HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-11-03- lp Nrt}-- Gd /o-r La,ne Count v Authortzattott J fon p ON PROPERTY? 7? OF OT PROPOSED -BESP AND OSR : certify that registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055, that if exenpt the basis for exempti roted hereon, and that only subcontractors ed enployees who are in compLiance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND :KED THIS APPLICATION I HAVE CARIFULLY EXAMINED THE CO,IPLETED APPLICATION !'OR PER},!IT, arrd do hereby certi.fy t-hat all infomation hereon ls true and correct, and that I : the following legal interest in the property,[or."r of recordi f contra..:. p,,t.h.""r.,,1Srthorized agent. :rlher certify that any and all work perfomed shall be done in accordaDr:e witlr tl-.c ordrriancB of Lme Cowty and th@ Laws of the State of Oregon :aining to the work described herein, and that No oCcUPANcY will be made of anj'st-rrlcture withouE the pemission of the Building Division. f fur- %7 SIGNATURE DATE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY l:3*i:';'""' 3lFrfl I(AIYb.U a3 PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY ftu"tountial ! errr:.i" f ndus tr:-al Commercial /PAP,CEL ZIPCITY S VALUEDEr.?:AIlED>r) WA?ER SUPPLY ! eroposed€ldxisting OF NUMBERAND TELEPHONE NI'MBER -5 READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR ] pr,arqurrlc/zoNrNG Minimum Setba cL ZATION I{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: Partiti.on #Parcel #ParceI Size t C interior COITUENTS SANITATION: s. I. il Installation callon Specifications: _ T.rnk PLANS EXAMINATION: B. P. * rear Date Installation Record Issued? l,taximun Depth of Trenches fl r"= f]ll" Lineal Feet of Drainfield Grourl--Use CO}4}1ENTS: LANE COUNW ct4..25 R* TDate: //-s4APPROVED BY OFF 125 EASTSTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INF'ORMATION IGNEE ORS DATE OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687.4061, 4 -.-.__ CALL 68]-1065. A T1INII'1UI1 OF AT LEAST 2{ IIOURS ADVAIiCE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- HilA--EEE-ollowj.ng information ready: permiL number, job addresa, type be ready, your nane and phone nunber, and any special directions to site. SETBiTCKS AND OTIIER CONDITIO]]S OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. VIOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- C;TION OF TIIIS PERMIT, CITATlO:i UNDER PROVISIOi-S Oi LANE COU\TY':; INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND,/OR OTHER RE}IEDlES ALLOI{ED BY LAW. WHEN READY FOR INSPECTION, @ENof inspection, uhen it wil,I BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: 1. Foundation Inspectlon: To be made after trenches are exca!,ated and forms erected and when all nateriafs for the foundation are delivered on the Job. llhere concrete from a central mixing plant (comonly termed "transiL mixed") j.s to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. concrete sLab or Uqggtal* Inspection: To be made after alL in-slab or under-fIoor building r6nri*eqilrpmqt, mndnft, piping ressories, and other ancillary equrpment items are in place but beiore any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, iocluding the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Insoections: To be made after the roof, all franing, fire blocking, and i;i*u6 arJ-ii-pTre SnE ETI-$Iles, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are ionplete and ali rough e.Lectrical and plumbing are approved. AI1 wall insulation and vapor barrier are in p1ace. 4. Lath and,/or cypsum Board Inspection: To be made after all lathlng and qypsum board, interior anileit6rl6ri1-ullrce-5uE-ET-re any plastering is applj-ed and beiore gypsm board joints and fasteners are taped and fj.nished. 5. Final Inspection: To be made after the bu.il.ding is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the buj-Lding o! Structure beyond the point indj-cated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the building offrcial Such approval shaLl be- given only after an inspection shall have been maCe of each successive stepj.n the construction as indicated by each of the inspections required. All building pernits require i.nspections for the work autholized, such as buL noL lj-mited to: Bl-ock l^Iall: To be maCe after reinforcing is in place, but before any grout is poured. This fispecEIon is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspeclions have been made and aPproved. !^Iood stove: To be made after completion of nasonry (if applicable) and when install-ation is aomFlet.e. Insrallation shaLl be in accordance witsh an approved, nationally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. MobiLe Homer An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an aPproved EEi-rei-reptic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connectlon, tiedowns, skirtj.ng, and plmblng coonections. l. Footings and piers to conply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manufacturer. 2. Mobile home minj-mum finish floor elevation shall be certified when requj.red by a f)'ood- plain management let.ter. 3. Uobite home tiedowns, when required, and sk.j,rti,ng shall be inslalted and ready for inspec- tion uithin aL least 30 days ifter occupancy. Tredowns and skj.rtj-ng shall be installed per enclosure. Swiminq poolr Below grade when steel is in place and before concrete is Poured. Above grade ilhen poor rs rnstalred. A. ippROVED PLANS MUST BE oN THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURI!*G WORKING HOURS. THIS PERIIIT vJrLL EXPIRE IF l,tORK DOES NOT BEGrN WITHIN 180 DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR IIORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION I.IAY OCCUR IF IHIS PERMIT WAS ISSUDD ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYoNE PRoCEEDING PAST THE POIIiT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS T,,IILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEh'AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEIIIS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from lhe Cate of issuance' 2. Upon completing the construction for uhich a permit has been issued, the permit holder shall nitity tire Lane county Department of Planning and Comunity Development by submitting the. installation record form,- The Departrent shall inspect the construction to determine if it complies with the rules contai.ned in this division. If the construction does comPly with such ruILs, the Department shalI issue a certificate of satisfactory conpletion to lhe permiti holder If the construction does not compLy with such rul.es, the Department shall notify the Permit holder and shall requlre satisfictory completi.on before issuing the certificate. Failure to .."i tn" io!"i.uni"niu for satisfacrory compterion wj.thin a reasonable time constiLutes a vj-o- Iation of oRs 454.605 to 454.145 and this rule. Seibacks - Subsurfhcc Sewage Disposal sePtic Tank Interior ProPertY lines Edge of road right-of-way Burlciing foundation lie1Is, other water sources Drainfield 10, I0' 10, r00 | arom:t0' t0 | 50' ACTI' TY INFORMAI-ION JHL,L, C()MPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS l.lILL BE REJECTED! o: 1 trl /Zz eJ Err? ILI-7 ,/O ql A'4"-cz't ffi HOME TELEPHONE #BUSINESS TELEPHONE # 2 PROPERTY ADDRESS / I / TEL -4.a ( IT DIFFERENT F 3 naae a PAFIeEL NUMBEFI (RE UrRED INF0RI4ATI0N) MTNSFIP MMSN-:P RANGE SMT-ION TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP: (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxation or from tax statement) ZON I NG TO-INSHTP MNE SE-CrIOru ffi ZONING ffi ZON ING ACRES 4 SUBDIVISI0N (if appl icab"le) 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) LOT BLOCK 6 DIRECTIONS TO SiTE:X/a-r--Z-** ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND US E: 4-33 LAND N,IANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. 8th AVE., EUGENE, 0R 9740'l / 687-4061 4 --TTRS0N MAKING &EQUEST 7t /7*//4 dL?t CITY STATE ZIP CODE Z.t LANE COU BUILDING MH PERMIT OR MOBILE USE PERMIT PERMIT NO.375-75 MAITING ADDRESS 837 Phcrgrnt Blvd.on€ r MAITING ADDRESS PHONE PHONE - INCTUDE POST OTFICE Iaft on Phraaant, to end on ri ght PROPERTY I.EGAT DESCRIPTION _ METES, BOUNDS . mttd Illlrse Lot. t0 Block 3 RANGE ,1,4 TAX LOT NO, CODE.tr2%oSECTION CENSUS TRACT t'l Stockdale. T EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTYAPPI. NAME & MAII.ING ADDRESS TEGAT ACCESS TO PROPERTY ene. 0reqon 9740I PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTI{AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existin TYPE CONSTRUCTION System ! New m se. FT BDRMS VALUATIONitlon {Famll y Roorn) SEWAGE DISPOSAT PUBr.tC tr SEPTTC TANK tr OTHERD PTUMBING INSTATTED BY OWNER N OTHER: NAME BU ITDING WASTE DISPOSAT PLUMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAITER TOTAL $- $. FEES WATER SUPPTY PUBUC tr tr OTHER COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY DRAIN FIETD REQUIRED IIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT.WITH DIST. BOXr GA[.OR SQ. FT. Itr Filt c7 ADDtttoil To BE FLAcED ovER SEUAGE otsPosAL sYstEl, TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY i ZONE PUBTIC UTII. EASEMENT AGT BLDG. SETBACKS FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY USE CLASSIFICATION FRONT SIDE INT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ SIDE EXT REAR DATE *J Rov Eun*rfrlnrrAntAlt t/rc/m BLDG. PERMIT _ WH ITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX _ PINK PLUMBING _ CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD Coll 687-4065 to schedule oll required inspections. All conslruc- tion sholl comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. stondords IMPORTANT: for subsurfoce sewoge disposol ond counly regulotions covering plumbing. All buildings require o certificole of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) (posr TH|S pERMrr oN MAIN BLDG. AT SlrE) TANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAT MANAGEMENT I COURTHOUSE ANNEX, I35 EAST 6Ih, EUGENE, OREGON 9740Ironu 1t 655-13 CONTRACTOR Blri+-o tile S tf E EVALUATION -:>/cttgts't€ T r'1 R OBS suB0lvl-,0N: LZ. TAX LOT LOT:_ BLOCK:-ij-BUtLDtNG pERHtr APPLIcATI0N N0. ()SITE INSPECTION Zoning Ordinance Cornpliance: Z one 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compl iance cK'D BYF{L r tl l;ltS Setbacks frqa c/l' oT'road:Front 60' APPL I CANT DATE Not A I icable ) No Yes fl ffi 6 3. Required Access ( )4. Building Site (Area, width, Frontage) ( ) 5. 0ther (see comments) ( ) Sidc€rt=rt6? Setbacks f Side Rear rom interior )ines: %) COI{HENTS: PLANN t NG o I U I S Iffi(TNOTI APPLICATION# BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION 7. Plans Submitted 8. Soi I Stabi I lty (footings) 9, Flood Plain I O. 0ther (see conments) No YesT) T4I() () () () () (),OMt-z{ A Notli le CKID BY 7 DATE COHMENTS: WATER POLUT ION CONTROL ll. l{eets Department of Environmental Qual ity Standards. 12. 0ther (see comments) COI{I,IENTS: Not I icable No Yesr)rI () ()q CKIO BY:Q"6'*' DATP). *tt.\ $,'' TO APPLICANT: Your Building / Site lnspection:( ) can be approved.( ) Cannot be approved at this time as Indicated on item N0 Questions and further information on items I through 6 COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION Questions and further information on it aboye. contact the LANE- c55-28 eilf7 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE z 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DlVlSlON PH0NE: 587-4186 PLANNING DIVISION rl t 2 contacturill be held in this ls being Your bui returned. ce unt you can reso vet f ION DIVISI rmit Iildi ems cated. LANE COU}'-V BUILDING PERMII OR MOBITE }IE USE PERMIT PERMIT NO.BUILDING MH MAILING ADDRESSER PHONE CONTRACTOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE PROPERTY LOCATION _ INCTUDE POST OFFICE PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS \jj . i ,_'.- RANG E SECTION a TAX LOT NO CENSUS TRACTCODE EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY i APPt. NAME & MAITING ADDRESS )r J\ ,T LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY t,v PROPERTY SIZE - FT. WIDTH DEPTH AREA FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT Connect to Existing Sewoge m TYPE CONSTRUCTION so. FT. # BDR New m VALUATION l. SEWAGE DISPOSAL t i PUBIIC BUILDING WASTE DISPOSAT PI.UMBING PTAN REVIEW PARK TRAII-ER SEPTIC TANK \r S t owNER WATER SUPPLY PUBUC tr OTHER: NAME FEESs b$ -t I TOTAT COUNTY BUILDING & SANIT TION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOXr GA[. DRAIN FIEID REQUIRED I-IN. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT OR SQ. FT. $ tr \r v +\r\$\1 \t' TYPE OF STRUCTURE OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBI"IC UTIt. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS FRONT FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY SIDE INT. SIDE EXT. USE CTASSIFICATION REAR AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE _ DATE DATE BLDG, PERMIT _ WHITE OFFICE COPY _ WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PTUMBING - CANARY BUILDING _ GREEN SANITATION _ GOLDENROD Coll 687-4065 to schedule oll required inspections. All construc- tion sholl comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.Q. stondords IMPORTANT: for subsurfoce sewoge disposol ond county regulolions covering plumbing. All buildings require o certificole of occuponcy before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) (POST TH|S PERMIT ON MA|N BrDG. AT SITE) TANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAI. M,TNAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, I35 EAST 6Th, EUGENE, OREGON 9740Ironu 11655-13 tr oTHER , I S?TE INSPECTION Ap pnov E o RrMeRrs - I I - I Dr srppnoveo Dar r I ruspecroR FOUNDATION INSPECTION t) APPROV E D Rrua ax s Dr SAPPRovED Drr r I ruspecton FRAMI NG I NSPECTION APPROV E D Drs MARK S LATH OR SHEETROCK I NSPECT I AP PRov E D RrtrlRxs DtslppRoveo DarE Dar r -2-'ht- -r4- I NSPEcT I HspEc R ail PROVE ,/ rINAL INSPECTI Ap pnov r D RrunRrs SAPPROVEO Dar I NsPEcroR CIRTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY RErov ro lssuE Rrurnx s D Nor Rreov ro lssuE D Darr - \ 7,5 -7 .r 83/ I NSPEcToR D D /., fr /) ..,{-l,d^.a }1, , PERMTT #32 5 -7sN0TE: NO PERMIT WI coNsrRucrro, .p(MOBILE HOME PLAN REVIEW BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATI APPLICATION FOR: HAS BEEN APPROVED CTTAi{GE OF OCCUPANCY OWNER Name City drA 7 zL- Phone CONTRACTOR o. s. REG . /l a3 ACCESS TO PROPERIY (Road Name) s,.tbatvisionjif W *AlrUltED l) illal tor 68 73 Address City zip /Blo "kJ_Property Acreage Width_Depth_ Existing StrucEures on Property: Property Locatlon - Address/Dlrectlons: t-Tt /1rL IZ Below for Off e Sq. Ft.edrooms Valuation SEI^IAGE DISPOSAL: Site Inspec tlon /l WATER SI,]PPLY: Well B1dg. Waste Disp. Plunblng Plan Review Mobile Home 1Z Surcharge Spring _Other Existing Sewage Disposal System Pub11c Comrunity Name of or New Sy ired or Pub1lc Systen PLUMBING: Installed by Owner 0ther Name32.4o PLUI,IBING FEES: ^ l4 oorFixtures Serage Connection PLANS FURNISHED YES . Signature of Appl Fee Received By: I^Iater Connection FACILITY PERMIT Date: z2 TOTAL .)2,32 NO Min. Septic Tank 1tv +7t Drainfield Required - Lineal Feet h_ Maximum DeP th f-t L 1,fr,( Type of Constructi-on e Zote Use Classificati.on Bldg Setbacks - from Center of Road Right of Way: wor" hc,l-' slde rnr I DATE DATE: oatt* -/?t/ css-12 IANE COI]NTY DEPARTI"IENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL 3-l/-h' *r. /7 *nce--A2-s".tioo2a. rax Lor code census rr"ct# /- ? O> ffi - FEES: I Job Locaticn: Tar Lot llAeceeeoz.e Map ll A,men:l' lol,/d,Ph,oneUtlL*Addtess: (,u,ru f,ry^ Wrw0l- DescrLbe ffork:f*rn 1-g r-l Date of .2L.8 Value tdditian RemoCel #.. RESIDFNTIAL... APPLICATI-.,/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Springfiald, Oregon 97477 But)Lding Ditsisio.n 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD /]/.ilb/rr)Siqned Date: ta S General Plutnbing ectric Electt:c].anSu DEI,IOLITIO!] OR Sanilary seuer capped et ProPertA Line Septic tank punped attt fi.Lled trith gra;sel Final - tfiten abctse itens are ccrnpleted and uhen danolition is complete o? atruc- ture noued and prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-uP Plunbing connectione '- sa)el ord uater ElectricaL Cc,nneetion - Bloeking' set-up and plunbing eonnections mtst -be appro"-ed before requbsting elec!.rieal inspecti'on Aecessorg Building pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. Firul - After etc. a.!e eomp Pcge 1 of 2 tt ia the reeponaibility of the permit hold.er to aee that aLL inspeetione ate made at the pro?et' tine, that each ad'dteas is reaCabie fton the streZ4 dnd tltat the peittrit ca.td ia Located at -!h-e. frolt of the-prgpefiA.iauildi,g Dhtision approt;ed plan,shalL remain on the Building Stte at aLL ttnes' ?ROCI!!)FE FQ8-IttEpEgllg!__gi3lEE!;cALL 726-3769(tecordet) state your City cesi.gna.ted iob nunber" iob aldreas' type-of inspe-ctich "adyforinspection,Contractot,so1,a'mers"ncmeLndphonenunber,P,equest8receit;edbefcre7:00an*^iil be made the e;1e dcy, requeets-iade after ?:00 an viLL be made tke nett uorkirtg dayr^ ^ Iou, City Desigr.ated Job Nunber' '"' 9? Ob3 L INSI]LATI ON /VAPOR PA RR-|ER -.IISPECTION : To be made afLer aLL insuLaLicn attd requined uapor barriers dte in place bui belore ury Lath, gApslott boatC or tnLL couering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. after trenches a?e forms are erected, pow,ing ecncreta. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECYRICAL SITE INSPECTI1N: ?o be made after e;aoatlon, Aut prior tc set up of fonns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHtt-ltlICAL: To be nade befoz'e any Git-l{Totsered. POOTING & FOUNDATICN: Io be nPCe DRY\|ALL INSPECE)N: rc after aLL dtyuall is in but prior to cny taPing MAS0NRI: Steel Location, bond Tiililgrouti,ng or oertieals in accord.otce LtLth U.B.C. Sect'Lon 2415. WOoDSrovE: After installation is ccr,fletA. but ptior and to be made place, After formsto pouring UNDERGROUIID PLUMDING, SqWER, W,ITER' DRAIIIAGE: To be rMde Prlor to !LL- Tlfi-lr.nchee. I]IIDERPLOOR PLUMBTNG & MECHANJCAL : of floor insulati.on or decking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade Prlot' to TGliTTdlf,6Tof floor insulation ot' decking. ROUGH PLUIIBING, ELECTRICAL & I4ECH- ANIUL: No DorP' ts to be cor;ererl ,GllTthese inspections haue been made and. approtled.. FIP.EPLACE: Pti.or to placirg facingiaterials and before froning inspec- tion. F84!!-!C: l,tust be requested aftet approoat of rough plwrbi.ng, electri- cal & mechanical. ALt roofing braei.ng & ehinmeys, etc. tntst be ,eompleted. No uork Le to be con- , eeiled until this i,nspection has 'been made anC approtsed. concrete. SIDEilALK & DRIVEWAI: For aLL eon- crete paofr-fiTtl; street right' of-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & fomt tnrk & sub- base nateri.al in Place- CURB & APPRCACH APP'ON; ale "rectAEt p;lor' lutt:gates hhten conPlete -- ProoiCe oy, mouable sections through P, U. E. *AI,L ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS I,IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIENI TO BE I'14D8 AT NO COS? TO CIIY nLL proiebt eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of s!;reet t19e_2,- conpletion.of the ,nq*.nlia- tini,"ipi*g, Ltu., mtst be satisfiid. befone the BUTLDIN7 FINAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDING: The Einal Building fnepection mtet be requested after the Final Plwnbing ttn.7"l."-t,-'and Neehanical Inspectl)ons itaun been nade and app,oued. Subdioisi.on: '.:yL SOLAR ACCESS REQ._L-CO dJOB NO TotaL Vtan Etcniner f HAVE CAREFULLy \XA!|INED the cotnpleted application for permit' and do hereby certify that aLL info':tnation hereon ia true and correct, an'l f fuz.th.Zr certiiy that any ar"d aLL Dork perfonned slnll be done in accot'- dance v[bh th-e- Ordinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Lcas of the state of 7regcn pertaining to the uark cescr'ibad herein, cnd tlnt N0 occu- pANCy ilill b"e ,a7te of any structune uithout pennission of the Building Di.- uision. .I further c-erti"fu that otly contraclors and enplcyees aho are in conplitmce uith oRS ?0'1 .055 uiLL be used on thie pz'oiect z s'tgn Building Volue & Permit This permi.b is gtanted on the ewt,ess cond.-ition tlwt the said-constvwction slnll, i.n atl t'eepects"- con\or* "to the Ordinance adop.ted by the lity o-f ,soi;";t;nrn, inelluding- the 2oning crdinanc-e, 7egulctirtg the ccnstrttcticn olrrl ,'""" of Luild.ings, rtnd nay be suspended or yeookeC at.cna time upon uic- Lation oJ- anll prcuisions oJ' said Ordinances. I!eatSetbac Aacess. VaLue,tfu TOTAL VALUE Euilding PennLt ?otal Clnrges Bedroons fri XITEM { Signed: s.D.c. 1.5 x t)r tlolise Ct ot Lot Faces - th PLan Check Fee: Dtte PaLd Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccuerage # of Stories Total Height topography LCT TYPE ' Intet'ict, _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Plumbing Permit No peyson slnll cortsttuat, instal|., alter. ot change,any neD-c|. eristing plinbing or, drainage sysl;en in uhole o,r in part, unless such person is the iegol yio"""u"o, o7-o uiulid pl*rbnttts Lic-ens,e' escept that a person na7 q9 ptl"otl-irg uonk to pt:operty uhich is otmed, Leased on operated by the appli- cdnt. CHAR(;IINO.T LLITEM Fiotures Residential (1 L'ath) Sani Seuen Plwnbing Pet'nit e Electricol Permit Where State Laut requires that the electtical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electnical portion of this pertnit alull not be ualiC until tlte Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. NO.T LLI'1'EM Res. Nau/Esterd. Circuits Seruice SLectricaL State ?otal FSE CIIARCEilgM Mechq nicol Permit Esharct Hood Ilcodstope Vent Fot PernrLt fssuartce Mech,aniceL Pe?nrit .- TNCROACHMENT -- Sean itu Deposit Storage Maintenance Perwtt Cutbcut Sida,talk .qence Electrieal Labol Mobile Home nhb 5,ac- Receipt ll: l|/\d'^f ^l||\]1,.|n t |.. 1 ao State ffi 5,