HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-08-11Job tacation: ta tot ilAaceaaora Map fl Subdirsision: A,men:7/aPhone:ndarn,"", l3 e 5 4ztp:ci Deacrtbe h'ork: value (10 Date of tu L Additian e ..REsIDENTIAL..Recelpt ll ,:/PERMIT SPFlINGFIEI-.O \4t,l\UAPPLTCAT. 225 North |th Street Spr"Lngfield, 2regon 97477 Building Diuisio.n 7 26- 37 53 Date: Ceneral Plurnbin lcatlec lectr lanIilec E rfvS Sott'-ory easer capped at propefiy Line Septic tank Enped atd filted vith gra;tel Final - llhen abooe itens are canpleted and uhen dqali'tion ie canplete or struc- iw,e ,aued atd PretrLsee cleaneC uP' Blocking otd set-uP Plwtbitrg connectione '- aaner and uaier Electrical Cornecti-on' Blockittg' set-up , and. olwbinq eonnectiona nust be cpP?ou*ed ii ili", requ-eeting eleclrical inspeclion Acceasory- Building akirting, decks,Pinal - After Pcrchea,etc. ate conPleted' Pege 1 ol 2 It ia the reepottaibility of .the penit ho.l'd.er froat the stre'dt' and that the -permit -card ia iauitdiry alui=ior. approu*ed Plan thalL renc'Ln to eee that aLL inapectiona rlra nade at the propet tine' that acch cddrees is readabie Located at the frcnt o7 the ptoperty ' on tle Bunldi.ng Sibe at aLL tines' PRocsDUPE FoR INSPE1TION ,8-2-?1EST:CALL 7 requested ar'd uhen you D|LL be Peaay Jo-P --iit be nade the aane dcy, requeete nade 26-376 9 (recorder) atate Yout CitY Ceaigrnted iob ncne and phone ru,mber, iob adirees, tYPe of insPeclicn indpection,Contractors or Asners ntmbcr. Requestl receit;bd befcre 7:00 an aftet 7:00 an urill be nade the nest wrkitq day. [40 tr30 Iour City Deoigr,ated Job Nwnben Ia: SITE INSPECTION: etcavation' but To be nade after prior to eet uP of I. attet' LNfotne.rcquired DaPOr bartiere are place but before .orycoue?Lng La th, gypaun board or applied, and before ,concealed.UNDERSLAB PLUMBTN}. EryClRr=CAL I frdtl-tiltcl^^ to be nnde before anY ffi77i6oeted. rnL L LA @tA insula tion L8 FoOTINC e FOYNDATICN: To be nad.e after ttenchea are eucaoated ana 7or*, oo" etected, but Prior to puning ccncrete. DRY,IALL INSPECTION: TC bC NNdE ;ffifl@Lfie.in ptace, but Pnior to cnY taPlng' MASONRY: Steel loeation, bond iffi-gfiuting or Derticale in i"oorldr]r., Dith u,B.c. secti'on 2415. I,\OODS\OVE: After inetallation ia erpTffi, \ND1RCROUI{ D PLUMS I NG? SSbtER, .W,4\q'1. DRAINAGE: To be nnde PrLoP co tLL- 7fi-ii6nchee. \ilDERFLOOR PLU.!.!B ING q MECHANICAL : To ba nde Drior to tniliTdffi floor inautation or decking' of M POST AND BEAM: To be nnde Prior to ffitGt6;of floot inaulatiot or deckittg. ROuctt PLU\\BII\G. E\ECTR|?AL e MECH; intcnt: No wrk i8 to De coverea ffiTftheae inspectiona lnte been nnde atd appnoued. FIPEPLACE: PrLor to Plccirg facing ffi;;l;G ard before fnatring inaPee- tion. FRA|NG: l,tuet be requeoted aften 6ro,nt of rough Plttnbing, electti- &L e neclanical, - ALL roofittg braci.tt4 E ehinmcYa, etc, twat be . conplelod. No uork ie to be con- ""il"d unttl thia inaPection lae 'been nade anC aPPtooed. CURB & APPRCAC\I AP!?,ON: Afte:' .forns ate erected but prior to pottrr'ttg concrete. W;#;#ffi'"'i2i:',1n:^f- of-unu'. fu be nade after aLL exca- iLtl."Z'"orplete & forn wrk & sub' fuse natertal in Place' IENCE: hthen comPlete -- tuouiCe ffi o, nouabli eectione th,ough FilIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIAIIICAL FIIIAL ELECTNICAL -.:ALLproiectconditiond,$uchaathei.nstallationofa'reett:,e-e|,conplationofthe nequired Lanlsecping)"Lt.-.,',,"t t,n ,ott"7iz1';;;i";"-lh" BUTLDTN:6 FIiAr can be requestcd' F,NAL BUTLDTN.: lhe Fdnal Building rnapection naet be requeated alter the Final PlunbitS E L e c trical, orra y " "t-ril.zi li"iz i i;r), i- hou n i " "" nade ard' appt oo e d. N ,ALL MANIICT,ES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE AI]ESSIBLE' AD'tUSTttENl TO BE I'L4DE AT NO C1ST !0 CITy I ,fufiIt/// //)4,ffi [//tt// tr tr SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO. Bedtootne J.L- CO G^ AccegB th t L.IIouBe l,ot Faces -Lot Sq. Ftg. I of Lot Cooerage I of Storiee Total lleight Topography INT TYPE _ Interior Cornef Panhandle Cul-de-aac Building Volue & Permit Thi.s permit ia g|nted on the erPfeEs cortdition ttut the said.consttuctton shall, in atl t'eapects,-';.;;'i;;i;-lin-b"a*-"ce adopte'7 bv the citv o-f lpriiilf;iti, inctLaing'the'Zoni.ng Crdinanc-e, regulaLi,rtg the ccnsttacticn ,ii "'iL of 'buildinge," and may be'euapended or reuokeC at ctty time upon vtc- lation of any prcuisiona of baid.Or'dinances. -- Fe,es -- TOTAL VALUE 5, D.C, FTG xITEM uc *1.5 s Total Chargea Buitding Penrtt State Date Paid Signed: Receipt il: Plumbing Permit No person alall conetruct, inetall,- alter ot clunge -cng neL).cr eristing ilr-tl.i or drainage Bystqn in ohol.e or in part, unless e.uch person is the iejol p"os"ne"o, of o uLlid pl*rbnr's Licenab, escept that a person na! 49 pti^U;ig uork to propenty it i."h i" oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant..00 FEE 3 Sani Seuer Fi-xturee Residenti.al (1 bath) Plunbing Pentit Electricol Permit wene state Lau requiree tlat the electrical uork be done by _an Eleetrical Contractor, the el)ctuical portion of this permit atall not be ualiC wttil the Label l@s been aigned by the Electrical Contraetor' L I Neu/Extend Circuita Seroice State Total Ex,hanet ltooC -- ENCROACHMENT -. NC.coD CIIARCE , * Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fal llcodetooe Pernrtt Isauanee Mechanicel Permtt Secur"itu Dar>osit Storo.ae Maintenancc, Permit at bcut Sida,talk Fence Electnical Label Mobile Hane Plant Eraninen Uate I HAVE CAREFULLy EXAI4INED the cornpleted appLicati.on for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infornation hereon ie true atd correct, anC f furthbr certify that any ard aLL uork penfotned alnll be done in aeeor' dance uittt the 1rdinancee of the city of Springfield, aruC Lhe lc";e af tha state of Oregon pertaining to the l(,rrk ceecribad herein, and tlut N0 occu- PANcy tlLll bb nnie of any atructut'e uitla'at permisaion of the Butlding N' vieion. I furthen centif'g that oily eontractora ad enplcgeee ul:o dre tn canpliance dith oRS ?01.lss uiLL be uaed on thia project Total 7-ro-97 TOTAI, AIINIINT DUE: I 30,7{ , Signed Date CHARCENO.ITEM /1 0 n, rT;Val:.en t 0 a State Swcharge Total Cl'nraes t