HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1992-05-26N(;T.IELtI BLOCK: ''1tLOCATION ()I PRO ASSE:SSOFiS i"4AP: 9ADIZI SUBDIVISION TAX LOT: Springfir:ld, Orcqrtn 97,1'/ / RESIDEI\,ll'lAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspectionr;:,' :)6'3709 O(lrce: 726 l;, r,9 JOB NUMBEN 225 Fifth Strect LOT: -- PHONE: STATE ZIP: OWNER: -- ADDRESS: CITY ION--DEMOLISH R DESCNIBE \n7. IflK: NEW, REMODT-[-- ADDI I)HOt.ltEXPIRI'SN DDNI ,;S 1tuDsoczS- CONIRA()l(|i'S NAI'41 cEr.lt nAr PLIJh,4Ul CONST. CONTRACTOR I MECHANI()AI,.---, ELECTRICI\t.: --* - OUAD ARt:A # OF BLD(,iS occY GR()ut.'__ # OF STOFIIE:.. . -WATER HEAI t:R: - - ZONING CODI: HEA]" SOURCE: -.- RAN(.] I:: _ OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: + oF t.rNtTl): CONSI'R. TYPE.: FLOOD PLAIN: , OF BDBMS: _-- SECONDARY IIEAT: - SOUARE FOOTAGE: To re(luest irrr irtspecti(rrr, you rrrust call 72{i-3769. lltis ls it'!4 hour recording. All insllections requested tlcfore 7:(X) ;r.m- will l)e made lre :.r1,e worl(irrq day, inspecllons requestecl after 7:00 a.m. will be made the lollowing work day. REOUIRED INSPECTIONS f I Tarrr1r,,'.rry Electri,;rl l-l Rough Meclranical - Prior tol-J t:t,ver. LI Site ln:,pection - To be trt:tdc :,r{tel ,-',,;avaliort, l}ttt Priol to setlrrr<1 loflns. Undcr sl.rb Plurnbirrg/ Electr ical/ Mecharrical - [rrior to c()ver. Footin-r; - After ltenchet; are eXCaVat(id. Masonr.y - Steel location, bonc! bearrts, ilroutirtg. Foun<l;rtion - Af ler forttts are erecte(l l)tlt Prior t() concrete placen tCnt. Unclerglround Pltrrnbing - Prior to fillirril trencl). Undcr lloor Plumbirrg/ Mechanical - [)ric,r to irisulittlon or tleckirtg. Posl arrtl Beant -. Prior ttl floor insulation or (leol'.tng. Floor lrrsulalion -- Prior to tlec 1.. t rt r I. Sanit:rry Sewer --- Prior t() f illing t ren (i ll. Storrrr lle'wer - l'tior to ltllinU trcnr lr r-.r l. ine - Prior to f illitrg ron, ll Rougllr l'lumbilrg - Prior to Rough Elcclric:rl - Prior to O (.rVef. Final Pluntbirrq - Wlr-'rr all l.rlutttbing w<,rrI is cotrtlrlcte. Final Electrical - Wtrt.:rr all electrical wotk is cotrtlrlute. Final Mechanical - Wlrr-.n all rnechanical work is contpletc. Final Buildil'rg - Whcrt all required inspections lt;tve bc'en approved and building is conrpleted. t-J r_l Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtain Pertnanent elr:ctrlcal power. Fireplace - Prior to facing ,naterlals :rnd f ratnlng lnsP. [--l r,u-ittg - Prior to cover W:rll/Ceiling lrrsulation - Prior to O ( )Vef. Drywall - Pricir to tapin0 Wood Stove - After irrst;rllation lnsert - Altcr Iireplace approval arrrl install;rtiorr of ttnit. Crrrbcut & Approach - After for lns are e r(j(;tc(l but Prior to pltrcemcnt o[ concrele. Sirlewalk & Driveway - After ex,:avation is (jL)ril[)lel(,', lorllls arr,l sub-ba:;L. nrateri:il irt place. Ferrce - Wltctr <:crmPlttted Street Trees -- When all required tr(les are pl;rntec!. Other - MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Blocking and Set.Up - Wht:rr ;,ll blocl<ing is c()rrtplcte. Plurnbing Cotrtrecliorrs - Wlr,rrr houtc has becn conrrcr;lr--d to water and sewer. Electrical Conneclion - Wltt rr blocking, sL.l-up, antl lrlurrtbtrr, 1insllections ltltve llcr:rr irl)l)r(,v,i(l and the hornL. is cc)rrner;lecJ tt, the service painel. Final - After all retlrrired inspections are approvecl and porches, skirting, decks, and venting have l)een in:;trlled. l_l cov€-r tl tl E tl il l:] tl tl tl Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total height Lot Tyt)e _ - lnterior -- Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Setbacks GARP.L,ACCHSE N S E S THE PROPOSED WORI( IN THE :lIISTORICAL DISTRICT, OFI ON THE HIS-TORICAL REGISTER? --=lf yes, this application mu:it be signed ancl approved bY the Historical Coor<Jir-rator prior to permil issuance. APPROVED: -- BUILDING PERMIT II I'M SQ- FT.X $/SO. FT.VALUE Mair-t Gar:tge C:rrport T<>tarl Valuc t3r,riltlir-rg Pct'rrri t Fec State Sutcharge Total Fee (A) BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This permit is grantecl or"l tlle exl)ress cotrrJitiorr tlr;rt the said construction shall, in all resl.)ecls, cotrform to llr() Ol.dinance adopted by the City o{ Springfield, inr;ltrrling the Developntent Code, rccltrlatirrg the corrstruclirrrl arrd use of buildings, and nlay be suspr:nded or revoked at any tirne upon violation of arry provisions ol said ordinlrrl(:es' Plan Check Fee: - -.- . Date Paid Receipt NumL:et.,- Fleceived By Plans Reviewed BY Date SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systems Developmerrt Charge is cJue on all trndeveloped properties within the City lirnits which are beirrtl inrproved' PLUMBING PERMIT ITI.M ['ix l( r res Rcsitlcntial t3atlt(s) S;rrrit;rrY Sr-.'wcr W:rtr)r Stot trt Sewer Molrilc Hotttr: FEE NN FT. FT. FT. o Plurrrbing Pcrrnit Slate Surcharge 'krl;rl Ch;rrge (c) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rn ace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan No Wootj Stove/ lnsert/ Fireplace Unit Drycr VettI Mr:r;lr;rnical lrcrtni t lssu ance State Surcharge Total Perrnit (D) By signature, I state atrcJ agrer:, that I havc caref ttlly examirled the completed application ancl do lrereby ccrtify that all information hereon is true and corrcct, and I f trrtlrcr certify that any artd all work perfolrlrccl shall be donc itr acr;ordance with the OrcJinances ol tl-rc City of Springfieltl,;rrrtl lhe Laws of the State of Ore.<-;orr pr:rl;litring to the w<.rrl< clcscriLrt:d Ircrein, ancl ll'ral NO OCCLII)ANCY will be-' tttirtle of any structure without petttlissiott of the Eluilcling s;r{'-'1t Dtvision' I f urther certify lhal c)rlly (;()ntract()rs and ctrrlrloyees who are in cornplianr:e rvitlt ORS;701'O55 will be rtst'd on llris proiect. I further agree lo cnsure th;rt all rr:quited in:;1'r:t;tion:; are requestccl at the proper tinre, that e:roh addres;:; il; readable from the street, that the perrnit carcl is locate(i :rl lhe front of the ptopertY,;rn<i tlre al)l)roved set of plan:' will retrtain on the site all tirrrr-:l; dtrrtttg con:ltructiott Signatu L)ate ;6-_22_ MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Molrile Hotttt: State lssuance State Surcharge Sirlr.:walk -- ft Curtrcut -... - ft Dcrnolition Slalr: Surcllarge Total Miscell;tneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electri (A, B, C, D, and E Combined) VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBI-:R Nt^ DATE PAID --'-/ NMOUNT TI NECEIVED a