HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-01-28SEWAGE DISPOSAL SITE EVALUATION %zz TRS,t1- b3 -zz -'t -Z Ti-. Z Subdivision: yd ZToo g s.t Locatio oAk € ^vE ?(@a.nt-D Written Directions l+q;^Rb tb Pfteagaat Bcr,, D T6 6l.k DaL& WATER KatrrBc',+r U/At6a- brgf, [trrb 8*qs t t LLt<uq ,l rLekAPPLICANT'S NAME AND -crx) o OWNEF'S NAitE AND ADDnESS o^.,n e phon._ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE ry€PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY Setu^teL - D "0 lex I hereby certity that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: -owner ol purchaser; ,y'oolential buyer; realtor or agent. I turther that (if not the I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said aware and aclion L ?/ " " "" " ""'-. oFFrcE usE oNLY BELOW TH|S L[{E ...... Tt- r'HOLES READY SITE MEETS STATE STANDARDS Standard System Sand Filter 1 Foot Capping Fill NO tr n tr YES a tr tr YES NO tr D tr Low Pressure Distribution Holding Tank Other tr tr n LAND USE COMPLIANCE Zoning--____-________ AcreageorLotS|z6_CTOTAL) Partitioning #-Parcel ) Completed ) Pending FLO'ODPLAIN I NFORMATI ON tr Approximate Study Area tr Detailed Study Area ! Floodway All or part of this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levols have not been ostablished. Extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will be reasonably safe from flooding. All or part ol this site may be in a flood hazard area for which 100 year flood levels have been established. A building elevation above the 10o year flood level may be required. All or part ol this site may be in a flood hazard area in which a floodway has been designated. Building may be prohibited subject to demonstration that the cumulative etfect of proposed development will not increase the 100 year flood lovel at any point. THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHlCH DOES NOT ENSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SIDE./-)2r> DTtrE LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMEN HEALTH, r?5 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, oREGoN 97401 (687-4051) MEMO TO: APPLICANT FROM: LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF SITE APPROVAL lane county Any alteration of the natural conditions in the area approved for the on-site system or replacement area may void this approval. This approval is given on the basis that the lot or parcel described above will not be further partitioned or subdivided and that conditions on subject or adjacent properties have not been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in accordance with O.R.S. 454.605 through 454.755 and Administrative Rules of the Environmental Quality Commission. Any such subdivision, partitioning or alteration may void this report. WARNING: This document is a technical report for on-site sewage disposal only. lt may be converted to a permit only if , at the time of application, the parcel has been found to be compatible with applicable LCDC-acknowledged local comprehensive land use plans and implementing measures or the Statewide Planning Goals. The Statement ol Compatibility may be made on the attached form or its equivalent. Authorized Agent approval is required before a construction permit can be issued. This report is valid until an on-site sewage system is installed pursuant to a construction permit obtained from Lane County, or until eadier cancellation, pursuant to Commission rules, with written notice thereof by the Department of Environmental Quality to the owners according to Department records or the County tax records. Subject to the foregoing, this report runs with the land and will automatically benefit subsequent owners. Only persons having a valid license issued by the Department of Environmental Ouality under ORS 454.695 to install subsurface sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface sewage disposal systems. A certificate o, satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than the above perform the installation. ( STTE SVALUATIOI..I IIE.D HORKSIIEET S. I - J3e Tax ftefer.ence AppIl-cant Date: Zon i og: -Part.rcel#k-t __Ut..,.- Parcel Size:_________!ater Supply: t.rel I Comuni ty public Depth Texture Soil- uat.rix Color and r.lott].ing (Notation), tcoarse Eraguencs, qoots, Struct::re" Iayer Lijui.ting Eff,ective Soil DePth. etc- Plr 1 P1r Pl.r Plr O-fu Tl.^/c ldJ-Vv4iq-*,;,^-, glAtril,-, ^* / 1, (- SUU (*a:ol/-,1,-,*,T I .l.t^l/4r-fu.1/) S(. -6,r S^ru, t*0 (/t,t.vt 0- F 'l ,L*lt tl t- sr'' Ys-Lo 5 (-i f7J/fr-\6. I v/ l.aarlscape l{otes ,ls^*lspect GrouadHat€rSlope Other Sit€ SISTE.' SPECf,I.ICArIO}{S - Desiga Flott 4D*'Type SysteE: Inltial neplaceoect Sfstea SJ.zrng Sysc€a slzlna -tt/fr;., 1{t*,I 8. !1ax- Depth Absor?tion Faciliry (in) 50 g. Max. oeprh Absorpcj.on Facil:--y (in) ){l7 Special CondiLlons PLOT A.AX Oi{ REVBSE SDE 2q t' I 0 /'l €/- HOLID SLIP Lane ComtglillL- -APPLICATION AME Oo UH \t (,\, (,lr) O RESS 7 1 ZIP CODE The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: lncomplete application (items deficient). tr Address and/or directions to application site. tr Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. Approvable plot plan (see attachment). Notification of date test holes will be ready.K / M.{L *-* .,""rrryffiir* Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x4'x5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. /2 -/7.f/ 2.D 3. tr4.oth lz-/7 ^ 7/ SIG DATErtoE fr-b 7 PHONE from OFFICE HOURS . 1l no response has been received in regards to this matter Oy t - - 7 O .- \ ,the application will be denied. LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Public Service Bldg. / 125 E.8th Ave. / Eugene, OR 97401 t 687-4501 AAtrhAL€ AU€ t\b v )s 0rt D{ UA -[ e t G $ $\r \ * N $ BoDo.xI E]H q'\ Nt: iH I d E 0 ult q ..1 vl o s u o 0 D D, o 't.t rrr o I "t -U -t-h ffb-\+ s v N q Dett*we1 I AllrIIElo i II -9 .6 ,r ,"8-.o €it -; 8 tc3 lt o 3 J A- lmltEic 3t !c ti' .oI .B I n 6b 3P frF' BF BF' BF' 3oo a F!.,6 o 3 F [,]: 3 LAHE SOUNTY DEFT ENV ]'lGT RECEIFT + 9{0336 DATE 13t69{ AFFLICANT I,'INDHEIM, ROGER ADDR 84?5t TILLICUT'I RD. , FLEASANT HILL, 0.. TL+ r 703??4202700 SUBDTV LOT BLK NEH TILDG TYPE USE X BDRI{S O UNITS OOI STORIES +BLD6S OOI FHONE 741 OOOO OI,JNER NI'TE UINDHEII,I, ROGER ADDR 8495I TILLICUI.I RD., F'IEASANT HILL, O. J CODE AFFL NO ACTION DESCRIFTION SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION FEE DAYS' PL HECH SUR PCK SI SDEQ CATG: FLN SEOU: TAKEN BY RLH *FIX/BATH: LC ?r 0336 SI FEE SI StlR: F T. lrlTR : I'IECHANICAL FEE STATE SURCHARGE .FLAN cHEcK tti FT. RAIN: 5'L { 60. o0 SDS ELE PCK EST. CCII'tPLETION DATE ISS / Sr CITR DEFOSIT r* F1' r 60. oo 20^00 RA {tso.oo cK 1 I $*$flt f r ;t l [,J: ;$ I^.ANE tj0Ui{TY D[F']' E AprtruAN'T wINDHETH, .R.o$EH ADDR rL* { ?03.??4?02?00 surDIv ... NEIJ ELDG TYPE IJSH: X BDftM.S O LIN]:TS OOI OhINHR NHT. I,IINDHEII.I, RCIGHR ADDR t$$qr,o** AFP|.. Nn rt{:TI0N t}Es$R'LF"l'IfiN sfi HG"f FlHilfiIl"'T ;$ ?103;$6 DA't[: {?1'69i- 51 "1'II.-1.]:CUM FID. , T.'L.E:ASANT HILI.-,' U LOT T BLK'1 ',riRr*.sr' 'sl.JL.[l6s 00{ l}l{uNE ?4t 0000- . 51 TIt-I...ICUH' ItD " , F'L.[::ASAN'T HILL,.,CI ; . UNI'r c0,xT VAI..LJATl:0N FHE 'DAYffig .i NV s.49 sr s4| Fl' ' $t- IJTJ BF. i$1 f Lf,f '*o f Fr-, F.L. l.rEcH s urt PCK uA'r'ci: SIIOU: AKHN BY +F I X./EATI"I Lt: ?'t0336 EI F'EE ,J4' Fl'. hlrR : H[:H-|AN]:f AL, F EH SI'ATE: .:f UT(il}.IARGH F,t..AN il{tlcK, FEH.!1.-.;'. t FT. 'RAIN 0Tft DE:fr{)sIT r(tc FT '\, i i 60.00 :t0.00 Slrjft c' nt f6.$.00 SI I..LN HA SDS TuUr"*{$$fr-* $rlMF.LE:rrqt lt flrs / s'I Rft\ ry'.1'.[,rec*-.r"+,r T .'t l3,l ^ f.l0 ilH \ Lane HOLDS CountgliltL-- -s { L t (rt rl,r APPLICATION n E ZIP CODE The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: '1. ts lncomplete application (items deficient). Address and/or directions to application site. Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. tr Approvable plot plan (see attachment). tr Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2. I Verification of existing system required (see attachment). 3. tr Two test holes (2'x4'x5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. s 4, .l I /) -t -q/ .6 J u.t rn Or Ilrl1IlE t Eolr R OFFICE HOURS DATE h^to from PHONE lf no response has been received in regards to this matter the application will be denied /-J0-17 LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Courthouse-Public Service Bldg. / 125 E.8th Ave. / Eugene, OR 97401 I 687-4501 fr q / - J-7L I F{- / /*-0 l/,,/. .t 1 t, a 1 .JA