HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-09-29..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATICN/PERMTT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, Cregon 97477 Building Diuiston 7 26-37 53 3t,J Y4o 'qo SPFIINGFIEI-D Tccetct i //o. oo /o-{oJ{t a PL^**.^-*,+ ltiob bcacicn: Subdiltisicn: N Ad&ess: GrO t 716-33// j-;nan X,U-il zip: 91V77ty )escribe t*'ori<: Q-zf-83 f-l llqs il AT,Z {) Date of AVp L ACCiticn Value O>t [o. ionlrac:ors L1.sc. tA<idressc-,.it 7r^-tJ/ M -a/-tC; 12 Stu M ?lwabing 1lectrtcaL i.leehanticcL 1oi:ary seter cqteC =t propatti Lire Seotio tank puped ad filled ttth gz,a.'ai Pincl - i{het abcoe itens ave ectnleted c.ti uizen Cqtclition is zomplete br si-.,"- tute naued ctri prer"ses :Leaned, up. ilcnes tslocking od. Sat-:,tp PlmbittX conneciions -- Baiet d. aatet Electr)cal Ccntecxion - Blockit4, aei-u! atd pltnbing eoznections rrust be apprct;eC before requesr'lng eleelrical inspec;io- Accessorl Suilling Final - After tcrckes, skirting, deci,s, ete. @e canpieled. ?z';e 1 of 2 Conetp.tctictt Leader !! ia lhe resgoneibility of tle per*tt itoLd.er to see lhat aLL inspections @e nad.e at lhe propez, tine, that acch .'d.lness t)s 72aia2i2 ;'ron thc at?eet, cnC titct the permtt ead. ia Located at the front of tlte gope?t7. '?uilliq )ili:iot a2pro"-ed plot sicll renain on the tsuild.r,ng gite at tLL- tiines, ??OCSDUO.E i]R iflsPgq|p!!_1E2UZS!:CALL726-3769 (yecorder) stdte !ou" City Cesigr.zted job tturber, i'ob n,liness, type of inspec'-icniq1,e@eaciyforirspection,corltTd'cta?s,ia"nn,".,,o,,e-a,tpnoienunbcr..'","qu."t'z.ebeiu.edbefcre-7:00,::l '-iLL be racie the sare Cag, tequelts naie cfter ?:00 ott viLL be naCe the nezt wtking da:g. fsz o8C llr 3i7! I:ISP|C:ICX: ?o be rmCe af!* e.cauctio\, 'ut pr)ct +-c aet u? of J'crna. UIID|,?SLA3 ?!L':.13r:IC. !L|C:PICiL I:9!!t:!!!!it, lo be maie be;oz,e zny uurt is eotleted. ?COTI:IG 1 ?0U:!DA?I0it: ?o be taCeiftei ii"ncies at e *earcted ard J'crms are e?ecxeci, but prio" '.o pourtrg ccncret€. Czckiry, you" CitA Desigra.ted. Job ltunbet Is:. I,]SL|LA?IO N /../APCR SARRIIP IIISPICTIAil : lo be nade afier aLL insukticn d nequired uapor buriets de in pTace but befc?e e.g Lath, Wpsn baotC or tnLL couering is aolied, cnd. before oty insulation is conceaLed. --1 r.1,:=G po,-':: D ? at;ltl r:!!z_S::,E.qL )t.t! :fl,J Lir4 :rerci,ce. 7 uamnv'-ccR ?aiJ:.sr:G I :tgcgAttIc;::I t1i@cf flaor ir,suiti,att or deeking. ?0ST .4!tD 3ES:.!: ?o be r.aie oricr toffiilffiof f\oor irsu1.aiior' or -A-DRYiALL I'.lSPlCTICll: Tc Le aade I aCte; "i@f!s in place, h& prlo" to G:7Ly Jep1,74. U4€QW: Steel Locatton, botd. @gr.utiz,4 or uerticdls in aceord.otce vith U.B.C, Section 2415. y00DSTc,/i: ccnaLeted. After instalT-ation is lo lo:t =h.esp- ttugec--icrs h;ue beer i?Ai'!!)lc: i,tust be reo.tested afier atcroua! of rcugh plur,bing, el,ectri- cal 7 neciunieel. ALt tooiinq bracln4 I chisneys, etc. :*tsc be eonol.eted. :!o Dcl^< "Js to be ccn- . cecled unc:.L lhis inspectica i.a.a 'S6sn maie anC apgrt"*ed. a t:,* PLU:.:Br:tc IIl artoo , aDDoa i ad ,r9*^r. fl,e ""ecx;Z but;nio" eotc?ete. SIDgtlALt i )RilTtiA!: Far aLL can- ctete paoing utthin st?eet right- of-uny, to be naCe afler all. ezca- vdting canplete i j-om uotk & ;ub- itase natero)al "Jn pla.ce. After formsto pcur.)ng 2f rnaie ,zd. :ccrctei, t. | ,:1:e!-AC.: -+to? '.O )Lcca7-a :Cc'-nc| | mcterials ard. before frnirq inepec-tior. ?INCE: gates tarhen conpT.ate -- ?ro,liCe or aouable sections th.rough -7tt. f ttt^ur,rraar !!:IAL !'EC?iICAi P.U,E ALL aondt);iona,;acl es the i.nsxallaticn of sil,eet trees, :c-tlezicn of tie reri lctd.sccpirg, ctc. ' tmlst be satisfieC beJ'ore d",e StJiLDIilC !f;'lAL can be reqe ?IltAL NLLDINC: The Final EuildirA fnsaection ntet be yequested. citer the iittal Plmbing EleccrieaL, od Meeltarical irsoecttcns itque been nacie ard aporoued. .ALL,',!A:11!CLES AIID CLEANOUIS IIUST 3E ICCES,I3LJ,.lDJL'57:!::i! ?O 9E:'JDg !.?::O::5! ?C CIIY Aesessors ,Yec ll /. o ^ 0,'r-t Rt ^^^^r,!-p /s/-,j JOB NO.*soLAR,_.-CEss REQ.- bt Sq. Fdg. z cf !,ct Catetage I of Stories lotal leight ?opogrc.clty r,.N AEtr _ Intericr Cornet _ Panhtruile CUL-de-sac D-t - D^"'S. Recaipt #: S.4zed: Pl;nbtng Petrrit Plumbing Perrnit ll9 pereon slu_ll catstptct, ina!cl!, alter or chonqe anA rcu cr e:istittg glwn2ing cr drainage sgst€1l in uhoLe oz, in patt, tttzless such person ts th.e Le-gal possessor of a taliC pLwtber's License, escept that a pb:son r,a.g do plwnbing uotk to p"opert:J ahich is oumed, Leased or opetated by the aipli-- c@tt. Electricol Permit were state Lan nequbes tlut the electt'ical uork be dcne bg atz llectriealContructor, the electrLcal pontion of lhis permit stall not be ualil. untilthe label lns been signed by the ElectrnJcal- Contrdcto?, tal 3 !';pe/CcnstZcze:CecucancL itc'tt>:3c-itcons Lot Feces -!r.e?4,J Soia?aes leai ar i!ouse Carcde Acczss Tatet ll2ate?llo!th East South 'laocistote l,/est -- Fzas -- Building Vtllue & Permit ?his aenat ,)s grcnted on the esp?ess condition tlnt the sai<i constmtelions'rnli, tn tll tescects, confcrm to the c"dinfrtce adocted iy the City ofSpingfielC, 'Jnclud.ing lhe Zoning Crdinance, regulcii.r.tg ;he ccnstttetlcnctd use o! builiitt4s, o"d m=y be susoend.ed oy reuckei at cng tine utcn uic- T,ction oi any prcoiaions of aaiC CrC,irances. :!!:4 o.Ll 0 r-tu TaLue !iiy Ci:A?CE D s.D.c. 1..5 c o.oo aai.f tr^f tta Euildirq PexwLt ?otal C1"cges listz^res Resil.ential ( 1 bath) Sazitarg Seuer 'rlcte! :i0, !es. Sa. fto. Na/Ectend, Cirenits ?anocrag Sem:ice t-ect? ^t, l aati!!y :IC Ftpr.zee 2!UtS Ezha.let HooC Vent Fat Vcodsta:se Mechonic<ll Permit Penat fssuznce Mech.aniccl Pend: f HAW CAAEFALLy SX/LW:IED t?e cattrgleted apolication for pemnit, crui Cchereby certifg that aLL i:cfo:nation hereon' is twe atl eZrtect, *r,1. I fatthez' .certi!:g that any ard. aLL uork cerJ'or:ned elnlL be done i, oo"on_tiance rrith the oydincnces of the CitV bf Sprt)n4fiet.d, od. the La;s of th,estate of 0regcn perca'inrng to the ao"k cescribbd herein, crzd :ina.!; ilo 3cc!)- F.4nC.:t ,LlL be rs..l.e of any st?uctut,z uithout oermissian cJ' the 3ui,idinc Dt--uision. ! fiuther eertif-g that o:tly cont?actors a".d, ";rplayees ,;ha otie irzeqrol:-ance Dath CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thzs project -- a;lcR0AC;i;.!S:t7 -- Secr,cdt! Decogit Stotase Si.da,:aLk lClAL LIIAUJT DU!:'to. Ll0 tt yobit. a*" 2v-y3 L-co * - c'uqt, ttanfur -ffiv-- State Sure]1aae lotal Aaraes Maintetluvce Penee J LeC'-lLCd L LCDe L .. RESIDENTIAL.. 22s itorth sth s;',reeAPPL;cAT r,N /PERl,r? Sgr"ngfield, Cro.gon 97477 EuLLCLng ULtLei.On 726-37 53 SPFIIF.lGFIEl-D ,lob Locaticn:J \Asses6o"2 ilaD I rl ?os tat il Subdi';isicn: Phanz 4t** ']*zer:Pa^{e"rCtrt 0 W'A\*..ld&ess.' Peee:=: 4 Describe Hork .'lq) lc-1 Vaiue t-t ue,{i ,fL tcze of favwc.l/-. : S-' r.' -- ?.anoCeL Generel ',I Sanilay seter cqced :t prcgetry Lir:e Septic totk g"irped ad. fille<i ,,rtth gratzi Pincl - l'lhen cbcue itens are ecnole;ei anC ahen lancl);ioz: is eafiLe:e br sa:-;c- tute noueC ad. are::r)ses cleanei ut. r!c:i2s Blocking od Set-:tg ?knbin4 ccnneciicns -- saiev od, uclet Electr"Jecl Ccnr-ection - Blccking, set-u, an:i pttunbing co-nt:ections r;st Le qprcued. bei'orc reques t')rry el eciz'iccl irspec=io;z Aecessc,.g Suililrg 2cnekes, sklrting, Ceei:,s,Final - i,f'"er etc. @e caao ?=:a 1 or' 2 L Conste.rcticn !gntk!_ t) is lhe reegonc'ibili;y of tla penti! hoLd,er to eee thdt aL! inspectionl de nada at )he proper tlne, tLat aach ciltess is teadal^Le ;roat the stteet, anC lhct the per+:rit, cd ie Lccated at the fz-Jnt of tl,e propetty.12ui!di-4 V):ti:io- ap;m^eci pt-cn shcli rema"Jn on the Stii<itng Sf,te ax eLL' rines.- )'n'?nt')t =^D "'tcar-rC!!?|?!!!!:CALL 726-3769 (yecorCey) state your Citg Cesigra.ted job nto;ber, job aCfuess, type of insgeczicn -- reqaesceci c:'i uien ilcu uiLL ce teciy for ir.spection, Contractars o? A-zers rane crd. phcne n't;ttber, Pequests receii:ed befcre 7:CC s,lill be rade the sane &y, request.s nd.e aftet 7:00 on utill be naie the n.t'Jorkir'€dag.% e:-!:l'q>r-r^rr. qcffi-u.io be raie ai".er priar tc aet u? of fcrms. ?CC!:IC a ?Ct-';lDAl:C:l: lo be taieaF t:zncAs are ezcqsated ar'i. fcnrs are erec'-ei, but p"iar io pourtrq c.ncrete. u:!riRc2cu:t9 ?iL'!.e !:;c. s,EP.'i.17!?. nPA: :Aci!--:;ir-Ae ?-i.a.,o ;'i i- Lir4 *er,cice. u!t9tP!:cc? ?tu:S rtc t !a!l?!.3t!CAL : ic be r=ie pricr '-c '-ns-"cllc,=ian of Youa Cifu'Desigra,ted Job lhnbet Is: |||SULAT:DN /YI'.P?P 34PRI!3 I!15?!C!!C iI : To be naie after eLL insulcticn eti nequited uqor ba,rie?s @e ia olace brt before ory Lath, glpsurt bceC cr rnLL couer')ng is cpplied, et"d beioro- oty insulation is concealed.- ut9:PsL;3 ?::::.8::1G, IL?C:P!C,|L 2 I | ,r::ari.., tt-;-: t'O 2€ lrade Ce:Afe Cny uor( 1s ecteted. F.it.til ?:'It9!::G. !:i::9lCAa , rttc1- ;:l::).:: .:o )o"i. ')s zc ce co::ePe6. Gi-f =kese tt*aecticrs,tc'se': een rna:e =.C Tcrc:ie!. Fl?1?LACi: h.ior lo >Lce:.ra tcc:-na mc=er,.a:.s crd. before irmir4 inscec- tior.. V ie.t::lc: !tust'ce tec-aesteC cf2en J c??rou"L ci rcuqh pittr.-cing, ellectri- - "'o'i I neci.Lnieel:,. ' sL! nl;':"a brccirg 3 ch,Jtmeys, etc. rtsc be ccrryLeteri. llo .;crk ia to be con- - cecip-d tntil :his insoecicn ).a,s 'been tsde cnz ;p.orcteC. DRYVA.LL iilSPlC?Y)]: Tcffiii-dtT@it-ts ;n but pt ior co any tapin4 llAS1ll?l: Steel Location, bondEfrijg?outin4 or uertieals in accorCorce vith U,ts.C. Secticn 2418. ?CCDS!1'/o: Afte?,:nstd.Llatton is atoLe.-eci. CUPB ,t A?PPCACI| APP.)N: Aftet forasae erecteC but prior to pcur|tq conctete. SID|I.D.LK & DRf|TlA?: For aLL co-tt- cret; pqu@ ul;E; st"eet right- ol'-,,;cy, tc be naCe a;'ter aLL ezcc- uatl,ng eanoiete ,1 forn ';otk I oub- base rcterLal in place. be naie pLace, rl I fZoor ,l,neulc'"ian ot deeking. 71 mst A:tD BzA!.!: lo be rcce t-Jor '-o-r--', I ir.svclkticn of fZcor ir-tui,a.zic'n or Czckt ng. L] I o ALL projecx ca.Ciiions, suck ae thc "-1ns;allccicn cf stteet i?zes, :c-cleticn cf ti+e rcquired Lcttiscccirg, cte., anlst be sacisi'ied befcne the SU|IDI::G lIliAL :cn be reqaesceC. ilNAL WfLDi:lc: Tne Fincl Build,irq lnsgecticn n-tst be ?ecuested :ilet the iiral ?ltt*birq llectrical, ani ltecioaniccl inspecticns iauc been naCe arl c>prcuec. .ALL i4A:IIiCLiS AIIC CLET.IICIJT9 I,IUST BZ ACCESSitsLJ, .1DJI.:SI:!:::! lO ZZ:.t'Dg T,? !!O::S? TC CI:Y I !I:IAL PLU:.,!31:;C F:IAL .'.EC;.!;IICAL =7t1Af ;faMofa.2 o-z9a 1o'Cc LL, t t9o".. !.!eclc,:ic:L I lt T f-] r!'1,'cs.. ',{h,en conpiece -- ?rouiie l) gaxes or aouable secticns through P, A. E. IJ ?=ce 2 JOB NO bt 5q. ftj. 7 cf lct Ccuerage ! of Stor)es ?ctcl !.eigh= ?ogogrehy Stcte Tctal Crctces *hast !|oo,i. Meciz,n:lccl ?erwtt soLAR ACCESS REQ.- Cct:,carzz L-CO G* a 3eircons _ inte*icr _ Cormet _ Paniuuile Cal-de-sac n-+- u-;s. # Electricol Permit Were S'"cte Lan requites tlut the eleetrical wrk be done bg an glaetpJcal Contractor, the electrical portion of this pernit eha.LL not be ua'!.id, unti!the la.bel i@,s been signed by the Electr.ical- Contracto", Mechq nicql Permit A )cessietcoe)r 'tac lzces - iiaod.ctore -- Pzes -- -'-i .(7a Building Vqlue & Permit Th,)s tennit ts gtanted on the exo?ess eoruiiiicn that the said ccnacrtc=ionshail, rn zll z.eseeccs, eon:.?.11 -:c the 3rdirance zdoiteC cy ;he Cia! .2:' Spr.)rgl')elti, inclriing ;he Zanlrg Ctdinarce, regalcting ihe ecrs:=ti-.lcnstti yse oi buikiings, and. n=y ce suecez,ieC or reuckei at ary t-.ne u:cn uic- Latica o1' .ztg prcuisions cf scii 2rdirances. 7C!.11 7tLA9 s.D.c. 1.5; ?uild,)ng Per*":t eek State lolal Ci",a:gea I?!:.t it).LLIiU: ll2tutes Plumbing Permit tesid,a*ial ( 1 bcth.)llo_ perscn shdll canstruct, inslal!, alter ot change any nea cr e:isting qlwnbina cn drainage systen in uiole ot in pat.t, unless such person is- th.elegal possessor of e ual-id plwtbetts License, e.ee9t that a pbtson aa? do plzmbing xotk to p"operb! ahich is otned, Leased on opetcted by the *pli.-@flt. Seaet ?L;n$ng Perrit Res. So. fta ilas/Eztend, Cirerils laiDcrdy Set-lice la"m ,4o 10,4e C:ilECg,:;c. ?srs.ce ?TU'S 7e t ?at vcoistote -- .f.7C.?,?rlu-;t'5.'Jl -- Secty)lu De=csi: Stotzoe PLcn izcninei I HAW CAR!?ULLI g&$tfilED tle eotrpleteC toplt)caticr,. fot petnit, cz,ri ichereby certifg that alt infc:na!-Jbn herecn- is tmte at-l. cZrtecx-, cnl. i fit:her certiJi 2hat ang ard ail ;otk =eriotted shalL be done in acccn- danee ,,rith the Ardintnees of r.he City cf Springfield, atd. ;he ic;a of c'eeState of Cregcn pertaininc to lke wnk Cesc.*-beC heretn-, el. :)tc-- lO CCC!- P/.:lCl 'nLLi b-e ,rc.ie oI' an! s?-t-tc..u,a uilhout teynrisaion of the Ju:.lciing 2:.-vtsion. I futther :ertt.,"3 ti"c.t o:tly ccnzrae'acrs o-i e:rplcyees xho aZ incc:tpliance Dtth CRS 701.055 utill be useci cn lhis crcjectSi.de,tzLk Jlec )fiobile ilcme ?CTAL A.+!OU}I? DUE:'Signe<i Da;e ita')ztercr"te FD-15 TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: FIRE DAIVIAGE PIEPOP'T OR ELECTRICAL HAZA,RD {3zoso DATE:(.:> -k3 Building Deoarf,nent Spri ngfi el d Fi re Department Structura'l Damage to Bui 1 di ng Address or'locat'ion of building J4,\1 Q]..os -t(Lrn - I Name of ot'iner lrs /). A-3,-,r--l\ Type of building (Dwel f ing , Store, I,Jarehouse, etc. Estinrated value of building S SCOTOO O Est'imated I oss to bu'il di nq s 8,cc d Location of damase i n bu'il di nq ( Rcof ,I I, Exterior,Interior, etc. ) Structural weakness as a result of the fire (Burned raf ';erS , Eeams , "1oi sis, etc. ) Addi iional peri-inent infcrnat'ion Electrical Hazard (hlirjng, 0utlets, etc. ) cc Siqned ) Date of f ire Q- )a - ,33 ) ELECTRICAL INSPECTION REPORT JoBADDRESs 24SZ P/teQJant Dtvl. owNER ./ e.y /t'e rl . ,D u r n e// DArE // - /4 -C3 PHONE ADDRESS TENANT OR OCCUPANT TYPE OF INSPECTION HOUS ING OCCUPANCY COMPLAINT Fi r€//- , 7 I n a //n -O/"r, n),,hrt e Y IBUILITIi'{G IiIUISIi}l'{ JfiBr J3?O8+ -LHTJAL" Li]T -ENERLiY*HEATT. 3- H?+-. RANfifi.. _IJAL.L]H_ 1 000 83S9?6 / -STAT$. T{LTtG $1'0RrES TJENEI4 ur't l TIi $fi FEET FlNAL * I NFO- REF.AI R COI,II4ERCIAL ?99V s31 0?6 ;l4tl? *trtrliRH$!i* F.HEA9:ANT IIE$t]RIF IRE TIAI.IAGE. -Ot4lNER- I-E$LIE EIURI.{ELL ?4T}7 F'HEASANT $THEHT $r.,RINGF IELI'r 0htEGBt.l q7477 siT t{L0Cti. ijE:il-ItEOUIttHtr FEftl,tIl'5-*--'.-fiEE-.--suf{f,HAfiGE.-ItATE-RE.CEl:F'T-**FEnl4IT***-**--UALUH--- -tIE$IGN"I'EAM- F'R I I,I* $T./E- EL./E* F I,t./E- ool.-oo?*trurLItrNG FERttIT 10.00 0.40 $309?? &L7&V O0?*O04--EL-E[TRICAL ].O.00 O"40 iiSJ.OO;'Cr1805 OO1.-O63.FIRH TIAI'ITTGE t,IATER FIEATER$ IIFIi'lAGETI OO:]-O44-ELECTRIC SERVICE OO3*O63-.FIRE IIAI4ASE I.IATE}T HEATER 004-063--TI I HE TTAHAGE OOS..O63"F IRE IIAI'IAGE $O6-Odr3--F I RE ItAl'lfrSE OO7-.O44*ELECTRIC $ERUICE oo8-o63"F r rrE trAi.{AGE o09-01 6*F froriRE$s I uE ol0-.063*FIRE trAttfiGE O1 L-063..F IRE trAt'tirGE O 1}-01 I*TIRYIJALL F'RU LEAH I NG O13-O63*FIRE TIA}.iAGE O14_O19_FINAL BUILITING O15-02?..FINAL F.LUI,IFING -COI.I1'F{ACTCIRS- GENL- F Ll,ttr- ELECT- MECH- zCIt-tE FIRE Z0NIr FL-tlCIttF LfrIN 1r0OO A i:iHn*i'4Ii'{IHUI'i rN$FEITI[tt'l$ + ItEItUIRHi'tENT$- -..--*ExF' ltttrTE---AIT [rr'r]'[:-' to 1 *09I-- F:E QU I REi"lEl.t]'RE:FERFTAL FRO},I FIF:E TIEF'ARTI',IENT *30?13 l{r, 83(19:6 nli *309?7 F'Lls30f:9 r0 s3(i?I3 NO B3O??dr I0 u309?6 0li s3f9;:t] uG $30??s NF' s309?? IO s309?9 ro t!31005 ffli $31007 F i.l 8310?6 0lt $31016 0li T0l( ti T0li :?0 rr-7 ?(r 't r\ '-.r I I ;lo 07 E RG t0 o7 ?(1 a7 o3 07 CI3 03 0ti