HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2019-12-04OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or.9ov Building Permit Commercial Sign Permit Number: 811-19-OO25O8-SIGN IVR Number: 811013202981 CitY of SPringfietd Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 54t-726-3753 Email Add ress: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD i6 Permit Issued: December 04,2OL9 Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: g0.00 Description of Work: Sign (2) with electrical for La euinta inn Type of Work: None Specified Worksite Address 3480 HUTTON ST Springfield, OR 97477 Parcel 170322200097t Clwner: Address: HUTTON HOLDING CORPORATION 840 BELTLINE RD STE 202 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Business Name ES&ASIGNCORP-primary License CCB License Number L63470 Phone 541-485-5546 Inspection 6999 Final Sign 6940 Sign Attachment 6950 Electrical Service - Sign 6910 Sign Footing fnspection Group Signs Signs Signs Signs fnspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contactthe issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon .90vCall or text the word "schedule,, to 1_g8g_299 -2821 use IVR number: 811013202981Schedule using the Oregon epermitting Inspection App, search .'epermitting,, in the app store Permits expire if work is nr the issuing agency's poti"ylt started withln 18o Days of issuance or ifwork is suspended for 180 Days or ronger depending on All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work wilr be compried with whether specified herein or not,:#,:1il::ff'.T:1,::'"",H:,rH:ffi"i*;lliX'w,. '""i...;;;'1,i";""visions orany;.;;;. or,oca, ,aw ATTENTT,N: oregon law requires you to fotlow rules adopted by the oregon utirty ilotification center. Those rures are setl1:#;:" es2-ool-oolo throush oo* grz-ooi-oiro. ro, ..v out"ii-"op,I" or.n. rures by calins the center at (503) All persons or entities ot*"j:1io-:"rk under this permit are required to be ricensed unress exempted by oRs 7o1,o1o(structurar/Mechanicar), ons qzg.seo tar"o.i""il,-"-.d oRS 693.010-o20 (prumbing). Ptinted on: 1214/tg Page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STAN DARD >-./ TYPE OF WORK JOB SITE INFORMATION LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IT{FORl{ATION PEI{DING INSPECTIONS SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Permit Number: 8l 1-19-0025O8-SIGN Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Sign or outline lighting Technology Fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Elec (12olo of applicable fees) Permanent sign - O to 35 square feet, per sign Permanent sign - 101 to 150 square feet, per sign Sign plan review, Per sign Printed on: 1214/19 Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $178.00 $26.65 $2 1.36 $88.00 $175.00 $92.00 $581.01 2 1 1 2 c:\myReports/reports//prcduction/01 STANDARD Page 2 of 2 PERMIT FEES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 22s FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97417 t PH:(541)726-3753 o FAX: (541)726-3689 City Job Nu 0(1-oo -5t $l Site Address:3480 Hunm St $z f, 0rfi +J d (J tl Hg g ( +J rp{ E 0I Assessors Map Tax Lot:o Owner:La Quinte lnn Phone: Address:3480 Hutton St Springrf eld OR Business Name, Firm,La Quinla lnn zio 97477 Description of Proposed sign(s): (prease check and comprete ail appropriate information) - wall Monumant Freestanding projecting - Roof -Marquee single Face Double Face - Birboard - other Square Footage:18.4sf Total Height above Grade:3'-7" Vertical Dimension of Sign or osttrP.z-?' Dimension from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure 11" (d) Tlpe- Horizontal Width of Sigrr orEnclosure: E6! _Electrical Installation: X yes _No(lt yes additional elecrrical permit requircd) Valueof Sign; )9'aZS Material Sign is Constucted ot LED, alurninum,lexan, vinyl List ALL existing signage and attrch a photograph of eech sign: (a) Type (c) Type Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg. Sq. Sq. 54't{68-2385 Address:5 Rd City:Eugene State:OR 97402 Construction Conhactors Registration 1634 Sign District: zip: Expires:03t162019 OFFICE USEt4 H 00 Zoning: By signature, I state and information herein is true and agree, correcr, and I furtlrer that I have carefully examined the that any and all work performed shall done in accordance with completed application and do certi$ that allcenif,hereby tbe Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and rhe of the State of pertaining to tlre work descrihd herein. I Laws be OregonI F{ turther certifu that only contractors and employees who are rn compliance with oRS 70t.05s will be used on this project.I further agree to ensure that all strect, that the permit card is located at the front of the inspections are property, and the approved set of requested at the proper time, that plans will remain projecr address is on fie site at all readable from the required Date V)times ofthe sign(s). Sbed Drivc(T:yBuilding Fonos/Sigr pcrmit Applicaliool {2.da lt 22s FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 c PH:(541)726-3753 r FAX: (541)726-3689 city Job r.rm..8t\- l1'CO25oO 4 khN Site Address:3460 Huuon Sl Assessors 1 >70 Tax Lot:ooq l\ (ft+\ Phone: Owner:La Quinta lnn Address:3480 Hufton St Springrfield Business Name, Firm,La Qulnta lnn H 0 rF{ tJ d 0rH F{g q ( OR zio 97477 - Description of proposed Sign(s): (please check and completeI-- Watl FreestandingJ' Single Face Double Face .- square Footage: 146.45sf Total Height above Grade: al I appropriate information) Projecting - Roof _Marquee Billboard Other 35.9, tJ.H Et{ h 0 & DirneDsion from Grade to Bottom of Sign Enclosure 30 Material Sign is Constructed of:LED, alurninum,lexan, viny' List ALL existing signage and ottach a photogrrph of erch eign: Horizontal Width of Sign orEnclosure: 21rs1t1t _Electrical lnstallation:_X yes _No(It'yes additional elecnical pennit required) vatue of sigu: $.iOcrO- Sq. Ftg. (a) Type (c) Tpe Address: Sq. Ftg. Sq. Ftg.(d) Phone:rie Rd City:Eugene State:OR Construction Contactors Registration Number:163470 OFFICE IISE Sign Disbicr: Zoning: By signafure, I state and agree,that I have carefully cxamined the completed application and doinformation herein is tue and correct, and I further certifr that any and all work performed shall zip 97402 Expires:03116t2019 fi b0 hereby certig that all be done in accordance withthe Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein.I ti turther ceniff that only contractors and employees who arc in compliance with oRs 701.055 will be used on this project. V) I further agree to ensure that all inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the required street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set ofplans will remain on the site at all Date times of the sign(s). Shucd thivc(T:lBuildbg Ffinvsit! pcrDjt ApplicdionI {2.dc CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 54't$6&2385 - Electrical Permit A ication aPinoarl.|, 223 Flftt Strcct. Sprhgffu ld, OR 97.177 o PH(541 )72G371t. FAX(5a I )72G36E9 This permit is issued under OAR 9l&309-0000. Permits ere nontrsnsferable. Permits expire if workis not started within lE() deys of issuence or lf work ls suspended for lEO days. (]tT}' OF SPRINCFI EI-D. OREGON DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Permit no.: I1-OOZSD6'X tr/qlrqDate: LOCAL GOVERNTIENT APPROVAL Zoong approval verifi ed?DYes ENo OF CONSTRUCTION E Residential ! Oovernment ElCommercial JOB SITE INFORiIATION AND LOCATION v State: OR ZIP:97477 Referente: {/Taxlot.: DESCRIPTION OF WORK t PROPERTY/OWNER Name: Address: State:ZIP: Phone:Fax: is not intended for sale, exchange, l) and 479.560(l). E-mail: Property 479.s40( orbeing made on member of my immediate lease, or rent. OAR ts owned by me or a CONTRACTOR INST ALLATION AwningBusiness name: ES&A Sign and Address: 89975 Prairie Rd Cig: Eugsns State: OR ZIP: 97402 Phone' 54 111855546 Fax.3414855E13 E-mai l: ceOOdmanlaesasisns - com CCB license no.: 16347O BCD licinse no;((-$ 2O4q Signing supervisor's license no.: st4sIG Print name of signing supervisor: Gordy Roseboro n ,/*^- 'Signature of suPervrsor: FEE SGHEDULE Number of lnspectlons per ttem ( )Qty.Cost e& Totd cost Resldcndd, per unlt, service lnctuded: I,0(X) sq. ft. or less (4)$17t.00 $ Each additional 500 sq. ft. or portion thereof $ 33.00 $ Limited eoergy (2)$ {r.00 $ Each manufacrurcd home or modular dwelling scrvice or fcedcr (2)$ 8r.00 $ Seniccr or feeders : ins I o I lal i on, a I t era ti on, r e I oc a t ion 200 amps or lcss (2)$ t03.00 $ 201 ro 400 amps (2)$120.00 $ 401 ro 600 anps (2)$203.00 $ 601 ro 1,000 amps (2)$26r.00 $ Over 1,0(X) amps or volts (2)$599.00 $ Reconnect only (2)s 81.00 $ Temporery servlces or feeders: instollation, alteration, relocation 200 amps or less (2)$ 8'r.ur $ 201 to 400 arnps (2)s fi1.00 $ 401 to 600 arps (2)$162.00 $ Over 600 amps or 1,000 volts, see services or fecders scction above Brench clrcuits: neui alleration, ertension pa.panel a. Fee for branch circuits with purchasc of a scrvice or fecder fce: Each branch circuit $ 7.00 $ b. Fee for branch circuits without purchase ofa scrvice or fceder fee: First braoch circuit (2)$ 81.00 $ Eacb additional branch circuir $ 7.00 $ Miscclleneous fees: .servrce or feedu not included Each pump or irrigatioa circle (2)$ 8r.00 $ Each sign s1 ssrlin6 lighring (2)2 $ 9s.oo s gG panel,$ e3.00 $ Erc[ rdditlonsl lnspcctlon: (l )$93.00 s DEPARTMENT USE (A) Enter subtoral of above fees (Minimum Permlt Fee $93,00)l1{ (B) Enter 12%surchargc (. 12 x [A])9a (C) Technology Fec (5% of [A])$l '.go(D) Continuing Education Fee 52.50 t ,50 ALTOT fees end (Asurchergec D):through rt I $$$20r7 Job site aadre.ss: 41 "D Signal circuit or a limited-energy alrcrrtion, or cxtension (2) {i ).\ w \ $r\\\\na +t Sgn#1 4t $r,.\e -'-'(8"= tl'g' *aso t"Y\"n;t---l-\A ot e CITYOF OREGON FRONT ELEVATION SCALE:1/16'= 1-0'117 'ato6 t7 la 5it,1*t --] sagolfiS @n?ffitrm Fbraot 2 ar0, .6, PsrQd I a3r'.o Lel 3 atg- I t/2. Level 2 a 1U . O 3t4' Lelcl I a(r-(r n k , . /.\\y I i i ! I i i i I i ; / i i 13/16'-A [J[]NTA:l:::7 -3 i,r-v{r\r\rtst LE i r f r< uts tAiL SCALE:3/16'= 1-0 DS-CL-150 6',-s' @t I CUSTOMER APPROVAL NOTE: Elevatron drawrngs are for customer approval onlg, drawings are not to be used as anu installation guide, all dimensions must be verified before installatton ll:ii C&ltlGJrrb8rlFw!rrtq!.rr! {!turrdaF6!rr&d0{r(qrfi ioE qar-@ilq.ilaFtrro{dr6frnliaf,EErtrdr!{Lrd Custm: LAOUINTA Date: 10/09/19 Prepared Bg: KH SPRINGFIELD, OR Locaton: 2o25r,8 - SPRINGFIELD, OR File Name: ':n'Pe$gnnffiffiL*"_ APPROVAL BOX - PLEASE INITIALI ! I I D E B EXISTING FRONT ELEVATION I i I i 1i 1 'I f L. r'1. _.ff l-* *-l* La Quinta DWG. 1 34!9 rt6' t,) 6EE riAMrFtcnn€Fs DRAVUilOS Rn AOOtlD,'ltL oErAUt AND OilSr\,8ONS. ?5'-g .CIJENI.PEnSd{A . 2012 m. r 16 rrrFH wso sPEEo, EIP. C s ?b t RECOI\,IiEI\OED LOC nonl6 FOff FASIEI€Bi. SEE C}IAAT FOR SIZE ANO TYPE {A srowro r. O AI"UM. PIP€ SPACER ANGLE l,lOUNnNG CUp6 NOTE WTIEBE ALW T'TALIOY PANTS ANE il @T.ITAC? wlIH StEE-m OnCF OSEnltlXt ifiIALS. llf SIEEL SURFACESIO E PIACED N @T{IICTfiIH IHE ITNCOAIEOALI MNUM SIIALL 8E PAI\rIED wrH GOq) OUAUTY r{Oit LEAD CoinAr{tr€ptn ilo PAryT. SL'Cfl AS ZO,IC A,IOLYBOATE, ALftD TYPE Pf, TCR }{ TCCfiDA'!rcE wlIH fEDERAL SPECFICA ION TT+€454, FOLLO,VED By IIVO COATS 0F PA|i{TCOiEEING OF 2 t3. OFALUi,rUfi PISIE Prer,clJt (Asru spEcftcATDN D96A.fi , rypE ao,rss 8) pER oAt N OF VAnnrg{ MEEIING FEOEML SPECFICAIOiI TI.V{T, TYPE II. OR EO$'ALENT, 3rEOr.Or (2 PTBIHRE{EDMO) IACI( WEID MT ONIO OOVNECIU{ RIIE 3G'T}nEAo€ORoo, ONIIAND TAP INIO @NN€CTION PLA]T 3,rOll'I (2 PEF rlnEAO€D RODI LETTEg LOGO a/ Pcnso lA IYECAL /r$'"&neel 31t7 EXISTING 6-7 112, x 10-3" -r-!1 r1 . rrAt I A i itj -t, '- r^r ' 5 8',-6' 3-3 3rB MONUMENT DETAL SCA|-E: 1/2' = 1{. DS.2OM PROPOSED 5n*z i I t\ (r' I I i I i._ + I I ot N II i : -i- !)!,itt Ex, t*,a V"\.r,r rAa.trINTA BY WYNDHAM CUSTOMER APPROVALElevationforNOTE:custornerdrawrngs approvai onlg.notaredrawings beto ASused instal latlonang arde.dgu rnustrmensrons be verrfied tnbefore staliatronCustorner I.AOUINTA Date. 09t24t19 KH {rdnu.d&nGd0tdEtOafifqf*( LocaS0n SPRINGFIELD, OR 202548 -SPRINGFIELD, OR peF,mn UPDISIR,EUIEO SY SIGN COMPANYTmAstStr*t Souttrren 210P0 Box WaenoHr s0t201-0zro .8m.8439888 ww1v.pe($nasi]nscom APPROVAL BOX. PLEASE INITIAL \ rl rl W I i, r -r * I F