.NLITrcil OR BU Sanitary setet eapped at property Lire - .., rr*, r,r,,Jlr!t brirtdr,,r,lrl i.'r ; It. r i Septic totk ytped atd fi.lled vith gra:tel Final - lfiten abcpe itens are ccnpleted and uhen Canlition is conplete or strni.T- ture nooed atd pretrises cleaneC up. Hcnes Blocking cnd, Set-up Plunbing connections -- aclteP otd, ua2en Electrical Ccmnection - Blocking, eet-ut and plwrbing eow:ections tast be apprc"-ed before requeating elec)rical inspeclio:t Aceeaeory BuilCing akirting, decks,Pinal - Aften pcrches, etc. ate cotnpleted. Pege ! ol 3r-l ^AI,I, TIAWCT,ES ANI' C\EANOUTS IIIBT NE ACCESSIBLE, AD,IUSTITSIII ?O BE I.IAI'E A? IIO CCST TO CI?Y i., r I T tr lob Faces - P.L t Iat Sq. Ptg. 7 of Lot Cooeraga ll of Stories Total lteight TM TYPE _ Intetior - Forner , - Panhandle CuL'de-eac oF 3? lI tuITEM TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x 5 Date Paidf)il 3,O 3 NO.FEE ttb.tures Resilettti.al (1 bath) Seoen I,TEI'I Nttr/E tend Circuits Sertlice CIIARCE bhanet HooC Vent For llcodstore ENCROACHMENT .- Pcrmit Curbcu! Sida,taLk Mobi.le llone L-CO G+ JOB NO. Building Pernit Stdte Total Clangea Plunbing Pernit State Total Permit Issuance llechanical Penit Total SOLAR P ..ESS REQ.' -N BeCtooms: !!eat tote Ihis permit ia granted on the eT eo'.: condition that the stall, in atl reapects,-';";i;;i" ^th:. 2:!i^'-"ce edoptec ifri1b f i i fi , - rno tlra'-ng' til 2o"tns cr din1lc,e' r e s ulc t ir ts otd use of buitd'inge ,''nd ^'y be- euslynda7 or teuokeC at ition o1 ony pncuisione of said otdlr'ances' / P/&) cl'(etr ffr r3Z'83 $36.tr1 3( r\lcl l, Ul Plumbing Permit No percon al-nll constntct, ins!al!" alter ot clange 'cny nel'cr ezisting ;j,;4:i;'i:ii,i::#;ir'"1*if,iz1i"::-"b:z:;li"r;*1""2,,f,1,ti21";i:i"legal poeeessot oI d t plunbins uork to p."P;7i;";hi;;"1;;;;;' izl";i;i operated bv the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Building Volue & Permit Iatn tequires the electtica that the electrLcaL uork be done bY llonl'io" of this Permit shdll rat CV tne Electrical Cont?dctor' sai.d eonstntction by the city o.f the ccnstt'ttiticn cny time uPon oic- an Electrical be oaliC until #//k/- ?-/r-? / cmrt { t Nhere State Contnactor. the Label las been signed Ary"ffffie ,+/'/hmto'o * Mechqnicol Permit * I HA1E CARIEULL| EXAMINED tle eonpleted application for permit' and do herebu certifv tt'ot oi'i-i'iitmatibn hereoi 7"- i"l"n 9i'e'or'rcct"-atut I WJz;tii:b',ix:;;:{";?,i1:,';;i,,iTi:##"r#i",1y:#,Hi"ii,zti?;r'";7- ;,;sJ" 4"**:l:,, ,i?":,i:,#ilrlZi,ir, ;Z;ri;;i" br l,e suirit"f,-bi.. 'lli:{",?x,mx":";:!f '"ixz'.;;1;;;;i';i":;ti:*,nplcve"'uhootei"caapliance ttith cils toi'b"ss 'itt be" uaed on thia ptoiect T?TAL AM1IINT DUE: a 53 03 Azta I t I a CITY OFSPR ONEGON 51'tttN(;Er€LL h 225 ruFTE SlTBBf, SPRTNGEIBI^,D, ORBGON 97477 INSPBCTION RE0IIBSI: 726-3769 OPPICB: 726-3759 I C2r>D Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf vork ls not started vtthln 180 daysof lssuance or lf work ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CONMACTOR INSTALIJTTION ONLT Electrlcal Contractor Address clty-Phone Supervlsor Llcense Number Expl ratlon Date Constr Contr. Number Explratlon Date Slgnature of Supervlslng Electrlclan Ovners Name Address 3. COHPI,Ef,E PBB SCIIEDIII.B BEIOU A. Nev Residentlal-Slngle or Multl-Famlly per dwelllng unlt. servlce rncruded: rtems cost 1500 sq;ft. or less Each addltlonal 500 -sg. ft or portlon thereof Each Manufrd llome or -Modular DweIIlng Servlce or Peeder $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 35.00 B Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcults included). Installatton, Alteratlonsor Relocation: C. Temporary Servlces or Feeders Installatlon, Alteratlon or Relocatlon 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 anps over 1000 amps/v.olts -Reconnect 0nly BI,ECTRICAL PBrulIT Clty Job Nunber ' ! APPIJCATIONq'tnlh'n Sum $300$rs $ 35. $ 60. $ 90. $130. $ $ m$ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 15.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -Over 600 amps or 1000 voltr Branch Clrcuits 35.00 40.00 $ 80.00 s see llBr aE6F D. B. Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per panel Ct ty--fTI- OSNER IdSTALIATION The installatlon ls belng,made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Slgnature: DATE: One Circuit Tno to ten Clrcults' Each Addtrl ten orportlon thereof SDUrT-, \4t-bg3Phone -l- Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrigation $ 36.00Slgn,/outllne Lighting- $ 36.00Signal Clrcuit orllmited energy. panel $ 36.00 SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL RBCBIVED 5 oc Permit No: Address: /") \&, lssued R OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4), requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 24 or 28: 1 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure 2. A. l-l My general contractor is Contractor registration number r/- I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. { I I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnformation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors. I will hire only subcontractors reoistered with the Construction Contractors Board. lf I chanoe my mind and do hire a general contractor. !will contract with a contrattor-who is reoistered w-ith the Constructibn Contractors Board and I will immediately-notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contradtor. fu E"- OR Signature of Permit Applicant CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J',190 B 3-tr- 7/ L PERMIT FILE D^I Date @s *