HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-11-25@a flPcx L./t- La,ne Coun Authorization for'F'OR OFFICE USE ONLY Application,/ Permit #ssz-{ SANGE TAX appr '/p SLULA PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ffiesidential [-] rndustrral \,L f]n,,uri.Cc,mmercial ZIP &ta ,ION OF IFWORK o!'WA?ER SUPPLY Proposed isti -*7 a? S NAME I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COfrlpLE?ED APPLICATION r.OR PERMIT, arrd rlo herel:y pertainj.ng to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made ofther certify that regi8tration with the Builder's Board is in fuLl force and ef il -t7 SlGNATURE DATE I agent tiorr hereon is true and correct, and that f have the following Iegal interest in the propefty:owner of record;con I ra (: l:I f:rther certify that any and all work perforired shall be done in accol dailcc n'i tll Couty and the Laws of the State of Oregonanl sirrrctut:e without tlle pcm,ission of the Buil ding Division. I fur-fect as requ.ired by ORS 701.055, that if exempt lhe basj.s for exemptiis noted hereon. and that only loyees who are in compliance oRs 701 .O55 will be used on this project. I IIAVE READ ANDCHECKND THIS rnf orra authorizedptrrchase r il_,,:of Lane READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION qAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWTNG CONDITIONS: Date Instal-lation Record Issued? fl v." [t H" !4aximum Depth of Trenches PLANS EXAI'IINATION a," A [\DtTl AU. COMI1ENTS: COMI'IENTS u t eED tucPr:=T'/op c- c L,- Specifications:Tank SANITATION: S. I. #B. P. # CttL /4 p o"r", lt - 29- 8g 4@ Parcel Size Minrmrm Setbacks:inte rior Installation Ga1lon col'01ENTs Partition #Parcel # Lineal Eeet of t)rdi.nf-ieLd "rorn--Bj3- , *A .(- fl pletqnrwc,zzoNrNG: ,on"L front lO ' "", uiuu rear I PERI,IIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFIC r ORS 456.805 DATE LANE COUNTY DEPA.RTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATION -er 4--"rr) PVf\ s R8+ a2 ,Typ")/4 D.t",--11'-d/.-trf & SETBNCKS AND OTIIER CONDITIO}JS OF APPROI.IAL }IUST BE STRICTL}- OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN NEVO- CA?ION OF TIIIS PER}IIT, CIT;TIO:.I UNDSR PROVISIONS OI LANE COUSTYIS INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OIHER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW. WHEN RE.\DY FOR INSPECTION, CAL! 587-,1065. A lrINItlU]l OF AT LaAST 2'1 IIOURS ADV,\I;CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- -5S-TmaaS-:-litSl-Tl; GiVssl- ,rsl6--EhETo).Iowing in:ornation ready: termit number, job address, type of inspectton, uhen it wiII be ready, your name and phoic nunber, and iny special directions co si,te. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED 1}:SPECTIONS : l- Foundation lnspecti.on: To be nade after trenches are excavated and forms erected and then all' rlEGifETS-f6T-tIE-I6Tndarion are delivered on the job. t'Jhere c6ncrete from a central nixing pl,an! (comonly termed 'transit nlxedn) is to be used, naterials need not h on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Under-aloor Inspection: To be made after all in-slab or und€r-floor buil'ding 3-ervi--*lIlpmefft, ZonE'utt,--pi!-G!-E'EEEssorj.es, and other ancillaly-equipment iiens are-in place but-beiore any concret- is poured or floor sheathing instaLled, including the subfloor. 3- Framinq & Insulation Inspeccions: To be made after the roof, all framing. fire blockingr and E*fi6 are-Tn pIEe iiE-EIT-lT-pes. fireplaces, chiinneys, and vents are coeplete and all rough eLectrical and plumbing are approved. All wal! insulation and vaPor barrier are in Place. 4- Lath and/or cvpsun Board rnspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsm board, Interior an-d-elE6rl6riiFinlTrce-EuTE5T-re any plasterj-ng is appl,ied and before gyPsu board Joints and fasteners are taPed and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be nade after the buililing is comPlete and before occuPancy. AppROvAL REQUIRED. No sork shall be done on any part of lhe building or Structure beyond the Point indicated in each successive inspection rilhout first obEaining the approval of the buj'Iding official. Such approval shalL b6 given only after an inspectlon shal.L have been made of each successive 3tcp i.n the-ionstruction as indicated by each of Ehe insPections required. NOTE: AII buiLaling pernits require inspections for the work authorized, such as buL not limitad to: A. Block pall: 1o be maCe afEer reinforclng is in pl,ace, but before any grout is poured. This i-rep*Ei56 iE required for qach bond beam pour. Thero xill be no approval until the Plubing and electrical, inspections have been nade and aPProved. B. wood Stsove: To be nade af,ler conpletlon of masonry (if .ppllcable) and uhen insBallacion ls c6fiFIaEE'. rnsrallarion shatl be in accordance Bith an approved, nalionally recogniaed t€sting agency and the manufacturer's instrllation instructions. C. l,lobile Home: An inspeclion i,s required after the mobile home is connected Co an approv€d EE-w oi-SEptic sysLem for segback requirenenls, blocking, footing connect.ion, cieddns, skirLing, and plmbing connechions. l. Footings and piers to conply eilh State foundation requirerents for niobile hones or at recomended by the manufacturer. Z. Mobile home nininm finish fl@r elevation shalt be certified rhen required by a flood- plain nanagement letter. 3. uobile home liedouna, uhon required, and skirting shall, be inEtall€d and readY for lnaPec- tion wilhin at least 30 days ifter occupancy. Ti€douna and 3kirting thall be lnrtrllad per enclosure. D. SuiMing pools Below gr.d€ when Bteel ls ln place and before concret€ is Poured. Abovs grada ;Een p@I--finscaIIed. APPROVED PI,ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING !{ONXING HOURS. TTIIS PERMT? flILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORX IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR MORE THAN I8O DAYS. sUsPENsIoN oR REvocATIoN T,IAY ocCUR IF THIS PERII{IT IIAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOUPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDTNG PAST TTIE POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILTJ DO SO AI THEIR OITN RISX' SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: I. Permits shalt be effective for one year from the daEe of lssuance. 2. Upon completj.ng lhe construction for which a permit haa been issued, the Permit holder 3hall notity tne Lane County DepartmenL of Planning and Comunlty Devel,oPnent by submltting the- installation record form. The Departnent shall lnspect the construction lo deternine if lt complies with the rules conlained in this division. If the constructlon does conply xlth- such rulls, the Department shall issue a certiflcate of satisfactory conPl.etion to the Pernlti holdor. If the construction does noC comply uith such rul,es. lhe Departnent shal!, notify the pernit hol,der and shall require satisfactory qompletion befor€ l,ssuing the certificnto. Pliluro to meet the requirements for saLisfaclory completion wighin a reasonable tine constitute3 a vio- lation of oRs 454.605 to 454.745 and this rule. selbacks - subsurface sewage Disposal sePtic Tank Drainfield Fr9n,rnLerior ploperty Iincs Edge 9t,rG4 .ri.ght-of -wayBuilijind foundation 9lelIs, other satel sources 10, IO' 50. r0.r0l l0 | 100, bne cor.rnty ACTI ^TY INFORMATION JHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! ilI' -O-^,^n€S \ I J,^..," PERSON \ 5*1 K REQUEST _s2ai \J \k1\ MAILING ADDRESS l ,l +1-l T E ZTP f q1 -,{1t85 p-rllr- ]fi?ffi HOME TELEPHONE #HOME TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS 3 I 57 PL-lr*a*-t S*^^"^ , l.*Q 6 (IF DIFFERENT FROM MAILING ADDRESS)V \l \ 3 ruap B PAFIeEL NIJMEIEFI ( REqU i REp I NF0RI4AT I0N ) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation sft or from tax sfiitement) Ler11 o 3 _Zzl-3IffiNSFIP RANGE SEETMN /6 oo (?TAX LOTIS) 0R PARCEL # ZO[!IN6 mfNSHlP nnNGE srcrroru w m[rxc MWNSFTF RANGE SEETI-ON TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: ffi ZON I NG ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if applicable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (i;tate exactly what u plan to do) s 6DI CTiO TO SITE:E..s* b^ \\r-'\o.- RA Q[,*so-^+&[.iA , ** FOR STAFF USE oNLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY'_ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ 0UT:_ NUMBER DATE --{7VI -{ LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 1?5 E. Bth AVE., IUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-406I MAILING ADDRESS (,r6