HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1999-11-10SPFlIt\lGFTELE,JON \UMBER OIGN PERMIT APPLICATIO 225 Filth Street Sprins{ield, OR 97 477 Zfr, lnspection Line: 726-3769 Olfice: 726-3759 SITE ADDRESS LlLZ ?v.t"^l- BlvJ Sle ,@ Itzqz. Co^-.-.e l-.Ste A TAX LOT: iz.ipHorur:(s''r D r-tg1-q63LASSESSOBS MAP: OWNER: \Jr"cAsso..i..l.:,\,a ADDRESS: CITY:E"oR-ZIP:.1?90 LSTATE: Ab*,e-BUSINESS NAME, FIRM ETC. DESCR|PTION OF pBoposED slcN(S): (please check and complete all appropriate information) Square Footag e: ztQ q, P+ Vertical Dimension of sign or enclosure Dimension from Grade to bottom of Sign Enclosure: Material Sign is constructed of: -_ Roof Other Total Height above Grade:P+. Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure 8 F{.. Fs". ,f *"u K singte race Freestanding Double Face _ Projecting _ Billboard _ Marquee Q+ c\ Electrical lnstallation: - Yes additional electrical permit is required) No List ALL existing OEfh a photograph of each sign: (a) Type ISPEHMIT TRETFTHEWOru{Type AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERTV?IT IS NOT (c ) rv pe -------€orrftilEf{eEd&frBrcr,naenearon (d ) rvpn Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. :. ,.-CONTRACTOR/INSTALLEB 5;Tln^"t PHONE:S F Z b /n Av< STA ctL ZIP:9 ?yoz /o ADDRESS CITY:Wq'a-e CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION I{UMBER . 1 ,IOI,S CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER:76o ts / EXPTRES: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE Sign District: Zonins: LC--Code Section: Approved By: Land Use: 5ZO O Ouad Area: r en) J a Sign Permit Fee 44L DArE: l0 -AS '7n REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _ Site to be made prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete ztnttuchment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover ' Electrical prior to energizing electrical installation Final Effietion of sign installation Additional Comments andlor Conditions: By signature, I state and agree, that I have carelully examined the completed application and do hereby certily that all information herei is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City <Springfield, and the Laws ol the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I lurther certify that only contractors ar employees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 will be used on this project. I lurther agree ' the permit card of the sign(s). to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that p roject address is readable from the street, th the propert)', and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the installatir Signature Date g Validation: is located at Received By Amount Received: Receipt Number: VALUE OF SIGN: qL^ l),-!-N 0 DatePaid: L; t0-?1 03u tffi *-) The apprication on the reverse side needs to be compreted entirery. rI you are the sign contractor/installer' or il you are hiring a contractor, ,"r'"..0 i ,"uk. ,rr. ,nr,i"in in.-iitv of sp;in;fi;td Business Li""'t'e Number and the Resistration Number {rom the state'ot oregon constru",[" i""ii..toii eouio ;:; ;r,J;" the application along with the expiration date of each. rf the sign you are proposing to insta, is ilruminated, an erectrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a superrisinj"","Jan","^,-,.it"o,.ign "i""tri"ar contractor,';; u";;;;re the b.usiness owner who atso owns the building in which yo., ur" occupying, uno v'ou *,r bL per{orminn ,i" '.rl.ui".r insta'ation yourself ' you may sign the .r..iii Jai rP Plication' rI there are existing wa, and/or rreestanding signs, .a photograph(s) of each existing sign needs to be attached to the application. rne size J el'cn e*isting ,ign ;l; ;.;ds io be ii.t"d on the application' PLAI'IS To submit Ior a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete sets oI drawings showing all dimensions' total height' and a prot pran indicatins #;;; rn. Jropor.o ,ig"'*;rib" ro"rtro. rr voi'uiu initirtins u t,".runrrins sisn which exc.eeds 20 reet in totar height, tne tooting detair needs i" u. ,rur"red and ,o,",..*l iv u ,.ugiri"red engineer or architect' Af ter the olan review process is compreied, ano, it.your-is^:bii. ,pproruo, onl-r"iot prun, wi' be re-turned to you' The approved set or drawings need a uJrtir," site when ai'inrpection is requested f or the inspectors relcrence' INSPECTIONS Depending on your sign(s), you may be required to request one or a, of the folrowing inspections during the installation of your sign: Site:Toberequestedafter,indicatingonthelotvr,heretheproposedsignwill.belocatedbutpriortoanywork beins performed for,nu rn*.rir,.io" oi,nu sign. rhris"in"Jp;Ln i. r.qrir.d if there is a question on the location ol the ProPosed sign' Footing: To be requested after excavation and the forms are instared, but prior to pouring concrete' lf there will be eiectiical conduit placed i" ,r., i""li"g, it ml|st- atso"ue ln place prior to requesting this inspection' Attachment:ToberequestedwhenallfastenersareinstalledbutpriortoGover. Electrical:Toberequestedaftertheelectricalconnectiontothesignismade,butpriortoenergizing. Final:Afterallrequiredinspectionsareconductedandapprovedandthesignlnstallationiscomplete. The inspections that are required -f or your sign installation wi, be indicated on the a.pplication during the plan review orocess. Fairure to request ANy of tne requ.riei'inrpr.tion, "orro"*rriii" .ign ,",no,ur in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work' To request an inspection, phone 726-3.769.This is a 24 hour recording. on therecording you wi'need to reave your city Designated Job Number, tocation of *nereir,; ,ig" i, b"r"g inrt.ri.o, tne type of inspectlon you are requesting' and when you wi, be ready,fii;;;o*tion. arr-inir*'.;; care-d in,"iil'i.""lier prior'to 7:00 a'm' will be made the same working day, all inspections phoned in arteii:oo a.m. will be made the lollowing work day' * you have any questions regarding the application, required prans or inspections, please feer free to phone the Building SaietY Division at 726-3759 City ot SPringfield Building SatetY Division 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION