HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1987-02-09lob tocatr:"n, ll Assessors Map #rasra# |Z Subdh.tision: Anet: Phone:Address: #" RESIDE. TTIAL z.s Noy,th rrt" irrnl"tr cAT r,N /PERI/lrr Springfield, )r'egon 97477 BuiLding Diuision ada -a F-/ 40-o / Do aa SPFINGFTELD 0\o"" \ o 6t Date: OQDescz"Lbe l,lork: Date of App tt Nan U^{L Value Additian RenoCel GeneraL nt I{ \,( .rt^ Electrical ----v MeclanicaL BUTLDIiICS Sanitax.t easer capped et PtoPerfui Line Septic tank ptnped attd filled trith gratel Pi-nal - L\ten abcue itens are eonpleted and uhen Cq,oliti,on is cornplete or stlac- ture noued otd prewLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up PT.unbing connecti.ons -- aeue? otl uater Electz,ical Ccmnection - Bloeking' set-up and plwnbing connections tn;st be apprct;ed before tequesti.ng eleclr'[cal i,nspeetion Accessory Buildnng pcrches, ekirting, decks, 1 ^L^) Pinal - After etc. are comp Page 1 of 2 Consjrugtion_tender rt ie the responsibility of tle permit holdep to aee fiotn tlu*Buildingatteet, and, that the t cavd ie Located Dioicion appro"*ed !ou betill be nade the SilE fNSPECTION: ?o be made aftet' er;auatl;;;W pr.ior tc set up of fonne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: To be made befoz,e any Gii-li-i6uev,ed. that aLL inspecttotts ate nade at the ptoPe? tine' th.at each addreee is reaCabie at the fwttt of the WoPertYBuilding Site at aLL tines. ntmbet,, nutnbet job aCiness, type Pequests receixed) state ContT,acto?s your Citg designated job ot A,mers nane and Phone ' of inspecz'icn befcre 7:00 cn sane day,requests nade aftat ?:00 6n urtll be nade the nert aorkirq daE Iout, City Desi,gr,ated Job Nwnbet' Is: t1)TrNG & F)UNDATICN: Io be naCe Afi;iffit;s a"e eicaoated attd forns are ereeted, but prior to pow"ing ecncrete. UND1RGRCAIID PLUMEING, SEWEP,, W.4TER, Drutlt$.q0: To be nade prior to fil-TfiTdnchee. UIIDERFLOOR PLUT,EING & MECHANTCAL:of floor insul,atton oz. deeking. POF! 4!P PE4M: ?o be nade Prlot' to ffiiTTatlan o7 floot insulation ot' d.ecking- 'r. ,. ROUGH PLAIBIIIG, ELECTRTCAL & MECH= lVtCnf,: No uork is to be cotset'ed ffitTthese inspecttons lwue been nade and apptot;ed.. FIPEPLACE: Pr.Lor to placirq facing matet'ials and before franing inspee- tion. FRA.I.|ING: lhust be requested aftez, @pifr"L of rough plwrbing, electri- cal & mec?tanical, ALL roofin4 bracLng & ehinmeys, etc. rntst be : eottpleted. Ilo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspection lnstbeen made anC approted. DRYWALL INSPECTION: TC bE MAdC fitenffi-Eiuat T-t s'rn place, but pnior to any tapin4. WS1NRI: SteeL Location, bond difrijgrouting ot' oerticals in accordatce LtLth U.B,C. Section WOODSTO1/E: ccnaT;m. After install.ation is rNSI/LATTON/VAPOR BARRIER II|SPECTION : fo be nade after aLL insulaticn cYd tequired uapor burie?s @e in Place but before uty Lath, Wpam boatd or unLL cooez,ing is applied, and before oty irwulation is eoncealed. I CURB & A?PR)ACE APP,)N: After fonns a1'e erectAWnii to pouring eoncyete. SIDEIIALK & DR|'"EWAY: For aLL eon- cretenaofu-frffi stteet tight- ef-acA, to be made after aLL etca- oating cotnpLete & forn tnrk & sttb- base materLal in place. IENCE: hlhen complete -- Ptouide gates or notsable sectians tht'ough P.U.E. PTilAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pz,oject eonditions, sueh as the installation of street tree-s-,- conpLetion-of the o"qrZnnld. Landseeping, Ltc., mtsL be satisfied before the BAILDfNC EfNAL can be requested' FINAL BUfLDING: fhe Final Bui.Lding fnspection mtst be requested after the Pinal Plunbing Eleetz,ical, and Meelnnical Inspectlons hwe been made and approueC' *ALL I,\ANIICLES AND CL1ANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTITENI TO BE I,L4DE AT IIO C1ST TO CI?Y '..CALL 726-376 ryt Y ,L ,VA)/^.-- Plwtbino t/ t 1<Y f u Z Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Couerage_ # of StorLes Total Height SOLAR A{ AESS REQ.-^*Lr Zone: !!eat JOB NO. t: \-'/ DT House Topography L-CO Bedroons Lot Faees - Lace toxe LCT TYPE _ Interiot Corner Panhandle CUL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit lhis penn:r,t is granted on the etpress eondition tlnt the said-constvaction slnll, in aLL respects, conform to the Ordirnnce adopted Liy the City of Sptingfield, inc|uding the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnstructicn ord. use of buildings, and may be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cn! tine upon oic- Lation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinanees. TOTAL VALUE ETG x Va S.D.C. 1.5 o ruEM Win Building PerwLt ?otal Clwrges State Reeeipt #: Check Fee: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slnll constmtct, install, alter ot ehange anA rED cr eci.sting pltnnbing ot, dtainage systa.n in uhol.e oz, in part, unless such pet,son is the Legal possessor of a ualid plunber:ts License, eccept that a pelson nag do plwnbing uoz,k to propenty uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. NO.FEE CHARGE { * Fi,chtres Sa'ser Plwnbing Penit. State 1 Resil.ential (1 bath) Electricql Permit tlhe?e State Lau reqttires tltat the electrical uork be done by an Eleettical Contractot,, the electtical portion of thi6 permit shall not be oaLLC until the l.abel Vws been signed by the Electtical Contractor. FEE Naut,/Ectend Cincaits Ianporey Set'uice State Iotal NC FEE Mechqnicql Permit llcodstooe Vent Fot bha$t Hood PermLt fssuance Meelnnicel Petmit -- ENCROACHMENT -- Seeur|ty Deposit Storage Maintenance Pentrit Cvrbcut Sideualk -qenee Eleettieal Label.. Mobile Honte l\. PLan Eaanlne?Uate I HAW CAREEALLy EXilLINED tle eompleted appli,cation for permit, cnd do hereby cettify that aLL infonnation het,eon is tzae and coruect, anC f fuz,thet, eertifg that ang ard aLL uork perfor:ned slwll be done in aecor- dnnce urith the 1rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the La:,;s of the* State of Oregcn pertaining to the work described herein, cn^d. ttnt NO )CCU- PANCI tyilL be nwd.e of any struetu"e uithout permission of the BuiT.ding DL-oision. f further certifE that otly contyacto?s md anplcyees dho orb in conpliance uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this pz,oject ?otaL TO?AL AMOUN? DUE: *34,Le A rrcM ?otal C'han oe-s State Surclwz,qe