HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Septic Tank 1988-05-09G4 4/ - CHEc6fti :'': U 3 Lane County Authori zatrort fon SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEt^l POR OFPICE USE ONLY 2-f,7Application,/ Permit # :DWiiSHIP t7 03 RAIIGE SECTIOI.] 27 .3 .3 TAX LO? 1100 0 nour oF S.JBDIVISION/PARTITION (if appliEbIe)BIPCKt,oT/PA]].I T: FFCPoSED USE OF PROPERTY .lles i-dential Cc,rrLnerc ia1 [-l lndustrrat PubIic x 1140 Ponderosa Ct., Sprinqfield 97477 IOCATION ADDRESS r_t:l ZTPSTREET STRUCTURES CURRENTLY SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW D'SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED !iORK - BC SPECI!'IC DECI.ARED S VALUE = OF BEDF,OOA,IS # oF sroRrEs # OI' EI']PLOYEES I./A?ER SUPPLY Proposed Exis ti OiINER,S NAME AND ADDRESS siteBROWN, Mary T TELEPHONE NUMBER 7 47 788s CCNTRACTORIS NAME AND osR #TELEPHONE NIJMBER ,#(0 TI]LI]PHONE NUMBER 7//-// 75 pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be nade of rr.1 strrrctrrre without the pemission of the Building Division. f fur-ther certify that regislration with the Builder's Board is in ful1 force and effect as required by oRs 70I.055, that ifis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this CHECKED THIS 5-3-BB NAME (please print)s DATE HAVE EXAMCAREFULLY THEINED APPLICATIOI.ICOMPLETED PERMfT!'oR ,lcat !J rah.ti-na hereonoIl truets and correct and Ithat thehave resinte lnt the of i zed ntlegalfollowingrecor(1 cor EatProperty agenIcef:rther that and all dwork beshafl done occOl dn Lhrtifyanyperfome Latre theand ofLaws Statethe OreCouty gon exempt the basis for exemptiproject- I HAVE READ AND""tr"i READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'iAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWTNG CONDITIONS: Parcel. Size rear 5-3-8 8Date: Installation Record Issued? ! v." fl N" I er.eus EXA],rrNATroN : COMI'IENTS: Da Use cL,front c L r. #B. P. f coIIIIENTS Parcel * Minimun Setbacks COI'L!ENTS caIIon Tank Lineal Eeet of I)r'd i r:f ie lcj Maximum Depth of Trenches I snurtetrou, s Installation Specifications: , side_ illterr()r, SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW-- E[ pr,at'rN r t{c,/ z oNr NG :Zone Partition # .f- 7 T BY Der ORS 6 5 DATE C WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 H AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LANE COUNTY SEE REVERSE FOR fNSPECTION INE'ORMATION cr4-25 R* I cert tfv f]o,nu. ti:,r of of tr SETBr-,CXS A:iD OT:l:R CC:iDITIo::3 tl APPROvnL I:UST BE STRICT:', OE:5-q'.'5D. \'iCLATIO:{ CAr* RiiSULT IN REVO- C.-':IO:i Ci !:lIS P::iiilIr, CIT;T1o:i Ll);D:F PiiOVISIO\S Oi LAIE:,\'J::Ti": 1NFR,'TCTIO! OFDi:i.ir*C5, ;5D,/OR oTllER RE}IEDIES ALLOWED Bt LAW. riHEll R5.1:lY iaR iliSl!C?IO)l , CA:: LBi -40..1 . ir )1Ir-IilUl.i OF .'\T L:;1ST 2i IIOLI.S .1DV-l::aE l..OTICE FOR INSPTC- aa:J-TITr-ST;ltL1--lt! GrV:::- -,i:l-c tlreJollowing in:o.:ition re3dy: iernit nunber, lob address, type of inspectlon, when it wrII be ready, your name and phoi!-:runber, anC an) s?ecial. Circctions to srte. BUlLDING DlVISION: I,EQUIl'D I ::SI'ECTiCNS : -Foundation lMgll]gl: To be made afrer trenches are excavated and forms erectcd and when aI1 fuiiEEri;-Is i'or Ehe tounCation are .lelivered on the job. l{here concrete f rom a central mixing pLan! (comonly termed "lransic mi-xed") is to be used, naterials reed not be on the job. Concrete slab or Under-aLoor Inspectioni To be nade after alI in-slab or under-floor building EEwi-*lu-ipmmt-, rm:ult, pllinq ressorres, and other ancil-lar)'equipment items are j,n pLace but before any concrete i.s poured or floor sheathing installed, includ.ing t,he subfloor. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made aiter the roof, all framing, fire blocking, and braci-rg are in ?lace aad alI pipes, fireplaces, chinneys, and vents are comp.Lete and a1I rough electrical an<i plumbing are approved. Al-l wall lnsulation and vapor barrier are in place. I 2 4. Lath and/or cypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathing and qypsum board, interior aid er:cerior, is rn place buL ocfore any plaster.j.ng is applied and beiore gypsm board joi.nts and fasteners are taped aod fj.nished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the building is conplete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. lto work shall be done on any part of ihe buildiog or structure beyond the poj.nt i.ndicated in each successive inspection without first obtf,ining the approval of the buildj.ng official. Such approval shall be glven cnly after an inspect-ion shaIl have beel nade of each successive step in the construction as indicated by each of r.he inspecti-cis requireC NoTE: A11 building peimits'iqui." inspections for- the work authorized, such as bu! not limited to: A. Block tlalL: To be made aater reinforcing is ia place, but before 3ny grout is poured. This IilFEcEIEn is required lor each bond beam pour, There wilL be no approvaL until the plmbj.nq and electrical inspecLions have been made and approved. B. l'lood stove: To be naCe after conpletion of masonrr, (if applicable) anC when installation is ffipIete. Installatfon shall be i-n accordance ulth an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturerrs instalLation instructions. C. llobile Home: An inspection is requj.red after the robile home is connected to an aDproved EEwEi-oi-*ptic system icr setback requirements, blocking, :-ooting connecticn, tiedowns, skirt.j-ng, and plwblng coDnections. 1. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevation shall be certified when requj.red by a flood- pLain managemenl letter. 3. ilobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for j-nspec- tion within at least 30 days after occupancy. Tiedowns and skirtinq shall be instalLed Per enclosure. D, Swimrng PooI: Below grade when st.eel is in place and before concrete is pouled. Above glade rrot-ls insta.l.led. ,IPPROVED PIiINS }IUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKINC HOURS. THTS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF IIORK DOES NOT BEGIN WIIHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF-WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN ].80 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION i,lAY OCCUR IT THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POIIJT OT REQUIRED TNSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN NTSX. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEIiAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEHS! l. Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. permit holdor shalI r Upon completing lhe construction for which a permiL has been issued, the notify the Lane County Department of Planning and Comunity Developnent installation record form. the Department shall j.nspect the construction by Lto subnitting the detcrmi.ne if it complies wi-th the rules contained in this divisjon. If the construction does comply with such ruIes, the qeparLment shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completron to the perniti holder. If the c6nstitctioi'.ioes ndt c,Sifoly with such ru1es, the Delarhent shall not:flr the permit holder and shall require sallsfactorj,conpletion before issuing the certificite. Failure to meet the requirements for sati5factory compLetion wrthin a reasonable time constitutes a vio- 1a:ion of oRS 154.605 to 15,t.115 and this ruIe. seLb.lcks - subsurfaco q"'19jE qlTlj3f .slgllg rank lnterror properti, fincs Edqe ol road rrgi)t-of-way BrriLciinq foundatlon irclLs, o-ther water sources Dra rfl ffslS i0' 10, 10, 100, 10, 10' 50' RTQUEST FOR ASS/S t ANCELane County Land Management Division 125 E. 8th Ave. Please provlde lnformatton about yoursetf and the property PERMIT # T B SI/45 TL +02{#ff,trc Please tell us what type of asststance you need INF Dlrectlons to slte from Courthouse Land Management Dly..lafl can not bc held ;eeponslble for evaluallons or rccommendatlonc baaed on lalae, lnaccuratc or lncomplol. lnformation MAIL PERMIT TO:STAFF EVALI,IATION Zonlng TRS Verifl Allowed U, Floodplaln ed EYes No Ese EYes NoE AF I-IDF l-l RF-l NoneE COMMENTS / FOLLOW.UP Partition / Subdivlslon D:ir--- Lot & Block / k \ {P N \\t .r$I I [3a*o{ /loo-r.., {t_ F(o r* aF 4ous r. I t 4o Por0., rtosa cf- 5 pn,.fl/,d oEK J'