HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-06J" RESIDL rTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT zzs itorth |th Street Springfield, 1negon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Cenera I P lumb i l.lechanica ecErica Supe IN EIec I r.ic: i:lrr SPRINGFIELD lour City Deaigr.ated Job llunbet fo: To after a 1 r It ia ti,.e reaponoibility of tte permit holder to aae that aLL inopeo_tione are nnde at the propc," tine, that ocoh cddtess ie reada'ti,e fnon thc atte'et, anC that the pctnrit oatd ie Lccated at .th_e fiont of the-_P"opetty.-tBuildi-g D,lvicTot apptotetl plan shcll nenain on the Building Sttc at aLL.tinee. Mte: ntotbet,, ntaibq. of inspeclicn befote ?:00.clP\O1SDUPE Fon INSPECII1\\ RSQUEST:CALL7 eady for '--iLL be nade the sorte dcy, requeste mcde iob aCdreea' tyPe Requcata rcoeivc,d SIi'E INSPEC!ION:e,,c;;;ti;;;6i To be nnde after prior tc set up of UN1ERSLA! PLU\ETNC, ELECTRTCAL d i!ECHA.\LICAL: lo be nnde before any$itTfiv*ed. nequired vapor burie?a ave in Pboebti before oty Lath, Wpan boatl on taLL oovering ia dpplied, ctd, before ay inoulation ia ooncealed, fotme FOCTfNC & POUNDA?ICN: ?o be rnaCe 7f tiFTfrFGGZAz e au at e d and forns are erected, but prior to pouring ccncrete. FII:AL PLUNIDIIIC FIIIAL MECIIAIIICAT, FIi.'AL ELEC"TRICAL DRYl.lAf,L INSPE1N)\I: lo be rmde 7fir"7tT-6y,,nlt'r:e in ptace, but prior to any taPing, MAS\NRI: Steel location, bond, Eifiilgrcuting or verticale in aceordotce vLth I|,B.C. Sectton 2415. Sinitary aaset capped at propefiy Line Septio tork pttryed, atd. fillad vith gta:tel Pinat - l,then abooe itena ate canpl,eted ard uhez denolition ia oonplete or at?Ltr' tt;* e tprted atd prerriaee oleaneC up. Blooking od set-up Pl,wbing connectione -- aarer atd ualer UND9RC!?OU!!D PLUM9INC, SSI,IER, I,I.1TER. DS4IWOE: 1'o be ttaCe pt'iot to fil'frj-frnchee, UII DERFLOOR PLUI.IB INC A MECIIANI CAL : of floor inouktion or decking, POST AND BEAM: To be nadc Prion to1frGllEiffi'of floot' insulation or decking. NOL:q! PT,UIIBTTIC. ET,ECTNICAI' 3 MECII- ANICAL: No uorl,. is to bc couered GtiTtheae inspeetions have beer: maie atd approued. FIP.EPLACE: Prior to plccirq facing,c;;i& atd before froning inape-c- tion. FRI!:I\IC: l+tuct be requeated after 6iffit of rough plwr,bing, ilectti- cal E neelanical. ALL roofing bracing C chinmcya, etc. rrust be ; cornpletcd. llo ucnk is to be con- . cecled unti.L thio inspection lae 'been nade anC approved WOODSTOVE: enpGGA, IENCE: gatee P, U, E. After inatallation io 1URB E 4!EBQA9!-E9ON: After fownto bouYittg conc?ete. SIDEttALX 8 DR|YEHAY: Fon all'oon- c"ece wv6;l;ffi etreoa tighx- of-txV-, to be made after all etoa- vating canplete & forn uPr"k E eub- base natertal in Pbce, Eleotrioal Conneotion - Blookittg, aet'u= atd plrnbing coueotione truat be appncr;ed befoia nequeeting eleolrioal. inepee !io- \ Aocesaorg Builditrg Fittal - llftar pcrchea, akttting, deeks, .to. @e oarpleted. Men conplete -- PrortiCe or mooable seotione thrtottgh , ALL pnoiect cond-itiono, such ae the inetallatjgn of a'lreet t\1"_1-,-c_a1Pl_otion.oi 11"' _n"quirn\- Llniioip;rg, 'eto., mtet be aatiafiod bofote the BUILDfilC FINA\ can.be tequeeted. Buildiq fnepeotion mtst be rcEteoted after the Final Plwnbing rnapeotiono hqto been npde atd aPProoad. FINAL BUI|,DINC: The Einal Electnical, aC Mechar-ical v'- r n-l , n-l Job locaticn: Int llAaaeoaorc Map ll Subdivision: Asner: Addtess City Deacribe h'onli: Value t-l N ett r-l Date of App Licaticn Aiditicn RenoCel Page 1 ol J.AI,L I4ANIICLES AND CLIiATIOUTS IIIJST DE ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTI{EN! TO BE TL4DE AT NO COST TO CIIY \ I tr tr F JO B NO. Iot Sq. Ftg, - Z of lot Covenage ! of Stortea oLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co Gt* c: IAr rw| , : rnterioi'l', '',' - ,.1 ,, corqin'\" Panlurdle Gu|,-d.e-eao PLan UALC a I ltAW CAREFULLy EXAilI-ryEq ile conpleted application fon permit, and. d.otyne.lu certify- t ab alt info.nmtibn hereoit' ie tru) ";, "i;;;;;i *e ttltt'then .cettify that any ar.d aLL uonk penforned atat! be dote in accor-ddnc€ tlth the ordincncea of tha city of spningficld, and. the Lc.to of thas-tat-e ol 0-r9gon pcrtaining to Lha wik ceecriblcd herZin, od tit No occu- PANCY will b-e nyde of any-- atruatu?a Dithout permioaion'o7 ttn siiiaing N-oloion, f funthan certif;i that o:tly contraetons at;d etp-Loyeee ul:o ar'i incanpliance dith OnS ZOl,oss uiLL be-uaed on thia projec't 6 -L-tg BeCt oons: Lat Facea - P. L. Laca a, VAWE s,D,c. I.5 a I Datc Paid: Building Vc:lue & perm it Thia.permit-i-a grantcd on the atpr.ooa condition ttnt, bhe aaid consttwc'LiottB^ML.L, ^ln.a.ll.reapc9.Lo, conform l;o tlrc Orditrul;<:c :tdopte,l 1ly drc City ofspt'ingfiel-d' inc-luding lhe zoning crdlnancc, regult;L'ittl Llti ccttstt,rictibn Zr::7,"on of buildinJ.tt,. and nay b.a auapended or rbuokcC'it ",ry tinc upon oic_la.tion of atry prcuiaiona of aaid,Ondir,ances, Pefidt ttota.l, Clungee.. .State Signed: NO. Pllrtutee Reaid,enti.a.L (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plumbing permir N9 p91eon aha-ll.conattuct, inatalL, alter on clangc cny neu cr e:isting ll4;rrg or drainage syatq in uhole or in part, "uxtes"s ,ict- p"i,ro, is- theLe.gdl.poaaeoyr of a ualid gl.uybey,e Lic_ense, czccpt Ll:aL a pbrsou nay doplunbing uotk to property uhich ia ouned, Le;sed o'r operatei by the aip,Li-cant, I PLwbing Pcrr,rtt State llau/Eaterd, Circuite Sentice llhere stata lan requirea that the electnical uonk be done by an ElectricalcontttcQr, the electrical pontion of thia permit elnll not- be oalic wttilthe label laa bean aigned ly the Stebbrtcal Co,ttrdctop, A Electricql Permit ITSM t Ezhanet lloo.1. Vent Fort tove Petmit feeuorrllt l,lcclanbal k,,rtt I Pcrmib Cvrbcu! Sidertalk TofAL Al'tOUM DUE:./5 q,a Date lt. a Mechqnicql Permit a