HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1985-09-236l!'--7 Bf CK 7-ao Lane County Authori za,tuon for, Permit * App].ica RANGEo3 .)(-3 S'JBDIV ;roP9if-Q usE oF PRoPERTY [{nesidential [-l lndustrral PublicCc,mmercial e I,OT I^ICATION ADDRESS ,Y ,R] (tr) drSPECPTION Existing edo!'OF AND rc 7 " AA'"' rl . dauce registration THOROUGHLY hcroL/ certifi t:hat aII rnfornation hereon is true and correct' and that I COT1PLETED APPLICATIoII l'OR PERMIT' arid do I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE authorized agentcontra(:t Prrrchaser;rty : [owner of record;Laws of the Sgate of oregoninterest in the Prope s of Lane Couty and thec i tl th': Ordrllancehave the following legal Building Division. I fur-rt ott Uu done in accol out the Pcmission of theand all work Perforred of ar,l stlrlcture withthat anyI f:rther certify NO OCCUPANCY will be nade ts the basis for eherein, and that oRs 701.055, tha! i.f exempwork described rl effect as required bYpertaining to the Board is in futl force an ct- I ITAVE READ ANDth the Builderrs witl be used on this Prajewith ORS 701.055ther certifY that employees who are in comFliancesubcontractors edand thaE onlyis noted hereon, THIS APPLICATION BEE N BASED ON T}IE T'OLLOW ING CONDITIONS: READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION'IAS I pmunruc,zzoNrNG: zone ' Partitlon * Parcel # Parcel SLze- c L,inter Ior rear' Minimum COTL\ENTS Da Instal-Iation Record Issued?[-l v."E*" s. r. l{B. P. #Maximum DePth of TrenchestrSANITATIONLineal Feet of Drai.nfieldInstallation Specifications GaIlon Tank COM].IENTS IDate EXAMINATION: GrottP- DaLe [1 pr,ans q PERMIT APPROVED BY OFFIC DEPARTMENT DATE (Der oRs 4 80 OF PUBLICWORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DlvtsloN,6874061' 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGE NE, OREGON 97401LANE COUNTY SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION cr4-25 R* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY I l'AX LO'I'I loul o!-tz \lo zantA( C L. SETtsNCKS A}"D O?:IER CC:;DITIOI:S OF APPRO',/AL }lUST BE STRICTLY OBSER,VED. VIOLATION CAS RESULT IN REVO-c;TroN oF TIlrs ti:nll1?, crrnTlo:r'ur*DER PRoVrsroNs oi LA)iE:ousTi..'l i:trnacrrou oRDIs.iNcE, AND,/oR oTHERRE}IEDIES ALLOWED BY LALi. sil{EN READY FoR r*$SPECTION, cnll 687-{065. A }lrNr}tu}l op AT LeAST 2t lrouRs ADvnricE NorrcE poR rNspEc-mdN Rj]I-]:i:l:]::!mxsrrr-=ivilr'-tffiorro*ing infornarion ready: permit number, job address, typeof inspecrron, when it wj.lI be rouay, y"ri-n;;;,";;-;ir;;":'irri!ilri.at.ny speciar circcrions ro sire. BUILDINC DIVISION: AEOUINED INSPECTIONS: r' Foundacron rnsoectim: - To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and Hhen arrr'4re;laT;-io!:areTandation o..-Joii"I."a on tr,e jou.--'oii.iJ-Ion"rute from a cenLrar mixingptanr (comonry rermed ,,rransit.i".J;i-i. to ue uiea, .;;;;i.;; need noL be on rhe job.2. Concrete Slab otffi.ffp*H.ffiffitl;i*fi*#;"":!:!:_lli"":i::'i:],i:;;':l,:;^:li"i;:*:":.:'iiu,",pl.ace but betore any concrerl i" f,our"a-o, ffoi. "i...iiiing-ii"i"^tfua, including the subfioor.3. Framinq 6 Insulation r6e^a^Fi^-^iffi; :..":#+i# ,+;=ff+H:..,?,::oT:::":':ii.lli"l";fu ;",1.j.:l:.:;.;i:;",:;:*ili,,:l;nerect'rical and prumbins u.. "ipi""6a.-^iir "iii i."ri"'.ilr'"ia"Iipor u..riu. are in prace.4. Lath and/or Gvosum Board r^E^6^!r^- -:--:-;,":_i*##lffi:"Tffi#;..1;3i.H:;,i;.it :ii,,,t;'il3 ;::.:r;;l"li.#;.".iiJitl 5' F'nar rnspection: To be made after the building is complete and before occupancy.APPROVAL REQUIRED. Noinai""f.a II-.;;'"":;.::il:"!iii"h:;';,:r"St,,i::: :s.:l;,:;.li:nro!: ..5u"...e bevond rhe pointsuch. approvar sh3rr be 91ven cnry afrer an rr"""liijl :::iitil:^.I:-approvar_of ur. uiriiJinf-oiri"t.t.in the'consrru.ai;;;; i'aicar"J'uf-Ji.n-"r''Ji!'i"'i:3":[i: l:;:r:::: iraee or.a"h "u""e""iJ.-3t"pNOTE: AII bu.ilding permits require inspections for the uork authorized. such as but not. linited to!A. B1ock t^ral-I: To be.made after reinforcinq is ir place, buL beforernspection is required.for each;;;;-;;;; p"r.. There uil1 b",o ?ny grout is poured. Thisand electricar inspections ;;;; il; flil ""o approved. approval untii-in.-pruiiing B. l{ood,stove: To be hade after conpletionAmr;te. rnstalracion shall be in .."o.31-Tt"onry (if appticable) . and uhen j.nsrarration isasencv and the manuractur".;" i'"i.riI;;;;tl::.:i:l.ansaPproved, nationarty"r!c"nliilJ'il".i"s C. ltobile Home! A. .:,::!:":i:" is. required afrer the nobile home j.s (sewer or septic svstem for serback r"o"i.",iIiri"=^T::il:-n"T:-is connected to an approvedskirting, and pJ.unrng conneccions. ' ements, blocking, footing connection, ii.!5riil-l. Footings and piers to conply with Starrecomended by the nanufacturer. te foundacion requj'rements for nobile hones or aa2. Mobil.e home .l::ry^ finish floor eLevation shall be certifiedplain managenent retter. --- '-.-dElon sharl be certified when required by a flood-3' 'li:i';,Hff :l'i::H'r;';:r:"$H;u;.:,1:-::.1..r:? shar] be ,""::]l:l 1rd.:.i.ry ror inspec_Per encrosure. tupancy. Tiedowns and skirting ,r,ori-uJ'inI'a"ii!aD. :H#HrT*i,"::ii:u?..0. uhen sreet is in prace and before conc AppRovED plrlNs l.rusr "" aontrr" r^D cr-F -- --_ uclore concrete is Poured' Above grade ilr,#*iS.{;ti":::ir"fltiii"ill:ii3'iis^ii.f,iiiiri'iiifu$t$'lf,xilris.:i'ii:lf$i]riiiiilili;, ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POII,IT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK.SUPSURFACE AND AL"ERNA?IYE SEWAGE prSpOsAL SySTE!,rs: )'. ;il'::.:i::i.1".;j'::"" ro' i* -v"ulEom rhe dare or issuance. "itiry .t.-iin; il:^:;";$:::*:1.':; ;li:lr:_p:.Ttr has been issuedinstallarion r".o.J il.i"'-;:l=:_" or.Planning and comunitv o"Jiillj-j'j=._Yerm.rE.horder shallcompries with rhe j..i:*. tn. o"pu.*.i; :*,i;l"i;U;^iii'::ri:i::ii"'i^::iiil:iff'i:"' ;:i:;;,j*":i,;;il#r":,:it.i:::: i....Iri,i:ri:.i{ltft'i,;,if,*itTi*i**,ix*$;i;_ nora"' anJ-Jii'ii';:-::-"" not comprv with su meet the .oqriiJr.i-o"te satisfactorv comh ra rron or oii -i iitio.i ::., ;i :+;i;:j:;i.i:[ij;ji:l Xi:;l; : "::: ::,".i Setbacks _ Subsurfacc Seuage Disposal !.rom :f.lterior pr6perty lines ::?i=?t road rlsht-of -wayEurtornq foundationHeIIs, other water sources IO' 10, 5, 50, scptic ?ank Dra i nf ie.Ld 1.0 'l0l 10, 100 | r' AC ^,VITY INFORMATIO^ . bne county SHEET COMPLETE THIS SECTION.INCOMPLETE FORMS I^/ILL BE REJECTED ! PE RSON MAKING QUEST fiA l)r.ss arr-erl/ P MA IL ING ADDRES S MAILI NG AD S CITY ST TE ZIP CODE C ITY STATE ZIP CODE ffi PROPERTY ADDRESS HOME TELEPHONE-*- ffiffi 2 (IF DIFFERENT F E (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) )f- a3 "a4,2 n? TOWNSHIP RANGE SECTITN ffi MNIN6- TOINSFTP NANGE SEETMN M ZONING mfNSElP MXGE SEe-rl0ru TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: W ZON I NG ACRES 4 SUBDIVISION ( if appl icable)LOT BLOCK 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) (^) 6 DIRECTIONS TO SITE:Acrrrrl^ ^M u a ** FoR STAFF USE 0NLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY : _ DATE:_ TIME IN:-- OUT:- NUMBER DATE -{Flt', -{t- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISI0N / 1?5 E. Bth AVE., LUGENE, 0R 97401 / 687*4061 1 3 rvlae B PAFIeEL NIJMBEFT ( REQUTREp rNFORI4ATr0N)