HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-09-24.. RESIDET 'IAL.'. APP L 1 C', Ar r 0 N / t?E |tl[']' 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )reqon 97477 DutlCing Dtuision 7 26- 37 53 Job Locaticn' \L-C& Pfr.P.v<L SPFlINGFIELD Tas Iot il I6AOO Phone Aesessons !'!ap il i -1 o3 2K. A+ Sub<livision oo A.mer:Qi Addt,e:;; LL ldtliticn fi;:moileL lolti.l.e llonc P Zi;; ?e*r.s.c Tfu.,L-Ltv Value 3 )o oc) DLttc of App licaticn ,t I I:il ors iit: tt e rit I l'l unrb in;i |.lcchan ica l I'i fut:Lt'rr I S tr t:e uvc l'llet:trit iitrr tt is ttre responsibitity of the permit ho-lder to see that aL?. .tnspec-tions are nade at lhe ptoper time' that ecch cddreas is readabie 1'ron the stre'et, anC thht -the-pet'nit-c3rd is- Located at.t-h.e. ftoL1 of -tle,,P:o,lt^\ty'ittrilrlinJ D"iuici,;v: opprou-ed plan.sfu:Ll remdin on blp Bui1diryt Sit: ttt aLL times' pllocgDuit r.oR INSpEC,rrctt |1Q],JEST:CALL 726-3769 (t'cconder,) state you| City Cesigrutetl iob nwrtber, iob a&iness, type of inspec:ior rcquestc<l and u!:en you illt be ready fot'inspcction, conttacto*r, oi asners"tttne -and p?oie nunbcr'. Requests recei"*ed befcre 7:00 ttt ,.,iil be narle the sane tlcy, nequests-nlde aft-er ?:00 on mLLL bc nwde the ncot :,nt'king day' l l l r l x f,:l l-t :; I'I'! IN:;I'EL'':'] ON: 'TO bE nrtde aJ'tet' et"iviion, :.,n1 prior tc set uP of forms. !t,L,I,EINC i,fi:i'll!\.ill L'AL: 'to beiiik i"-Jovcred. !:'!!Jry--i,--rt)!!.!!!!l9n : ro be mtde ,4'ter tirini ,ttle it:caoated arul forms are erected, but Prior to 1>ouring c:cnarete. tt,1"i!l--!!ltltBJ!tC. Er,ECrRr9A!' i Turt:rlr, - lo iorP- i{ to bc ao'-ererl irI.TT- the se inspectiorts hatte been nn:le atul approued. [!!-U!L.4!E: I\'tor to plccirg facing 7rc-ietiali and bcfore franing inspee- tion. t!t4!!!!!-: Must be requected aften "'t,pt,ouaL of rough plwr,bing, elecLni- c'a-L E maaluztrieal. ALI roofi-ng braetng 6 cllinmeys' etc. rrust be completed. lto Dcrk is to be con- cec'Led untLl thi.s inspectton lns bc'en ntculc rtnC appt'oved. rIilAT, PT.UI,!BIIIC T' I IIAI, TITCIIAN TCAI, T' I NAL I':[,EC'I':i I CAL t N 5 U t, A',r' fi ) N / v A I \t lt lt A t? H I r: R tll S P t(:!',!o N- : To be naCe after uZL insulation atd rcqu'i.red oapor barrie?s aYe in place bui belore any Lath, glJpsun baarC ot' unLL coveri.nrl i,s applied, and before ay insulatton is concealed. Iout' City Desigrut.ted Job Nwnber fa DRYHALI, INSI'ECIION: ?c be nnde ifG;ZTt-ai,xtn ia in ptace, but prior bo cnli taPing. MAS1NRY: Steel location, bond tidGlg"o"ting ot' terticals in aceordance vtth U.B,C, Section 241s , WOODS?OVF}:;-nfl;tA.After installation is ,s dnye 1 vtlltttptup-gvaayz--tygt-.ytt!:!I D:l,ltilA(;li: 'l'o be nale pt'Lor to I LL- Ling trencles. -) ualmrmon rrtntnnc a. tnel!4nrc,ttt ^-) 't'r' be ntule Prior to instQLldtlon oJ flc'on tnsulction ot' decking. -1 Po::l' AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to ) TisraftitG" of ftoon insulation ot' deaking. CURB ,4 APPncAL'tt API9!: After forns "r; "r*"4 but pr"ior to Pouring conc?ete. SIDqIIALK & DRI\'EI'|.4Y: For all con- .;"te p"Dfrrg iitlrin street right- of-r,x:ti. to be maCe after all exca- ,|tt";J- eonplete & i'otn usot'k & sub- base naterial in .tlace. IENCE: hhen conPlete -- Proticle jtlii ot'nouable sections through P. U, E. AL-L pro;ject cond-ttions, such as tl:e i-nstal.Lation of a!|,eet t11e-1., conolction of the requirecl landscap1ng,-Lti., ^rot be aatisfiii A'ofolne- tn" BUILDIN;C PIiAL ean be requested' FLilAL BuIt,DINc: The l,inol Btdlding rnapection mtet be reqtrested alter the Final Plwnbing 'Ei";;;"';;;'i-,-'oia uuoto.til,i ti"p""tlons'luuc been nade antl approoed' '?A d^"A_ Date: ll I 7 Z BUILDI;ICSDEI.ICILITIO!! OR Sani:ary seuer capped ct property line , irl. I r ,l ,tt '\iY.I,ll,', i,l ',', lr l Septic tank p:nped artd filled vith gratel Ftnal - lfiten abcoe'ite:ns are ecmpleted and uhen :lenolition is conplete ot' st?til- ture noved ard premiaes cleaneC up. Ilcnes Blocking and. set-uP Pltnbing connections '- a€ileP anC water Electrical Ccnnection - Bloeking, aet'ue and plwnbing connections mtst be apprcved before requZating eLectrieal inspeclio:: Accessot"; Bui.ICitrg Final - After pcrekes' skirting, deeks, etc. are canpleted. Pa;:e ! ctl':i.Ai,t, il,1;,!!tit,ti:; tlNl) ct,t.;ANoul':: lltrr Ill; ,1ccr:;irBt,ti, AD,ltt:;T!l!:ltT TO 3L: t'lr1D? '41'tlo r-tsT T0 ct'!Y Descr"tbe [t'onl<:It L _ CO C;;. JOB NO SOLAR / ESS REQ.- Bi.lr'oottt:i Lot Faces - Iot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf lct Coueraqe ! of Stor[es Total tleight TopograPhY !lea P. t,llou t; e Aacc:iti, Corrrcr Panhandle CuL-de-sac ote llest -- Fees -- I'TIiM . FTG x Val.ue Building Volue & Permit ThispermiLisgrante,Tontheerpresscond,,iLionLttrtttha..l,Il,i.,,'rl;lli,l,tl'1t,',1 shaLl, in otl respects,"'.o7,izi"o"ilrc. ordinance x1o1:.te.1 l.ti,u Lhe t,:ity ,,'.1 ii,t"hftiL,l, incl)uding'tt'n'2o"i",7 crdlnanc-e' re"TuLcL;-.tt1 r'lt': Jr,rrr:lr':{ " ' 'r '"rii ;in of Luil<ltry,;,'on'l '"y bi- suspc'tdcl or rcuokeC dL '!:!1 ( i/':'' r/i" ': ul' - t"iLo" oi ony prcutsions of said ordinances' ltktin TOTAT' VAT,UE o s. D. C.1.5 x Duildinlr PermLt o SLdte b &o,4bTotal Clnrges NO.CIIARCti Plumbing Permit No pe.rcott sln-LL.consttnrct, ina'-al'!',. a!'Ler or cluttge d'l!J ttol).tt' r'::r;1":'r plwnbi.rn o, d.raxnaee "'ii"tl.r'irr-"noi" o, in part,'u,tlesi sudt pets,ttr;r' f /r'' Legal possassot'of ";!"11;"p\'^b'i'-'i tLtn"n'i' ercept Lhat a 'pc:"son r1'1'' tlt' plmbing aork to p."p;;i;";;;;;";'";";;e, Lelsed o'r operated by Lhe ,t;1,1i- cant. I'ietw'ea Residential (1 bath) 5an Seuen Plwnbing Pernit ?% Stal;e 7-r * Neu/Eetend Cineuits Electricol Permit Whet'estateLattre4uit'esLt"attheelectriealuorkbedonebyanElecLrical conttrrctor', the electr\Z"tlo"t'i)"--of this.pernit shall tot be ualtC totttL ;h;';1;b;1 i*o L.n" :;isned b'v the ELecLt'i':aL co'tLractor' Seruice ELect Stata llotal NC.FgE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit 9TU ? Ezfuntat tlood Vent Fot HoodsLo'Jo Permi,t Issuance t''lechaniaal Petmit f HAqE CAREFULL. EXAMINED the conpleted application fo1 permtt' cnd do i":;:;L; .)ti\i-init ot{ t,fi,'*fibn t:et:eoi ie tt'ue an'd' carrcct' and I frnti"n, centiiy that aig at aLL uonk pelfor:ned ehall be dote i:t ac!o'" 'dr;;;;;\i- tiL"orainrr,i"nn-i1 thn citv of spdrylfiold,.and the Lc;e of tha fi:;12;|"'ir;;;;"-w;;;;,;;;l,s-io'ii,o-'o"rkZesbrib'cd h*ein' cnd ttto'- No Llccu' pl.Ncy DitL be nn1e or'or,i" oiiu"iui ,itiiut permt,;,1on of the Suildi.nlt DL' rtision, I funther ""r7i?:i- tn"t' o:tly contnac'tot's a*l enplcyee s xl:o 'te i'; L""p1.1L"""'rltt cns zol.'o'ss utLL be- used on this ptoiecL uaLeVfaii Ercrni.tzet' Potnit Total ,I'OI'AL AMOUNT DUE: A SG, iB Secat i * /-z it -- ENCROACIIMENT .- Clrbcu! Sidenalk Mobile llone L tabel Fe,o t)at.c laitl ttecetll:t ll Signed:--l I.OT TYPE _ lnteri.cr SPEI]IGFIELEl EI,ECIBICAL PERHIT Ctty Job Nunber 225 ?TYTE SITEBT SPRTNGFTEID, OREGON 97477 INSPECTION REQIIBST:. 726-3769 IJGAL DESCRIPTION .V DESCRIPTION Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days 2. COMNACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLY Electrical Contracto r 3KG rJh;.o, Address 9.15 7 C,*,c Ci ty AilT),Phon"J/ld_ASh ,un"*Zf,ircense Number 3l {.? . s' Exp iration Date to* I -q2 Constr Contr. Number 8,o-t1 L 3. COHPI,ETE TBE SCEEDT'I,B BBLOS A. Nev Residentlal-Slngle or 1\l)ultt-Famlly per dw-lllng unit./[/' Service Included: Items Cost $ 8s.001500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq; ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 3s.00 B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installatlonr Alteratlons or Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps - 401 amps to 600 amps - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect Only Suln $ 3s.00 $ 60.00 $ 80.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 35.00 Exp iration Date to-1.-ql Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 35.00 Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see rrB[ above Branch Circuits Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Panel One Circuit Two to ten Clrcults Each Addt'I ten or portion thereof Signa1 Circuit or Iimited energy panel- SIIBTOTAL OF ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL c D. E Signature of Supervising Blectrician OIINER INSTALI,ATION Name Address Ci Phone The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. 0vners Signature: DATE: Hiscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) -Each lnstallation Pump or irrlgation $ 36.00 affio$ 3s.00 $ s0.00 $ 1s.00-" 5 RECEIVBD $ 36.00 CITY 1 INSTALI,ATION $ 1s.00