HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-01-15G , -34{ftFox_r-7-tTfrlr-\- Lang CountY Authori za'ttott for'rOR OTFTCE USE ONLY ApplicatioPermit # t3i I,OT BLOCK PRoI'0,SED USE 0F PROPERTY f,nes;aentiat ! lndustrral [-l commercial PubIic I ZIP - BE SPECIFIC YI STORlES 'LOF ProposedExisti OF BEDROOMSfibno O;rN.ER I S NAME AND .ADDRESSt*Wflt. [-, Kln (Jt TELEPHONE NUMBER S NAME osR fffi'ffho TETEPHONE \&!,18t I TIAVE CAR.AFULLY EXA.I4INED THE COI4PLETED PERMIT, arrd do hereb is true and correct, and thaL f Lo thatfy f:rthe (orn.t shall be thehave restinte the1n con j: ra crecord1egalfollowingrtyprope er authori dze with evr ofplrchasagentdence authori.al!achedTtyrthatandworkallfomedfndoneWTaccolda:lce thcertifyanyper tll Ordinances Laneof and Lawstire of Statethe ofCoMty Oregontowork!he hedescribed lnre and NOthat wi1OCCUPANCY ofbenade slrr ture11C thout!/l the m1per!aining IonofBuiDivlon furpelding!hecertitherthatstrationthBuilderthesBoardfu11nandforcefyregrASe ffect re 70ORS .orequiby ifthat the basis for eexemptishereonnotedandghatildsubcontractorsarewhoanancethWIonly70oRs0s5bewi 11 onuse d this HAVET At'IDREADempl"oyee compl project CHECKED THIS THOROUGHLYAPPLICATION AUTHORIZATION :{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOhIING CONDITIONS re ar ves n no Maximrm Depth of Trenches Date:/t)Use t t \ ,t Type CO}II'IENTS fl saurterrou, s. r. #B. P. * I pr-lr'rs coll}lENTS interior Parcel # READ THIS SECTION CAREFULL Minimum Setbacks: CO}LUENTS Partition # Installation Record Issued? Date; of tlrainfield Line aI It' rLc) ( size )( \,aD Ga110n Tank Installation Specifications: I pr,atutrucrzzoNrNG: "", =iu" { PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFT IGNEE oRs 456 DATE LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, I25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INE'ORMATION 3t'+ cL4-25 R8+ \ II !s ,^r",-f:198f, -J I SETBiiCKS AND OTIIER CCNDITIoNS OF APPROI,rAL !1UST BE STRICTLY OiISERVBD, VIOLATION CAN RtrSULT IN REVO- CA?ION OF TI1]S PERT1IT, CITATIO:i UNDER PROVISIONS OI LANE COU::iY'3 INFRACTTO}J ORDI}iANCi], AND,/OR OTHER REIIEDIES ALLOIiED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687-1065, A }lINII'lU}l OF AT LEAST 24 I'OURS AOVANCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- @EN-}l-aTEthe-roIIowinginformationready:Femitnumber,jobaddress,typeof inspection, when.it wiII be ready, your name and phone number, .and any special directions to site. BUILDING DI\IISION: REQUIR,ED INSPECTIONS : Foundation Inspection : materials for the founda To be made afler trenches are excavated and forms erected and when all tion are delivered on the job. lrhere concrete from a central mixj,ng plant (comonly termed "transit mrxedr') is to be used, natelials need not be on the iob. 2. Conclete SIab or under-iLoor Inspection: To be naie after all- in-slab or under.-floor buj.lding iEvTre ejuTpmmtlEonZut, pipiiq-:ressories, and other ancillary equipment rtems are in place but before any concrete is pouled or floor sheathing instalLed, including the subfloor. 3. Franing & Insulation Inspections: 'ro be made after the raof, aLl framing, fire blocking, and [-ilE5S are-in-1Irce and a1l pipes, fireplaces, chimnels, anC vents are.onplete and alL rough el-ectrical and plumbing are approved. AII wall insulation anC vapor barrier are in place. 4. Lath and,/or G),psum Board Inspectiont To be made ar-ter aL1 Lathinq and g),psum board, i.nterior uilexE6ri6rl--I!-Tn-p-Irce-5uE-EEioEe any plastering is appiied and betore gypsm board joints and fasteners are taPed and finished. 5. Final Inspection: To be nade after the buiLding.is co$plete and before occuPancy. AppROvAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of t-he buildiDg or structure beyoni the point j.ndicated in each successj"ve inspection uiLhout first obtainlng the approval of the buj-1dJ-ng official. Such approval shall be git,en cnJ-y after an inspeccicn shall have been maCe of each successive step in the-ionstruction as indicated by each of the inspections requirecl. NOTE: AII building permits require inspections for the work aulhorized, such as but not limiCed to: A. Block t^Iall: To be maCe after reinforcing is in place, but before any- grout I's poured, This InEFEctI6i- is required for each bond beam pour- There will be-no approv.1l until the Plumbing and el.ectracal inspeclj-ons have been made and approved- B. tlood Stove: To be made after completion of masonry (if applicable) and wl'.en installation is' ""rfof;.* Installat.ion shaIl be 1n accordance wiEh an approved, nationally recoqnized testing agency and lhe manufacturer's installaticn instructions. C. MobiLe riome: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an apProved EEi-rci-I-eptic systlm for setbacli requirements, blocking, footiag connecfion, tiedowns. skirting, and Plwbing connectj'ons- l. Footings and piers to comply oith State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended bY the manufacturer. 2- Mobile home mininum finish floor elevation shatl be cert.ified when required by a flooal- plain management letter. 3. Mobile hone tiedowns, when required, and skirting shalL be inslalfed and ready for insPec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedotrls and skirting shall be installed per enclosure. I D suiming when pool pool: Below grade when steel is in place anC before concrete iS poured. Above grade -lE-installed. APPROVED PI,ANS UUST BE ON THE JOR SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS. THIS PERMTT WILL EXPIRE IF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN I4ITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF '{ORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDOIIED FOR IIORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION ].lAY OCCUR IF THIS PERIIIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OE INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS -iNFOTMATION. ANYoNE PRoCEEDING PAST THE PoIIIT oT REQUIRED TNSPECTiONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEh'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEUS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year fron the date of issuance. Upon completing the construction for which a pernit. has been issued, the pelnit holder shalL notify the Lane County Departrent of Planning and Comunity Development by subhitting the install.ation record form. The Department shal1 inspect the construction to deternine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the const,ruction does comply with such ruIes, the DeparLnent sha1l issue a certificate of saaisfactory completj.on to the permiti holder. If the constructj.on does not compl"y with such ruies, the Deparment shaLl notify the permit holder and shal.L reqUire saqisfacEory completion before issuj,ng the @rtificate. !'ailure to mee! the rdquiremenis for Sat'j.sfactory completion wittria a reasonable time constitutes a vio- lati.on of oRS 454.605 to 454.)45 and lhis rule' Se.tb3gks - Subrurface Sewaflc DisPosdI . septic Tank Drainfielq From: lnLerior PropercT I ines I0' 10' ' Edqe o! rodu r rfhr-of-uay IO' t0' auitainq foundation 5 10' tiells. other wate! sources 50' iOO I ; I bne courty \ACTI " ITY INFORMATION SHEET COMPLETE IHIS SECTION.INCOMPLETE FORMS t,.JILL BT REJECTED!6D: P ER Ot^JNERvItttJ(-/ Orz r'z I C ITY STATE zrtrtoDE RE UIRED r NFOR|4AT r 0N ) 7eb -7/ 7 amffi ( from tax mapsor from tax st in Department of Assessme atement){n TELEPH0NE-T nt and Taxation ZON I NG HOME2 PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT FRO 3 rvlae a pAFlcEL NLTMBEFI ##fu ?At L P fuINSF.IP MNCE Srcrlo-lon ffi ZONING MilNSFTF- MNGE SEeTmN TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: 4 SUBDIVISTON ( if appl icable) ffi MNIN6- ACRES LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to dr) e c nt sf Bu.l- /6'X Aq' 6 DTRECTToNS To srTE . //l F/ o trl I o ?/A5,4* y' 17/' /, U ,/r J.r /o ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY: _ DATE:_ TIME IN:_ OUT:_ NUMBER DATE -i7 U1 -{ LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 9740I / 687-4061 I (\-) MA LING m !; o c ) co L )r3 Ifl'S/_lt'*:13.:J -11rIU.L r,ssl Hl.0 r x3,r ::l.l.Vfi N0I.t3'1,'JI,'l03 ' .l"SI il I S S(IS ,:J:{ t-rltJ t{ N3}ttrJ.^l : n03S,l,JU ::]Itr3^uu JSUS S{Sg6'8f, 7!gp 33J x33H3 NV-],:J X3d^Bt't i/:,v 35HvH3UflS 3rVlS UnS33J -1V3INUH33I{ H33l.l'IJ : NM 'IJ : Ulf,l 'lJ : Hf'lS : SI,HnIXIJ * -ld^ oE'bb t8a[ Hf'13N S8b t 3-t d8 . drI d{I^ I d8 | ,JlI - | t8[[ sg's usf A.!0ss33a]v d[I^+v{ 33J H0rrvl]'lvn lsox rINn rJ ils Norr.lruxs30 N0r13v 0N l,J,cv 3(l0x 3''lN HINI'lOu0(v*.0r1/. vt,L 3N0H.J 1CI0 ,ss0lrt+ s3ru0J.s t00 sllNtl 0 st^lH(tl u 3sn 33v 3.JAj l01fl f{3N^u x]fi f 10-1 33'd1'1r^ 0HrrISt^tV3 AI0rJflS 008t0[]AetOtI *'1r30H '{'l3rl5Nr'u'Js "fl^1fi lNlrSU3H,J 8r}t U{{k/ ru3{I0H ',0flv'l)t rNvSr'l,J.Jv -SBA0 !O 3IU0 EBb t * I,JI333ll I5l,{ ANjt I,J30 AINfl03 3NV-1 e : il d -. Eo+ E) oo: N G. !. @o a o- 2 o^ 6{atv attr!llJr IE! I tlI -:\-,+