HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1994-12-29O bB/srerv?aa-c -q/7 PERMIT # BEouEsr sEPTrc svsrE"N4 TNSTALLATToN FOR: 97477 PRdPoSED usE NONIE 2 cca r @,ISTRUCIlotl COGTAr'ALUE NO. INSTALLATICI\i OF SEWAGE DlS PGAL SYSTED4 NEAREST FAIRVIEW TA}4ARACK TOW ,T LEFT ON W. TRINA A. TRAVESS L9648 APACHE RD. TRINA A TRAVESS L9648 APACHE RDl BEDORTFIA CCIJSTRUCT]ON 1 b-rnE-crotts ro sng rnou RIGHT CI{TO TAIVIARACKTO FAIRVIE!{MILL STREETNORTH OI\ r1. INGFIELDSPR,TOU]NAL Bm{D 97702 BEI{D 97702 914185024 MAIN SPRINGFIELD APOTY s true and correct(3-2"-"/and herebY PRINTNNE I have carefullY read BOTH sides of this aPPli all inlormation i READ CAREFULLYI Your Authorization ls Based On The Following Cond itlons DATEAPPROVED BY:FEES DUE: $ oALL FoB tNspEcfloNs (SEE BACK OF FOBM FOR TNSTBUCTIONS) 687-4065 SEPTIC Permlts are good tor one year. ALL other permits expire atter 180 days unless lnspectlons are current. LMD o40 Rev.6/92 SBTE-.AC.KSAI{DOTTIBRCONDMONSOFAFROVALMUSTEBH?*+TIONS \J cr*rrcNsMafsEllG;;-fii;'ifuprouirioiTiii-r"irft-doilW,lB*iffi;%fffi^i&"tdtr.ffi A MIMMUM OF AT LEAST 24 HOURS ADVA}.ICE NOTICE MUST BE GMNFOR TNSPECTTON REQUESTS [fuve the forowing information ready when you calr: 6g74*s Permit number - Job dg":, _ Type of inspection required _ When ir will be readyyo,r name and phone nrunbei - A"y speciai airections to the site .* r ..., , PowERToE*,BRUPoNLAND' "*"'m*L%i,Tff^i#3$l:Hffiif8#&?iffi'rffi?$If;Ii*';gH*.r^,,*oFrHBrRF,NcrroNs.o,o, 't "t'ENTER UPON ANY LAND AND MAI(E EXAMINATIONS AND SURVBYS AI{D PT.ACE AND MAINTAIN THB NF'ESSARY MONUMB}ITS AND MARKERS THBRBON. F,LINDATI.N IN'PECTI'N: ro be made arter excavatio*l"X?"Tfi:?H::1ff:X. any required reinforcing steer is in place.UNDERGRoUND PIPING INSPECTIoN: To be made after atl undergt*a plp-g has been insta[ed, prior to any backfil.coNcRETE SLAB oR UNDER-FLooR INsPEcrroN: To be made it". "u in-slab or under-floor building service equipment conduit, pipingaccessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before -y "orr"."* is placed or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.RoUGH MECHANICAL INSPECTToN: To be made- after all du"tirg *o g* piping ias been installed and prior to being covered.ROUGH PLUMBING INSPECTIoN: To be madeafter all plumbingi*gr,Ii, i, in p'iace, p"i".;;;; covered.FRAMING INSPECTION: To be made after the all framing, rire uo,*in!, t acirrg and roof are in plac'e and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complere99 ft" rough electical, plumbing, and mechanical inspections have beeniade and approred. ' INSULATIoN INSPECTToN: To be made after all insulation and vapor barrien are in place, prior to covering.LATH AND/oR GYPSUM BOARD INSPECTIoN: To be maae arter at tathing and gypr*n u-4, interior and exrerior, is in place but before anyplastering is applied or before gypsum boardjoints and fasteners are taped ard finished.ADDITIONAL INsPEcrroNs MAy BE REeurRED, such as buinot limited to;BLoCK WALL: To be made after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. The inspection is required for each bond beam pour. Therewill be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspections have beeimade and approved.FINAL MECHANICAL INSPECTIoN: To be made jutt p.io. to the structure or remodeled area being occupied and prior ro operating any equipment.FINAL PLUMBING INSPECTI^O_N:{o be made jusrixior to rhe builtling, struchrre orremodeled area being occupied.FINAL BLTILDING INSPECTToN: To be mader aftel finish gadins and Iie building, struchue or remodeled area is completed and ready for occupancy.MoBILEMANUFACTURED HoMES: An inspection is required-after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septicsystem, prior to covering sewer or water lines, for setback requirements, blocking, tiedowns and plumbing connections. Footings and piers to comply with state formdation requirements for mobile homes or as recorlmended by the manufacturer.Minimum finished floor elevation shall be certified when required by Floodplain Management Tiedowrs, if required, shall be installed and ready for inspection witirin go i"y, "fto oJ"upancy. Tiedowns shall be installed per enclosure. APPROVAL REQTIIRED No work shall be done on any part of the building orstructure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining theapProval of the building official. such approval shall be given only after an inspection shall have been made oflach successive step in the cons*ucrionas indicated by each of the inspections required. rlrls PERMT*TLL ExpIRE "*#11?H'"lHB#i^If,h?T#ff9':3fl"$"if#i3BHSTSIr",ffifiJi"SiMoRE rlrAN,80 DAysSUSPENSION oR REvocAfioN MAY occuR IF THIs pERMrr wAs ISsuED oN THE sAsri oF tr[coMpLETE oR ERRoNEous n[FoRMATroN. AI\IYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OF'REQI.IIRED INSPECTIONS \{tLL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. Your signature on the front of this form verifies the following: I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THIS coMpLETED APPLICATION and dohereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct,-and that I have a legal inter_est in the property as owner of record or authorized agent. Ifurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of L*" iourrty and the laws of the stare of oregon per-taining to the work desctibe-d-her-ein.-I further certify that if I am not the owner of the property, my r%isuation with the Builders Board is in full forceand effect as required by ORS 701.055, and that if eiempt the basis for the exemption is noted hereon]and that only subcontractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on the job. SUBSURFACE&ALTERNATIVESEWAGEDISPOSALSYSTEMS: when subsurface construction is complete, tt " p"r*it t ou", shall notify the county Land Management Division by subrnitting the installation record form. An inspection will be made by 1tufljn{ sanitarian. If cons*"-,i* "o*priitGq .11 *r""r a.certificate of iompletion will be issued to the permit holder. If construction does not comply with rules, ,il;"".ih;Id"; wu u notinJ, and all corrections-shall be made before a certificate of completion wi,beissued. Fail,re,";";;;H;i".y""-pr"il'ril#;",i"'fiilil;-;;;il;aviolationofoRs4s4'605 to454'745 andthisrule' SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SETBACKS SEPTIC TANK DRAINFIELD From: f"t"iJ ProPertY lines 10' 10' SAg" ofiona tight-of-waY 10' lCI Building foundation 5' 10' wdl#;thJ;aersources 5o 1oo' LANE COUNTYOREGON Date EUGENE, OREGON 3op\''GO Received from .e I I Dorars $SOSL For a - $S*=__.9rs\s! \$ 1YgF!s $Y Depaaruemr **-t2Bv PA BY: CHEC Y Ng I s2864OTHER LANE COUNTYOREGON -r-5 / /.:')) -o) / v EUGENE, OREGON Date Received For PAID BY: 6/ Bv CASH ,/ur"@?7692 N9 1s2 r s8 $'$ ritlr' .i\ 6\ Lane HOLID SLIP Countgtr APPLICATION LOCAT F1' bFS-'l I .OL E DDRESS 1 ZIP CODE The Lane County Building and Sanitation Division cannot proceed with processing your application because Incomplete application (items deficient). tr Address and/or directions to application site. I Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. tr Approvable plot plan (see attachment). tr Notification of date test holes will be ready. 2.tr 3.tr 4.or Verification of existing system required (see attachment). Two test holes (2'x(x5'deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. SIGNATURE .6) ut E Iurg Eolr to from to OFFICE HOURS PHONE I no response has been received in regards to this matter by , , the application will be denied. LANE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES courthouse-Public Service Bldg. / 1zs E. Bth Ave. / Eugene, oR 97401 t 697-40s1 UK 1/t aJ SJ 9 3- zt,at rr /t 0t 1,i {l Q 7tl7l /i 7a--,*I / { A-^l,k4, Jz DATE ac,6 A 1(, Please complete all lines lnstde white boxes, if posslble.Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property l-l House Ef Bam EI Garage Ell lrlobile. Home 1-1 Shed SEPTTC INSTALLEO-? F =[' sTfl * Water District TTI_ FFOSEQzToz CIT Y ztP l-+-zzrZ O$rNER OF PnOPERTY (il not um. u.boy.)PHONE OWNEAS ADDRE3S (ll not sm. r.bov.)ztP Llcrni T Dlrectlons to slte from nearest maln lntersectlon ,t/-r"Sf. fo /;*?P t/r tut) S614 r1rtu)v?) MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on lu mrp. ln th. Arrttmant I Turtlon D.pL)I zoNe FLOOD PLAIN&#*,# 4**f ffift"-ilffirrr-ffii-Ei-- "ltm-ffi-'lffii- Effi;- rllEi6i- -ffr- S'TE ADDRESS For Moblle Home Placement Only No. ol Bedrms License # -- Dlstance from Moblle Home to: Water Seurer/Septic Brand Year Size MAIL PERMIT TO: 5 & Block STAFF EVALUATION TRS Verified [-]Yes NoI-l Allowed Use r-.lyes No t-r Land Management Div. staff can not be held responsible lor evaluations or recommendations based on false, inaccurato or LMo r.e- 282 incompletg informatio r',il 4-68 02/92 -)./ t ,Ka - D: | *ct /'O^ \/er o^t /t) Consumer Infororation Report ,t!0 -LZ/28/94 11:16 1Ii503 4E5 3587 TITLE GTIARITNTY ld 001 299 East lSth Avenue r P.O. Box 10960 r Eugutc OR fi+4+Dfi : Phcre (503) {SF358E r Fuc (503) 48511597 PREPARED FBRI 6REAT I.,ESTERN TTIBBILE HOMES SALES & LISTINE INC 5iA?4 MfiIN STREET SPRTNBFTELD, OREGON 17478-0,0]g@ #ITTN: JAtrK ITATE PREPARED= L?,t?.Bte* PRBPERTY ADDRESS: tlEEiT EUINALT BVE (VffCRNT LAND) BPRINEFIELD, OR trtil{f{ENTs: MFltr# L7-43-e7-ts1-41 1aa ET'ICLT]SED PI.EBSE FIIiID THE FTILLOT{INE PER YBUR REtrUEST: TFIX IhIFEFTiYIETIEl\I tYlAP EEFY = llEED./EEI{TFlfaET CalI for After Hours Custouter Service Reguests. Thic Utlt infortltbrr hll bftn {urrdshd, 1flttrt drurg* in @rfornEEe wiEr the guidelines appror-ed by the SEE of Oteton Insurance Comrnissionca Thr Insurznce Division cautions titcorediaies thet drls-sernice it a-esignai to benefit trt uJtimne irsue<l5; indircrfurinatc usc orrly baefiting irttttrcdiaries will not be perrrit:d Said senrices may Ue afcontinued. No tiaDility it rssumed lor rrry cnnrs in thb aport First tn Title & Escrow-First in Senrice. 1er:ting Lane C-ounty Since 7888. - 48 5-3 59 6 ^ L2/2s/s4 l1:r0 t}503 485 3597 TITLE GUARANTY @ ooz L?re3/94 18I ?8r 61 A RD 977g,? 1eE3 ?+9.7? a4a. ee, a+4.?e e.13g4e.3E 1994 RSUM RENL PRtrP ACCBUNT SUHMNRYf,ctrTr egB613 199+ RSSESSMENT YEAR trtruNTyr LHNEINDEX: F I,IAP Etr 178tse7ts1811aa atrtrT x YRn LE 94AtrtrT STf,Tr LONLyTSADJ trRBtr DESGR: L7 sa ?z at-urta@ NAME eDDE: TRAUESS TRINALEEtrLr 1984€ HpfftrHE BEND gR FRCIP ADDRrYRTA YRLA 9A PRBP CLNSS lEB STAT CLASSACRES trYCLE nssEssEl) (Flv)LAND L6,479rfiPs TIF1BER RES NEIEH 4A6DE CtrFI NEIBF{LAST NCTIUITY O9-11-94 CBNTROL BRBUP A4 LEVY trODE 19-83r+ ZtrNE TAX CERTIFTEDT REHL I4ARKET (RMV) 15! 47A T994 YENR Tf,X: TAX DUE Le?_4 yEARr TfiX DUE trRIBR YEARSIL6147O INTEREST AS BF 1A-Eg-94 TBTHL BALANEE DUETt6,47O 0LDEST DELINtrUENT YERR 6RBSS r EXIIIPTS T NET: L ) L6r 47B. L6, t+70 # I .;.'.,.., i{ t', .. "tl - k'. (t .-.,i. : 'LZ/26/s4 11:17 6i503 485 3 597 TITLE GUARANTY B oor s}toszur {rt.s EcrtafiBi,lco- gl tDttl F,ttcH ts. '' Iffi. E. st-u,l..f,,'H?tt tloat5 ' . '.'r -i,t i .:tf Errr-lE I EiEErgE trnDl. lEElm& E ,IEE srtp rrgriE EE le El.El'. lrirtrl cfa ,cUfft.ef arclDd a.rl fpf=tft ttlr ol roc'*cllrr .rrrt .rq-fflirf,\t a.E &+f Lrlrr tLB ,ectL. cl Cb loffgLtg 6..€?ttaa triqrGlr t!|t ll|. lorltt E}g rL tosrlttar rl rb3 clt.r .t f.i.u arcrlba L a..a tc_trqt hst ;-".*;.a lIr ll,ttllr lrcltl.a 3. ?lLl, Lq H*t sr|a grrt rierai, .g-ta.t l,lu --' rcttl ol tD. rrE:t llil .t Ett Qr.rsrit rr_ia. !. E8! rrtrcrrkrrr-c...rua!l d..c.Co trr ffir,, slffiad dtr ltt, ffrr fr:ryqeiE]-E.s, r.".ffit.ffitffiffiIt, lr_ba.Bq, 3, tiltt, ttrta t ht oE tI tllji-tr Iry.,flc,,, ilti.8 t..|t,lrrt cl tb lerthrrt .Esi* Ol .r!l b!rt{^r ttad, arr-, ifmo.'f*tf fff.itortr 3re lrt lC.e trrtl tt*r Ett ,I^l.a lrtf -t -irrt lC.C trtta ts glra ol HLEt^lr, lr t r erBttt, .Irlil. ttt rrtllll|l rE[lEt l|lfr uaa r E ,ltrral ei.crulD tl tltt ffi3ll ;tfits:t c rrrdcrg tttD uE llE l! tt E[,lt!rft. rrE tIIr il,rfitltf Etr llEEl, al,lril ryrll 'r rihEt lE H Ja,'|,!z|3II'ED CG IT E I''IilIIIg 3E C EEI TIE EIE T' IBJI'I',',51,', lET ID TO:ffi III ETIT C UTEIT! ED 'rEil 13 EIIlarlttcttctl ll E-r;.ll It lo.tto. Hfi#:fi$iffi"MJff.et't{Ita:l Rto l €Olrltlltl, sEftliltr llailtsnillr lll8l!5*!lCr. tllr:lt rE t$IIt(j' lor Q ]EDt u.litt. tt 3rrr. csrtCrs.tli t.r Gltt ofrrtt.,ta. l. ft{rlOO.OO. t.td BlL. ' ll -, rtr;r ct &!8.It ,-ftl. s.o10f,a.E ftXt! (* illllffl. Co.!t, et_-_-L!l__-1a., ttlr l^ltt.rEr rl hterr r c ll>t rrrEli t.tEImd I. anrEr lr ta c'.rilIil al,|lt* rrytilr tiltrEo Ii.ftrrt .._ ,r 6lrl. It rrlrltI r tlll ht t !:tlrrta13 t rlau-li.ttl.rr.. llll lll 6[Illl orr ff:r rulLq trEtrr ratGIIE T8EI E.T',I CI tEl[!; c rr.art - CIIIIEI'I nI ll Tallll ta @ -l-l{.a, i /ll t:,.l! t, ilr'rl,jr 'r5 rl ftr ai a>i.. .. t.i. -+5eo ,, By GuLLy* BIKEPATH"I,-y:4'.#-.--,- - - f-tiotoo alb'. ifr,t, I ,.CELLED .3 Ir Fi-- -h9\ ]\s @\ -l- ,l/l60oy.tr eoo t $ l: G tsOro(J ) 'Ba Or gtqo{ rri ue$i ' pV oul$Au ENUE Fl Fl E C)d *t E FJ N.E. Cor, Bll( z lst.'Addltron to Cenf ennrol ,.. "Gordens .l-N rrlOl !l Go ={}oo l-r! * -l FAIRVIE $ oa 1i.: rtfl N r200 l%*''*u" ( j: \ 7o.2 il02 rl h' 900 i tI* ?DO t ols-00 600 t €{rlil 500 It rfi' 120? l30l /oc',oo./ ao. ts02/ t50' lr : I I I I I i Itot 400 ,5' 30(} tr r3 :...lri.lii:. rji:jLJl.l.T../ iiHi:j.I Iii\jrni i,ii;.i. i:til:i::i:::j.i::,.i. :;| .il:;i4.i?4 Ilr:iili: 1;j;i?t^ 'r'r r!: ,{'?,.r'{.:,".}'ri i.J11tiif ;ii.ji:ti}Iv i..i.i'i IJL..i{I l,-1r I 1V':Jg. ! L, I ir: i::. lri L:l i... !.J t.r i I i' i:irril.ii:::f,: !'itii:. Tft&V[::,l::.'. ;i:li:t{i\ fiiil}li::itj;i4 I{Ai:ti;;l'", "i;i:]lt]:i.li;i'i:[:l-.Ii, lii:tH.tiiil't -'Eir] I - g IJI] I g *i::' I g 'til:,r'! ! *i l]ir .: rT # ! 3 !-- r !-l I t.r 't'i, {rJtrl' !1 !::. i-, I"i i.i l'{ .1. t., i'i i.- l' l::. [.. '-i ! iI I l-. LrLll11...l llalitil-. l'ri...i.it'l 1.,1{L:.1..,lj. I i::.1:. ! L' l.-- u' ,1 .i ,1 -:r $ ri i: ii i.1 i.{ t" [:. t::. ,.i tJ,.i ,.'] ilf i:t I)H.F ilSI'f x'it i L.: l.t l-\ t-i i:fll'l* : i:ii-.N t',:'i] I I . Tfri( Li:ti I.JT F:i..i! I i::l...[:. l]l::'{ {:tiHr-'L-Ii]' l: uN I]41'[i ., !.1 J.r\ r.l ? 1-l r... a.\ t-\ i 'u ii - Read Carefully! - lusf draw a'Parcel Plan Delow A Parr.- - PIan is a drawing to do this drawing if your lot or parcel is less than one acre. 'this sheet (Side l), will serve as your Parcel Plan. icale that will let your parcel be completely shown on this ;klist to make sure you have everything you need on your ,pment Guide No. 6.1 for sample drawings. R-}IOVE/- and Ek", TJNFOLD this sheet. Use it for your Drawings. Fl bi F}Ja (o (!ol!; an B(D d!, u, D EI EtFl E d o at (D GIF}-d U2(D it o -Io I orl (Dcrt E d o(I ahtt,t.)(D i. Eighth Avenue, Eugcne oR 97401 lSul1et-zaw Devclopmat Plm shows dwclog m6trm dily,or mtirclot cprcelif it's l* thm one lcna. Plot Plan Submittal Form. Side 2 LMD File No. Propefiy Information 0wner Name Owner Address Owner Phone No. Parcel Map and Tax Lot No. Size of Parcel in Acres Instructions - If your lot or r-rcel is one acre or more irl size, you r of your entire parcel. regardless of size. You do not neer Your Development Plan, to be drawn on the other side c Pacl Plen shows thcqrticlot cpmcl. Neded only if lc c parccl is cre am c larga. Parcel Plan Checklist Be sure to draw or list: fl t. en arrow pointing North fl Z. eccurate shaPe of Parcel fl :. t-engttrs of all property lines fl +. Nanrat feanrres like creeks or woodlands [l s. att streets or roads along or into ProPertY, bY name l-l 6. Location of all structures, with distances to Property lines flz. nriveway access l---l 8. Powerlines or other easements across Property l-l 9. Area of DeveloPment Plan (Side I of this fbrm) Suggested Scales for Drawing: 1 inch = 100 feet Fill in the Property Information box. Select a drawing sheet (see examples below the Checklist). Use the Chr drawing. Draw in black ink or #2 pencil. Refer to Develr 1 inch 200 feet l-ane County l-and Managcmant Divisiqr, 125 l CANCELLATION REFUND AUTHORTZATTONap{r' PERMIT ,I /rt tt o APPLICANT E- conrnacton B omunn Reason for refund/cancellation, -{.*-r' 'n - t ,4'.' 4*t,o , - Signature:Date The fol.I-orciag raiJ-l. be co"{'Ieted by couaty staff ur(, ar {rcoro(t ql,l!go.{ f-r erld (oc qre. dirt6.l rr/rc€ (ric. lcp<tlru .nd./d.ppl.iscl@ to irut.lt t.{tic ti(t..td dr.l. tl.ld, .(.o<\dln(lly 06 a.(srd.bl.- &(urd qy bc o brif<tlnq, pt(-biry c pL6.log lD.tidj .ccodiag to tb. .@t o( tt Feiv.P9l'iq(l@ p6€ctcd- Account: Prog,-Fees Paid DescriPtion BuiJ-ding Official (signature waived - I Refund 24-067 4/ 42L20 24-067 4/ 42L24 24-067 4/ 4L235 24-061 4/ 46204 24-0674/ 42123 24-067 4/ 42L36 24-067 4/ 42L37 24-067 4/ 42L28 24-067 4/ 46233 24-061 4/ 42L20 020 020 020 020 020 o20 020 o20 020 o20 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ BuiJ-ding Permit $ I'fechanical Permit $ Plumbing Permit $ Plan Check Fee $ State Surcharge $ Mobile Home Fee $ MH State Surcharge $ MH EIec- Feeder $ Rural Addressing $ Copies./Ordinances $ 24-0427/42L33 240 24-0427/42L23 240 24-0427/42L34 240 24-0427/42L32 240 24-0674/42L25 oLO 24-0674/42L50 010 24-0674/46202 010 24-0674/462L1 110 Total fees paid #r/t /3 Receipt #0 Authorizi-rrg Sigmature IIIA.:SE '(r(E O'DCX PAYAAIE IO: T{AHE: ADDRESS *8**!fr63"1'" *"""i *. r-l Disposal{ gj* 35T 3::"'H:i::::"" Environmenta1 Bealth Maaag:er f{ater Testing Planning Prog'ram Mauager (signature waived - , ,35O, ^na8.4gE;'" 70.o oOa70 $ $ $ $ $ Planning Sign-off Planning Director Parti-tions Recording Fees less $25 Processing Fee TOTAI, AMOT}NT TO BE REE,('NDED $ $ $ $ $ $ Date: o0 1- A3-f-i