HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-03-04d SPFTItlGFIELO owner: TOM WrRFS/COZY HOMES Address: PO BOX 237 Describe Work: S.F. RESIDENCE 225 North FifLh Street Springfield, OR 9747'7 Location of Proposed Work: 3395 PARKER LN Assessors t'taP #: L7021'9OO Lot: L4 RESIDENTIAI, PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIETD COMMI'NITY SERVICES DIVISION BUII,DING SAFETY Block ilob Nurnber: 990062 Office: Inspection Line: Tax Lot #: 03200 Subdivision : AMBLESIDE Phone #: 747-8704 city/state/zip: sPRTNGFIELD, oREGON 97477 NEW Page 1 7 26 -3'7 59 126-3169 Conbractor Const. ContracEor #Expires o6/28/e9 L2/L5/ee t2/23/ee 04/28/ee Phone 747-B'704 473 -2827 74'7 -7445 587-1851 General: Plumbing: Mechanical: El-ectrical: QUAD AREA: 3RNC # OF UNITS: 1 CONSTR. TYPE: VN WATER HEATER: E -. OFFICE USE -- LAND USE: 1111 ZONING CODE: LDR # OF BDRMS: 3 RANGE: E # OF BLDGS: 1Sry,U :iA,fif,:? ,+,'.q To reguests an inspection, cafl the 24 hour recording aL 726-3769 FOB A11 inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day --- REQUTRED INSPECTTONS --- - After trenches are excavated. FOITNDATION - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement. ITNDERFLOOR PLITMBING - Prior to insul-ation or decking !.1,.1Jr^d.,i,ir,at";\,ifiittLi ITNDERFLooR DRArN - prior Lo cover or placem.rra oi-"lncrete. ATTENITION:Oregctlia\t"d''etl'rrrubvLruru rrNDERFrooR MEcrrANrcAL - prior ro insurarion or deckins. folloffii;;;;;pt*ibltheOregonUtiiity posr Ar.rD BEAM - prior ro floor insularion or decking. ruotiti"uiiori-cunier.rrroserulgsaresetfort rNsuLArroN - Floor; prior ro deckins wall/Ceirins; prior igpAfr;#-odi-oorothroughoAR952"001 wATER LrNE - prior ro f ir-r- j-ns rrench oogol{oTmav obtain copies of the rules b sANrrARy sEwER LrNE - prior ro fit-ling rrench. cririn"gir;;"nter.(Note:th6tel6phone sroRM sEwER rJrNE - prior ro fillins rrench. nr;#ri;;GotegonutitityNotification RouGH PL.TMBTNG - Prior to cover'rrre Lrerr.,rr' """ --iunterisl-Bb0-3a2'234'4\' ROUGH MECHAI{ICAL - prior to cover. ROUGH ELECTRICAL - prior Lo cover. SHEAR WALL NATLING - Before covering sheathing with finish materials. FRAMING - Prior to cover- rNsuLATroN - Floor; prior to decking waI1/ceiling; prior Lo cover DRYWALL - Prior to taping. CURBCUT - After forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete. STDEWALK - After excavation is complete, forms and sub-base materialin p1ace. ELEcrRrcArJ sERvrcE - Must be approved to obtain permanent power. FrNAL PLIIMBING - When all plumbing work j_s complete. FrNAL MEcHAtiIrc.e'L - when arl mechanical work is complete. FrNAr. ELECTRTCAL - when all electrical work is complete. FrNAL BUTTJDTNG - when all required inspections have been approved and.the building is complete. TOM WIRFS 0032947 L275 S 2ND SPRINGFIELD OR 97477OOOO B M C 0103570 648 W OREGON AVE CRESWELL OR 974260 MARSHALLS OO2579O 4110 OLYMPIC ST SPRINGFIELD OR 9747 BILLS 0021351 3170 W 11TH EUGENE OR 974020000 ,,,, :R3 SPR!NGFIELD Job Number: 99O062 SPilNGFIEIT', Page 2 Lot Faces: S Topography: 2 Solar Approved: y Lot Sq. Ft.: 5525 Total Height: 21 Lot Type: TNTERTOR Setbacks SWE 10 10 18 Lot Coverag,e: 383 ? Setbk From NPL: 25 N 10House Garage ftem Mai-n Garage Total Value Building permit Fee Surcharge/admin TOTAL FEE ftem Residential Bath(s) Plumbing permit Surcharge/admin TOTAL CHARGE Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Dryer Vent Mechanical_ permit fssuance Surcharge/Admin TOTAL PERMIT Surcharge/admin Sidewalk Curb Cut CTTY SDC WILLAIVIALANE ELECT. PERMTT PLAN CHECK FEE TOTAL MTSCELLANEOUS PERMTTS --- BUILDING PERMIT --- Sguare Feet x 1485 701 (Excluding Electrical) unless otherwise noted --- PLI'MBING PERMTT --- --- MECHANICAL PERMIT --- 2 MTSCELLAIVEOUS PERMTTS --- AMOUNT DUE ---(4, B, C, D, and E combined) 2 $/Sguare Feet 69 .54 18.34 Value 103,415.00 12, 956. 00 11,5 ,271 . o0 471.25 37.70 508.95 Fee 150.00 150.00 a2 .80 !72 .80 5.00 4.50 5.00 3.00 19.50 10.00 L .57 31.07 0.00 13. 75 1_5 .25 2 , s63 .95 1, 000 . 0o L40 .40 306.31 4,039 .67 4 ,7 52 .49 (A) (c) (D) (E) --- TOTAL SPRINGFIELD ilob Number: 990062 SPilNGFIELD, Page 3 --- BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is granted on the express condi-tion that t.he said construction shal-l, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Development Code, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any t.ime upon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Received By: Plans Reviewed By: AL WARD Building Site Reviewed By: LfSA HOPPER Date: 03/03/99 --- ADDITTONAL COMMENTS --- A & T ESTTMATE ONLY FOR CTTY SDC CREDIT PURPOSES DRIVEWAY REQUIRED TO BE PAVED 2 STREET TREES REQUIRED By si gnature, I 6t,ate and agree, that I have carefully examinedthe completed application and do hereby certify that al-I i-nformation hereonis true and correct, and I further certify that any and al-1 work performedshal1 be done in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Springfield,and the Laws of the State of oregon pertaining to the work d.escribed herein,and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permj-ssion of the Communit.y Services Dj-visi-on, Building Safety. I further certify that. onlycontractors and employees who are in compliance with oRS 701.055 wi_lf beused on this project. r further agree to ensure that al-I required inspections are requested at theproper time card is loc wi-11- remain , that each address is readabLe from the street, that the permitated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plansthe si-te at all tj_mes during construction 3-,/-zr Signature Date --- VALIDATION --- Receipt Number: Date paid: Amount Recei_ved: Received By: Z AITACHMENT A 44aa r- t CITY 0F SPRIN-. IELD SYSTEMS DEVEL0PI'|u{f CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME OR COI,iPANY -l'r^rr. LOCAIION vns l&* DEVELOPMENI TYPE <rf D BUiLDING SIZE LOI SiZ Ft 1 IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT.zvz ,?9 X $0.227 PER SQ. FT (75h.b{ 2. SANITARY SEI^IER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S x s47.14 PER PFU $ g?5 C((See Reverse Side) 3. TRANSPORTATiON NO OF UNITS X TRIP RA.IE X COSI PER TRIP X l.ot x s475.32 $ @,O7 x $475.32 4. SANITARY SEI^JER.MI^JMC A. REIMBURSEMENT COST: sr,RM DRAINAGE z#t+ 6*:E;W + A/;;fi*@')n?#lt: $X NO, OF FEU'S I X N1,++PER FEU B. IMPROVEMENT COST: NO. OF FEU'S X ZO, ZO PER FEU MI^JMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MI^JMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE TOTAL-MWMC SDC SUBTOIAL (ADD ITEMS i,2,3 & 4)5. ADMiNiSTRATiVE FEES: BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 L SDC Coordinator ATTACH'A. [^JPD $ T71 ,4+ s 75.20 <$ 3 ,l{ $1 .00 $M.+1 s 214 l,K1 s tzz,et Date TOTAL SDC $ 25f, 3 ,9 I. I 4uP1 (NorE: For remodets, catculate ;r,;;^. E-roo,,l.'^"-,:r;;;";"' u'YEw rrxtures x unrt Equrvalent = Fixture Units FIXTURE TYPE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES // t/ // TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS UNIT EOUIVALENT FIXTURE UNITS - /- ---b .---_ T Bathtub..... Drinking Fountain.... Floor Drain. lnterceptors For Grease/Oil/Solids/Erc................. lnterceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc................., Laundry Tub/Clotheswasher.... Clotheswasher - 3 Or More.... Mobile Home Park Trap (1 per Trailer) Receptor For Refrigerator/Water Starion/Etc........ Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc.. Shower, Single Stall.....:.... Shower, Gang.. Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitcnen.. Urinal, Stall/Wall. Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single....... Toilet, Public lnstallation. Toilet , Private.. Miscellaneous: 2 1 2 .) 6 2 6 6 1 Z l iHead 2 2 I o 4 -777- /? CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Basei on assessed vatue. tf rrnprovements occurred after annexation date in ;aole,calculate credits rates /. Zt X$7, /{Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable lmprovement (if after afinexation date) (Rate X Assessed Value)x$ - (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL = $ Year Annexed Rate per $1,0O0 Assessed Value 1979 or before 1 9BO 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 $4.27 4.1 8 4.12 200 3.83 3.68 3.48 3.1 I 2.82 2.42 1 989 1 990 1 991 1 992 1 993 1 994 1 995 1 996 1 997 $1.98 1.55 1.15 o.96 o.B3 0.67 o.52 o.38 o.21 Year Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE (For Estimating Purposes Onlyl Residential. Commerical lndustrial........ Governmental............ o.4 o.9 o5 0.5 FIXUNIT.WPD IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL LOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT I /,< SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET NAME: ADDRE SS LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUILDIN ITE Street Add Plat 1 lpe definitions are dn Willamalane Park & Recreation District A. Single-Family Detached II Single Family home Tax Lot Number: (Check appropriate dwelling(s). SDC calculations and dwelling t back.) qq Job. No. PHONE: STATE:IP:1 Manufactured home not in a park X $1,000 per unit = $ct)NO. OF UNITS B. Single-Family Attached NO. OF UNITS X $924 per unit C. Multi-Family Apartment NO. OF UNTTS X $692 per unit D. Manufac{ured Home park , NO. OF UNITS WILLAMALANE SDC X $699 per unit (if SDC reduoed for Credit) $ $ $ 2- sDc cREDrr (r appticaore) sDGpayer must fumish proof of wllamalane credit approvar. see goc credit wodaheet. 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED $ $ $ \oco.cc _t0ooPc 6 Develo City of eld partment Date \\ 225 FrwE STREET Date SPRINGFIEIJ), OREGou,}FffiiZeo signature INSPECTI0N REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 SPRIN'iFIELO BLE TRICAL PERHIT Ci ty Job Nurnber COUPI.ETE FEE SCMDULE BELOS Nev Residential-Single or MuIti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost Th-e ,oilowing project as submitted has the followino :9n'ng, and does not require,p"riti" )"-nJr"""",,approval. Zoning LDr> 1 OP DE PTI t ts are non-transferable and expire rk is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COMRACTOR INSTALI-ATTON ONLY Address D 1-000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Eaeh Manuf'd Home- or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder Iess 400 amps 600 amps ps or 1000 -voITs I .L 85fr 3 A Sum Pi Electrical Contractor t 4# $ 1s.00 $ 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps _60L amps to 1000 amps_ Over 1000 amps/voIts Reconnect Only Temporary Services or Feeders lq w tallation, Alteration or Relocation s 8s.00 s 40.00 $ ss.00 $ 80.00 see lrBtr Ci ty Phone 3.' "126?ro s B by s s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130. 00 $300.00s 40.00 Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number Expiration Date ture of Supe rvt,sC 0vners Name Add cit Phone The installation is beingproperty f ovn vhich is nofor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: made on t intended the aEove cui ts , Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit $ 35.00 Each Additional Circuit or vith Serviceor Feeder Permit $ 2.00 E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) ng_ 5Z State Surcharge 32 Administrative Fee TOTAL s s $ $ 00 00 00 00 40. 40. 20. 36. DATE: CITY OF ONEGO'U RECEIVED a) Q'..-, /<- P.ol (E4r ).64-6'69 Frb-17-Oo ll:'lzA l{ort{cr Eng & Br,tldltrrg Oi P.c. 3IFIJCIUfiALsffiffimffi,, 1at9 PEAFT 3?a0t ixollE l)rer'0010 r FAI (c{ l} .s.'csc CorY Homer S',triitroRg7d77 FE: 3335 Parxar'Sire Dreinagc - W'O' 11t88&2'OLG Atl&un'qustted,qnFrbrurrylo-,Ps.l-p€rlo'm0daninsp.diongltherb<lrrenotcdeddrots, ouriagn,rriilp€cuJi;";;;in"iouorr,ng!-dr-."'t*rio'eancreoonnrnda*o*' ThccxbtlngrcsidgncGcon?btr,ol,!l!,",drroodtrlmoGonolructlollwithacrslpcTim.l€r roundlriori and posr fi ;i, anrenor .uppo.i. -riJr;;d;r* rr"u i'oe'ierrccd movemcnt srncc its oonetruc{ron. rhc Jff; '*Jr"r.ni',:tld'ii ii*-i.irrn or"i'ilJ" a1d rhlrorlndatton belno "g6;tr1t,,o1€d on .,p.;.&-ili;' -j noted 'iiit ti]iJ "ai.0n,91"',[ery 3" ro 5. ot cru$cd rocr 'm#}i1mro**n*E*lq:El'r,ro***r:tl* varPt DaTticr be rec iffi ;ffi ;;iri"ffi#ffil#*'ffi H"H:,"ii:{Ffi :?Eitfr$i:il?.31'5 expedltd wilh tho u?. "1 6TY3:T:1:i'$;""#l"T;;"releclnot e lnieaordryuatt?p."€d tnd lho crawl rp,,, frti i"i' tne t'Uaing wlll need lo bc rolcv€l 0 ro that ctoo,' and *ioffi *u Encdon ;J iiniiirrtrac*ing rs nct golng .o be vlsiblo' Fixing the dowdl. ooots, ,no *ii&" 'i tnrt rrmc t;"tt';;;;filosilv rsrrible b-ecruce ll will hlve to be ;;iildd lfler thc a;1s soirt dry out' thopelhirleponlBadQquttotoryoutPurpo6ogllthiegr,,..]lonkyoulorthiaopg-oflunlty!ob€ ot rrvir. rr 1,ot na'ririr-friiiristroir., a:;;; noinsenare to correa rnc at 464-0080' F.bru.ty 16.2m0 Vrry wlY Yourlc, Owon Grovor, P.E' OlCVmm ffi ,"{/O-ot I t. i.*i, . ,l Tctr-17-OO lt !.12r\ Itlorttor Eng & Eurldtng Oc (6e I)444-6469 P.OZ EXrSn{G HOrrs€ S| TH6 GRTtr slotE lf Y rnor. aJ|L9lllc +oEE oltrnilo TOOIIIG Tslu ;Alr /T\ TEtrtcH ggsIBX_w LH06ruREO SO.r 5IIE CONSTRUCTION NQTES: t. Enocrrtr to providc for thr iadcot.. oonttnstion olli co'tlo.tlt to tio thFh grcd-. nrrno,l ria motrrtoh ,t!ln rlL' Siorm qra rtlrircllc at[h 99q):^ Sctr.lrlr .fO AES. ;-il6{fv ,r.rg+tt d-fiP. cad -{0{iO+ !/t6' eu 'Et (l l'ltt) mfimu.n lc* Johlr ond fitUig to b' $le'til rcld.d' L6ot )slotcl'd Pb. ot Sorrri. 6crt ! !-t.t rtsrr e( thr l-reur ,.r ltcil cDana. ,lu {r. ffiff}iil-6a ft11 -;x,I;-& -qta-s6qrh t6.-;i tro,ro. luooo' th. ,ctto)' coay.ftrrlorotdcp.i''toaon-,.'fo,!t.dptp.ooClrbncoofs..o.lturrrrorthrd|clhcrrr' .?t*frssTrnfifi, rvdmr to rrrrtirc 6e616rlenrrd rtcnn rrrtrm (,ora rpe' Sor cri. RrroYl i naD5o. portb|l C ruhthg oonc' ,Ctlo O plp lnrtOllctha locotloit' Iero.r rgrrdag to htp.ct .rcoyoucn ,l9r ord nutcid lndsllotcQ 3p6r to oecL fU. lnrtcll docncuE O rtloY IOO' ol rir oad d hlil peiat ol t r€ad&tr. i't 2. 3- t]. 3. t. 7. a Fr8nc tt It'min. E PAIR SITE: $95 PTRTER sPmrcn&o. ofl[GoN cozY l{o|trs P.0. 80x 237 SPRNGFEIO. 0R 97477 (54r) 747-E7o+ TORTIER EiTNEERhIG P.C. ! 245 PUft SIREEr EUo$E oREGoll e7401 t IEEJ-z 9rm I0ATE 2-rs-00 REY:0f (5{r ) (s+t) {E+-9060 4Er-6659-FrX tqtc* ! PEFT. ffi Tlris Sio- l-o Re Fillerl Ottt by AJ4tlicant This permit is required for any site activity irr the flood plain and everywhers site alteratfitty (5Ol cubic yards of material or rnore and/or if a drainageway is affocted, within Cit .ion consists of y limits and 7 4 Date of Applicatlon '7 * n' - d'? permit Expiration Date: Plrono: field, Oregon o a? I 33 q5Slte Address: Property Owner Address : Tax Lot:tr -l Journal numbe r opplicable Land Use Application ^4UGB Tax Map No:1- w E E t/(. Phons 0 Projoct Suporvi sor GRADING, Destination: Source Location Material EXCAVATION, Quantity Supplier: Address FILL, Ouant Suppllor tr u tr tr tr tr DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN STATE CITY STATE ,,r[pffiia161 es mo.Y PHONE PHONE Tax dra .maprnage trS, ;tino Soil and t OSpYtooctu andbj CROSS SECTIONS, SOILS & GEOLOGY PLAN, PLAN COMPANY NAME: COMPANY NAME: REPLANTING ADDtfloUlL PROJECT SUPERVISOR: ADDRESS: PROJECT SUPEHVISOR: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR NAME C' L. ,).l b- l.\ )Jr d FAx7y7 r?e5'Z]P: ClTY: MOBILE PHONE:EMEBGENCY PHONE OFFICE PHONE Explration Date: PHONE ADDBESS STATE: y'ta-rto .? at ?7'7 F Tlre city mav lnsooct tlre work silo doscribod irr this pormil st any time during a ono yoar perlod following the receipt bylhe citv of notlce of compleiion "itr,i:i"J""i#a'*o;k..'rt ip"city.""iiri""'city,. soro'desocrarl;;,-;ny 'ddirionar restorarionwork required to return rti" "iio-to , "i"-r?"ii".",r1"praoLe ro-ir..'e-6lr'vliijr"plr;iit"" *lririi"iiYi;;i; wririns of any workrequired and will have r'irtv tsoi d"vlir;,;il,J;i";tir.,"-"iiri"iJ,lili.,ir"," rhe work. work nor comproted ar rhe end ortho rhirrv davs wil bo porfdrniot 6;ii,;'c;i;'ffid"irre cosrs wiu be bilod 15 rho permrrreo. aro requosted st tho propor tlmo, that projoct sddross is readable fromon tho sito at all tlmis d.urlng construition. tho .' ', i'lr*''l' I cirirs' I lurthor sgroe lo onsuro thatstroot, and lho romotn I srsh;rr,,; all Enco o the a tne ,jr [i t,, ''A ' ',' , rl '- ' r1,rilii.iarn,.:t.ri.l,;:t $.!(, /rr Ez E llll-o 2g Huth tlz 5 in a =E E E EtE5 EtE g, 2 E =.v,zoo TE Pt,,'c IT 2o(J ulE:J kzt!,u Po ,4r^C 3R rhgl ?7,6\br l+I slirles, Number: z that undoing, l. or of luture ths all contractors omployees whoon this IPTI'JOTIILD DRAINAGE, O Stontr, O Ditc WETLANDS, Descriptlon, FLOOD PLAIN, Zons: FLOODWAY, FEMA CommunitY Panel No.: El/ engineorlng Building: Malntenance: Pormi t Number lssued by: Reqrrlred Flnal lnsnectiens' PlannlnO: Engineering: Building: Maintsnance: --s=* O Culvsrt,0 Natural , FEMA Community Panol No.:155 q u,]o<- Date: ei, tr @g tr tr Plannin tr tr Date: Date: Date: Date Dato: Date Dato Date: u tr Land and Drolnago activity as orrtlincrl irr llris ponnit lras beon conrplotod in accordanco with tho provisions of this pcnnit. Land end Dratnags ac.tiyily as outlined in this permit has not been completed in accordancewlth ths provrsrcihs ol ttlts permtt. tr Land and Drainago activity was porformed prior to applicatlon for this pormit. Accepted by:--- Date: 920.00 $30.oo $40.oo S4O.OO For ths lirst 1O,0O0 cubic yards, plus $20.OO lor oach additional 10,000 cubic yards ot fraction thereol. 0220.00 For tlro llrrt 100,001 cublo Vardr, plur $20.Oo for ooclr odditlonal 1O,O0O cublc yordr or lractlon thorool. 034O For tlro llrst 2OO,OO1 cublo yardc, plua S6.OO for oach additlonal 1O,0OO cubld yarda or lractlon theroot. $30.oo $3O.OO For tho first lOO cublc yards, plus Sl4.OO lor oaclr additional lOO cubic yards or fraction lheroof. $ 1 56.0O For tlto f irst 1,O00 cublc yards. plus 912.0O for oaclr additional I,OOO cubic yards or fraction thoroof . $264.00 For tlrs lirst lO.0O0 cubic yards, plus $54.00 lor sach additional 1O,OOO cubic yards or fraction thoroof. t760.00 For tho llrst lOO,OOI cublc yards, plus $30.oo tor oaclr a<ldltlonal lO,OOO cublc yards or lractlon thorool. Dato:4rlll* Dato:30 KY} lq J'c^l Received by: Estlmated Volume: Grading Permit fes: Plan Check Fee: Bocelved By: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO 1OO CUBIC YARDS IOI TO l,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,0O1 TO 1O.OOO CUBIC YARDS 10.000 To 100,000 cuBlc YARDS 100,001 T0 200,000 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO 1OO CUBIC YABDS l OI TO I.OOO CUBIC YARDS I,OO1 TO IO,OOO CUBIC YARDS 10,000 To loo,000 cuBlc YARDS loo.ool To 200,ooo Rocorpt N"t 341(7 Receipt No:_ Date: Dato: -F rv --aIJJFJ IJJ U Z -l fwbto F - M,IIIo- Zo cZ nZs 1/6/1998 Out By a lu(!t z Ga H ozo clzoo E E E thzo Errto.u,z Date