HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-10-24GG /o-/7 D6A_ g)prto E'OR OFE'ICE US8 ONLY izyi:,it'"S/ ?Sz?3 IJWiiSHIP 1'? RANGE 03 SECTION e4.1.3 TAX LOT L,b0u Eour oF BI,OCK PROPOSED USE OE PROPERTY F.es idential Cc,mmerCial fndus trral PubIic &S,'BDIVISION,/PARTITIoN (if applicable)LOTIPARCEL -C"i.r,]lo:; ;TDDF.ESS STidET 315? PHEASANT BLVD., SPRINGF]ELD, ORI6ON ztPCITY EXISTING SIN6LE FAHILY DIdELLING.' SHED STRUCTURES CURR.ENTLY ON PROPERTY HAROLI,,J ROAD EAST TO PHEASANT BLVD., GO ONE ]TILE., SITE IS ON THE RI6HT HAND SIDE OF ROAD -TREC-Ti6TS-TO-]TE- DECI,ARED S VALUE # OF EI'IPTOYEES NA I.JA?ER SUPPLY RAINB0t'J Proposed Exist = OF BEDROOI'IS f OE STORIES NA NA TELEPHONE NUMBER ?qb-01,?3JERRY TABOR, PEq SELIARD AVE.. SPRTNGFIELD, OREGON 1?LI?? O;\NER,S NAME AND ADDRESS CON?RACTORIS NAME AND OSR # SAIIE AS THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NWBER SATlE P:RI'iIT To BE ETLED To INEME ANilADDRE-S) SAI1E AS THE ABOVE TELEPHONE NWBER SAI'1E I l{AvE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE CO{PLETED APPLICATIoN FOR PERMIT, arrd do herely certj.fy that all infomatiolr hereon is true and correct, md that I have the foll.owing lega! interest in the property, [lor.u. of record; I contra.,t prrrchaser; Iauthorized agent. I f:rther certify that any and all work perfomed shall be done in accordan.ie with th*: ordrr)ances of Lane Couty and the Iaws of the State of Oregon Pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPCNCy will be made of ani strrrcture without the pemission of tte Buitding Division. f fu-ther certify that regi6tration with the Builder's Board is in futl force and effect as required by oRs 701.055, that if exenpt the basis for exenptionis noted hereon, and that only subcontractors ild employees uho are in conpliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this project. I HAVE READ AND CHECK.ED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY. l,u-1,1-gg DATEa5e TABOR \DEBORAH Lane County Authori za'tian fon SEPTiC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEI,.l DiscRlprroN oF PRoPoSED woRK - BE spEcrrrsEpTIC INSpECTI0N FOR LOAN REVIEhI - YOUR AUTHORIZATION HAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS! OR LOAN REVIEt^l**NO SPECIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED READ THIS SECTION CARE NA Date Date: UseGrorp_ COMN1ENTS tr front - TIC iNSPECTION F CL, aido- interr()r- rear. SEP I sanrratrou, s. r. *B. P. #! v"" f]or" COI\&YENTS Installation Record Issued? Partition #Parcel #ParceI Installation Gallon Specifications: _ Tank Lineal Feet of i)rai rrf ield Date: 1,0-11-88 RLH Minimum Setbacks, tr, f] pr,exnrxc/zoNrNG: zo'ujlL_ Maximun Depth of Trenches LANE COUNTY ' - '/47r oRs 456.805 - 5ArE ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 6874061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION cL4-25 R4 D SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. T/IOLATION CAN RESULT IN REVO- CATION OF TIIIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OF LANE COUNTY'.; INFRACTION ORDINANCE, AND/OR OTHER REI1EDI ES ALLOI"JED BY LAw . WI]EN READY FOR INSPECTION, CALL 687-1065. A }11NIllU}l OF AT LEAST 24 J]OURS ADVAN'CE NOTICE FOR INSPEC. @eu.HaTEtrreroI1owinginformationready:permitnunber,jobaddress,type of inspection, when it wlII be ready, your name and phonc nunber, and any special Cirections to sj.ti. BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: L. Foundation Inspectionl To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when al.Imaterials for the foundation ale delivered on the job. l{here concrete fron a central mixingplant (comonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materials need not be on the job. 2. Concrete Slab or Ullej:ifeer Inspection! To be made after alt in-slab or under-floor building suVic-requip-mmt7-?on?ul-t, pip-ing-aZesories, and other ancillary equipment items are inplace but befole any concrete is poured or floor sheathing installeC, includinq the subfloor. 3. Framing & Insulation Inspections: To be made after the roof, all- framing, file blocking. andbracing are in place and alL pipes, fireplaces, chimneys, and vents are complete and all rouqh electrica.L and plumbing are approved. A11 wall insulation and vapor barrier are in pLace. 4. Lath and,/or cypsum Board lnspection: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, i.nterior and exte!ior, is in place buL before any plastering is applied and before gypsm boald joints and fasteners are taped and fini,shed. 5. Fj.naL lnspection: To be made afler the building is complete and before occupancy. APPROVAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approvaL of the building official. Such approval shall be given onl-y after an inspectj-on shall have been maCe of each successive step in the construction as j.ndj.cated by each of the inspections required. NOTE: All building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as buL not linited to: A. Block !,lall: To be naCe after reinforcing is in place, but befo.e any grout is poured. This ii-E-prcE16fr is required for each bond beam pour. There will be no approval until the plumbing and electrical inspecEions have been made and aPproved. B. Wood Stove: To be made after compLetion of nasonry (j.f applicable) and when installation is compl,eta Installatlon shaII be i-n accordance with an approved, nationalLy recognj,zed tesLing agency and the manufacturerrs instalLation instructions. C. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the mobile home is connected to an aPproved EEwEi-oi-Feptic system for setback lequirements, blocking, footinE Gonnection, tiedowns, skirting, and plwbing connections. I. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended bY the manufactuler. 2- Mobile home ninimum finish floor el-evation shall be certified when required by a flood- plain management Ietter. 3. Mobile hone tiedowns, when required, and skirting shalf be installed and ready for inspec- tion uithin at Ieast 30 days afher occupancy. Tiedowns and skirti-ng shall be install'ed per enclosure. swiminq : when Pool Pool: Bel,ow grade when steel is in place and before conclete is poured. Above grade-13-i-nstaLled. APPROVED PI,ANS MUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT AI,L TIMES DURING WORXING HOURS. THIS PERMIT !iILL EXPIRE IP WORK DOES NOT BEGIN IiITHIN I8O DAYS, OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED EOR MORE THAN 180 DAYS. SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION MAY OCCUR IP THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF TNCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POINT OT REOUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 1. Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance. 2. Upon completing the construction for which a permi! has been issued, the permit hoLder shall notify Lhe Lane County Departmenl of Planning and Comunity Developnent by subnitting the instal,Iation record forn. The Department shall inspect the construction !o determine if it complies with the rules contained in this division. If the constluclion does comPly with- such ru1es, the Department shall issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the Perniti holder If Lhe construcLion does noc conply wj-th such rules, the Department shaLl notify the permit holder and shall requj.re satisfacLory completion before issuing the certificate. Failure to neet lhe requiremenis for satisfactory completion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- Iation of oRS 454.505 to 454.745 and this rule. SeLbacks - subsurface Sewage Disposal septic Tank Eiom: Interior property fj,nes IO' Edge of road rrght-of-way l0' Building foundation wells, other water sources 50' D Drainfield L0 10 10 r00 . Eugene, OR 97401 / Exlstlng Bulldlngs or lmprovements on Property )dlor."El Barn E Garage EI lvtobile. Home l$-snea, SEPTIC INSTALLEDE Yes l-] No Water District Please complete all lines inside white boxes, if possible. o7q7- ztP owNEB oF iBoPEyY 1it-noi *nrr ar atov4 OWI{ERS AOOBESS (ll not 3rmc 13 rboy.)ztP CONTBACTOR tL.nuf ,TetfiL Taloof MAP, PARCEL NUMBER (Found on tu mrp! ln lh. Arurm.nl I Turtlon D.pL,k##/;*'A'€/ 6;h-h-- r"-i[ ffi rffii ffi- Efniffi E-e.- fsii6l- r7lEtilil -ffEi- Dlrectlons to site fr_z- from Courthouse ADDR ztP MAIL PERMIT TO: ztP For Moblle Home Placement Only No. ol Tip-outs - No. of Bedrms License #- Brand Year Size Land Management Dlv. staff can not be held responslble for evaluatlons or recommendatlons based on false, lnaccurate or Incomplete lnlormatlon Yes Allowed es s o u Not-t No l-t O(zr,or) crrY / $Jeruz Sorinafi el.l *^- , (<-> '- C-F. { ,ry ^I-A^'r' 5du a- Shop ( Ga rage \ rlpoql* 'L&c\+L q u0. J s/roti.tr)o€ rPzz a 3/f 7 phukn* Btud, SVr,rtfr"eldl o,Qf cn ???z) TRS# 17-0s-22_7_3 1600 DATE ISSUED: 11/26/Bs PERMTTi3Z3Z-Ag OI,JNER'S NAME PHONE NUMB ERJAMES WTLHELM 747-147 B CONTRA OR'S NAME PHONE ERJTM WASHBURN 7 47-448 5 ENTS FRONT nl SIDE K L ING FI L I NTER I OR 5' REAR 5' KAU ED BY SDS APPROVAL REQUIRED ?0 BLVD. NORTH rN GAME BIRD VILLAGE, SITE DRESS SPR Dat e_/=3&._/ NS Date 0R 97477 Correcti on te Correcti on Da te I n spector U Approved Inspector UNDERS PLBG. n /ERFLR PLBG.tr INSPECTI App roved Date Correction Date Ins pector OTHER INSPECTIONApproved Date Comecti on Date Inspector ROUGH PLUMBTNG-(ToP-T) INSPETTMApproved Date Correcti on Date .I nspector e Corre Date Correcti on Date p"rtr" 6'ins Approved Date Inspector prove Approved R Date BOARD i Date CTI Correcti on Date Correcti on Date I nspec N Inspe ctor FiNA L MECHANICALD 7I,JOO srovE IApprovedDa te Correcti on Date I nspe ctor I.INA PL UMtsiNG i N sPECTIL Approved Date Correcti on Date Inspector M74-r97 Date Insp. ED proved..--Date Insp. r I LAC Correct Date I nspector Appro ved L^,'IE COUNTY I NSPECT ION RECORD #