HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-30Job Locaticn: Assessors Map #3 Tc.r Lot ll Subditsision: Oumet,: PhoneAddress: Describe lvtork: Value Neu D L l)- &ntu *^lft Date of App Licaticn Additicn RenoCel Rccei tll..RESIDENTIAL.. PERMIT SPRINGFIELD zzs North ,rt, irrnlr"trcArL Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Date: lr/ uqb reBt ractor General P lurnb i l.Iechanic Q- tl-1oa1ec Cr Electt:ic ianSrrpen DEMOLTTIA!'] OR !.|OVE) Sanitary seser capped ct property Lire Sepl:ic tank p;irp2f, and filled aith gratel Final - It4ten abc-oe itens ave ecrnpZeted and uhen Cenclition is complete or\.9r7'r..r- ture moued anl" ptenises cleaneC up. .\ l.lob Hcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -- scuer anC ualer Electrical Ccmnection' Blocking, let-up and plwnbing conneetions rn;st be apprcted before requesting electrical inspeclion Accessory BuilCing Eitnl - After pcret:es, skirting, decks, etc. are completed. Ptge 1 of 2 LL726-3769 (recordet') state your City desigrnted iob number, It ie the reeponaibi,Lity of tle permit ho&ez, to see that aLL inepections ave nade at the p"oPer time' that ec.ch cdltess is reaCabie fz,om the street, and that the pernat card ia Located at the front of the_-properta.iouilding Dioicion apptou*ed plbn shc.Ll remain on the Buildinq Sitc at aLL tines. of inspeclictiiob aCiress, tyPe P.equests receiued befcre 7 :00 c:iPROCEDUPE FOR INSPECTIOII RIQUEST:CA requested and ahen you uiLL be ready for inspaction,Contractars or asners ncne cnd plnne nttntbet'. *-iLL be made the sane day, requests ma.de after, 7:00 on uiLL be made the netl; r,torking dai; Iour City Desigrated Job Nwnber fs: SITE INSPECTION.-=';excauatlcn, tux To be made after pz,ioz, tc set up of INSI]I,ATION /VAPOR BARRTER I,NISPECTION : fo be iade after aLL insulaticn atd required oapor barriers ate in place but before any Lath' gApston bcarC or rnLL cottering is applied, and before ony insulation is concealed. DRY\,IALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be nade @er-aTTdyuatTl's in p|-ace, but prior to cny taPirq. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond 6ifrijgrouting or uerticals in aecordattce 1,/Lth U,B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO',/E: ccnpTAA.. After installation is 71 utvomcpouuD zLUMDTNG. ;EWR, w.4TER,r)-Lirq trenchee, l--1 uuosnrtooR pLurlBrNG & MECHANTGAL:ilof floor insul,ction or deeking. P1ST AND BEAM: To be made Prior to ffiiilGll}i'of floot' insulation oY decking. ROIIGI| PIl]lBTTlG. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH-iffiiTthese ittspections lruue been made and. approtsed. !I!.E!L$!E: Pt'ior to PLac'Lrg facingttat;ifi; and before lroning inspec- tion. FRAIING: l,tust be requested aftet' approoal of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mec?tanical. ALL roofing bracing & ehinmeys, ete. mtst be . eotnpleted. No ucrk is to be con- , cealed until this inspection has 'been made anC approoed. forms. aNDERSLAB PLUABLNE, 4!4c!8!94L_4 MCHLttlfCAL: To be made before any6iik-ii cooered. F))TING & FOUNDAruCN: To be naCe after tt,enches are e.ecarlated and forms a.re etected, but pt'ior to pouring ccncrete. FINAL PLUMBING PINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPRCACH API?)N: After fonns -are eiecteC but prior to pouring corerete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAI: For aLL con- ct,ete wlrtng utthin street night- of-uny, to be made after aLL etca' uatina conplebe & for'n uot'k & eub- base inaterial in Place- IENCE: gates h4ten eonPlel:e -- Pt'ouiCe or mottable sections thtough P,U,E *ALL I,IANHCLES AND CLDANOUTS MUST BI' ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIETII TO BE I'L4DE /''? NO COST TO CI?Y ALL project conditions, such as the i.nstallation of slreet tree-s,,, conpletion-of tne nnqfi,nL\-ti"1","ipir"g,'Lti., *rtt be satisfied. before the BUTLDINC FrNAL can be requested' ftnif AWf,OfnC: The Einal Building Inspection rrust be requested after the Final Plwtbing El:"|;lr;;;1;-'and ueclnnical rnspections iuue been made atd approoed' -- \lrn cra' slA nr*$-a [-,,t* L n l- tr .) #SOLAR A'CESS REQ.-L-CO Bedrooms'.:.L1ne Lot Faces -Enerqq Sources Ape IteatSetbacks Df House Ca?aqe Access Water !teate..!1 RangeNorth FirepLaceEast -HooAstoDeSouth tlest % of Lct Ccoerage_ LOT TWE _ fnterior Cov,nerI of Stories Total Height tlopography Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. Building Volue & Permit This perrnt is granted on the eryress condition tLnt the said-construction slwll', in atl r"especti, confonn to the 1tdlnance ad.op.ted by the City o-f sprtngfield, including- the Zoning Crdinanc,e, r'egulathtg the ccnstracticn *ra ui-e of build.ings, and mey be suspended or yeuokeC at cng time upon uic- Lation of any prcuisions of said Otdinances. ?OTAL VALUE Fee: FTG x VaITEM t * *Signed s.D.c. 1.5 c Building Pet'mit ?otal Chan'ges State Date Paid #: Plumbing Permit No pe?son slnll consttact, instaL!., alter or cLnnge _any neu-cr eristing pl;mblng or drainage systan in uhole or in pa.z't, unless sueh person is the LegaL pbssessor of a oalid plmbet"s L'icense, etcept that a-pevson may loplunbiig uork to propenty uhich is outned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO TLL CHARGE Reail.ential (1 bath) Seuet' Plwnbing Pernit State Fictures Electricol Permit Wev,e Stdte Lau requires t1"a.t the electrical uovk be done by an Electrical Contractor, the eleettical portion of *.his permit slnll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electv'ical Contractor. CIlARCE Res t Nau/Erterul Circuits Set'uice Stcte Total NC FEE CIlARCE Mechonicql Permit I'lcodstooe Vent Fan Eoharct Hood ,q Permtt fssuanee Meclnnicel Per.nrtt -- ENCROACTII'IENT -- Saaaritq Deposit Storaae Maintenance Permit Curbcut Sida,;alk !ence Electrical Label Mobile llcne Total PLan Exaniner Date I HAVE CAR\IULLy EXAMINED the cornpleted application for petTnit' and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true and coruect, anC f funther certify that any ard aLL uot'k perforned shall be done in accor'- dance uvith the 1rdinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laas of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cesctibcd herein, cnd tlnt N0 )CcU- PANCY vtLL be maCe of any Bttuctu"e uithout per'rnission of the Buitding Di- uision. I furthen certify that only contractot,s and enplcgees aho are in conpliance aith ORS 701..055 uiLL be used on this project p,|'O'IAL AI,IOUIlT DUI:-: T Date JOB NO. *I"E':AL- LfiT IILO{:I(::t;;*iI T,ARTII IT'GH ALJI; irH$t.H: gi,I:tlTR If,AI" SEHU 1f,E ill-lr-'ri{t:E i.JRBAi{ fi PfIlrTil BftUNlt*iiT "-UITNtsN- T 'f ir: e lri 'f T i..l l:i;l:?* f Ai{TIi lIrfiE *fr IrR INi:li iELir, nHEE{ti'i *7 477 - iNEE* NU tn r{K:S ITIENT IAI"ii11 001*ii4i-Rtll-lr:H HtEf,Tft If, I)(]'i-044_EI,E']TIT If, SEFU II:H FALI'IEH T,I{ ILI, IFl; '303-Ii4.*F ]:NAL EI"Ei:Tii ITAL *tid:it il'F..- R[iTT CAT *T45 5Hil-ftHi:{iJIHEIi F,'HIri'tITi;-- --HF:E-SiiHrH*RiiE-ITATH*REijErPT*PEEI'1IT+-------Ur+LUE-*'- :i:*1.*$$4-],t1.8:[TI{jI:At, 15"00 i}.75 ri+'}13f i5T0'd $ S '$[:Li*NIt{:tHUf4 Ii{ErEt:TIuN$ +.REi]lurnEilHt'i'rs ***l'ixt' I'ATE--*ACT rrATH- : $0:i.-il44*Hliilu:fr'i l:ri $iiltiJ Irjli fit]01:i1. :'sHrl-*ItisF'Ht:TIfit'is-**----f,ilHtlEtirs---* --*t'ATH-----REIilil".T*-iNsP-** 1 ?I',!'?'l 1 ?fit:l?il ii *(i,t1.30 i 900i31 -ENERfiY- *5TATS* i{}:ATl* ?- FLIrr: UilNEFI;]O* $Ti]R IES TT,ilETIPLA TN B*N|:H- FEirEi"t 0r:[ liF:P i.! r{ l. i. Lr $T{ HHET f,{lN5T TYpri *f,ENTAAilTilit$ * $EN i. - I]ON:IRAI]TUF: PHNNE. PLHiI_ f I. E CT - P ALt4 E R/' PH l: 1"L Ij, li HEIii- ITESfiN*. ..1 .i1 r1 .; 'i .t ,-.: i j j-, Elr ,,,, I,J I J .L iJ 11 ..:.! J $rii\ i.i i tili ii5 :j 0 ii l. :3 1. Ll i-i ::l 5