HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1986-08-18.. RESIDL. JTIAL..SPRINGFIFI ra APPLICATION/PERIII? 225 North Sth Sty,eet Springfield, 2regon 97477 Butlding Diuision 7 26- 37 53 Job Loeeticn: Aesessots Map # svbdirision: Asnet: Addt,ess City htrwtp ldiloKTINes Additicn RenoCel 7 ,,ooorn ,o," Date of Apolieation 8-f Y6b DeserLbe tlork: VaLue el (^rnl[^; dra*i^, 1[,ifft'*t Date AACteS 3 il_e- Tat lot # I Phone l_UT+il L'i-Se. ? GenereL Plunbing D(Ol'r!- r liechan:ie,zL Constr-ueticn Leruier !.a is tile resportsibi.Lity of tie oermit ho/det, to see that aL! inspectiol3 are nade dt the p?ope? time, that 2g,sh .-iinsss is 7sa;nll2rron! xhe at?eet, anC tlut the pevmtt eard is Located at.the frant of tl,e orooertyrzuiliz:z-a Diuicio- aD.prou'ed czan siell renain ot tie Build.nng- sitc a, aLL'tines.' lrrn^:n.'ar FnD lltaD-a7'- rcil .Ei0!!ES?;CALL 726-3769 (reeorder) stdte uour City Cesigr-eted job ntnben, job aiiress, t1;e of itcsoee=icn :.".?:"1="o a:ia u:-en gou -uiLL be reatiy i'cr irspection, Cont?acxcr" "1r a;ne:s ncne ini ;|aie n;inbcr.' p"qr""r" recei;'et c'eicre' ?:CC c-':LuL be nacie xhe sane ticy, reouesxs nctie cfter ?:00 on tiLL be maie tite nc.ct.:soykir:: i;i. ycur Ci.tA Designated iob itunber fs:I tp cs?a. l I I l l I ,s l l $ll l o SIM)lS!!ilI))l: To ba macie aicerffi;;-rC prtar tc set up of AilDE.?SLAB PLUTETilG, ILECTPIC,iL A t,;Jr-.:.t,fw^-: ro be maae Deto?2 enuffii7{iuered. P1-CT.ti;C , FQU:tpATICN: To be naCe aJte:1 xtenches are ezcauated and form;; are erecte<i, bux prior topow.lrq ccnetet.. u!:DSRCPC|-|;lt PLU!.!zil'C. ..'.-" t.t^nra D?AIIIAC!: fo be naie prior to fii-Lirq xrenehes. UilDFRFLOAR PLU.Enc I ilECHA!:rCAL: 7o be na<ie p?ic? to installation of floot insulction or deckina. ]i:SL'LAIIO|I /VI.POF EARRTTR II]S?XC?TC)J : ?o be naie after all insuLeticn ad required uapon ba,rie?s @e in place but befoz,e ory latn, Wpsum bcayC or tnLL couering is acolied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. t DRYWALL IiISP!trf)N: Ic be made after aLL dryuall is in place, but prior to cnA taping. l.lASOIlRf : Steel location, bond beans, qroutina or Derticcls in aecord.otce vith U.B.C. Section )|;:)LI?:C;; :? ::3tt=: E.'IL)::: SanitarS sa,ter cqcei ct propartg Lit:e Septic totk prped en fnlled ttth grateL linal - tr4ten cbate itens ate ccnoletei anci uhen ia,tcl:.tion is cor:>Le'-e ot, st-rc- tupe nauei qnc pretLses cleanei up. l.lcbile licnes ht)ODSTOtIE: A;,rDi.;;;A. After installation is POST AllD BEAI4: To be nade CURB & APPRCACII APPON: After fonnsue erecteC but prior to pourLng eonc?ete. SfDEilALK & DRIITIIAI: Eor aLL eon- crete pauing uithin street tight-of-t*y, to be node after aLL esca- oating canpLete & for-ln uot k & sub- base tc,terLal in pl,ace. ?ENCE: hhen conplete -- fuouiCe gates or mottable sectians through P.U.E. ALL proiect eonditions, such as the i.nstallatton of street ttees, coryTction oi tie required LanCsccpir4, etc., mtat be aatisfied before the BUfLDIiiC Fr!|AL can be nequested- FINAL BUfLDIN?: The Final Auitding Inapeetion mtst be requested cfter the linal Plwr.binS Electrical, anC Necharical fnspections itaue been made arui aoprooeC. pt iot, to Lation otiniiaTTif,io! floot, insu decking. Pot-tcll PLLtllBI:tc, ELECTqICAL !, t4EC!1-A;itcLt: no-affi urtil these inspectiors lnue- been nad.e arui aponoue!. FIPEPLICE: Prton to pLceir4 fceingmcterials arxl before franting inspee-tion. WIE: l.tust be requested after approtsal of rough plwr,bing, elect?i-cal & neciunical. ALL r,oofing btacing A ehinmeys, etc. rntst be cotnpleted. llo ucrk is to be eon-. cecled until this inspection taa' 'been nod.e anC apptooed. FTilAL PLUI|BII|G FIIIAL I,IECHAIIICAL FITIAL ELEQRICAL Bloeking od. Set-up Plunbing eonnecticns -- sclre! ql. uc:ey Eleetrical Ccnnection - Bloekirq, eet-ut and plunbing conteetions m;st be apprc"*ei befor e requesting e!.eelric aL inspee=io:: Aeceseory BuilCing Pinal - Aftcr pcrckes, skirting, decks,etc. ate cornple'-ed. Page 1 of 2'ALL |,ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS HUS? BE A1CESSTBLE, ADJUST\I|:E T0 BE tr4DE r'-T ilo C1S? T0 CI?v tr JOB *o !50.Srla SOLAR AC'^PSS REQ.-r-co c* Bedtoorts [.ot Sq. Fcg. z of Lct Canterage ! of Stortes lotal Height lopogrqhy LCT TWE _ Interior _ Cortter _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac lieai LACC -- Fees -- [,ot Faces - Setbacks P. L.House Canaae tccess I'lo?th East South tou-e l,lest { Building Vqlue & Permit ?his permit ts granted on the ex?reas cond.ition tlat the said eonsttaction s-hal.L' in a_ll.respeets, conform to the ordinance adopted. biy the city ofSpt'ingfiel.d, including the Zoning Cydinance, r,egulating thL ecnstruTtibn otd .use o_f buildtttg.s,. otd may be suspend.ed or ietsokec Zt o,,y tine upon vic-lation of cny prcuisions of said Ordinances. S.D.C. 1.5 s ?OTAL VALUE Euil<izno Pemrtt Sta.te ?ota! Clnrges Date Paid: Reeeipt # Signed: x Valuc Check Fee: - r:;. tesiietti.a.L (i bcth) Set;e:. . u*.,- -t.! . ef t,.L L State Slpeiutae FEZ Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttuet, instaL!, alter ot clnnge cnu nel cr e:istircqlm2irc on drainage systeil in uhole or in part, unlesL sueh person is theLe_gal possessor of a uali<i plunber,,s Licens'e, eieept tha.t a D'e:scn nay dcpltnbing uork to p?operty uhich is ouned, Leased. ot, operateti'by the ippli- ,c,oo RO eo. &o I Electrico I Perm it r,*tere state Las reauires tint the eleetrical uork be done bu cn giectyicai contraexcr, tite eleetriccl corcion of tizis ""ili "i*iz-".""':r, r,sZi-;.c ur.=--itite -tabel ius been cigmeC oy xize Elecctical' Conxrccio?. ;s/Ezteni CtrctTts tyieaL a &/iechclnicql Permit 'h.anst HooC codsto;le Petrdt issuanea Mecilanictl PenTtit -- .;;CRCACHI.IE!]T -- .t tt it ?otal Cncnocs CeuaLk bile Hane l'Lan r IlAw cAREFaLLy EYLaII'IED the cornpleted aoplieation for permit, cnd dchereby eertify that aLL irifo:mation hereon'is tnue arui cbtreex', aruc rfurther .cettif"- that any ard aLL uotk penforned shall be do:te ';.n n""or_<iance tLth the )rdintnce.s of the city -of bpringfietd, attc the Lc;s of thcs_tate of olegcn pertaininc to the uork cescribLd h"re"n, cnd. tha.t No occu-PAII|Y uill b^e n.1de of any st?uetute uithout permission of the suitaLng oi-oLsion. r further eertifi; thct o:zly contrac'to?s aid enplcyees uho are inco:rpliance aith ORS Z01.OSS oiLL be used on this projec't .iAL A,'4OU!]? DUE:'&ob ci;a;a - ,