HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-04-20r POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB ADDRESS:I,I7 Pl8.drl Ayc4, k!o., (n CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT + tM?-rg TRS, TL: l7-01h22{2 r 62O2 Subdivision: This permit for the referenced property is hereby qryI!'yil. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions oI Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedi6 allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS +r Construction approved by this permit: 8ay Baaeen, L717 Ptnodala Avanrer fuoeer JLn Deaa, 1747 Pfoedalc Aveoue, EucsNe Total Construction Value: pg , oR 97tO1 oR 97nl * Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 7174491 747-8491 Repalr falllog SDS. Stnrcturea Dfl oo ProPertys trm. Water Supply: il + Bedroomsi rrr * Plumbing Fixtures tre + Employees:na PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: *Partitioning + rr^. Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front side exterior: * ; interior property lines: o" ;rear property line Special lnstructions: Parcel +Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, nena na ne WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + ," lnstallation specifications: na gal. min. septic tank capacity; oe lineal feet of rjiainfield required; max. depth of trenches: oe Special lnstructions:Tlrc hrlld{rrg scret plpe frm houee to tsnk le boredt Septic Tank and ir to be replaced. If any algn of fallure prorvafla after thlr corectloar plcasa contecE thie offlceo1o,- 10' 5', 50'between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,63eg Grey Setbacks t ^teiio-r property I i nes( Je of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield--10'- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: na lnstructions: Group: 11a Use Classification ua For plans information call oa between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., 11e For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. lane county Directions to Site: Date lssued. M-20.79 c55-13 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: cteg Gray/lJf 6l!'-- For information call 687-4394, rl.-.t.. x-{F Fire Zone: na \ t t I ,{ + OEPARTI1ENT OF ENVIRON|4EI,{TAL I1ANAGEMENT ,'^. PSB, I25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740I p I icat ion r ,11 ing it vrill be used other purpose. I ha ser; I essee; o is knowledgeable o 4,-Etl E Block __ S igned Numbers and ase; FtntrCi ty - Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot Job Address When Owner Subdivision Lot nAppl ication for Structures now on the property Proposed use of prop\erty: N Affidavit: I, If this applicat Lane County Code Signature/Address 'idential /] Conrmercial ion is for an agr nt bu ea se cul tural td Chapter l0 (zoning) and for no f7 Industrial /-/ Public hereby certify that this informat.ion js true and accurate. d by the State Building Code ga1 interest in the property an exclusive option to purch F p 'i for purposes allowe ve the following 1e holder of f-TEIs, appl ication.- owner of record; contract Purcha--V-auly authorized to act for the owner, wh *r A z1 7. or permit is ready notify: /-/ Appl icant Owner /7 Contractor /-/ nai z1 Pho Con trac tor (zip)Phone Contractor's OSR# - Plumbing bY # of employees Te1 eph one Da te If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms SI test holes ready Descri pti on Fee Code Sq. Ft. or # of Sites # of units SDS: , Existing, BP # / / Proposed, SI # Un it Cost $ $ Total Valuation: Plumbing fixtures at Sewer/water conn. at 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccupancy $-- each $ g each $ Subtota l TOTAL $ /-V't'ash /-/ Chec \\J k# Received by I,later Supply Proposed _ Year Instal led Existing $ PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Part. #Parcel #Parcel Si ze Minimum setbacks t , front ,t s ide i nt.rea r Comments To be typed on permit By Da te WATER POLLUTION CONTROL Instal lation speci fications be ga tank;ft. of drainfield; max. depth of trenches 0n pe t Te l ephone By Date Directions to site Da te Requ i red Hcld Slip to PCC tlo te Conrp 1 e ted Date to PCC FOR INF0RIIATI0N about progress of your appiication call Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) Valuation Fee Q s { $ Lt srro Plans to' ::ll - setfs) wru >eut:) /-/ cP&r-/-/-l{Pc 17 Planning /_/ PuOlic Works , Elevation /-/ n/a /-/ Address /-/ Faci 1 i ty Permi t /l Environmental Health DEPARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I'IANAGEMENT PSB,]25 EAST BTH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 9740'I 'I essee; ble 7r--{*.g \N-rc- EaO-Ed r= :*,l,,tyr,,St%*DJob Address Appl ication for Structures now on the property N Affidavi t: I , If this applic ation is for an agri cu ra bu il d'ing i t wi 1 Lane County Code Chapter '10 (zoning) and for no other'purp er of record;con tract purchaser;. own---V-aut y authorized to act for the own EFt IS Si gnature/Address q ll[U#i:i- istiuo:k: -/--l i.d. *:Xii /_/ilI rrnj,#f$lliii , i:ffiIit'#iii hereby certify that this information is true and accurate I be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and ose. I have the following legal interest jn the property: holder of an exclusive option to purchase; app I i cat'ion lerp) z1I 1 ephone When permi s ready notify: /:/Appl i cant Owner Contrac tor Phone Owner /_/ E z1 Da L Con trac tor Contractor's 0SR#Plumbing by If Commercial Residential: # of employees .#lr.:.ilf,.,i'i[tlr.tt ].,,. rtffiliit , Existins, BP # ----/-/ Proposed, SI #SI test holes ready $GiIiiiliifi*frri,. .Ssi,,t.jE'+r,.,iUt, ,&r+t' -.i+fii:,$,1.tee .Sj{.:Isc ( I Total Valuation: at at $ each each $ $/_t \r33 Subtota l TOTAL Received by Water Supply Proposed Year Instal Ied PERMIT PROCESSING Zone Minimum setbacks 4% State surcharge PIans check fee Change of Occupancy c $ Existing _ Part. #Prrcel #-- carcel Si ze-t , front Comments To be typed on permit By-0ate To be typed on permit Ey 0a te PhonpFor plans informati cal I (area Directions to site o /_t vro /-/ CPE' Pl ans to set (s) (s) Da le Pequ i red tlnld Slip Date Lo PC,- FoR INF0RMTION about progress of your .rpnlication calI c74-L7L 0a te tlomF, leted CP& I LlPC /:/ /_t /:/ P1 ann i ng Publ ic Works // Elevation /-/ n/a /-u Address i_/ Facility Permit Environmental Health Permit Control Centq' 587-l"lELP (687-4357) Val uati on $--- CP& I Type_ Group-._ Fire Zone_ iJse Classjf icatiul <b 4/z_ Vlcinlty Map N TRS, TL Job Locatlon (Addre ss)/ 7c/z l,rte rE Permit /l Pernlt Permlt For For Permit For Permlt #-For sb 7 tloqr Permit /lPlcrt Plan For For Subdivision Lot Block { -/fii!Y PrtE Dlr- Po. +, atII c74-L50 1f I / ( lrTn -E rr.+{b= hr'\{ -ts ( "ANE couN^ BUILDING pERMtr oR MoBttE H( : BUTLDTNG [--] MH tr USE PIRMIT PERMIT NO. PROPERTY OWNER MAITING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR MAITING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY TOCATION _ INCTUDE POST OFFICE : PROPERTY TEGAI. DESCRIPIION - METES, BOUNDS RA NGE SECTION TAX NO.CODE CENSUS TRACT ,4, A O EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY APPL. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS TEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE-FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms Connect to Existing Sewoge Sysrem f New System fl STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT TYPE CONSTRUCTION sQ. FT. # BDRMS VALUATIoN SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBTIC tr SEPIIC TANK N OTHERE PI.UMBING INSTATTED BY OWNER ! OTHER: NAME FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBLTC tr tr OTHER BUI[DING WASTE DISPOSAI PTUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAIIER TOTAI. $ COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. DRAIN FIETD REQUIRED TIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT OR SQ. FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBIIC UTII,. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS .- FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAO RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CLASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE DATE Conslruction to comply with uniform building code ond counly regulotions covering plumbing ond sewoge disposol. All buildings require o certificote of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Stotement on Reverse Side) (posT THrs PERMTT ON MArN BrDG. AT SrTE) TANE COUNTY, BLDG, & SAN, DIV., COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ronu l* 955- 13 / 7/7 /zyaoaz{ ,*/C *-*z* BTDG. PERMIT _ WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PIUMBING _ CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION _ GOIDENROD 3r/ a-/-Z*B*z- 1 Z-3/ BU I LD ING S iTE EVALUAT ION N Building Permit App lication No. JIZ- ( ) S ite lnspect ion ( ) Pre-Permit lnvest igat ion TJ/Z_R_4Z;_-22-T^x Lo CE S TRnCf _11= =_.6-.s APPL I NAI'18 ADD PHONE s DATE 2*t ?-7_? LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPART}4ENT NOT NO YES appl icabler) NAI'IE DATE 2-4-a>.I 2 Zon ing 0rd inance Compl iance (zone_ :\t-7 ) Subdivision 0rdinance Compl iance ( () ( ( () () () () () () 3. Requ i red Access 4. Bu i ld ing S ite (Area, Width, Frontage, Setback) 5. 0ther (see comments) V ( BUILDlNG INSPECTION SECTTON 6. Plans Submitted 7. Soil Stability (footings) 8. Flood Pl a in 9. 0ther (see Cornnents) NOT NOEill icable--l-T_-( ) YES *1 () NA}48 DATE ( ( {t y1 fi ) ()(A-lr J- .n COHI'IENTS: SANITATION SECTION Sewage Disposal Usable Area Water Supply 0ther (see Corrnents) NOT YES N ( $ () NA}l8 aool icable*rr--( )t0. il. 12. 13. () () ,) (L, () () COHIiIENTS: TO APPL ICANT: Your Buildi ng Permit / Site lnspectiV{'Can be approved. 2- t5 ()Cannot be approved at this time as indicated on i tem N0.above.Questions and further information on items I through !contact the Lane-COUNTY PLANN ING DEP ARTHENT.Quest ions and further informat ion on i6; 5t hrou contact the Coun t Buildi and Sanitation Divisi on.()t/ill be held in this o ice until Vou can resolve the probl ems n i cated()ls being returned.()Your building permit appl ication fee is being returned under separate cover. LANE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTI.IENT 135 Sixth Avenrje East, Eugene, 0regon 9l4}l PHoNE: 342-t3tt ExT. 231 LANE COUNTY BUILDING 6 SANITATION DIVISION 135 Sixth Avenue East, Eugene, 0regon 9l4}l PH0NE z 342-t3ll ExT. 4t I M55- 28 COIVIIT1ENTS: NO DATE Date r,Jo. PERM IT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached appiication has been fully considered by the Board of County Commissioners of Lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permlt should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to for the placing, building and constructing of the following facility: upon the right-of-way of County Road No., in strict conformity to the exhibits attached thereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and pro. visions contained rn the application and permit, the Rules and Regulations Governing Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, dated March 31, 1960 and any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulation, Iaw or ordinance. Special Provisions: This permit is revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is hereby authorized. This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated shall have been completed before Inspected and Approved , 19 -. Expires , 19_. Approved by Board of Commissioners By Date By WHITE , OFFICE FILE GREEN - RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK BLUE Director of Public Works PERMITTEE ORANGE. BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT ROAD SUPERVISOR YELLOW - SURVEYOR c98- s2 , f Date APPLIGATION FOR FAGILITY PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF qOUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LT\NE COUNTY Your applicant, , hereby makes application under Rules and Regulations Governing Facilities to be Per- mitted Upon County Road Rights-of-Way, to construct the following facility: Upon the right-of-way of County Road No., at the following location: as shown on the exhibits which are attached hereto, in strict conformity to the state- ments of the exact nature and amount of work to be done, and to the description of the facilities contained in said exhibits. Your applicant will be the beneficial owner of the facility as constructed, or otherwise primarily liable and responsible to members of the public for its proper maintenance, repair, operation and use. Your applicant accepts all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions, in Rules and Regulations Gwerning Facilities to be Permitted Upon County Road Rights-of-Way, dated March 31, 1960, and any amendments thereto, and any other applicable regulation, law or ordinance. Signature WHITE . OFFICE FILE GBEEN. RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK . PERMITTEE ELUE - BOAD SUPERVISOR ORANGE. EUILDING AND SANITATION DEPT' YELLOYV . SURVEYOR Address Phone No. IANE COUr\ BUIIDING PERMIT OR MOBILE H E USE PERMIT PERMIT NO. PROP OWNER BUILDING MH MAII.ING ADDRESS PHONE CONTRACTOR MAITING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY TOCATION - INCIUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY TEGAL DESCRIPTION _METES, BOUNDS RANG E SECTION TAX LOT NO CODE CENSUS TRACT EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY APPL. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS LEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE _ FT, WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms Connect to Existing Sewoge System New Syslem STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT TYPE CONSTRUCTION sQ. FT. # BDRMS VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBLIC N SEPTIC TANK oTHERn PTUMBING INSTALIED BY OWNER n OTHER: NAME (FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBLTC tr tr OTHER BUITDING WASTE DISPOSAT PTUMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAITER TOTAT COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GA[. DRAIN FIEID REQUIRED tIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT.OR SQ. FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBI.IC UTI[. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FRONT FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CTASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE DATE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PTUMBING _ CANARY BUITDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOTDENROD Construclion lo comply with uniform building covering plumbing ond sewoge disposol. All of occuponcy before being occupied. code ond county regulotions buildings require o certificqte (See Stotement on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BIDG. AT SITE) TANE COUNTY, B[DG. & SAN. DIV., COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I ronu lf 655-13 SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUND/ORK ApenovEo El DTsAPPRovED Rrua nx s GAS PIPING GROUND/ORK Ap pRov e D Reua nx s D r sappRoveo Drrr I ruspecroa ROUGH PLUMBING AppRoveo N Drsappnoveo Rrmaars DrreJ.///')J lNspecr ROUGH GAS PIPING Appnoveo Rr ptr nx s I Nspecron F I NAL PLUMBING Appnov e o RrurRxs DrsappRoveDR -' oort f-J -? 3 trspecroR G"Af FINAL GAS PIPING AP PRov E D Reuanr s D r sappRovro Dare I uspeclon CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Rrrov ro lssur Reulnr s D Nor Reaoy ro lssue D Dare I xspecron oo'.J:r8:2.L- t wseccroe u{/.L D D DrsAPPRovE, D Dorr_ BUITDING PERMIT OR MOBILE H EIANE COUI.USE PERMIT PERMIT NO.BUILDING MH OWNER MAITING ADDRESS CONTRACTOR MAITING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY TOCATION _ INCTUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY I.EGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS RANG E SECTION TAX LOT NO,CODE CENSUS TRACT EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY APPL. NAME & MAII.ING ADDRESS rt {\'q\\LEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY PROPERTY SIZE _ FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existing Sewoge System TYPE CONSTRUCTION se. FT New BDRMS VALUATION SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBTIC f] SEPTIC TANK tr OTHER-l PTUMBING INSTALTED BY OWNER n OTHERT NAlviE BUILDING WASTE DISPOSAI PTUMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBTIC OTHER TOTAT $ COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACIIY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. DRAIN FIETD REQUIRED IIN. FT TPENCH WIDTH FT OR SQ. FT TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBIIC UTIt. EASEMENT BTDG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CIASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE DATE BTDG. PERM IT _ WH ITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOTDENROD Construction to comply with uniform building covering plumbing ond sewoge disposol. All of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Stotement on Reverse Side) (POsT THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) tANE COUNTY, BTDG. & SAN. DIV., COURT HOUSE, EUGENE, OREGON 9740I code ond county regulolions buildings require o cerlificqt€ ronu t 655- 13 PHONE SITE INSPTCTION AppRov E o Reua Rr s Dts OVED Dare I rusprctoR FOUNDATION INSPECTION Appnoveo Rruanxs '' - DrsappRoveo Datc ')-- 2 /-73 lHspEcron FRAMING INSPECTION Appnoveo ReuaRx s d DrsappnovE o D Darr 3 - /tl--I NSPEc LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Aepnovro D DrsappRove o f1 Dorr_ Retqlnxs I Nspecton FINAL INSPECTION Ap PRov e o ReManxs rt ,ZDtsappnoveooor, f'f -'? ) z,t -3 C TOR 'u 1- u7 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY RErov ro lssuE Re t"taRx s Nor Relov ro lssuE 4 tv-tl ? {s rVt ?,?d*& Z/^ zoo r-t \ D Dore_lxsercron_ Insta s Name No v c INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM RECORD nstaller: Complete top part c -orm to signature and return both copies co Lane County Building Sanitation Department. rope SS upp v Public D./ otner-List Cnu I cxsxnrur, RS Bedrooms Baths Baseftent yes fl uo il Ft. from well Steel I Concrete fr-/ No. Compartments Length width Diameter Depth GaI. Capacity sposa Distribution BoxzYesff No fl D - Type Feet from tion Lot Line Front Side below AppIi Name M ailing Address 1 ofL 3. - Et,4. s. 6. Trench widrh Total sqlrt.uetweenl Filler ft.SHO lri',.= y lrvp" /4 Fi1ler depthabove ,tile A in- Sketch See instructions Date Disapproved Signature : System stallation Conforms to Standards Conform to Current Standards Date: 4lrs C. t,; rD LI'\ EGEIVE FEB 2 ? 1973 LANE C3UII:i fi'rA.LTH DEPI 0 Remarks: Lane County Building & Sanitation Dept' Sanitari an c55-ll 5 For Sanitarian Use OnIY: IANE COUNTY PERMIT TYPE - BUILDING BUITDING PERMIT OR MOBITE MOBITE HOME iIOSC REG. HOME UsE APPTICATION # + , PERMTT Jt / l,tltttNo PHONE 747-6 POST OTFICE .v^'J PROPERTY TEGAT DESCRIPTION TOT_BI.OCK-SUBDIV. RANGE -d TAX TOT CODE DESC EXISTING STRU METES&BOUNDSDYES ATIACHED RES ON PROPERTY IF ANY. n3 APPI.ICANT NAIAE AND MAIIING ADDRESS TO PROPERTY _ ROAD NAME SIZE_WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMIT ONLY Number of Bedrooms Connect to Existing Sewoge System I or New System R.q. E STRUCIURES rO BE BUIIT TH|S PERMTT 4rnr.r-&A-rr-c, TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT.J*d /r-"-,*14rb 4 G,ze-BE08OOM6G)/75? 2- L#VATUATION - Z.*t-aaz.2^t*rltk/-Src el-do o6E -7 7 // PTUMBING INSTAIIED BY OWNER OTHER E NAME PLANS FURNISHED PUBLIC SEPTlC OTHER trofEES WATER SUPPT_Y FAC ITITYBTDG. WASTE DIS. PI-UAABING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRI.R. PUBI-IC OTHER YES s NO OF APPTICANT BY DATE 7 DATE -/3* 73 YES NO PIUMBI // NG FE FIXTURES TOTAI./3o Jo cAsH E CHECK NECTION FEE PUBI.IC WATER CONNECTION FEE /- COUNTY BUII-DING & SANITATION SPECIFIC,ATIONS AAIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. DRAIN FIEI,D REQUIRED{oo I.IN. FT,tffi TRENCH WIDTH FT 3 oR seuARE rEEr 37y'4 b /ra in*tu Ao nfr > OCCUPANCY -sIDrEXr:- TYPE OF STRUCTUNE BIDG, SETBACKS _ TT. FROM CTR. Or ROAD RIGHT OF ZONE REAR YARD USE CI.ASSIFICATION PUBTIC UTIL. EASEMENT T FRONT SIDE INT, Direclions to Find Property: REAR e--la Dole INSP. torm $ g55-12 '.2 Dole COPY I _ OFFICE COPY 2_JOURNAI. COPY 3 _ AUDIT TWP sEc. Jo. r.oJG 4o Z 7