HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1974-03-1324g Evasn-ilf CIIFTT OI{' SPH,I}'TG}-IET-JD sPRINGFIELO, OREGON S7 477 OFFICE OF THE 223 NORTH A STREET SUITE D 746.9621 CITY A'TTORNEY March '13, 1974 Sanders, Lively & l,liswall Attorneys at Law 644 North "A" Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Attenti on: Max Taggart 'r ) 'is to confirm our oral agreement of March B, 1974, concerning the seven apartments he central area of Farmdale Apartments. It is my understanding that our agreement s fol lows: Four of the seven units may remain as habitable apartments. 2) 0f the remainjnq three units, two will be converted into recreation rooms and onewill be converted into an office. The shower stall may remain in each of these three units if jt is converted jnto a closet, if the faucets are removed anci plugged, and if the drain is plugged. Further, the kjtchen cab'inets will be removed; the 220-volt power sources will be renroved; the water lines and dra'ins will be piugged. 3) An addit'ional 3,600 square foot area of land will be added to the present bu'ilding site to decrease the density brought about by the additjonal four units. The add'itional land w'ill be added'in the following manner: A z0-foot wjde strip of land wjll be added along the vrestern border of the northern section. The remainder of the 3,600 square feet will be added to the northern border of the western section of the building site. 4) The rrorthcrn sect'ion of the building site will be re-landscaped to include the additional 20-foot w'ide area of land added to its western border. The section of land in the northern part of the building site will be landscaped from the north exit westward to provide for a l0-foot wide strip of landscaping around the peri- meter. 5) There wjll be no elimination of the north exit. 6) A recreation area will be pianned in the northern section of the building site in the area wh'ich l'ies westward from the north exit. Another recreation area will be located west of the apartment building prov'iding picnic tables and other outdoor activity equipment. Thi s'in tis a l"1ax Taggart l4arch 13 , 197 4 Paqe 2 7) A buildinq permit will be app'lied for and all codes will be complied with. B) Your client will pay the addjtional sewer connectjon fees for the four additional habitable apartment unjts. 9) Your cljent wjll apply for rezoning of the additional 3,600 square foot area from C-2 to R-3. They will also apply for two variances: one for the .I,200 squarefoot density surplusage caused by one habitable apartment unit and onc for thcadditional parkinq space If the rezoning and variance requests are appfied for before March 20, 1974, they will be heard'in the April meeting of the Planning Commission. l,li11 you please prepare an order dismissing the writ of review wjth prejudice and sendit to Circuit Court. If there are any items which I have left out or which should be further exp'lained, please fee'l free to call upon me f C d,.oo-[- John F. Charles As s'i s ta nt Ci ty Attorney City of Springfield cc:Jack l4eyer Bu'il di ng Department JFC:bk