HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-01-06.. RESID* 'TIAL.. Zzs Not th sth s;treeAPPLrcATJ,N/PERI,rr SprLngfield, Oregon 7Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Receipt # SPFII{GFIELD (z?? 3 lt I I q30 4j,qv d .q'i.$, u General Construetton Lendet SI?E TNSPEC?TON: eocauation, but forns trenches. ?o be nade after pt'i.ar tc set up of Iour Cifu Deeignated Job Nwnbey fs: TilSPECTIONIo be Laticn n rt ie the teepone'ibililu of -tte pentit holdet to see that aLL inspections ate nad.e at the p oi)e" tina, that each a,l,4ress is peac,tbletyl-* str.eet, anC tltat the pettrtt catd is Loeated at the fuont of the proper,fu.*Building Diuicion appz,o"*ed plbn shc.Ll remain i"-tni B"l.tit"b's'il; at aLL ttnes. '!iou L 726-3769 (yeeordet) state youz, City desigrnted job nunbet,,ready foz.inspection, Cont?acta?s or Ahers ttanne and phone nutnbez,.'tll L be nade the sane dcg,nequests mcde after, 7:00 att urLLL be nade the nect uoz,king day iob aCitess, type Requests receixed of inspecticn befcre 7:00 an UNDERSLAB PLUI,IBING, ELECTRICAL &wc!!-t!IcAL: io be-ffi5Tif&nns ttOtk is eoOeyed. requiz,ed oapor burie?s ee in place but before utg 1,ath, gApslln boarC or rnLL cooering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. FOOTING & F)UNDATICN: Io be tmCe - afte" trenches a?e e.ccauated and. DRYWALL INSP4CTf)N: Tc be nadeafter aLL drywall is in p7.aee, but priot, to any taping.forms are eteeted, but priot, topouting ccnereta. 0R ),:owt BU Sanitary seaer eapped et propert:ri Lire Septic tazk pwtped and filled trith Erat:el ?q v Pi,nal - l{hen abcue .Ltens ote ccnroleted and uhen dqnclition is complete Zr stuuc- tuye moued and. prenriaes cleaneC up.L0 AIIDERFLOOR PLUIETNG & A.ECIIANICAL :Iobeion@ of floor insuktion oz, decking, FilIAL PLUMBII\G FINAL MECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL MAS1NRL Steel beons, gtouting aecordorce uyLth 24L5. WOODSTO\/E: ecnpT;m. After instalZation is QA@-L $PPROACH APPON: ate-eieciea Outiiii to conc?ete. STDEWALK & DRT\EWAI: For aLL can-cretenaofi t lffi street right- of-DaA, to be made aftet, aLL erca- oating canplete & fonn wrk & sub- base material in pLace. Hcmes Blocking od, Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aa))e? od. water Electrical Connection - Blocking, $e-u-ltp and plutnbing conneetions rnist be apprct;ed before requesting eleetrtcal inspeetion Aeeessory BuilCitrg to Loeation, bond or oerticals in U.B.C. Section P1ST AND BEAM: To be nade pr"Lor toGs-liTGfri'of floor insulZtion or deeking. RO.L_LQI PLU,tBIllG. ELECTRTCAL & ttlECH: ANfCAL: No uoy,k is to be couere{wttil these inspections hatse been nade and. approoed.. PIPEPL,ACI: Pr"Lor to placirq facingmaterials and befot'e fruning inspeZ-tion. PRA.I'IING: I,tust be requested aftet,approual of rough plwr,bing, electri-cal & mechanical. AL|. roofing braeing & ehinmegs, etc. mtst- be . eotnpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be eon-. cealed until this i,nspeetion fuas'been made anC approoed. After fornspotning Pi.rnL - Afteretc. ue eomp pcrches skirting, decks, IENCE: gates htten conplete -- ProuiCe oz, mooable sectians through DfID ALL pnoject conditions, such as the installation of stteet trees, co.npletion of therequired Landsceping, atc.' iast be satisfied befot,e the BaILDfNG FINAL can be requested. n F|NAL B.urLDrNG,- Th? ?inal Building. rnspection nrust be t,equested aftez, the pinal ptunbing \_./ Electrical, anC Mecltanieal fnspections hqxe been nad.e ard'apptooed. Job Locationt (LA Aesessots Map # /4Zf Ias Int # Stubdiuision: Aoter Addz,ess:J a Phone: /-0 -8 ? n [t ValueDate of Describe hlotk: Additian RenoCeL Page 1 of 2 *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJASTIIENI TO BE MADE AT NO CCST TO CITY 5C' SSs^u) ELectricaL T r tr T Lot Faces - Setbaeks DT House Ca"age Access. North Fire South % cf Lot Ccuerage_ # of Stortes ?otal Height LCT ?WE _ Intetict, _ Co?ner _ Panlnndle CuL-de-sac x Iat Sq. Ftg. Topography West l,lain Coaae Carport Aceessot u ?OTAL VALUE Cheek Plumbing Perrnit No per,son slnll consttuct, install,, alter or change anA neD cr esisting plwnbing or dtainage systan in uhole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plumbet,'s Lieense, ercept that a pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to p?ope"t?J uhich is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO FEE UMfrL,L Seuer ITEM Resid.entia,L (1 bath) Fictta,es Plutnbing Penrit 7r -FO oo -0o Electricql Permit Wlere State Lau requiz,es tlnt the electrical uoz.k be done by an Electrical Cont?aeto", the eleetrical portion of this permit sTnLL not be oaliC until the Label \ns been aigned by the Electrical Contracto?. N0. *Iotal Nan/Ectend. Circ.uits Setoiee NC FT?CI]ARCE Mechqnicol Permit fuhanet Hood llcodstotte Vent Eot Pennt fssuance Meclnniccl Perm[t -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Sectrity Deposit Storage Ma'tntettance Pet'nrLt Curbeut Sida,talk Fence ELeetrLcaL LabeL Mobile Eotne JOB NO. Building Pe"tdt State Iotal Clnrgee 0 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO * Bedtoons Building Volue & Permit This pernat is granted on the erpress condition tlnt the said-constvaetion shall, in al.L respeets, conform to the fudirance adopted 5:y the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulctittg the ccnsttucticn and. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of anA prcttisione of said fu,d'inances. Date Paid: # Signed: PLan uaxe * I HAW CAREEULLY EXANLNED t?e cotnpleted appli.eation fot, permit, ctld do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon is ttue and cbrueet, and f funthet, certify that ang ard aLL uork perforned slnlL be done it accor,- dance ryLth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Lats of the* State of 2r,egon pertaining to the utork Cescribbd herein, end tlnt NO OCCU- PANCI uill be nlaCe of any struetu?e uithout permission of the Building Di--oision. I further eertifE that only eonttaclors azd enplcyees dho ar:e in conpliance oith oRS 70L.0ss uiLL be used on this projeet -/ TOTAL A],IOUNT DUE:*a r.oo Signed Date (DALue)S.D.C. 7.5 t tlatps, 'l'ota1- (hnroas State Suteharge 5 Total C'Lnz,qes