HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-01-17"tob Iocaticn: Aeseaoorc I'bp I lcs lat il subdivi Osnen: Ail;,.eas:Plptte:3*r ci D*crtba Eotk: ?- l',fffyru^t gryo* aAdiry 4sl t,n Datc of TI 'Value l-l ,- eddition RoaoCal ..RESID[ 'TIAL.. COMB IN ATI ON APPLT C AffA N /PERMII225 North ith Sttaet SpringfielC, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPRINGFIELO Date; il General lleoluriccl lClantc It ie the rcsponoibility of the penrit loder to aee that aLL inapections dre raod.e at tlv propet tine , that ecch cddresa is rec:iabie fron the stteet, dnd, that tha pernit eatd ia Located at the front of tle property.tBuiWing Nvicion approted plan slall retain on tlo kiding Site at aLL tin6s, PROC1DUPE FOn INSPE*RON RiQIES:I: CaLLI @eonyTotuiLL be nade the eane dcg, tequeeto nda i"icniobtgPeaCdrees,LnsPecof receiued 00Pequaotabefcre loun Citg Deai47ate.d. Job lhllribet, fo:, OR 6ani:aA ea,tet ccpoei zt ptope:t:g ?.tne Septic tork p:tnped ari, filled ttth gra-oel Pinal -,tlhen cbcue iiens ote ccrtpleted q;d uhen Canciition ia conileta or str.tc- ture noued ani prerrtsas clZanei up. Hcnee Btocking and sat-up Phnbing connecticns -- sa)er atC ualer Electriccl Ccmnection - Blockirq, set-ug ccrches, sldt ting, decks, iated. tti"igtconnecticne aeandpLunbing eLec=icaL ixepec'.iott Final - After etc, ote catp bafore requeeting Acceosory- Building F:;e 1 of 2 after a DRYWALL ilISPECfiON: Tc ba nade @ieinphce,but prior to any taping. IIAS2NRI: Steel Location, bond Wgfiiting or oertiaals in accordoue utith U,B.C. Section 241 5. 'NODSTOYE:anpleted. Aftar installation ie SI?g INSPECIION:ffiE To be PrLorn tc ae! after uP of UND.RGPAUIID PLUI,I?INC. SWER. IIIIER. @nchea. UIIDEPFWOR PLUI.!8 IilG' I,'ECITANICAL :@ot floor inauktion or decking, ?9ST NP__AEAM: To be rade priot to ffitxa'Laffiof fToor insulation ot forma. UIIDERSLAS PLUHDTilG. ELECIRICAL E MECIIAI|ICAL: To be nade before atry rsork is coocred. FCOTINC .t FOUNDA?ICN: lo be nade Wtffie*aoated and forns are erected, but prtor to Wurtng ccncrete. 'these inspections haoe been FTIIAL PLUMOINO FINAL UECNAUICAL FTNAL ELECIRICAL rcytired uqon ba*tera oe in place but befcre ory l,ath, gltpsun boatd or tnLL ooering ie appli,ed, and before oty inaulation ia concealed. ttion of ;he :aa 5e roqteated. :he linal ?lwnbittg CURB E NPROACIT APfuN: ue erecteC but prior Aftet fornsto pourtng deckitq.eonetete. SIDWALK 8 DRIVEI'IAI: For aLL con- @ streat right- of-tey, to be noCe aftet all ezca- uating canplete & fom wnk ll sub- baee tctertal in pbce. Mde @1d, agptorteC. FI9EPLACE: Wior to pkcirq fcciry naterh,La ard before frudng inapec- tbr-. ,IRAIIING: thtst be requeated aftet approual of. raugh phnbing, alec*L- cal I nechatieal. Att toofittg brachtg ! ohinncya, eto. nuet be conpletad. tlo rtork ia to be con- ceclcd w*il thio inapection laa been nade anC apprcued. IENCE: Men conolete -- PtouiCe @ or nouable'sectians thnough P,U. E. ALL proieat conditione, such aa the inatallatioa of otraet t"eee.,_ conol' requined Landsccpitg, etc.' tttust be aatisfiad bofore tla BUILDI\:C E!:IAL ilNAL BAILDINC: The Final Building fnepection mtet ba tequeoteC af'"er Electrical, otC Mechanical Inapectiono -lauo been nade atd apptoued. .Etl .ALL I,,A'IHCLES AilD CLEANOUIS MA$ BE ACCESSIBLE, ANUflIIEIIT IO BE M4DE.AT NO COST TO CPY V ,,orrr" r^u , ;:':. ' l u tr T tl Jab Nwnbcr Refencrce lJunl:ers L-e)c ll Cr t:Bedroona Iot Sq, Ftg,L2f fYPEr _ fnteti.ot' _ Cornel' _-. Panhardle CuL-de-aaa Lot Faceg - % of Lot Cooetage_P.Houae # of Storiea Iotal Eeight Topogruphy .'- Eees --. FTG x Value Building Volue & Permit lhis perwtt ia granted on the eilpneea cotd-ition ttut the eail conet lction' it-Lt', in aLL ieapects, conform to th3 ordittance ailopte'7 lv *e cjty o! swirigfirl,i, ;,itiil,ng'the'uning ctdi,tunc-e, negulat:ing the conetmtcticn ,ira "ZL of -buildings,- and may be- euepended or rertoked at d,y tine upon uio- Tation of ang prctsi,eions of eaid Ordinancea. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 .c , Building Perfiit t3 Paid:State tfl:I Iotal Clangea 6s Jt Siged: N0.FEE Plumbing Permit No peneon alnll conehact, inetall,- altet or change-eny ned.c? exi'sting ilriilrrg or dtainage eyetan in uhole on in pant, unleea auch petson is the iniit p"oton""on o1"o oiotid pl*rb"o'e Liceneb, etcept that a P?tl?l '*c 40 ptfiAihg uotk to -propertg ilyi.h ie ouned, Leaaed or operated by the appli- aant. Ft\ture6 Reaidential, (1 bath) Seuer Planbing Perni.t State * Electricql Permit where state Lan requi.ree ttnt the electrical wrk be done by _an Electrical Conttdctot,, the el)ctuical pontton of thia permit slull rot be oaliC until the Label lwa been oigned by the Electtical cont?dctor' te * ffi Na,t/Ertend Citcttte Eentice NC,PSE CIIARCE Mecho nicql Permit Eahegt HooC Vent Pdt Perntt Isauattce lleehanicel Pemi.t * -- ENCROACHMEN? .. t/zs/tttDaW / llain I HAVE CAREFULLI EXAIIINED tle conpleted application for permit, ard do hereby certify that aLL infornatthn hereon- ia true and eorrect, otd r fuftter certlly that any ard aLL uork perforned slalt be done it aecor-'dance uith thiordinancZe of the city bf Springfield' attd the ra,se of'the state of ,regon pertaining to the utotk ceacribcd herein, cnd tlat N0 occu- pANCy titl b"e ,ncZe of any etructure uithout permieaion of the Building Di- uieion. I further ebntiiy that olly contraclors and enplcyees aho ale in canpliance uith CRS 701,055 uiLL be used on thie pnoiect Pcrnit taL CYrbcut Side,,ttlk L Mobile ltone a l- 28-31 *TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*65,63 Signed Date hfmoe PTll'S Wcodstote Stordqe Fence onEcorvCITY OF SPTIINGFIELO 225 PIFTH SI?EBT SPRINGPIBID, OREG0N 97477 INSPECiIIO!| RB0UBST: 726-1769 OPPICB: 726-3759 0r BI,BCTRICAL PBRIIIT APPIJCATION Clty Job Nunber 3. COIIPI.ETB TBB SCHEDUIA BELOS A. New Resldentlal-Slngle or Multi-Family per dwelling unlt. Servlce Included: Items Cost 1500 sq.ft. or less g 85.00 Each addltlonal 500 .T sg. ft or portlon thereof g 15.00 Each Manufrd Home or -Modular Dvelllng Servlce or Feeder $ 35.00 B Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcuits included). Installation, Alteratlons or Relocation: D. Branch Circults New, Alteratlon or Extenslon Per Pane1 One Circuit Two to ten Clrcults Each Addtrl ten orportion thereof IAGAL JOB DBSC&IPTION^-<. tur- ElxP{.N$tot) Permlts are non-transferable and expirelf work ls not started rrlthtn 180 daysof lssuance or lf vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. COI{IRACTOR INSTALI.JTTION oNtY Electrlcal Contractor Address Ct ty Phone Supervlsor Llcense Number Explratlon Date Constr Contr. Number Explratlon Date Slgnature of Supervlslng Electrlcian ovners nw Wtlllq4 boNtt R Address OUNBR INSTALI.ATION The installatlon is being.made onproperty I own vhlch is not lntendedfor sale, Iease or rent. DATE: C. Temporary Services or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteration or Relocatlon 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps -601 amps to 1000 amps 0ver 1000 amps/volts -Reconnect OnIy 200 amps or less g 35.00 2oL amps to 400 amps - g 4o.oo over 401 to 600 amps - g B0.oo Over 600 amps or 1000ETfs see uBn a6i,v-6- 00 00 00 00 00 00 $ss $60 $e0 $130 $3oo $gs Sum -58 cLrv fluu?/d"b Pnone 7/b- nz33 $ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 1s.00 Lr-- B.Miscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each installation Pump or irrigatlon $ 36.00 Signal Circult or Iimlted energy panel $ 36.00 So,oeSUBTOTAL OT ABOVB 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL RBCBIVBD tures 5 2€a5z-.so Ovners 1 1 /M/4 -\ as of June 29, 1991. Having not known ho return to work for finan the requi red i nsPecti on active, as I am not Yet permi ts be re-'i ssued so Having a better und wi I I enabl e me to betterthis permit active jn th Dear Bui 1di ng 0f f i c'ial ,In regaids to my bui I d j ng permi t ll 9,tOQ+t., address 595 Pacific Ave. Springfield,0r. whjch constructi on has expired system works and as I had to reasons I was unable to meet s i n order to keeP mY Permi t ete I respectfullY request mY be able to comPlete mY Project. ndjng of how the sYstem works orm my responsibilitY to keeP ure and unti I f i na1 comPl et'ion. Resp ecti ve'ly yours Wi I I i am R. Bodnar U,/W4h-ztr w the ciallimit comp 1 as to er sta per fe fut \%ff^,