HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-05-28t!.. RESIDL JTIAL.. APPLICATION /PERIIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, )regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn:I Aeeeseors Map # Subdivision:t1 ov iL qa A^mer:Leon ^.{zD ) Addz,ess:q1s Phone: SPFTINGFTEL.D oolo 0 a Iq ,l yn A.il o( \) city:I lc> [l Desqlbe Hork:Net Additicn R-a..tro=Jf,Yt llr €-tPnrr Pr / 5r^q ? , a{ I2 lq RenoCeL Date of Aco tteattcn 5\- }a-tl'vatue 5OO , eontrac--ots General C)Dfa PLunb lLeetrieal l.!ecisr.ic.zL Constrteticn Leruier 5-)s % I-: is'-he'responsibility of tle petwit hoZder to see that aL! inspections dre nade at the F?ope? tin., th61t --sfi.-rliress ,!.s vsa;n^:2i.?t1 -t.he Btteet, dnc tildt the-permtt.eazri is Loeated at the frcnt of tte prooert! '?ui!dir4 Diui:ior dtivoxed. clan sizcll rer,ain on tla zutlciin!- :i1; ct aLL tines. i:c::!',?l F?P. i:ls-Dac?rcil I!-?'/EST;CALL 726-3769(recordey) stdte you! Citu desiontted. job nu;ber,, iob aii7.ess, tyTe of insoee:icn?z.oucsted and u.;cen'gou uiLL be reaciy fcr irsocetion, contyactc?s ct c*ters taqe i:ni phoie n.:rtbet,.' -.1.qr."", z,eceii;'ed. bZ;c'.e'Z:cg a:til be made the sone ticg, ?equests nade cfter z:00 ot nLLL be mace the n*" ririll-Lr. ycu" Cifu Desigr.a.ted Job Nutnber fs:tto >5-) ?eatirei !1'. c,t s ?cz, Iat # I I :l l c?-a r'r?:=.---.tr.To be rm.de afterprio? tc set up ofescarlatian, but fcrme . DT : iobe fr^aDfaaf 0 before cny co -.,J-Dr.- -,.1 / vll:L:. i.lafi!:1 J.,':5::-, :,., : Io be na:ie after aLL insulaxicn arui rcou{red 'uapor bat ie?s @e in oiacebai beicne ory Lath, Wpsun baari ortnLL couering is applied, and. beforeory insulation is concealed. a-,,ar i-?a:t .-r r,ai:- untk is eatsered. F')CT.tiiG 1 FCU:IDATICil: ?o be rm.Ce - aite:. irencnes are eceauate<i arui forms are erecxed., but pz,ior to pour,4ng ccnerete, DRIHALL MSPICIICN: Tcafter aLL aryuall is inbut prior to anA taping. be nad.e place, o oe maae l'lAS)IlR!: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting or perticals in aceor<i.otce Ltith U,B.C. Section 2475, W)ODST)'/E: After installation ie ccnpLeted. CURB 8 APPRCACU App)N: Aftet formsare eyeeteC but prior to pourLng conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRflrEWAy: Fot aLL eon-etete patsirq uithin street right-of-tsc!, to be maCe after aLL eeea- oatina conplete & fotn uotk & sub- base natertal in place. IENCE: Men conplete -- protsiCe gates on nouable sections through P.A.E. ALL pnoiect eonditions, such aa the i.nstallatzon of styeet ttees, eo::rolction of therequired Landsecping, etc.' tmtst be aatisfied befote the BUILDII\C FIIiAL can be requested.. PINAL BUTLDING: The Fi.nal B_uilding. Inspection met be tequested cften the pinal plunbingElsctrical, otC lieclwticcl Inspectl.ona 'tuuc been nad.e- ird'ipp"rird. I unolwtoc,q mu:sruc a ytcsavu:, ' T9 Da naae prict to insxallacion of floor insulction or decking. 1 posr nuo aetu: To be nade prior toI installaticn of flooz, insulation or deckittg. '- R)L'Cil pLLr:BI;lc, ELEC?!?!CA: .t rtFCH_I :::=:;:-----I A tt I C AL : i; o uork-l{TTii-66t er ec)-- - urtiL these inspectiors iuue beennaie and aoproued.. I FIP.EPLACE: Pr.ior to plceira fasinoI mctericls ard before fronini ir"p"L-tion. 1 rm::fnc: Must be requesteil aften) app-roual of rough pltrrbing, electri_a.l & nechanieal. ALL roofirq btactng E chinmeys, ete. trust be . eonrpleted. ilo uZrk is to be eon- - ..cealed until this inspeetion tae-''been nole anC apptoued. xtencitee. FTNAL PLUI.BII\C FINAL MECHANICAL rIilAL ELEC|RICAL l l x l Scni2arT sanet capced. .t p"op.?t! Lir.e Septi3 totk p:,ned d filT,eC uith nra,-e" Pinal - khen abcue itens are ec*clecei ard uiten iqtclition is eo-tlele bn "t=."-xuye nouei oa prerLses clZaned u>. Blocking @1d Set-up Plunbing connectiotts -- aa/re? al. uaiet Eleetrieal Ccnteetion - Blocking, set-u= and plunbing connections nast be ac>rct-ei befote requesting elec:rtcal inspeZ;iot Accessory* BuilCing Final - Aften pcrckes, skirting, d,ecl+s,etc. oe conpleled. Page 7 of 2'ALL I'|ANHCLES AIID CLEANOUTS HUST BE A1CESSIBLE, ADJUST\\1iE TO BE t!1DE t? tto cgsT TO Cr?y $t-W 1.roe No. tt6>5) soLAR AccEss REe.-L-CO G+ Bec:roons | [-ot Sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Cooerage ! of Sto tes lotal Height !opography :?E:.1 ;.lain TOTAL VALUE LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cormer _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permtt is granted on the exp"ess condition that the said consttaction sLuLL, i.n all respects, eonfonn to the Ordinance adopted 6iy the City ofSpningfield, including the Zoning CVdinance, regulcting the ecnstracticnorl .use of buildings, and mey be suspended or reuokeC at cnA time upon uic-Lation of any ptcuieions of said Ordinances, S.D.C. 1..5 x Buildtng Penrit State Sutchage ?otal Chargee liztt*es ?esiiential (1 bcth) Seuer Plunbix.e Perr:tt Receipt fl: Sigted: Plumbing Permit No person shall constntet, instal!, altet, ot elwnge anA nea cr existing plwnbing or drainage sAsten in uhole on in patt, unless such person is the Leoal possessot, of a ualid plwnber,'s L.tcense, esceDi tl^a.t a De?son nay dopltnbing uork to p"ope?ty uhich is oumed, Leased or operateti by the appli- cant. Lot Faces --fnetgu Sounees Tu:e Setbaeks lleat P.L Houae Cotaae Access.Watef !!eate"North Eost South Hest x Value PLan Cheek Fee L:ate Paad ^l I s.-aIio Electricol Permit hltere State La,t z,eouites tiut the eleetrical uork be done by an Electrieel Cont?acta?, tite electz,ical cottion of this permit shall ncx be ualiC untilthe LabeL lns been etgnei by ti,ze Electtical Contyceto". ,;as/Zzterui Ciredts Set'uiee Iotal I 32-so 9o a3.yo :f:.1:Mechonicol Permit'.,t:"r.zee 9TU' -|fi).st HooC "'ent Fot lcodsto;te ,oraoe ":intenance vtbcut iia,talk tnical tabel cbile Hane PernrLt fssuance Meclnnicel Permtt -- LI]CRCACHI4S!]T -- TataL P Lan l,ionlner f,-28- 8C i:C .ro )TAL N'IOUITI DUE:1 6 a7.('o'Date f HAW CAREFULLy EXAI,\INED tle eornpleted application for pernit, cnd do hereby certify that aLL info:mation het,eon is true anl. ccrtect, cttC f futther eertifA that any ard aLL uot:k perfotned alnll be do:l- i.n oeco?- dance vtth the 2rdinanees of the City of Springfield, atd the Las of the* State of 1regcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed het'ein, cr.d tiut N0 0CC'!.1- PANCY vilL be rrude of any st?ueture tLthout permission of the Suilding N-uision. f furthen eertifr- thet only contracto?s a;d enplcyees uho are in cotpliance dith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projeet " RESID- ,rlTlAL" 225 Notth ith Stneet Sprtngfield" 0regon 9?4?7 hti.Lding Diuision 726-3753 SPTINGFTEI.D b aee T,ocated on tle Ioun Cifu Desigr,ated Job Nttmber fs: after # 8 (-'/ Date: at the prope" titae, tl,at s44ft .-i,io*ss is vsa)nhig tulx It i. thc rcapons.ibility of tb pe?,ni.t hotd,*Iffi ,h"fr33i,ffi|.yi,,#;):ffi;"tlrat all inapectians oe nad.e ?t.*" ftont of tlte wop*at.uuaLding Site at all- tilnes.' GeneraL A@_tenaet__ fotme. : ?o be nade afterpna? tc set up of #:in 26-3769 (recondet) "t!!" yoy city desig"nated, job ntmbet, job arFneas, tgpe of inspeelic_ntr'spection, cont?actc?s or a,nere- tlatte "otd _plnne runbet. p.eEtests teceixed, befcre- ?:00 qlaft* ?:00 on viLL be nnd,e tii-Lii"T& *r. l wk ie eaez,ed- !y2 *" ",."tf,di, ^;iii3X y Fpounng ccnc?ete. .ttrq ttenchee. t t"r - fLoo? insuZation or decking. W.r,fr"';H:l*:;n .ts:t-il these i43psations lnoe iZ-i,tad.e d1d opprortLC. PIPEPLACE: futot to wffi'",trT;.1?ffifr{r,#x_ DWALL_{NS?EC?ION: ?c be nad.ealue! aLL dtyuall is in place,but p"iot, to anA tapiry. IUS)NRL Steel location, bond.Deams,_ gtouting ot, uerticals inac-c_ond.otee LTith U. B. C. Section2415. WW After inetalZation is W*o{'"r.{,tr"@t1e?ete. q.I2E .ALK q. DRfr(WAy: For aLL con_ :y:.? p?irg vith-in et?eet nisht_9f-M!, to be naCe after al_L -e-zca_ ,.1!i"g lanO.Lgte. e forn wt k a sttb_Mse naterial in place. x W;t,#{zi:;ffi,Si.i;;*. .lr?acL-?1g & ehittmege, etc. ,ntsi b.lornple-ted. tto Gr* i" to'iz-.iotr_ " " i ;*ffi' :i* *, jr"x.;k; i;;- &w:.,T;##:z:3,",,T#.2r P. a. E. ALL ptoj_ect cond,itions, such. aetequr.ned Zandsccpirg, etc., mtat the installation of st?eet lv2sg,conplction of tieB ,rrnt pLaMBrttc f wnu MEcaANTcAL ) nnet ELEcmrcAL l FINAL BaLLDING: The pinal Building fnsDect..Electrtcal, otd. I,lecturicat rupZ"i;"i'r;irz,?" mtst be tequested after the Einal pZunbingbeen nade and, appp61224 be eatisfied before the BUTLDTNG FINAL can be z,equested. Sanitog saset capped at ptopetfii Lix,e Septic tank p;.*qed, and. fi,tled ti,th gra;sel,, Final-- httten abcue itans are conpletedal;d ahen C-q.olition ie conplete .o" "trr"_ture noued ord prerrises .tZ*rea ,*.-"'*- Le Hcmes PlunbinX connectiona -- oaie? ozC, uater Electr.tcal Cotnection - Blocking, eet_up #.*ryU:2";ru2'*z:*i,T"Aii;:;- skirting, decks, Blocking otd Set-up Ftnal - Aftet pctekesexc. clte conpleted. Job Iacatiott: Aaoeeeors Map #?as Lot #3 3€ /Z-oJ -S\bdiuieion:# L (da\s o^>Osttet:a-t: Addrees:qss Phone: 7LL- 82-3l Date of App Additicn *ALL T,IANIICLES AND CLEANOA?S MAS?BE ACCESSTBLE,ADJASTHENI ?O BE MADE NT NO COS ?O CNY Page 1 of 2 T 6 z JOB NO.SOLAF :CESS REQ.-L-co* Be1toons: Building Volue & Permir This pernttt is granted on the erpt,ess condition tlut the sail. eonstyactions_tulL, in_a-ll -t,espects, gonform to the OrdLrwnce adopted by the City ofsp1-ttgfield' includ.tng lhe zoning cvdinance, regulcting th-e ccnstmictiZnanl .use o^f buildings,_ otd may be, suspend.ed or rbuokec -ot ".y time upon oic-Tation of dtA prcoisions of said Ordinances. Lace n-+- D-:). Reeeipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No_ peneon slwll constntct, install,, altet' or elunge cnA ,,ed cr eristingplwrbing or dtainage sgstai in ahole ot in paz,t, unless sueh pet,son is- tlte Legal possessor of a oalid plunbet's Lieense, eqcept that a pe"son mag do pltonbing uork to property ulttch is oaned, Leased or operated by the dppli.- @nt. Building Permit State ?otal Clwrgea Plwnbing Perntt State ,#{k;H,' l''' "Y */,t/ra f HAW CAREFALLY EXAMIIIED t?e eontpleted application for pennit, dnd do herebg eertify that aLL infornation hereon ie ttae atd eorrect' and f firtker certify that atry ard aLL uork perfomted slall be -done in aceot- dance rtith the 2rdinances of the City of SprLngfield, ard' the Lcxs of the* State of 2regon pertaining to the wtk Ceseribed herein' end tllat N0 ?CCU- pANCy ;tL Ule ,,ade of any sttntctuye wtthout pernission of_ the Building DL- uision. I fi*then eertiiE that otly contractors od enplcgees uho are in conpliance Dith oRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project Lot Faces - Df House Caraoe Aceess No"th East Fire South LOT ?WE _ fnteriot _ Corner _ Panhandle C'ul-de-sac ITEM T IU x Value Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lot Cooerage ! of Stories ?otal Height ?opography nbin fuace Carport Accessotu 4AzoSet 5a-o'Y TOTAL VALUE s,D.C. 7.5 c /on ,{o /o ,4c-> - UMfrULNOFEE Pi-stures Resid.atttia.L ( 1 bath) Sanitary Sanet, lldter ftt ,a2tn"^L./z ,i54 /bD Electricol Permit Vhez,e State Lan requires tlnt the electrLeal uonk be done by an Eleetrical Contraetor,, the electrLeal portion of this permit slall rot be oalil until the Lobel lns been signed by the Electt"ical Contracto!. TotaL {.o Na,t/Ertend, Circuits Tantpcroy Seroiee /sao FEE nt, A DPd Mechonicol Permit EzlLanst HooC IJcodstotse Vent Fot Permtt rssudtce Mee?tanictl Permtt ,bo / S,GO -. ENCROACHMENT -- Seeuritu Deoosit Storaqe Maintenanee Penntt Cvtbqtt Sida'talk .{ oroi)- Eleetrical Inbel Mobile Honre TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*4auz Signed Date p/k Tctal Charaes 7?i},1 NC. hnffi.e P?ll'S 1 .. RESID. ITIAL.. APPLICATION /PERTLIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" )regon 97477 Buil&tng Diuision 726-37 53 Job Loeaticn: Aesessots Map # Svbdittision: A,met: Address:Phone: ci Desct4be Notk: SPFIINGFIEL.D Ics Lot # &/aa 2 MAS2NRU Steel Location, bond beons, grouting or oerti.ccls in aecordorce Mth U.B.C. Section W1ODST)W: After installation is anpleted, 4 @7".77- .TEFZ eG2 Additicn ,%roo* y',?aZrm t-x fui2e ruq /,gZ'z*?,re>RenoCelnle Eone Date of App Licatian 9- GeneraL C o nsyug!! on_-L end e!_ @ 4 Date: Value Iour Cifu Desigzated Job Nutnbey fs:gtu L I-t ie the respottsibi-Lily oi-tle penrtt ttolder to aee ttwt alt inopectiotts ee nad,e at tte pro?et tine, that eaeh .,t4ress is rsadn'^i"Iy:-* st?ee.t, and, tlat the-petmit9atd ie l,ocated at the frcni of the Wope?t!^Building Dioicion appto"*ed plan s?cLL remain on tlte Bi;.ial,"ig- sliie at aLL tines. ll?ocEDUP\ Fo\ IySPEcTrotl ,E:8|IEST:CALL 726-3769 (veeordev) state your city designated. job nwr;bet,, job nliress, type of inspee=icn ::f"il"1-fd::.:rl uiLL be ready for ir"spection, contraetcrs o? ormnr"-r.r.L"a eu"" nunbet,.' R;A;; -"eLetiZa bLycre'z:0c szLYLL be made the sane day, "equests nade aftet ?:00 on urill be mad.e the nect .totking'iag. _1 ANDERSLAB PLI.:MBTNG, ELECTRICAL &l@nyuoyk Ls couered. -l PopTrNc e EqUNpArrcN: ?o be np.CeI a|xe" trenches ane ereaated and. forms ate ereeted, but prior to pouz"ing ccnereta. - ailDgRGPoUTD PLaMEIN?. SI\IEP.. W.LTER.I D.I:ArilAGE: To be naCe prtor to fil-Lirq trenehes. I u_noyapzoo! prulnrnc a_wauntcnr,,n -, T9 be ma.d.e prior to instalLation of floor insul,ation *ffitzg. I P.9S? ANp BEAM: To be nade prLot toI installatian o! floot, itaulation or decking. 'I;4 R)r-tGH ?LUEIilc. ELECTRTCAL & ttECH_,A.ltntcn:@ - w:til these inspections Tnue beet; _ made and. aoproued.. I prtwr.ac_!: prLot to pkcirg facing -) materials and. befote froning inspel-tion. fl pnultNc: ttust be requested afte?/\l app-rooal of rough plutrbing, electri-cal & meehanical. ALL roofing braeing E ehinmegs, etc. mtst- be . anpleted. lto ucrk ie to be eott_ - cecled until this inspeetton has'bee.n mad.e anC approtted. 4 N Tl INS(]LAruON/V/1.POR BARRIER ITSPECTION :Io be nade after aLL insulaticn ad, required oapor borieys @e in p'La.ce but before ory lath, Wpsun bcarC or tnLL coueting is applied, and. beforeoty iraulation is concealed. rc4 DRYWALL INSPECTION: ?c be nade lAl after aLL CryuaLL is .in place, but prior to any taping. c|ry? T^t<DFanr4it. ezcauation, but forne. FTilAL PLUI4BIIIG FINAL I,IECHAilICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ?o be made after prtot tc set up of CURB & APPROACH APPON:ee ereeteC but ptior conol,ete. SIDEWALK & DRfr,EWAy: For aLL con-crete pauing uithin st*eet right-of-tey, to be maCe after aLL etea- oating canpLete & forn utotk & sub- base ttatertal in plzce. UICE: hher conplete -- ProoiCe gates o? notsable sectians tfu,ough P.A.E. ALL projeet eonditi.ons, such as the i.ns+.allation of st?eet tt,ees, conoletion of tienequired Landseaping' etc., mtat be ;atisficd befote the BaTLDIN-7 FillAr, can be tequested.. FINAL BUTLDING: The Pinal B-uitd.ing fnspeetion mt,;t bn ,eqr"otnd cften the pinal ptwnbingElectrical' od. tieclarical rnspectiono ha,e been nade- itd'ippnoind. After formsto pouring a DEt.l}LI?rAU 0R UILDI;ICS Sardtory ser,ter capped et propere; line Septic tutk p:,rzped and filled trith gra;sel Final - I{hen obcue itens ate ccnoleted and uhen Cenclition is eornplete'or stnic- tuz,e mooed and. prerrises cleaneC up. l,lobile Hcnes Blocking od, Set-up Pl,mbing connections -- aare? od. uatet Eleetri,cal Ccnnection - Blocking" set-ug and. plunbing eonnections m;st be apprcxbd before requesting electrical inspecliot: Accessory Bui.LCiry Pinal - After pcz,ehes, ski,rting, d.ecl<s,etc. @e cotpleted. Page 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANH2LES AND cLEANours MUST BE AccESsrBLE, ADJasrlrEiD ?o BE I.I4DE A? Eo c-sT To cryy d T Becxoons JOB N t SOLAR A' ESS REQ.-L-CO G+ eat AccessDfHouse Int Faees - Lace toxe % of Lct Caserage LCt rwE _ Intenicr _ Cormer _ Panhand.Le _ CUl-de-sac # of Stories ?otal Height Topogrqhy -- Fees -- I?EM F?G x Value Building Volue & Permit This perrnt is granted on the erp"ess cond.ition tlat the said_constructionsltall, in a'l.L respects, conforn to the }rdirance adopteC fiiy the Ci,ty of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstracticn and use of buildirqs, otd mty be suspend.ed or reookeC at c'tlg time upon oic- Lation of any prcoisions of said 0rdir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 x Building Penrit O Fee: State ?otal Clnrgee Zo. I?EM NO FEE CHAP.GE Plumbing Permit Ilo pereon slwl.L constlaet, instaL!, alter or change any nea cr ezisting plunbing or drainage systant in;,thole or in part, unless such petson is tle Legal possessor of a oalid plutnbet:'s License, eceept that a pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to prope?ty uhich is ormed, Leased or opez,ated by the appli- cafit. Fi,ctures Resil.znti.al (1 bath) Seuet Plunbing Penrtt e State Sutel"azge @ NO FEE C|IARGE Res. Sq. ftu.z2AO 2<e Nas,/Eotend, Circaits ?anpcroy Set"uice ?,(:: //. o bhanst Hood. Vent Eot a NC.FEE l,lcodstoite eJ> crP- a Mechq nicol Permit rP Mec?nnical Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sea*itu Deposit Storage Maintenance PermLt Cvrbeut Si-dasalk Fence Eteetnieal La.bel O rrd B aar{, Mobile Home GEE # Petmit Electricql Permit Where State La,t tequires tha.t the electz,ical uork be done by an ElectrLeal Contrd.ctor, the eleetrical portion of this permit slwll not be oalil. w*il the Label lras been signed by the Electr.tcal Contracto?. I EAW CAREFULLy EXAIIINED tle contpleted application for pentrit, dnd. ilo hereby cettify that aLL infonnation het'eon ie ttae and. cotreet, anC f futthet, certifg that atty atd aLL aork perfomted slnll be dote in aecor- dance ttth the 0tdinanees of the City of Sprtngfield, and. the Las of the State of 1regcn pentaining to the uotk Cescribed het,ein, cnd. ttldt NO )CCU- PANCy t'lill be nade of anA st"uctw.e uithott pennission of the Building N- oision. I further eertify that only eonttactors ad anplcgees uho are in cotpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoieet Total TotaL * TO?AL ANOUI|T DUE:*4 ?7.no PermLt Issudtce Oa.n,'ilalrq SPIlINGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department oI Public Works 1885- 1 985 Springlield Centennial year July 3, 1985 CERTIFIED LETTER Bronell B. & Ruby G. Jones c/o Anthony Wayne Vintinner 1487 Main Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Bronel I B. & Ruby G. Jones 6022 Fhurston Road Springfield, Oregon 97478 Anthony Wayne Vintinner 998 Quinalt Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 Subject: NOTICE AND 0RDER T0 C0MPLY IIITH THE SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY C0DES AT 998 QUINALT STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Dear Property 0wners: The structure located at the above referenced address, more part'icular'ly described as Lane County Assessor's Map L7-03-26-42, Tax Lot 00100, iS, for the reasons indicated below, an unsafe and substandard building as described in the Springfield Housing Code (appljcable Code excerpts are attached). Lane County Assessment and Taxation records indicate that you are the owners of this property. Secti on 203 of the Springf i e'ld Admi ni strati ve Code descri bes bui 1 d'ings and structures which are unsafe. Unsafe buildings are defined as those which are structurally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a fire hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life. Section 1001 of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The fol'lowing items'include but are not limited to conditions existingat the structure in question, classifying it as a substandard building: INADEQUATE SANITATION AND HAZARDOUS PLUMBING The underfloor plumbing drainage system is inadequately supported with reverse slopes which can cause stoppage. Most of the plumbing fixtures are unvented, which causes resistance to the flow of waste material in the drain system. Improper fittings were used on the drainage system, creating restricted flow and potential stoppages. I 2 3 225 North sth Street o Sprinqrfield, Oreqon97477 o 503/726-3753 Property 0wners July 3, .l985 Page 2 There are several open waste lines under the building, which allow sewer gases to escape. The laundry room has an open waste and vent l'ine allowjng sewer gases to escape into the building. PVC plastic water lines are used in the dwelfing. PVC water piping is not permitted inside the building line. The waste lines at the lavatory sink in the bathroom are improperly joined using duct tape, which can allow the pipes to separate and leak onto the fl oor. HAZARDOUS WI RI i{G The general wiring'in the dvrelling was found to be hazardous and in need of repair and/or replacement for the following reasons: 1. Bare live conductors (wires) are exposed in many areas both inside and under the house, which subject the occupants to possible shock hazard and injury. 2. Electrical boxes are missing at most light fixtures, outlets and switches. Electrical sp'lices made wjthout proper protective boxes can cause fire, by spark or molten metal contacting flammable materials,in the event of short circui t condi t'ions. 3. Several of the enclosure boxes which have been provided for lights , outlets and switches were not properly secured to the structure. The enclosure boxes also have open unused holes and missing cover plates. Wires entering the enclosure boxes are not proper'ly secured at the point of entry. These conditions expose the conductors to potential wear resulting in short circuits and expose the occupants to possible shock or injury from exposed wiring connectjons. NOTE In view of the nature and quantity of exposed electrical hazards throughout the structure, it will be necessary to expose the electrical wiring in the newly framed and finished walls to assure that similar hidden hazards are properly repaired or eliminated. HAZARDOUS MECHANICAL 4 5 6 7 ga ch 1 2 The type B vent for the have the requ'ired one in through the wal I . Exhaust fans in both bathrooms appear to be vented into the ceil'ing area. The purpose for these fans is to vent moisture to the exterior of the bu'ilding. The exhaust fans must be connected direct'ly to the outside of the building. s fired room heater in the dining room does not clearance from combustibles where the vent passes Property 0wners July 3, 1985 Page 3 3. The laundry room must be provided with an exhaust fan connected directlyto the outsjde, capable of providing 5 air changes per hour. 4. The following prob'lems with theSchrader Woodstove in the f iving room are potent'ia11y hazardous and the stove must not be used as presently in- stal led. A. The stone wall protector does not have any clearance to com- bustibles and is not provided with air holes to allow for proper vent'ilation. This condition allows for heat to transfer from the stone to the combustible framed wall. B. Single wall stove pipe is be'ing used as the chimney. This typeof pipe can only be used as a connector between the stove and chimney. An all-fuel factory built chirnney must be used from the ceiling line to the termination point of the chimney. C. llhen using single wall stove pioe as a chimney connector, the tapered ends of the pipe must po'int down, have 3 screws orrivets per joint to secure the pipe, and have a proper drip connector where it tjes 'into the ch'imney, The woodstove must either be removed or properly repaired. If you wish to re-use the stove, a permit must be secured and inspections must be made to verify a safe instal lation. Sect'ion 701 of the Housing Code requires every dwelling unit to be prov'ided with heating fac'ilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees F at a point 3' above the floor in all inhab'itable rooms. STRUCTURAL HAZARDS AND FAULTY MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION NOTE: 1. 2. 3. Remodeling activity has apparently taken place over a period of time without permits or inspections. Metal studs and furring strips which are designed for non-bearing conditions have been used for bearing walls wh'ich support the second floor structure above the kitchen and other areas. Severe dryrot js ev'ident at the perimeter of the lower floor structure. Attempted repair of the underfloor structure is evident, which has left the fol I owi ng probl ems : A. Underfloor excavation has left piers on unstable high ground. B. Floor joists and girders are not adequate'ly supported jn several I ocati ons . C. Untreated posts are not protected from direct contact with concrete supports. Property 0wners July 3, 1985 Page 4 4. Gypsum wallboard was installed on interior walls and ceilings without adequate backing and nailing, particularly in the rear bedrooms and upper level areas, but not lim'ited to these areas. 5. Interior grade particle board was installed as siding over apparently abandoned openings at the rear of the bui'lding. Thjs material is de-teriorating from exposure to the exterior. 6. The east bedroom was divided into two smaller rooms, neither of which are of a size adequate for habitation. One of the rooms is void of required natural light or ventilation. 7. Rodent infestation is evident 'in several areas of the building. 8. Roof gable boards are separating from the remaining roof structure, causing moisture damage and eventual structural failure. 9 Remodeling attempts in the east bathroom have created inadequate accessto the water closet. FAULTY WEATHER PROTECTION 1. Exterior siding is missing or damaged on some areas of the building. 2. The window in the north end of the upper level'is missing. The above conditions subiect the building to moisture infiltration and resulting damage. INADEQUATE EXITS 1. All ground level exit doors have either inadequate or missing steps. 2. The upper areas must not be used for sleeping purposes due to the inadequate sjze of the window open'ings, to provide for emergency fire egress or rescue. 3. There is no stairway to the second floor level. The make-shift ladder which now ex'ists is inappropriate and potentially dangerous and must not be used. Remove the ladder and jnstall a proper stairway or close offthe second level for use as an attic on1y. Ceiling heights in the secondlevel are not adequate to allow the rooms to be used for habjtation. Section 202 of the Housing Code requires that structures classjfied as substandard,as described above, must either be repaired or demolished. Therefore, this isyour notice that you must secure permits to either rebuild the structure whereit is deficient (Section 104 of the Springfield Building Codes Administrative Coderequires that it be rebuilt to comply with all provisions of the Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Ljfe Safety Code), or to demolish it. If the building is tb be Property Owners Ju'ly 3, 1985 Page 5 rebuilt, plans must be submitted by August 1, 1985. Permjts must be purchased and work commenced on the cited electrical and plumbing hazards by July 30, 1985, with correction work to follow on the other deficienc'ies on a schedule satisfactoryto the Building 0fficial. If the building is to be demolished, permits must be secured and demol'ition work must commence by August 15, 1985 and must be completed by September 15, 1985. Completion means that the property and structure must be inspected and approved by the appropriate representatives of the Building SafetyDivision. The sewer must be capped at the property line or the septic tank must be pumped and fi11ed by a person holding a sewage disposal service l'icense, as provided for in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the 0regon Adm'inistrat'ive Rules. Inejther case, the used appljances, lumber, and miscellaneous debris which js stored outside, must be removed from the property or screened from view by a fence or other structure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground by August 15, 1985. Permits to rebuild or demolish can be obtained at the Springfie.ld Public Works Department, 225 N. 5th Street. If you do not take corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the Citywill seek compliance with the Bujlding Safety Codes through 1egal recourse which may include Munic'ipa1 Court Proceedings or the City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the costs thereof against the property or its owners. Any person having any record, title or 1ega1 jnterest in the building may appeal from this notice and order to the Bujlding Board of Appeals, provided that the appeaf is made in writ'ing and filed with the Building 0fficial wjthin thirty (30) days from the date of service of this notice and order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determinat'ion of this matter. Your antjcipated courtesy and coopertation is apprec'iated. Please direct all in- quiries to the Springfield Bu'ilding Safety Div'ision at 726-3753. Si nqerely,/*2/* Don Moore Bui lding Inspector cc Attachments DM/cc Dav'id Puent, Bui 1di ng Off i ci al Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney G: SEC.8O1 (b) instal led Structural Code. sEc. 1001 The building is equipped with smoke detectorsin accordance with Section 12I0 of theSpecialty Code and Fire and Life Safety CHAPTER 9 FIRE PROTECTION SECTION 901 GENERAL. Fire protection shall be asspecified in Section 104 of the Springfield Building Code Administrative Code. CHAPTER IO SUBSTANDARD BUILDINGS --> sEcTroN I001 GENERAL. (a) SUBSTANDARD BUILDING. Any building orportion thereof, including any dwelling unit, guest room or suite of roomsr or the premises on which the same is located, in which there exists any two or moreof the following Iisted conditions, to any extent thatit endangers life, limb, health, property, safety, orwelfare of the public or the occupants thereof shall be deemed and hereby is declared to be a substandard bu i Id ing (b) sani tat ion following: INADEOUATE shal1 include SANITATION. Inadequate but not be limited to the ( I ) Lack of, or improper water closet,Iavatory, bathtub or shower in a dwelling unit. l2l Lack of, or improper water closets, lavatories, and bathtubs or showers per number ofguests in a hotel. (3) Lack of, or improper kitchen sink. ( 4 ) Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing fixtures in a hotel. (5) Lack of hot and cold running water toplumbing fixtures in a dwelling unit. (5) Lack of adeguate heating facilities. (7) Lack t oy improper operation of requiredvent ilating equipment. (8) Lack of minimum amounts of natural lightc", ,85- (-, €:,+ sEc. 20t (c) RESPONSIBILITIES DEFINED. Everyremains liabte for violations of duties imposed !i* by this Code even though an obligation isimposed on the occupants of his building, andthough the owner has, by agreement, imposed onoccupant the duty of furnishing required equipmenof complying with this Code. SEC. 202 owner upon also even the tor shall fail or neglect, after proper request is made asherein provided, to promptly permit entry therein bythe Building Official for the purpose of inspectionand examination pursuant to this Code. Any personviolating this Subsection shall be subject to thepenalLy provisions of Section 206 of the SpringfieldBuilding CoQe Administrative Code. €.; Every owner, or his agent, in addition to beingresponsibre for maintaining his buirding in a soundstructural condition, shall be responsible for keepingthat part of the building or premises which he occupieior controls in a c1ean, sanitary, and safe condition,including the shared or public areas in a buildingcontaining two or more dwelling units. Every owner sha1l, where required by this Code,furnish and maintain such approved sanitary facilitiesas required, and sha1l furnish and maintain approveddevicesr €euipment, or facilities for the prevenlion ofinsect and rodent infestation, and where infestationhas taken place, shaIl be responsible for theextermination of any insects, rodents, or other pestswhen such extermination is not specifically made theresponsiblity of the occupant by lar* or ruI1ng. Every occupant of a dwelling unit, in addition tobeing responsibre for keeping in a cleanr sEhitary, andsafe condition that part of the dwerling or owetrirfgylit or premises which he occupies and contrors, shalidispose of aIl his rubbish, girbage, and other organic!.raste i. l manner required by the Building of f iciai. Every occupant shal1, where required by this Code,furnish and maintain approved devices, equipment orfacilities necessary to keep his premises safe andsanitary =+ sEcrroN 202 SUBSTANDARD BUTLDTNGS. Alr buildings orportions thereof which are determined to be substandardas defined in this code are hereby decl_ared to bepublic nui'sances and sharl be ibateo by repair,rehabilitation, demolition t ot removal in -accordance with the procedure specified in section 204 of thespringfield Buitding code Administrative code.C -77.- C.* sEc. 1001 sEc. 1001 which conformed with all applicable laws in effect atthe time of installation and which has been maintainedin good condition and is being used in a safe manner. (f) HAZARDOUS PLUMBING. A11 plumbing except thatwhich conformed with all applicabte laws in effect atthe time of installation and which has been maintainedin good condition and which is free of crossconnections and siphonage between fixtures. (g) HAZARDOUS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT. A11mechanical 'equipment, including vents, except thatwhich conformed with a1l applicabLe laws in effect atthe time of installation and which has been maintainedin good and safe condition. (h) FAULTY WEATHER PROTECTION, whichinclude but not be limited to the following: shal 1 €3 ( 1 ) Deteriorated, crumblingr or looseplaster. (21 Deteriorated or ineffectivewaterproofing of exterior wa11s, roof, foundations, orfloors, including broken windows or doors. (3) Defective or lack of weather protection for exterior wa1l coverings or weathering due to lack of paintr or other approved protective coatings. (4) Broken, rotted, split, or buckled exterior waIl coverings or roof coverings. ( i ) FIRE HAZARD. Any building or portion thereof, device, apparatus, equipment, combustiblewaster or vegetation which, in the opinion of theBuilding Official or the Fire Chief, is in suchcondition as to cause a fire or explosion or provide aready fuel to augment the spread and intensity of fireor explosion arising from any cause. ( j ) FAULTY MATERTALS oF CoNSTRUCTToN. A1Imaterials of construction except those which arespecifically allowed or approved by this Code and theStructural Speciatly Code and Fire and Life Safety Code, and which have been adequately maintained in agood and safe condition. (K) INADEQUATE IIAINTENANCE. Any building orportion thereof which is determined to be an unsafebuilding as specified in the Structural Specialty Codeand Fire and Life Safety Code and/or the SpringfieldBuilding Code Administrative Code. -97- c'' sEc. 1001 and ventilation (e) (10) of maintenance. (L2) General ma i ntenance . SEC. ]COl required by this Code. Lack of required electrical tighting. Dampness of habitable rooms due to Lack ( {:/ ( I1 ) Infestation of insects, verminrodents as determined by the Building Official. or dilapidation or improper ( f3 ) Lackdisposal system. of connection to a required sewage ( 14) Lack storage and removalthe Building Official. of adequate facilities garbage and rubbish as determined by (1) Deteriorated or (2) Defect ive floor supports. or deteriorated flooring or €. ( 3) Flooring or floor supports ofinsufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. (4) Members of wa1ls, partitionsr or othervertical supports that splitr leanr list, or buckle dueto defective material or deterioration or that are ofinsufficient size to carry imposed loads with safety. (5) Members of ceilings, roofs, ceiling androof supports t ot other horizontal members which sdg,split t eE buckle due to defective material,deterioration or are of insufficient size to carryimposed loads with safety. (c) STRUCTURAL HAZARDS.include but not be limited to ( 5 ) Fireplaces bulger or settle, duedeterioration. Structural hazards shallthe following: inadequate foundations. or to ch imneys defect ive which list, material or (7) insuff icentwith safety. Fireplaces orsize or strength which are of imposed loads chimneysto carry (d) NUISANCE. Any nuisance as defined in thisCode or the Springfield Code, 1965. (e) HAZARDOUS WIRING. AII wiring except that -86- C' sEc. 1001 sEc. 1101 (1) INADEOUATE EXITS. AII buildings or portions thereof not provided with adequate exit facilities as required by this Code except those buildings or portions thereof whose exit facilities conformed with all applicable laws at the time of their constuction and which have been adequately maintained and increased in relation to any increase in occupant load, alteration or addition, or any change in occupancy. When an unsafe condition exists through lack of, or improper location of exits, additional exits may be required to be installed. (m) INADEQUATE FIRE.PROTECTION OR FIRE-FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. All buildings or portions thereof which are not provided with the fire-resistive construction or fire-extinguishing systems or equipment required by this Code, except those buildings or portions thereof which conformed with all applicabl-e laws at the time of their construction and whose fire-resistive integrity and fire-extinguishing systems or equipment have been adequately maintained and improved in relation to any increase in occupant load, alteration or addition, or any change in occupancy. (n) IMPROPER OCCUPANCY. A11 buildings or portions thereof occupied for Iiving, sleeping, cooking or dining purposes which were not designed or intended to be used for such occupancies. CHAPTER 11 ABATEI"IENT PROCEDURE SECTION 1IO 1 COMMENCEI.,IENT OF PROCEEDINGS. WhCNEVET the Building Official has inspected or caused to be inspected any building and has found and determined that such building is a substandard building, (sfte shall commence proceedings to cause the repair, rehabilitation, vacation or demolition of the building according to the procedures specified in Section 204 of the Springfield Building Code Administrative Code. C ( ( -88- SEC.2O2 sEc. 203 service equipment either be removed or restored to asafe or sanitary condition, whichever is appropriate asspecified in Section 204 of this Code. The written notice itself shall fix a time limit for compliancewith such order. (h) CoNNECTIoN AFTER oRDER To DISCoNNECT. Noperson shall make connection from any energy, fuel orpower supply nor supply energy or fuel to any buildingservice equipment which has been disconnected orordered to be disconnected by the Building Official orthe use of which has been ordered to be discontinued bythe Building Official until the Building Officialauthorizes the reconnection and use of such equipment. ( i ) LTABTLITY. The City shall defend, saveharmless and indemnify the Building Official, or herauthorized representative charged with the enforcementof this Code and the Specialty Codes, against any tortclaim or demand, whether groundless or otherwise,arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring inthe performance of duty. The provisions of thisSubsection do not apply in the case of malfeasance inoffice or willful or wanton neglect of duty. The existence of this Code and the Specialty Codes shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen theresponsibility of any person owning, operating orcontrolling any building, structure or building serviceequipment therein, for any damages to persons orproperty caused by defects, nor shall the BuiLdingSafety Division or the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspections authorizedby such Codes or approvals issued under such Codes. (J) COOPERATION OF OTHER OFFICIALS AND OFFICERS. The Building Official may request, and shall receive sofar as is required in the discharge of his duties, theassistance and cooperation of other officials of the Ci ty -> SECTION 203. UNSAFE, SUBSTANDARD OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR BUILDING SERVICE EOUIPMENT.A11 buildings or structures regulated by this Code andthe Specialty Codes which are structurally inadequateor have inadequate egress t ot which constitute a fire hazard t oE are otherwise dangerous to human life are,for the purpose of this Section, unsafe. Building service equipment regulated by suchCodes, which constitutes a fire, electrical or healthhazardr or insanitary conditionr or is otherwisedangerous to human life is, for the purpose of thisSection, unsafe. Any use of buildings, structures or €til -L2- () (r SEC.2O3 dangerous buildings struct building service equipment asof this Code are hereby declaand shall be abated bydemolition or removal in accoset forth herein. As an aOfficial or other employee odesignated by the City t"tanageappropriate action to preve abate the violation. sEc. 204 ppendages and in Section 203ublic nuisances rehabilitation, the procedures the Building of the City as tute any other D I correct. or C.:building service equipment constituting a hazard tosafety, health or the public welfare by reason ofinadequate maintenance, dilapidation, obsolescence,fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for the purpose of this Section, an unsafe, substandard or dangerous use. Parapet wallsr cornices, spires, towers, tanks,statuary and other appendages or structural memberswhich are supported by, attached to, or a part of abuilding and which are in deteriorated condition orotherwise unabfe to sustain the design loads which arespecified in the Structural Specialty Code and Fireand Life Safety Code are hereby designated as unsafe,substandard or dangerous buitding appendages. SECTION 204. ABATEMENT OF UNSAF'E, SUBSTANDARD OR DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR BUILDING SERVICE EQUIPMENT. ( a ) GENERAL. All unsafe, substandard or ures or a specified red to be p repair, rdance with lternat ive ,r official r may insti rrt, restrai (b) NOTICES AND ORDERS OF THE BUILDING OEFICIAL. ( 1) COI,IMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS. Wheneverthe Building Official has inspected or caused to beinspected any building, structure or building serviceequipment and has found and determined that the same isunsafe, substandard or dangerous, he shalL commenceproceedings to cause the repair, vacationr ordemolition of the same. (2) NOTICE AND ORDER. The Building Officialshall issue a notice and order directed to the recordowner of the building. The notice and order shalrconta i n : descript ion premises upon A. The street address andsufficient for identificationwhich the building is located. a of legaI the B. A statement that the BuildingOfficial has found the building to be unsafe,substandard or dangerous with a brief and conciseC j 13- (,.'., $ra 3Ll COURTESY INSPECTION APPLICATION (RENTER REQUEST) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING DIVISION DATE OlllNER ADDRESS ADDRESS OF INSPECTION L.c-t )-o,-e7^(l1t*saqz -q f^g'llLN0. qq g Or ina tl St Comz *o qqe duinPlt s+ ' (I ha'x- f,x ) RENTER SIGNATURE OF OCCUPANT (RENTER) FOR ACCESS TO PROPERTY - TELEPHONE PHONE NO. Lt) /r^L t rtS cl "lLc; (A,/or TYPE OF DWELLING: SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX tl MULTIPLE tl BRIEF DISCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROBLEMS 6 t n o C ood ,J,.,^ . i n nA r a,.t aE- hp^-ttna { q.l li{;r< s. -/l-Lt l.//?4 \ A d FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Insp ection Courtesy Letter Sent Notice and Order r* Date For Comp liance Compliance 0btained - Date ,f !o 'tto 3 g g. Bf,t am cu-,motr!{ Corylsto Artrl ymr spaco 0[ I lloms l. 2. 3, and 4. address ln lho "REIURN T0" rcvoflF. o tEll0Ef,: ,- (cor$&I msrf,/ErEn Fon rEEsl l. Ih lollfllno sorvh. b roquoslod (chocfi onc), El Sfrow o drom. dah, aU drlrs ot dollrtr, .. a El nrsrnrcreo tn rvEtrv-..........(lIDtr!frifi,,t,r'trbCct',I,dI'ffiabnl['ttddt,,.t flIIIt I a r-L-' Vt*-\t*n2.,cgi-rr.c-tr ft. rvpsbr *Rvrcs: flmorsreneo Elcernnm Dmnms nrul ^ ARTIGUTUTMP3a 1 1bo_ LtOb Elnsuno Ecoo (Alffiy. oDth rhnrtm ol ddns.r. Cl ryof) tlctl IURE Eroaresso tr agent dcscrlbsd alovo.I ha,l Bcolvod tho POSITIA,RI( (t[ay 0r or il,t to tLLl 6.(0oty 7a.7. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: t r982.37?593 { ilil1UNITED STATES POSTAL oFFtctAL 8u81il888 RETURN TO *EffS*II OF SPRINGFIELD?DEPAPTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 225 NORTH 5th STREET Fln0,ur rD, .d*r.t, r.d ap G0d. ln U trc. Ddor.o G0005b [lrr t, 2. & ud I m tb ]lrfod. ilHtbffiintcb l.DD !r$.olt.llBr rft b llcf , aitch.-r Erhrr ritl "mtr! ilcdB [l$ttd',. rdFillh u5.r. SEI|DER !ilsf,RuoTto]ls (Sirira o7FO.E{ (Clty, Slato, antl ZP Code) l 1 -+...*.-,al (Name ol Sonde0 .oa 'Tto 3 G) G) Ltr{ (o co oo A5! 6s(Jl oo 3m(A o a m-{cuz, mom t ! seruoe n, Complete items 1. 2,3 and4. Put your address in the "RETURN TO" space on the reverse side. Failure to do this will prevent lhis card from being return€d to you. The return receipt fee will provide you the name ol the person del ivered to and the date of delivery. For additional iees the ,ollowing services are available. Consult postmaster for fees and check box(€s) lor service(s) rsquested. r.rdsno* to whom, date and address of delivery. 2, f] Restricted Delivery. 3. Article Addressed to: BRo;"c-> eueY sodJes lq<q A/ta;/^- sPal''n faiti.t" Number lPsaq qbo I qc'lieglstered E lnsuredCertified E COo Express lVlail ft E 4. Type ol Service: Always obtain signature oI addresseeglagent and DATE DE L I VERED. 6.S Agent X X 5. Signature - '7ii7l? 4,5./S Addressee's Address d/r)\s N ililt I0l,9 UNMD STAIES POSNAI OFFN|ALBUSIHESTI ntmo, 4 to numbe. CITY OF SPRTI$GFrflfr Department of Pubtic Works 225 Noah flth Sveet )i, IIHnt RETURH TO ln the a a a ) APL,P.O.or D.N (Clty, State,and ZIP Code) ) t @ I T t'- l #.4 I I tn I t a >/#,IJ G. ,I -I Y 7 rl 419 QunftLf s/s/ss l, Dlvu?kfi Sb/tA *T bDTfDri lfu 2, N*Tt+6eEt kf,lo(z tl. usEl AJ S,ltr)a afaE u)totu\ ; ti4la i drf D*ltlaa- n63157'h)T' L --{c f,{ E tre fuua7 a/s/ar s,lirt. uQ6<- rn*A) qJDF 1, Na' .+fla- D*<anfroz ftA- pi'vf i &+aqru4. fussrols bu/4 2 i lb Daoor&dr-f -\ - 6 ??g (uo*27 lrYit,L? nndet h,$A ' o'l feo Ptt (7 5c cot't'oPl o,r 1 ,\ t T* llc' I-U et (.Ut{t4 ? r.n o/L. r. ,(r.Jri*s *n4 *<J t'*'/Lal e c4l1rc) Acco tlt\? ro {h^/otl5 ' so fcfT Qan< o nl o{ s d4.J til *tfla rh> )A cq6c i^c luJes aFd 32tia o^7 {o a+a. {a-td i*t l'tn4P Ao le 5 . hr, Lr+- t ?fa Qwu*C7 uDWt{N- e P,E, oa<ilw, l, t^rdtb PwR oO &IDKAO AfuilO, u.r/o Pe.ulqToa, Z, SorL af y*nmL/ if /tas J. s*zo Jot s7s A.Df a6*ltl aD 6r,$E<.. I d -' \ 7'. tl ?7O @rru,&f s/srts N, ELel*lDrJ @. w6T eru)4 @( ,+wsq st ut4€*qqf lq@f kT 0t*r rln* Jott(, rI I - I I I \ t)j jht I II -t ! J Jfr \ 11A Qut*(4 ll,ffrt ilfW 0tu1- l,bqzr( upl* aruilw &x 2, toffr+*rt sDuJt Uefil NoT ulao+*- tlff$ff^JT , J, tDKWA4y sTas i waxrttL .m lsstA6 -=rl El qY s Qu*xlf Aee lute{Lm srssTdzlDc ;/z/as l, tCI fles *r tw 2, tD*>n(aEt nne.Le el, $lrypaa. 3. n*wqu*w/r1 stD Lololtu)t ril<_ Efitrtbt AtE S @. tualrf g1. i I '-rt*''ffi " r -..-.- --6 :t -lJ a ffb Qun*Ly s/r/ts fud.@Nfiil rz.rr --ro sPr Prfre, f,lDe- rapxtr *f &ae, { - ,l I rd %i\i' ?t s 6uru*17 s/sles uqffi *xnc/e a,ec.t alanl- tt)t up&olara - 'twftb i wreauqet I lr-t.J 18.1!I --r---r-.{ 18*.,= ft I 1 : jil ? .FI \\ -. -- ?1A Qut*/.7 s/s/er I uEsf lm- oFF t+*(/, l, No srws 2' D4'ts a I ilI' I \,-:, \ \ t-rI-,lt ?q g Quu*L7 o/s/"d /lkro E>7wtre fia,r- t, Dq,Qnr *r Dh. sLL 2, unt loriaJcl 6kl4ft.l ctbk otsat*L- I jr ,.r''h." aF---l ??g Qutut4 r/s/ss t, Pwf1ioa t*n*tQ tfruffi DfrAE DDc exffs -ro tEb<- 2, Sftqlix- ,u,rheA TD tq Alk{L d ffH trt+b€qutr€ silfi)q\ MU /x.n*A1 rurroa; dA{L- EOl*1 ula,td To Ttrro Dt776*, wtt Vhoes ,tfil )D*be+tere txru&, No suftwr 4 yl,tCt&hrlon AAZS. I Gffi 7o7 d - fro Qura47 rt*Ttfiao taTuat za<" ,MfutWrs W/ w*&@vt[ eqen*/,/r1 Wtroy6, 1,Jru0 S/rtuqz qZ.*7A. TllO r+tloarcte fa. s1p,/-L- ,BW, (Z('r,n*v) 2, QtA.6t uloluo fa E&L, lt r qfb fuuwr d/'/ot t, pual,tp w*dL *T upsr^lF" ruLF, VwTtexL uxtLArul *fT7ilA To tAt*Ugotuab oD rtpF*r*?fes, nmd rrubs No ilW*le W /a<l-/ce \il#nf de p* Jullnf of t*d*a*t To uffiat f ts ffi. sT4bs pff NAM4A A.T TOl lk Blfffm, shwE ] sTubs Do Lvr Extaoh 7b srw P&?IE i tour oF p+oro) ] tnt o+1. /14 1rc+td*tf lil f q,rtd otAcl'wt*n7? e.al tVleQ Pntts o1.t f*'f etl'f |ott hl/al zW'ffi--z.rov<T*r' h*4 o*t / '7it o.'t J "4* tr;:;::iifrili^u r4L. fr? Au*#E6*+ -a.oT Pv*n/'f Jaulal al h?kf tee*/ts-+ a lF -/ ?ra t.?,ffiatJ,inrHtvlJ E*op/7 <2tTa?*s t I / t I\,' ,/ :l,t I a ?1* fuwr{-{ s/y'b' ttk(Lgo*en ,YlOa otac WSfh w*LL. NotE w,eA- TloD *qmtul) d*{,Ls ; &+{flkL Fure,lth, - Do Ftts \WS , r)r.bq**7t Wt{-ttr14, ryf;'ffi,r2 t*r. t-t 7 r..4*t ly L*ttto.lk J oil/.o*t bts' ??*qa&rLr /,oro f+t-.tt-//nJ tf /q hS'lo'*t ;'-ttlnJ +c4q l-*rtn ('/6 4, lJ *rtu, f ,l aL t9tii JL JI ^ ? 7 g Qu,, {f s/a/r - l'&+d hlPT - D6f u/*L oF /,K.(arc, BLu?) l, srhttb flrsstltT Balte tLS4OMAS, z, )Q&tdr{rU4 EWrts Cpol+s aawta) I -- _r_a \ h$'I l f?A Qurut - /e/e-r o/il ilrttz4 kT' s, au*dL oF /@+x ugr 4/,, l, rya) ila?flfa uilltD ^brfrD|a+ea 2,l,Wtilap Sfuts ,vE W- Afrt4lt , Too Aef ru. Sttr /U*tz - No W /ffi{fiss16/4 po @TT*n /h* s/7r&) ' I ?72 Qaro,aT s/{es ;. 1))*L dF atu' Daf 6(, l, tD/t/ua Vkc* D/a /fiqr:4o* e,:c&*a,g. 2,tOKruZ tqftZA4 Elf/dxm,