HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-06-01" RESID tlTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street Spri.ngfield, 0regon 97477 ButL&Lng Diuision 7 26-s7 53 SPFTIl{GF'ELD Date: Geneval Constmrct'ton Lendet, tt ie the rcepontibility of tle penrit hotdet to see that aLL iaspeetiow ave nade at the proper tine, that each address is realabl-e fran tlu at"eet, and that the permtt eatd ie l,ocated at the front of tlle p"ope"W.*Building Noicion appz,o"^ed plan slnll yemain on the Building Sitc at aLL- times. PR)CEDUPE FpR INSPEC$)I\ REO.UEST.'CALL726-3769(recotder) state you" City desigrnted job ntmber,, job aCiress, type of inspee=i,cn eadgforinsplection,contracta?so7a*n,".,,,o,eZndp7aienwtber.P.equestsreZeii:.edbefcr,e-7:00an ',viLL be nade the sone dcg, r'equests ncde aftet ?:00 on uLLL be tmde the nest aoz,k'Lng day. Reouinei Tn sn eef,inns Iout, City Desi-grated Job Nutnber fs:8Ao o(. Job Locaticn: Aesessore Map #?as lpt # Subdiuision: Addtess: DescrLbe Novk:tl Neu \s.tt:e-( ValueDate of App Licaticn Addi,ticn RemoCeL ELeetrical l4eclwnieal Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPECTION: ea;aoAl;;; b"t To be rmde aftet,prtor tc set up of fortne. aNDERSLAB l?LUWllrC) gLEqTRrCA[, A WCH{IIICAL: Io be made before any .wrk is cotsered. P)O?ING & P)UNDATICN: To be tuaCe @er-fiffis a"e eacaated and forns are erected, but ptioz, to pouz"Lng ccnc?et€. floor insulation or decking. P9E! 4!!z PEAV: Io be nade pr"tor to ffitiTTatlon of floor iraulation ot decking. ROUGH PLA'IBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- .ffifthese inspections hanse been mode cnl approueC. FIP.EPLACE: Pt ior to pl,acirry faeing materLals ard before frani.ng inspec- tion. W!W: l,tust be requeated aften apptoual of rough plutrbing, eleetv"L- eal & meelnnical. Al! r,oofing btacLng E chinmeys, etc. rrust be . anpleted. Ilo ucrk 'is to be eon- . eealed until thi.s i,nspeetLan las 'been node anC apptooed. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FIIIAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPECTIAN : ?o be made after aLL insulaticn and required oapor beriers @e in p'l.a.ce but before oty lath, Wpsl/tt bcarC or tnLL couering is applied, and. before oty insulation i.s concealed. DRYIIALL IilSPECIf1N: Tc be made @ter dtT@ZTts in pl.ace, but prior to ang taping. I'IASONRI: Steel Location, bond Gffilgrouting or oerticals in accordorce LlLth U.B.c. Section I,IOODSTOVE: @raT;tA. After instalT,ation is 0R !.:ow Sotilug setser eapped at pt'oper4i Lir:e Septic tank pnped aad filled uith gra:;el Final - l{hen abcrte itens are eqoleted. and uhen dernolition is conplete o? sttac- ture moued and prenrLses cleaneC up. ilcmes l. a DRATilAcE: ?o be nwce\p*tf to fil-Lirq trenchee. 7 unoenrtooR pLUlErNG & nECIIANTGAL:ttof CURB & APPROACE APPON, a,ee"e.teC":l='"|idr" Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing connecti.ons -- aarte? otd uatet El,ectyical Ccnnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwnbing connections nr;st be apprcved before requesti,ng eleclrtcal inspecliotz Accessor,". Building Pinal - After pcrekes, skirting, deeks, etc. @e cotnpleted. : Aftet fornsto pouring concrete. SfDEIALK & DRfIE'l.lAY: For aLL eon-;;.te palfu-niriil street right- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL ecea- oating conplete & forn wrk & sub- base naterLal in place. ?ENCE: When eonPlete -- ProuiCe gates or fiooable sections tlwough P.U.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street tz:ees, con-oLetion_of the r"qiinnd. Land.sccpir:g, atc., tmtst be satisfied befoz,e the BUILDfNG FLNAL ean be requested- ?INAL BIIfLDIN7: The Final Building Inspeetion rntst be requeated after the Pinal Plmbi.ng Eleetrical, cnd. Mechanical fnspections haoe been nade and approued. *ALL ILANECLES AND CLEANOUTS MU7T BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUSTIIETII TO BE I,L4DE AT NO COST ?O CI?Y ! tr I f1 ,,ourrn ro " .E^^r, JOB NO. Lot Faces -Enerou Soutees 7'ttoe Setbacks DT House Carage Access.llate" lleatet, Not,th Eost FitepLaee South Woodstote Iot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccoerage LOT ?WE _ Intetior _ Corqer _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac # of StorLes Total Height Topogrqhy Ilest -- Feee -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the erpress condition tlut the sai.d constntctionshall, in all respects, eonform to the 7rdinance edopte,T 6;y the City ofSptingfield, inc|uding the Zoning Crdinance, z,egulating the ccnsttacticnqtd use of buiLdirqs, urd may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of anA prcoisione of said Ordir,anees. JQ. t ltr ?OTAL VALUE I?EM x Value NO FEE CEARGE S.D.C. 1.5 d Building Permit Iotal Chargea State Fi.ct'ut,es Resi.dzntial (1 bath) Sczti Dl \6 po \q\ CY) N0.FEE LilKUL Neu/Eoterd Cireuits ?arporey Seruice -- ENCROACHMENT -- FEE CIIARCE * Mechonicql Permit Echanst Eood I,lcodstooe Vent Fa Permit rssutrtee Meelanical Permit SeeurttA Deposit !!9rag" Maintenance Pernrit C'ttz.beu Sida,taLk ?ence Electz,ieal Lqbel Mobile tlonte TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *, OLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co c Bedtoone lleat Date Paid Reeeipt #: Signed Plumbing PeyftLt State Plumbing Perrnit Nq person sLnLL conshuet, inetall,, alter or elan4e anA nel cr eristing glwnling ot, dlainage systan in ulnle oz, in patt, inlesi sueh person is- the Legal -possessor of a oalid plwnbet,s License, eacept that a pbtson nag doplunbing uork to p?opertA uhieh is oaned, Leased or operated by ttte oppli- cant. Electricol Permit wlere state Lan reEtiz,es tlnt the eleetrieal uork be dane by an Electricalcontracto", the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not- be oalic untilthe Label hns been signed by the Electrical- Contyactor,. 7 * eal Permii Stcte ?otal Y Lan ne? r EAw CAREEULLY EYA|TNED the cornpleted application for pennit, and. dohereby eertify that aLL infornatibn heyeoi is true and, iw,ect', amC f futther, -eertify that any ard aLL aork pe,forned slwll be dote in aeco?_danee rvtth the 1rdinanebs of the cita bf bpringfield, and. the La;s of thestate of o,"egon pertaining to the uotk cescribbd herbtn, cr1d. tlnt No occ!-Pl-Ncy ?'vill_ b3 n.yce of ana structure uithout permiseion bf tlr" Buitding DL-uisio_n. r fuz'ther eertifE that onl.y eontraetors and anplcyees uho orZ ineonpliance dith ORS Z01.0SS uiLL be used on this projeet uaue I ?otaL [b,t o Date /-* Fu?nace B?lltS ?otal Cfumoes State