HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1992-03-03fidi,"tsF.ta SPRI 'IELEI DA1ELOPME ',rSERY/CESPUBLICWORKS M ETRO POLITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG EM ENT DATE OP L'ETTER March 3, L992 JOT]RNAL NUMBER: 92.02-27 APPI,ICA}IT David and Donna Caster L237 Parker Street Springfield, Or. 97477 PROPERTY OWNER SAI.TE NATURE OF TI{E REOUEST A Home Occupation Application has been submitted to use a portion of the residence at this address for an office. The business is selling advertising space on binders for telephone books. Two sales representatives will be coming to this site several times per ueek. The binders wil-I be printed and delivered to a storage facility off-site. AI1 deLiveries will be nade fron this storage unit and not from the residence located at 1237 Parker Street. The sale of advertising and delivery of the binCers is a seasonal activity. There will be no outdoor storage, Do custoner traffic or visible impact on the surrounding neighborhood resulting from this use. DECISION .l.pproval of a Home Occupation Findings. AS specified in the attached OTHER USES AUTHORIZED BY THE DECISION l{one. SITE INFORMATTON The property is located at 1-237 Parker Street and is currently in Low Density Residential use (Assessorrs I'iap 17-03-26-14, Tax Lo-'l-6500). The property contains a single family structure and an attached garage. The property is zoned Low Density Residential and is designated for Low Density ResidentiaL Use in the l.ietro PIan Diagram. The property is not in any adopted refiner,ent plan area. 225 FIFTH S;::E: SPRI.''IGFIELJ 02 9;:7 / 5:3 72€-:74-r The application has been approved based on conformance with Section 16.100(6) of ttre Springfield Development Code as follows: (6) Home occupations. A home occupation is a lawful activity carried on trithin a dwelling. A home occupation may be approved provided that: (a) The primary use of the building is a dwelIing. The single farnily home Located at. L237 Parker Street is located ina low density residential area and is used primarily forresidential use. (b) fhe occupationsignificantly affect neighborhood; and isa the not or The home occupation will involve office use of one room of thisresidence. There will be no storage or distribution of bindersfrom this residence. Two employees of subcontractors will havelimited contact with the site. The primary use associated wlth the residence is that of office use. (c) Compliance with the following conditions sha1l occur atall tines: 1. One sign shall be permitted: a non-illuminated, waIIsign not larger than one & a half square feet. 2. There shall be no display which would indicate fromthe exterior that the buiJ.ding is being used for anypurpose other than a residential dwelling, exc}uding the one sign pernitted in L., above. 3. There shall be no outside storage of materials visiblefrom public property or adjacent private property. Nocars shall be stored at the residence. No deliveries ordistribution of binders will be pernitted from thisresidence. 4. llechanical equipment, except that which is compatiblewith residential purposes, shall be prohibited. 5. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke,dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line resulting fron the home occupation. 5. The home occupation shall not create hazardous trafficconditions or utilize on-street parking of nearbyproperties. The two subcontractors wiII park in spaceslocated on-site or in front of the residence at L23ZParker Street. secondary use that doescharacter of the dwelling 7. If tbe proposed bome occupation requires anynodification to the dwelling or accessory structure of anature that is not typically found in a residentialdistrict, the propoJea hone oceupation shaII be considered inappropriate and probibitedl. 8. No merchandise, other than what is produced on-siteshaIl be sold to the public from the premises. The saleor distribution of binders from this residence shall notoccur at any time. 9. The use or storage of heavy equipment or heavyvebicles shall not be permitted. Heavy equipment and heavy vehicles shall include, but not be linited to the use of: semi-trucks, trucks and tractors, back hoes, bobcats, refrigerator trucks, Iivestock trucks, commercial buses, farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trueks. 10. Any home oecupation which requires more than onevehicle for its operation shall be prohibitecl. The onevebicle pernitted shall be linited to passenger vehicles, passenger vaDS or pick-up trucks. No trucks used in thedistribution of binders shall be parked at this residence. 11. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatch center where enployees or subcontractors reportto tbe residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 12. Tbe applicant shall sign this aglreement with the City ackuowledging these conditions as well as additionalconditions deemed necessary to achieve compliance. 13. Customer access to home occupations shall be linited to the hours of 7 d.rn. to 5 p.n. The applicant will be required to sign an agreement prior to receiving formal approval for this home occupation permit. The applicant will be required to agree to abide by the criteria listed above at aI1 times. Revocation Procedures (e) Any home occupation which has been approved by staff shall be subject to revocation by staff if the home occupation is found to be in violation of the conditions under which the home occupation was approved. The revocation decision may be appealed to the Planning Comnission in accordance with theprovisions of Article 15 of this code. Any home occupation which has been approved by the PlanningDirector shall be subject to revocation by the PLanning co'nmission if the home occupation is found to be in violation of the conditions under which the home occupation permit was approved. The revocation decision may be appealed to the city Council in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of this code. The revocation shall be sent to the applicant in writing. The home occupation shall cease within 30 days of the receipt of the revocation notice. The appticant will be subject to the revocation procedures listed above if the applicant fails to abide by the conditions listed in 16. 100 (0) (c) ADDITIONAL TNFORI,T.ATION The application, all documents and evidenee relied upon by the applicant and the applicable criteria are avai-Iable for a free inspection and copies will be available at a cost of $O.ZS for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Department, 225 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon. APPEAIJ If you wish to appeal this Home Occupation Review Decision, you must do so within 10 davs of this letter. Your appeal must be in accordance with the Springfield Development Code, Article 15, APPEALS. Sincerely, $.t$,r.xt\^il -J.l Lydia M. NeillAssistant Planner ATTACHMENT A: Vicinity Map LANE COUNTY see Mog 17 05 26 4 I l" = IOO'HOME OCGUPATION PERMIT JO. NO. 9t 02-27 r o'c q?oc \-r,rr*ffi *STREET*-;T iI E E ,E !! T. n 7 503 F UJ tdtrt-a i I! t it xit ! I s i iII I !ii F LrJ r.d E. 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