HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-11-26OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Building Permit Residential Structural Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2652-STR IVR Number: 8710652477 26 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 541-726-3753 Email Add ress : permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGFIELD tb Permit Issued: November 26, 201-9 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Single Family Dwelling Submitted Job Value: $4,000.00 Description of Work: Voluntary repair to existing foundation Type of Work: Repair JOB SITE INFORi,IATION Worksite Address 7265 HOLLY ST Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 1802021203600 Owner: Address: DUMAS CHRISTOPHER C & STEVENS APRIL 7265 HOLLY ST SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORMATION Business Name KEM LLC - Primary License ccB License Number 146906 Phone 541-688-7177 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 1999 Final Building Inspection Group Struct Res Inspection Status Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon'gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 81L065247726 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store PERMIT FEES Fee Description Technology Fee Structural building permit fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12olo of applicable fees) Quantity Total Fees: permits expire if work is not started within 18O Days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether sPecified herein or not. Granting of a permit does not presum€ to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction' ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in oAR 952-OO1-OO10 through oAR 952-OO1-OO9O, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center at (5o3) 232-t987. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (Structural/Mechanical), ORS 479.54O (Electrical), and ORS 693'O1O-O2O (Plumbing). printed on: tLl26tlg page 1 of 2 c:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD Fee Amount $6.41 $ 128.20 $ 1s.38 $149.99 I Ir Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2652-STR Printed on: 11/25119 Page 2 of 2 Page 2 of 2 C : \myReports/reports//production/0 1 STAN DARD From 1112512O',9 14:3(,,ro21 P-(,(,1lO31 DocuSign Envelope lD: F56AE174-2909-40E3-92454A3E2602CFF7litructurel tsermit ApPticstion DEPART}IENT USE OI{LY 225 Fim Strcct o Springfcld, OR 9?{7? o PH(S41p2G3753 . FAX(541)?25-36t9 This permil is issued under OAR 9tt-450{1030. Permito crpire if work is not strrted within 180 deys of or lf work is ruspended for 180 deys. fccl md rurclrrgcr (2c+3e{r+b):I 6ffi 0 Permit*.,1,? _ 0q2b5a- Date:\7t,tq LOCAL GOVERNhIENT APPROVAL Thfu pmjca has final landarrc approwl. Propcrty is within flood plain: E Vcs Datc: Datc: Thir projcct hrs DEQ approval. Zorrilg ElNo Noveri6cd: EYo CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION BRcsidcntial Govcmmcnt Corngrcrcicl JOB S]TE INFORIUATION AND TOCANON Iob site eddress:q(+ StEtc:zIPq+{' SubdivisiLn: \ )[,ot no.: Rcfcrcnce:Trxlot: PROPERTY Owl{ER nsNaare: Addrus: Statc: OC.zIP:Q:Pt- z qPbone;Frx: Ona{rl'a fgent authorizing this rpplicalion: E-mail: Building hcrc:LL/2s/20L9 E Tlris inrtattatrEfairyLfsrrosid:ntirt or farm propcrty owncd by rn or I ucmbrr of my imnodirtc frmily, ud ir cxempl tom liocnsing rcquircmenrs rDdrr ORS 701.010. CONTRACTOR INSTALI.AYION Buiness nasre:rY) Address: p c) P)OX \\7O \ City: frr* A L-Statc: OE zlt:Q{, Phoue:Fax:(Z{1 \L,2it., qq4t .c.oy'VlE-mail: CCB liccnse no.: Print name: SUBCOT{TRACTOR CCB Llceuc#PboncNemc ElGctrlc!l Plunbirg Mcchrnicrl FEE SCHEOULE 1, Vdurdon lnformedon (a) Job dcrcriprion: !p\u I ,J &1,.-'.{ajaonOcarpency Conrhrtion ty?c: Squrre fcct: Cort per squrrc foot: Othcr informatioa: Ilpo ofHert Prtbl ! ocn, fleltcntim I adaruon (b) Formdetion oalypcrmit? E yas ElNo $ooo t(a) Permit fte (uc vrluation ablc): Totel vdurtloo: 2.focr (b) Inve*ig:ativc fte (cqual to [2aJ):s (c) Rciorpoction (3 perhour): (numbu ofhoun x hc pcr bour)$ (d) Enrq l2% rurchuge (.12 x [2r+2br2cl):s (e) Subtotd offccr rbovc (2r tbrougl 2d)l t 3. Plrn rcvlew feer (a) Plan rcvicw (65% x pcrurit fcc [20]):$ O) Firc snd lifs ssfcty (05% x pcrrnit fec [2aD:I (c) Subiotrl oflcco rbove (3r rnd tb):$ 4. Mircelleueou[ fees $ s (a) Se irmic J*, 1016 (.0 I x permit fce [2a]); (b) Tcch fec,5% (.05 x pemil fcc[2e]+PR fcc [3cJ) Lesl ediled 5-5-2019 Blonct r,i\ri I From 11/2612()19 14:31 ,to21 P-oo2ro31 Geotechnical Engineering Report Geotech nicol Enginee ring Re port Landslide Evaluotion and Repair Recommendotions Project: 19055 November 13,2019 Prepared for: Mortinis ond Hill P. O. Box i938 Solem, OR 97302 Prepared by: Michael Remboldt, P.E., G.E. K&AEngineering, lnc. Coburg, Oregon K&AEngineering, lnc. 541.684 9399 Kaengineers.com Established 1998 ka engineering F r orn:1112512()19 14:32 ,ao21 P_()()3l()3a engineering K&AEngineering,lnc. 91051 S. Willamette Street P. O. Box 8486 Coburg, OR 97408 (54115E4-9399 Voice (541) 684-93s8 FAr( kaengineers.com o November 13,2019 Project: 19055 Martinis and Hill P. O. Box 3938 Salem, OR 97302 Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Report Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-family Residence 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon K & A Engineering, lnc. is pleased to present our Geotechnical Engineering Report for the subject development. Our Services were completed in accordance with our Contract for Engineering Services, dated April 3, 2077 and meet the requirements of 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code, Section 1803, Geotechnical lnvestigations. Our report: o Presents a summary of the existing subsurface conditions at the subject project site, r ldentifies and characterizes the nature and cause of the landslide on the project site, and o Presents recommendations for mitigating landslide hazards on the property. Thank you for the opportunity to be involved with your project. Please call us if you have any questions. Sincerely, tlrr-@ Michael Remboldt, P.E., G.E K&AEngineering,lnc. $gl N5 oa19,474 o OREGON 16. orrums D(PIRES: DECEMBEB 3'l 2018 From:11r2512(J79 14:32 ,to21 P-oo1ro31 Geotechnical Engineering Report Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-family Residence 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13,2019 L TngLr oF CoNTENTS Executive Summary 1 lntroduction... 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 7 9 9 9 2 Site lnvestigation and Findings...... 2.t Site Location 2.2 Surface Conditions 2.3 Subsurface Conditions 2.5 North Road Cut Embankment and Slope Failure 2.5.1 General Description 2.5.2 Recent Slope Movement 2.6 Crawlspace lnspection 2.7 Floor Survey and lnterior lnspection 3 Summaryand Recommendations.,.....,..,. 3.2 Current State of Stability....... 3.3 RecommendedRepairs.., 3.3.1 Drainage 3.3.2 FoundationUnderpinning.................. 4.L Drain Rock 4.2 Drainpipe.. 4.3 Helical Piles 4.3,1 Required Load Capacity 3.1 Cause of Slope Failure 1.0 10 10 77 3.3.3 Surface Grading....... ........11 4 Specifications t2 12 72 12 t2 124.3.2 lnstallation Frorn:11r2512()19 14:33 #o21 P_OO5l(J31 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence -7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 ka onginPcring 4.3.3 Materials Specification..13 1.4 L4 4.4 SeparationGeotextile 5 Limitation and Use of Geotechnical Recommendations Appendix A: Vicinity Map and Site Plan Appendix B: Probe and Boring Logs Appendix C: Calculations Exrcurve SunauenY We have carefully examined the project site to characterize the nature and cause of the slope failure that occurred on the north slope (road cut embankment) of the residential property at 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon. We believe that the cause of the slope failure was inadequate drainage of the foundation pad combined with poor placement of fill soils in a utility trench that extended from the northwest corner of the residence to the street. Excessive water seepage from the poorly drained east and south sides of the house infiltrated into the granular fill of the foundation pad, which in turn causes excessive seepage pressure on the trench backfill. The resulting slope failure of soils in the backfilled trench removed soils from the trench, exposed utilities, and deposited soil on the sidewalk and street. The slope failure may have induced a small amount of differential settlement. lndications of this include observation of flexure cracking in the west perimeter foundation near the northwest corner and the measured drop in elevation of the north side of the finished floor of the home. Currently the risk of a larger slope failure that would directly undermine the foundation is low. However, the long-term perspective is that, unless the conditions at the site that cause the slope failure are remedied, erosion of the slope failure will induce further loss of foundation support, resulting in damage to the foundation, large differential settlement, and damage to interior finishes. We have made recommendations for mitigation including installation of drain system, foundation underpinning, and grading to fill and repair the area of the existing slope failure. 2li'eg,e Frorn:1112512()19 14:33 ,ro21 P-oo6ro31 GeotechnicalEngineering Report .Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 ka ?ngrnePring 1 lnrnooucroN Sometime shortly after completion of construction of the subject new single-family residence, a shallow slope failure occurred in the north slope that descends from the northwest portion of the home to the sidewalk that borders the south edge of Holly Street. Our understanding is that this slope failure occurred during the winter of 207812019. Since the top of the slope is very close to the north perimeter foundation, the slope failure raised concerns about foundation support and long-term stability. To address this concern, K & A Engineering, lnc. was asked to provide geotechnical engineering services for the purposes of: r Evaluating the nature, cause, and extent of the slope failure and r Making recommendations for work that would render the site stable and ensure adequate foundation support The scope of our services includes: r Fieldwork including: r Two (2) probes, . A visual inspection of the foundation and interior of the home, . A floor level survey, and r A topographic survey of the site; I Analysis of field data, r Development of Geotechnical design recommendations, and r This written Geotechnical engineering report. Our services meet the requirements of the 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code, Section 1803 - Geotechnical lnvestigations. 2 Srr luvrsrcATroN AND Frruotrues 2.7 Srrr Locarroru The project site is in southeast Springfield near the southern limits of current residential development on a north-facing slope. This slope terminates at Main Street. See the Vicinity Map in Appendix A to this report. 2.2 Sunrnce Coruomrorus Surface cover consists of impervious areas (roofs, sidewalks, streets, etc.), trees, and landscaping vegetation consistent with common residential development, 3lt'age Frorn:11/2512(J19 l4:34 ,to21 P-OO7 r(J31 GeotechnicalEngineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence .7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November t3,2Ot9 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 karngine.ring The house was constructed on a level bench that extends south from the top ofthe street cut embankment into the hillside behind (south of) the home. The bench is approximately 12 to l4-feet (vertically) above sidewalk grade. See the Site Plan and Sections in Appendix A to this report. Surface drainage on the site is poor. Due to the ground surface sloping toward the east and south perimeter foundation, these areas are saturated during and after prolonged precipitation. The shallow landslide that is the focus of this report occurred on the north-facing road cut embankment that descends from the north house foundation to the sidewalk. Small areas (est. less than 4-sf) of surface sloughing and/or movement have been observed at other locations on the cut embankment. The north-facing road cut embankment has a slope of approximately 1.5H : 1.0V and is currently covered with bark and sparse landscaping vegetation. 2.3 Sussunrecr Coruortrolrrs We investigated subsurface soil conditions by making two (2) probes 1, and one (1) continuous sample boringz using our track-mounted geotechnical drill. The continuous sample boring was unsuccessful because we encountered coarse rock fill (placed on the subgrade of the foundation pad) which precluded samples enterint the sample tube. ln lieu of the probe, a shallow hand-auger boring was made. Subsurface conditions, as observed in the probes and hand boring, generally consist of (approximately): Northwest Foundation: r Undocumented Fl[L: Approximately 3-feet of mixed loose/soft gravels, silts, and clays, over. SlITS and CIAYS: 2 to 3-feet of soft to moderately stiff (native) silts and clays, over ' Decomposed BEDROCK: Stiff to very stiff silts and clays grading to hard weathered sandstone at a depth of approximately 1l-feet below the existing ground surface. I A 3.98-in2 cone is pushed into the soil using a 140-lb. hammer falling 30-in. The energy required to advance the cone is recorded in the field as the number of blows per 6-lnches of penetration. Soil friction on the side of the cone is measured using a torque wrench. Calculated cone tip pressure is used to estimate soil engineering properties, and the ratio of side friction to tip pressure identifies soil behavior type. 2 1.5-in diameter x 3-foot continuous samples obtained using a G7 2-3/8'direct push dual tube system manufactured by AMS, lnc. 4lPa6t: . Fl[L consisting of (approximately): r O.2-feet of bark mulch, over r l.S-feet of loose/soft gravelly CLAY, over r 2-feet of moderately dense poorly-graded granular fill (sandy-gravels up to 3-inches), over . SItTS and CTAYS: 2 to 3-feet of soft to moderately stitf (native) silts and clays, overI Decomposed BEDROCK: Stiff to very stiff silts and clays grading to hard weathered sandstone at a depth of approximately g-feet below the existing ground surface. Southeast Foundation: From 11/2512(J19 14:34 ,fo21 P_()()Al()sT Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13,2079' K & A Engineering, lnc. - Project No.: 19055 ka enginaerirg Groundwater was not observed in any of the probes and the hand auger boring, The approximate locations of the probes (FC-1 & FC-2) and boring (B-1) are shown on the Site Plan in Appendix A to this report. Graphic logs of the probes are found in Appendix B to this Report. 2.4 Local GEoloeY Bedrock geology of the project site is mapped3 as consisting of Quaternary landslide deposits underlain by Tertiary (Oligocene) "volcaniclastic rocks at upper Wallace Creek." The underlying volcaniclastic rocks typically consist of very weak conglomerates in a sandstone/siltstone matrix. The landslide deposits typically are large blocks of the underlying volcaniclastics that have moved. These rocks weather easily over time, forming moderately to highly expansive plastic silts and clays. The estimated extent of the landslide deposits are shown in red on the "Landslide Hazard Map" included in Appendix A of this Report. Most of this area is not currently experiencing slope movement, and the cause of the massive landslide is likely due to severe, catastrophic events including massive Cascadian Subduction Zone earthquakes. We have experience in the local area identifoing and stabilizing active landslides near the project site. lndications of active landsliding typically include tension cracks, scarps, bent or fallen trees, and landslide debris. Based on our inspection of the project site, we do not believe that the residence was constructed within the confines of an active landslide. The recent slope failure occurred after the home was constructed and had causes that are unrelated to local geologic conditions. These conditions are discussed in this report. 2.5 Nonrn Rono Cur EvgeNKMENT AND SLopE Fatunr 2.5.1 GeneralDescription The slope that ascends from the sidewalk on the south side of the street up to the foundation pad appears to be a cut embankment formed when constructing Holly Street We inspected available photography of the site prior to construction of the homea, and the cut embankment was, at that time, well-vegetated and uniform in appearance, No indications of active slope movement can be seen. See Figure 1. The cut embankment has a height ranging from approximately 12 to 14-feet (vertically) above the sidewalk grade, and (with the exception of the area of the recent slope failure) a surface gradient of approximately 1.5H : 1.0V. Development of the project site likely included: Removal of existing vegetation from the lot to facilitate construction of the home, driveway, and utilities, Grading to create the driveway and foundation pad, Excavation for utilities to the house, 3 Frank R. Hladky and Glenn R. McCaslin, Preliminary Geologic Map of the Springfield Quadrangle, Lane County, Oregon; Open-File Report 0-05-07, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral lndustries. 2006. a lmage captured from Google Maps, street view. lmage dated August 2011. 5ll'age Frorn:11r25lzots t4:35 ,tO21 P-OO9/O31 Geotechnical Engineering Report ' Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 ka engino.ring Finish grading and landscaping. Figurc L - View of Project Site from Holly Street Looking West. 2071 Google Photo. 2.5.2 Recent Slope Movement A shallow slope movement occurred in the road cut embankment sometime during early spring of 2019 The failure occurred near the northwest corner of the property and has these approximate dimensions: . Length (down-slope) : 2O-feet r Width: 4 to 5-feet ! Depth 2'feet or less. Figures 2,3, and 4 are photographs taken of the slope failure by the owner shortly after it occurred lmportant features of the slope failure that are seen in these photographs include: . A 4-inch white PVC sanitary sewer service pipe is exposed in the bottom of the upper portion of the slide, r Gray crushed aggregate is exposed in the top scarp (Figures 3 and 4), r A significant flow of water is exiting the base of the scarp, seen flowing on each side of the pipe (Figure 4), and r Mixed clays, gravels, cobbles and boulders are exposed in the slide debris on the lower half of the failure. This slope failure is the principle feature that is addressed in this report. We did observe one other small area of sloughing on the north-facing road cut embankment east of the main slide, near the 5lt'age j1 F, !., : .:- Frorr t1/2512019 '14:36 *o21 P-(,',()/()3l Geotechnical Engineering Report ' Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November L3,2OL9' K & A Engineering, lnc. ' Project No.: 19055 ka ?ngin€?ring driveway. This feature has an area of approximately -ftz and appears to be very shallow (< 6-inches) See Figure 5. Figure 2 - View ol Slope Foilure Looking West Figure 3 - View ol Slope Foilure Looking South from Street 2.6 CnawspecE lNsPECnoN We inspected the crawlspace of the home for the purpose of characterizing the condition of the existing foundation system. ln general, we found that the crawlspace was very neat and clean, with a plastic moisture barrier completely covering the uniform, level, compacted crushed rock. The foundation elements, including the perimeter foundation system (consisting of "proctor" on-pour footing/stem wall) and interior strip footings appear to have been constructed in a neat and workmanship-like manner. Wood framing on the foundation elements were neat, square, and properly anchored. We saw evidence of seasonal water accumulation in the NW corner where the sanitary sewer exits the crawlspace, See Figure 6. TlPage From 1112612()19 14:38 #o21 P-Ol1l(,3t Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 73,2019' K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 ken9in??rir9 Figure 4 - View of Scorp of Slope Foilure Figure 5 - Smoll Slough Ateo Eost ol Moin Slide Neor Drivewoy We observed diagonal cracks in the north half of the west perimeter foundation (from the crawlspace site) that indicate that the north end of the perimeter foundation may have settled, causing bending in the footing/stem wall, resulting in flexure cracking. These cracks are narrow (hairline to approximately U32" widel and it is our opinion that this condition does not present any hazard of structural degradation or function. However, it could explain why the floor at the north end is lower than the south end of the house, if settlement occurred. lf settlement did occur, it is possible that loss of support at the nonhwest corner due to the slope failure and soft soil conditions there could have contributed to settlement. 8lPage Frorn 1112612()19 14:4()*o21 P-O121O31 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November L3,2079.K & A Engineering, lnc. .Project No.: 19055 ka enginecring 2.7 Fr-oon Sunvry aruo lrureRron lruspecnoru We made a level survey of the floor of home and inspected doors and interior finishes for evidence of foundation settlement. We found that there is an overall difference in floor elevation of 0.5-inches, sloping from the higher south perimeter foundation to the northwest portion of the perimeter foundation, See the drawing "Underpinning Plan" in Appendix A to this report. Interior finishes appear to be in good condition. We did not observe diagonal cracks at openings and all doors and windows appear to operate properly without interference. Figure 6 - NW Corner of Crowlspace 3 SunltnltenY AND RrcovnltENDATroNs 3,1 Cluse oF SLoPE Fattune We believe that the recent slope failure on the west side of the road cut embankment was caused by water introduced into the utility trench that extends from the northwest corner of the crawlspace to the street. Factors that led to the slope failure include: Poor drainage ofsurface runoff: The ground surface along the south and east sides ofthe house slopes toward the perimeter foundation, resulting in ponding of water and saturation of soils. Saturation of Granular Fill on Foundation Pad: The standing water on the east and south side of the foundation seeped into the (estimated) 1 to 2-foot thick layer of crushed rock that was placed on the foundation pad subgrade, perching on the underlying (relatively impermeable) clay, ! 9lt'ape Frorn 1112612()19 14:12 *o21 P-O13/O31 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 ka cngin??ring Seepage Pressure: The hydraulic head of water stored in the granular fill rose to the point that seepage pressure exceeded the shear resistance of the loose fills placed outside of the perimeter foundation. After the initial slope movement, water flowing at the base of the trench (with the exposed pipes) caused additional surface erosion. 3.2 CuRRrrur Srare oF SrABlLtrY ln the current condition, there is a low hazard of a similar slope movement elsewhere on the north cut embankment. This is because: r Water perched in the foundation pad crushed rock is drained at the scarp of the current slope failure, and r The underlying native clays and decomposed sandstone materials have sufficient shear strength to provide an adequate factor of safety against slope movement. However, if the current slope failure is not repaired, it is likely that: ' Additional surface erosion will occur at the base of the failure resulting in deepening the current failure and ' The head scarp will erode and regress to the south, eventually compromising stability of the northwest perimeter foundation. 3.3 RrcourvreuoED REPATRS 3.3.1 Drainage Surface runoff should be managed to avoid developing the perched water on the foundation pad which caused the recent slope failure. Considering constraints of the site for grade and work area, we recommend the following: Crawlspace Drain. The crushed rock that supports the foundation system can be used as a very large site drain by installing a collector system at the northwest corner of the crawlspace. This system has advantages in that it covers a very large area and should serve to drain both the east and south margins of the property outside of the perimeter foundation and any springs that may appear in the foundation pad subgrade. The collector consists of a perforated drainpipe covered with drain rock that is wrapped in separation geotextile. The recommended location, length, and construction details are shown in the Drainage Plan and Trench Drain Drawings found in Appendix A. Materials specifications are found in section 4.0 Specifications. The perforated drainpipe should be connected to a solid drainpipe using a "tee" fitting to route water to the curb. For convenience, we recommend locating the collector drainpipe along the sanitary service line in the original trench (at the base of the failed area) prior to backfilling the slope failure (see below). I 10 lPage From 1112512()19 14:.12 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13,2019' K & A Engineering, lnc. ' Project No.: 19055 so21 P-o14lo3t ka enginearirg We also recommend that a cleanout fitting be installed at the top of the slope to facilitate maintenance of the system. I East Perimeter Trench Drain. ln addition to the crawlspace drain system, we recommend installation of a conventional trench drain along the east perimeter foundation. This system consists of a perforated drainpipe covered with drain rock that is wrapped in separation geotextile. The recommended location, length, and construction details are shown in the Drainage Plan and Trench Drain Drawings found in Appendix A, Materials specifications are found in section 4.0 Specifications. The perforated trench drain should be connected to a solid collector drainpipe that routes water away from the system. Due to space constraints, daylighting the collector pipe to the east edge of the driveway may be the best option for termination of the system. We also recommend that a cleanout fitting be installed at the top of the slope to facilitate maintenance of the system. 3.3.2 FoundationUnderpinning Because we measured differential foundation elevations of 0.5-inches with the low point at or near the northwest corner of the foundation (next to the slope failure), we recommend that it would be prudent to underpin the 12-foot portion of the perimeter foundation that parallels the top of the slope failure area. This will provide assurance of foundation stability should the drain system fail and further slope movement occur. Underpinning should be made using (2) helical piles with brackets. The helical pile should find excellent bearing support in the underlying weathered sandstone bedrock, approximately 9 to 1O-feet below the current ground surface. The minimum ultimate bearing capacity of the helical piles shall be 23-kips. The location of the helical piles is shown on the Underpinning Plan attached to this report in Appendix A. Helical pile specifications are provided in section 4.0 Specifications. 3.3.3 Surface Grading After drainage and underpinning is complete, we recommend grading and re-shaping the slope failure This involves removing the large boulders and other loose/soft materials from the slide area, carefully grading the bottom of the slide area, and replacement with fill. We recommend that the fill placed in the graded area should consist of an angular, durable, open- graded crushed (basalt) quarry stone with gravels ranging from 1 1/2 to 3-inches (passing sieve).s s Using any kind of fine soil (suitable for planting) may be difficult to place with adequate density on the slope without damaging the utilities. 11 lFagr: From 11125 12019 14:.13 *o21 P_()tslO31 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 ' K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 fDgrn?Qring The subgrade under the fill shall be graded so that water flowing at the base of the fitl flows onto the sidewalk. Alternatively, a small collector (catch basin) may be placed at the toe of the rock fill to collect water and route it to the curb via a pipe underneath the sidewalk. ln no event shall water from the crawlspace collector system be dispersed to the rock fill placed in the slope failure area. 4 SprcrrrceloNs 4.1 Dnnrru Rocr Drain rock shall consist of crushed, open-graded quarry stone having a maximum particle size of 3/4- inches. Drain Rock shall be free of clays, silts, and sands. 4.2 DRarruprpe Drainpipe for foundation drain systems shall consist of 3-inch minimum LD. Schedule 40 PVC or an equivalent rigid plastic pipe. Perforations should be either prefabricated by the pipe supplier or constructed by drilling %-inch diameter holes spaced at 8" o.c. into solid pipe. Perforations should be placed down. K & A Engineering, lnc. should be contacted to review and approve perforated drainpipe prior to installation. 4.3 Hrucal PrlEs 4.3.1 Required Load Capacity Helical piles shall be designed to find support native, weathered or decomposed sandstone encountered an estimated depth of 9 to 10-feet below the existing ground surface around the perimeter foundation. Helical piles shall be designed to ochieve a minimum ultimote lood copacity ol23-kips (Foctor ol Solety = 2.o). We recommend helical piles with a single-helix diameter of 12-inches. Based on field probing, we believe that the available load capacity for helical piles with a L0-inch diameter helix should exceed 30- kips at depths exceeding 10-feet. 4,3.2 lnstallation Helical piles should be driven using hydraulic torque drivers that spin the pile shaft, advancing the pile into the ground. Driving equipment must include a calibrated pressure gauge that measure hydraulic fluid pressure in the drive head. ka 12 lr'agc From 1112512()19 14:-44 GeotechnicalEngineering Report . [andslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence . 7255 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 *(J21 P_()161()31 ka angin?aring Ultimate helical load capacity may be determined either by load test or estimated by maximum installation torgue at completed depth. Estimation for ultimate bearing capacity by installation torque shall be made using the following relationships: Qu = 70'LT Where Q, is the ultimate pile capacity (kips), and 7 is the maximum installation torque (kip-ft). The installer should provide K & A Engineering, lnc. with a copy of the pile load test versus installation pressure/torque relationship certified by the pile manufacturer. Additionally, the manufacturer should provide a submittal that documents materials and dimensions of piles for approval, prior to installation. Helicol piles sholl be instolled directly under perimeter foundotion stem wolls by cutting o smoll notch in the footing concrete sufficiently wide to fit the mounting brocket, The mounting brocket sholl be mechonicolly connected to the stem woll using two (2) concrete onchor bolts. K & A Engineering, lnc. should be on-site during helical pile installation to inspect and approve of all helical piles. 4.3.3 MaterialsSpecification The proposed helical pile underpinning system shall consist of the following components: Helical Pile Leod Sectioa: helical oiles for this aoolication should consist of a lead section with the a sinele lO-inch diameter helix, The lead section shall have a 2.375-inch diameter shaft and shall use an external (non-threaded) connections. The lead section shaft shall consist of steel having Fv = 55-ksi and a blade with F, =16-ftsi. The lead and extension shall be connected using two (2) 314-inch thru bolts. The lead section shall meet the minimum specifications of Ram Jack part no. 6027 or 6029. Helicol Pile Shaft: the pile shaft, including the lead section and additional extensions, shall consist of 2.375-inch diameter, Fv = 55-ksi or equivalent steel. We recommend the use of Ram Jack part no, 8505 (S-ft extension) or 8507 (7-ft extension). Helical Eeoring Plotes: Helix plates shall have a minimum thickness of 3/8-inch and consist of F, = 50-ksi or equivalent steel. Boltsr Pile to shaft connections shall be made via two (2) 3/4-inch diameter thru bolts. Bolts and nuts used to join lead and extensions shall be zinc coated and classified as ASME SAE Grade 8 (heavy duty). All helical pile and bolts shall be secured tightly. o Pile Brackets: helical piles shall be founded to the perimeter foundation using a pile bracket. We recommend the use of Ram Jack part no. 4021 pile bracket, which is intended to be used with 3.5-inch guide sleeve and 2.875-inch section. Pile brockets 6 Perko, H.A., "Helical Piles - A Practical Guide to Design and lnstallation", Ram Jack Foundation Solutions, chapter 6.2 (2oos). a a a a 13 lt'age From tal25l2019 14:-44 Geotechnical Engineering Report . Landslide Evaluation and Repair Recommendations Existing Single-Family Residence ' 7265 Holly Street, Springfield, Oregon November 13, 2019 . K & A Engineering, lnc. . Project No.: 19055 *o21 P-O17 l()St ka engin??ring MUST be mechanically mounted to the perimeter loundotion using o O.S-inch diameter concrete onchor (Simpson Strong-bolt 2 or equivolentl. o Support Strap: helical piles and pile brackets shall be mechanically connected using and adjustable support strap. The support strap may be used in conjunction with a hydraulic jack to lift the perimeter foundation. 4,4 SrpnReroH GrorrrrrrE Separation geotextile should consist of a non-woven, needle-punched, polypropylene fabric meeting the specifications in Table 1. Table 7. Seporotion Geotextile Specilicotions. A manufacturer's printed certification is acceptable as proof of compliance in lieu of laboratory testing. Separation geotextile should be placed free of wrinkles or other discontinuities. Torn, punctured, or damaged fabric should be replaced. Separation geotextile should have a minimum lap at seams of 12- inches. 5 LrurretroN AND Usr or GrorecnNtcAL ReconauENDATIoNS This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Martinis and Hill for the subject project. This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not warrant or guarantee site surface subsurface conditions. Exploration test holes indicate soil conditions only at specific locations (i.e. the test hole locationsl to the depths penetrated. They do not necessarily reflect soiUrock materials or groundwater conditions that exist between or beyond exploration locations or limits. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, or procedures, except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of site conditions. Grab Strength ASTM D4632 > 115-lb Tear Strength ASTM D4533 > 60-lb Puncture Strength ASTM D4833 > 370-lb Permittivity ASTM D4491 > 0.5 sec'l Apparent Opening Size (AOS)ASTM D4571 US Std. Sieve 70 Ultraviolet Stability ASTM D4355 > 50% ret. After 500 hr. exposure 14 ll'age F rorn 1112512019 14:45 *o21 P_()1el()?1 Appendix A Drawings Geotech n ica I En g i nee ri n g Re po rt Landslide Evaluation ond Repoir Recommendations Project: 19055 November 7i, 201.9 Prepared for: Mortinis ond Hill P. O. Box 3938 Solem, OR 97302 Prepared by: Michael Remboldt, P.E., G.E. K&AEngineering, lnc. Coburg, Oregon K&AEngineering, lnc. 541684.9399 Kaengineers.com Established 1998 kengineering Frorn 1112512()19 14:45 *f,21 P-O19/(J31 1) t (. t t fs 6 (,, I Ii t I IIL! .,(-)-' r, l ,.. (r I !) a !E E i r T 'I Itl l ( -".j {-r \. I I ii,I'. | ,'. r2 N E S 2000'4000' Scale: 1" = 2000' PROJECT SITE 7265 HOLLY STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 0 g rft 6$ i t I Ir' t ir ogrvms K & A Engineering,lnc 91051 S. Willamelte St. Goburg,0R 97408 541 684 93gg 541 684 9358 lax VICINITY MAP Geotechnical Site lnvestigation Dumas Residence 7265 Holty Skeet, Springtield, Oregon 11111119 Project:19055 Drawing 1 / 6 r9.{74 OREGON 16,kacIl9rnrrrr09 ExPtBEs. .0E!EU8[8.1]- dpo_ -+. {::lei 6 Cem I :!r r_s Frorn: N 71l25rzolet 14:46 *o21 P -O20l(,31 ELECTRIC AND TELEPHONE SERVICE EOLLT 87,, E S 20'0 Scale: 1" = 2O' SHALLOW SLOPE FAILURE I t ,, I WATER SERVICE SANITARY SEBVICE 40' I / 'I I coritE srr J orrr inqrv a-' / Fz. IJ.J =u,.J, tfJ UJ CLoJU)oz E1,ts =C) Jca) CLqo i \-r\5'ABBITRARY REFERENCE UISTING RESIDENCE 7265 HOLLY STREET SPRINGFIELD, OBEGON GEOTECHNICAL PROBVBORING Lo0ATroN (rYP.) PROPERTY EOUNDARY 7265 HOLLY STREET (rtNfs a , t I / FzU =U at) U E) F J (-) Jo CL eF- I /.120::, t ofNurs a K & A Engineering,lnc 91051 S. Willamelte Sl. Goburg,0R 97408 5{1 684 9399 541 684 9358 lax SITE PLAN Geotechnical Site lnvestigation Dumas Residence 7265 Holty St., Springlield,0R 11111119 Project 19055 Drawing 2 I 6 q,19.474 + OREGON t6'ka engrneerr09 EXPTBES. .Q[qEMaEL1L2@L // ( \ z, =oEI CURB From 7ar2512019 14:.47 *o21 P-O21l()31 SOUTH PERIMETER FOUNDATION CBAWLSPACE FLOOR . CRUSHED AGGBEGATE SOUTH PERIMFTER FOUNDATION 20'40' C)IN 6+a CURBENT GROUND SURFACE ORIGINAL GROUND SURFACE (ASSUMED) 120 90 t0 -{0 EXIST. GROUND 5lo !00 s0 10 10.0, PUE -20 J() HorizontalOffset, ft. 10.0'PUE 'za ,t0 8.5' 130 110 100 io (l, C' tJ.) t- c4t r0 .30 1 1.4' 130 1m io rl, o) IJ.J l0 20 !0 0 HorizontalOffset, tt. E ON CURB t-Gl4laoE,a- 1 tr} cq ofryruts K & A Engineering,lnc 91051 S. Willamette St. Goburg, 0B 97408 541 684 9399 541 684 9358 lar SECTIONS Geotechnical Site lnvestigation Dumas Resid6nce 7265 Holly St., Spdnglield, 0R 11111119 Project 19055 Drawing 3 / 6 19.474 4 OREGON 16.ka c09rncerrn9 EXPIRES: DECEMEER 31 2020 E() 0 10 0 1 0 Frorn APPROX,42.LF 3'SCHED. 40 PVC SOLID DRAINPIPE TO CURB CUT. CLEANOUT APPROX. 13.1F 3" SCHED,40 PVC SOLID DRAINPIPE. ROUTE UNDERNEATH FooT|NG(S) 11/ 25 / 2()19 14:47 #o2', P.O22lOgt ZOLLI 9?",J Jcoaittt slrr l!ilr ----- 5J .'. /' t- /OAYLIGHT SOLID PVC DRAINPIPE AT CONC. DRIVEWAY SURFACE APPROX. 27-LF 3" SCHED/ 40 PVC SOLIO ORAINPIPE. sO.LF 3" O SCHEO. 40 PVC PERFORATED DRAINPIPE IN TRENCH DRAIN. SEE DETAIL 2 SHEET 6. CLEANOUT E Scale: 1" = 20' glN6$6 "E \-1r5'/.,/,, ////,',l t I /,, ,IIt/ N J 0 40' S 20' afryrurs K & A Engineering,lnc 91051 S. Willamelte Sl. Coburg,0R 97408 541 68{ 9399 541 684 9358 lar DRAINAGE PLAN Geotechnical Site Investigation Dumas Residence 7265 Holly St,, Springlield, 0R 11/11/19 Prolect:19055 Drawing 4 / 6 19.474 u OREGON t6'ka l0gr0ttrrn9 EXPIEES: nFCFMFER 31 2020 \-- 2O-LF 3" SCHED. 40 PERFORATED DRAINPIPE CRAWLSPACE SEE SEE DETAIL 1 6 120 / / ( \ Frorn: NORTH PERIMETER FOUNDATION EAST PERIMETER FOUNDATION 3/4" OPEN.GRAOED CRUSHED DRAIN ROCK 1112512019 14:47 *(,21 P-O23lO31 LINE TRENCH WTH SEPARATION GEOTEXTILE, OVERI.AP 12.MIN. AT TOP. 3" O PERFOBATED SCHED. 40 PVC DRAINPIPE. PLA( WITH HOLES FACING DOWN. e NxotLa- z. =e ECTION . CRAWLSP CH DRAIN _.,rr rT:, FA0TNG DowN 4,0' 6-INCHES OF 314' . O CRUSHED AGGREGATE 3/4" OPEN.GRADED CRUSHED DRAIN BOCK LINE TRENCH WTH SEPARATION GEOTEXI1LE. OVERI.AP 12'MIN. AT TOP. 3'O PERFORATED SCHED.40 PVC DRAINPIPE, PLACE z, =o (D 1.0 MtN. TPE GtNA$a .._ t\:11.1 oftvNrs s TRENCH DRAIN DETAILS Geotechnical Site lnvestigation Dumas Residence 7265 Holly St., Springlield, 0R 11111119 P0ect 19055 Drawing 5 / 6 19.474 4 OREGON 16, K&AEngineering,lnc I ,,,,1'lti*'T[,grtl;,,., lfrl ExPrREs jE0E![E[81L202L D D ,t From: (2) NEW HELICAL PILES AND BRACKETS SINGLE 1O-INCH DIA. HELIX ON 2.875" O TUBUI,AR STEEL SHAFT. 23-KIP MIN. ULT, CAPACITY EACH 11r25l2$tg 14:18 *ozt P-o24l()3a FLOOR TOPOGRAPHY SEPT 201 9 CONTOURS OF EOUAL ELEVATION O..I-INCH INTERVALS INTERIOR PARTITIONS (APPR0X.) EXIST. PERIMETER CONC. FOUNDATION FOOTING/STEM WALL INTERIOR CONC. SIRIP FOOTINGS IN CRAWLSPACE \\ Scale: 1" = 8' s lNcs a lF 84'0 2.0'8.0' -12.o', ofivms q3 I stv - 05- -i i- -,-l I T' L_- f I f r -=- -. .- tr:---- =-)-I't--f--.-[i r- t| -__-) ( L L__l I I I L -llll - I K & A Engineering,lnc 91051 S. Willamette St. Goburg, 0B 97408 541 684 9399 541 6E4 935E lar UNDERPINNING PLAN Geotechnical Site lnvestigation Dumas Residence 7265 Holly St., Spdngfield, Oregon 11111119 Proiect 19055 Drawing 6 / 6 1g,At4 4 OREGON t6'kaen9rnrrlrn9 EXPIR ES :,QECEIdE[&1L202L g Landslide Hazard Map l',| ol November 14,2019 Landsfide Hazard 0 0.15 'l:24.000 0.3 0.6 mi N o N o o 5i o $ o N ! b N o o(, RED IS EXISTING LANDSLIDE.HIGH'HAZARD 0 0.23 0.45 0.9 km Source: Esi, DigitalGlobe, ceoEye, Ea.thslai GeoEraphics, CNES/AirbG Frorn:1112512()19'14:55 *o21 P-026lO31 Appendix B Probes dnd Borings Geotech n i ca I E ng i ne e ri n g Re port Landslide Evoluation and Repair Recommendotions Project: 19055 November 73,2079 Prepored for: Martinis ond Hill P. O. Box 3938 Solem, OR 97302 Prepared by: Michael Remboldt, P.E., G.E. K&AEngineering,lnc. Coburg, Oregon K&AEngineering, lnc. 541.684.9399 Kaengineers.com Established 1998 ka engineering Frorn 1112512()19 14:56 *o2t P-o27 Io31 DYNAMIC PROBE LOG FC.1 ka "ngln?e?ln9 HOLE I: CBEW: PBOJECT: ADDRESS; L0cAIr0N X&AEoel[llring,lnc. 51't-684-6966 hcngineers,com fc-1ffi Dumas Sesiderceffi Sprinolield. orEoon PROJECT tiIJMEER; OAIT SIAF'ITO: DAIE COMPL€IEO: DEPIH C0arPt EIED {tr) SUBFACE EIEVAI0NI STAIIC WAIER DEPTH O'l CIMPLETION (lt): HRST E]{CoUNTEREo WArEs DEPIH (ft): HAMMER IIEIGIIT: 19055j-0:ia-20-i!-rc6t-- -5-- ___.m- ---lAtED?ffi- Nm obswed iEt{lRxsIt tLuwS PEF 5-lo. sLtlvl MAOUE i"-113. toil. lEt{Auoun rYPE (siD lort" l 0 0 4 4 2 0 4 I tt 1 6 11 t7 11 --1.. t 0%100* 4 4 12 5 5 3 l5 24 Pr.rtur. qc lo/cmz (B.r rna10 100 lom I I I __._\_.__6 I 2 24 2r Mod. Stifl SILT rno CLAY 1 3 4 29 35 s 9 ._). I t-.. I , ! , I I I 4 35 36 \.9 99 4 16 53 11 \'-"- "--1 t \ -10 71 137 classilication using thr com peoet aton lest,' Can.diil Grolechnical Jomrl. 27(t). 2John H. Schmenmann. .Statics ol SPT. Joumal ol the Gsotrchnicrl Erlgimrring Division, Americao Society ol Civil Engineers lray 'l 979. !p.K noberlson,K.t Cabal(Robertson).2015 'Guidrt0ConePomtralionTestinglorGeolschnicaltnlin€ering.SthEdilion'Greg0DrillinoandTestino,lnc. lloE: Dathrd llms tiox lD |,r$u! aia ll $tmalEld ,01 oEddraan Dra$rE Project:19055 Client: Martinis Hill 1,000 d d tooc E E !E,o- 1000.1 10 llorm.lEra Frlciloi nrlh, f, sard lo clayey sand Mirtures - clayey'sill t0 silty-clay Mixlures - silly-sand lo sandy'silt solls " clay silty-clay to clay clean sand lo silly-sand sand to dense sand ZonB 7 loac 6 zonc 6 e Zona 5 ooc looe I @ zonc 3 OD.t. Zon zIonc I X&AEngineeling,lnc 10/1/2019 I 1 z)/sq cry F tction Erllo, $ 1!6 10* EqrlY. S7T ltr' (nrr.od il.nmlhtllI t0 r00I (t Frorn 11/ 2512()19 l4:56 *o2r P_o2alo31 DYNAMIC PROBE LOG FC-2 ka ?a9ln??rlDg HOLE # CBEW PROJECT: ADDRESS, L0CATIONI l(&AEoginclring,hc. 311.68a.0906 laeoginr.rs.com rc2ffi DurBs Rosidemeffi Spring,ield. 0regon PBOJTCTNWStfl: DATE STARIEO: DAIE COMPTEITD: oEPIH CoMPI_ETED (n) SffiTACE ELEVANOiI 19055 ----0triE-ao-i!-09-19.2019 -iz6-SIAI]C h.lATTF OEP'IX ON COMPLENON flBST ENCOUN1ERED WATIR DEPIH HAMMER classilication usinq lhe cone p€nerailofl losl.'Canedian Gcolocioical Jounal. 27(l). 'John H Schnurtmann. "Statics of SPl. Joumal ol he Geotschicel Engine€dn0 DMsion. American Soci€ty ot Civil Enginsers May 1979. !P.X Roberlson.l(.1 Cabal(Robatson),2015 '$uideloComPenetati0nTostin0lorGeotectnicalEngineerinq.6thEdilion" Grag0Orillhgrnolesling,hc 1,OO0 pnllur? 0.1 10 tlorm.lEd Frlctlon irtlo, F, Proiect:19055 Client: Martinis Hill cm € ! roo 1l G -!l ! .E =E10 = 100 DETI}I It !furJ ?ER 6-lo. J(ttYt ,OIQUt tl.lbs.100% frlcllcn iillo, tr0t l* t01 solr ltHtuoffi rYFt (8!rl lort'.' 1 0 0 2 2 2 5 2 I Prcrtut qE l/caz (nrr.ia110 t -- -t , 100 I .- -l-. I t I -t .. --- tq0lv. SPI llor lBru.!a llornrlhcd)I i0 100 3 6 7 1 5 4 4 3 l0 l5 ----^- 5 4 s 1E 22 6 4 4 24 26 'Mod, st't SILT.nd CLAY 4 6 39 52 0 6 I 57 51 \ I I I I i-" --- s 't0 E 62 63 I ..-..t-.t I""''i ) .+-- I -!- I 10 7 12 66 73 I I 1l 11 l0 74 74 lt I i ! I -12 'il 105 137 9 9 9 I g I 9 3 I 9 I 9 still sand to sand sily-clay lo clay Miiures ' clayly-sil to silty-clay Miiures . sllty.sand lo sandy.sil soils - clay clean sand to silty-sand sand lo den6e sand Zone 7 lom 0 Ion ge Ione 5 e I IonG I @ o @ Io,E 3 Zonr 1 gD.la lnl,trz K&AEngineering,lnc. 10t1/2019 I \ t \ 1 \ Frorn:1112512()19 14:67 *o21 P-O29lO31 Appendix C Cqlculations G eote ch n ico I E n g i nee ri ng Re po rt Londslide Evaluotion and Repair Recommendations Project: 19055 November 73, 201.9 Prepored for: Mortinis ond Hill P. O. Box 3938 Solem, OR 97302 Prepared by: Michael Remboldt, P.E., G.E. K&AEngineering, lnc. Coburg, Oregon engineering K&AEngineering, lnc. 5416849399 Kaengineers.com Established 1998 Frorn:1112612()19 14:58 *o21 P.O3 (,/(,3t 7265 Holly Streel No/So Perimeler Foundalion Trib. Design Length, Roof DL RooI LL Main Floor DL Main Floor LL WallDL Conc. Stem wall DL Ioad Total Unit load = Fooling Width, in. = 0earing Plessule, psl = Sldp Fooling Lenglh = Total [oad = l{0. HelicalPiles = Helical Pile Oeslgn load = ,t. 31 0.62010 0.12010 0,400I 0.0722 0.145 20 't2 40 I 72.5 LL DL LL DL DL Conc. Footing DL DL 96.7 1 0.097 0.899 1.020 1.92 rdil 12 in. 1.92 ksl 12 'r23r 2ea 11.5 I Client: Martinis Hill Project:19055 K&AEngineeilng,lnc.11t1412019 toad Descriplion DL 15 31 0.465 From: Angle of lnternal Friction: Bearing Capacity Factors: Nq:45 '3179 Bearing Capacity Gross Ultimate: Net Ultimate: 1112512()19 14:58 #o21 P-O31/O31 12' Heilical Pile - End-Bearing Unit Definitions: lnput Paramelers.' Sile Conditions Foundation inclination, E '= o deg Footing Geometry-Circular Footing Footing Diameter, B :- 12 i.n DePth of footing, Dr:=9 7Y FOS :- 2 Cm ;= Cm Cm kPa := pa. Pa d t= atan Soil Conditions Eff. Unit Wt. Above Footing, y.t=43'pcf Eff. Unit Wt. Below Footing, Yo:=43'o", c := 1000 psf Eff. overburden pressure at Pile: Po ,= D r ' y, Overburden pressure, po: o. 3I7 ks r Q :37.41?3 deg Nr,=L u (rn-l).tan(0) 5.t4 else ("n-r).cot(0) N":5'7.929:.N :50.8573 Y _ lbfPCt := -fr kgfCone Tip Pressure (Depth 38 below pile tip): Q6:=4s 2 Qa=1922.56 kPa cm qd vo= 2!L ' 5963Cone Bearing Capacily Factor:bD 2 o .exp(n't""(o))IV.:=!f (O)=oNnt= ttt'.F as cieg gr:= g'Nc +po..uq + 0 .3. yb. B . Ny o :=c, -D'w 2BQrr.=1ur'n'.- o.un qu=75 -1 ksf qun--75.7 ksf Qrn=59.5 kip Qa=37 ' 87 ksfo FOS Qul Net Allowable: o_FOS Qa--29.74 kip 1';:,.,.,tri' i .i:,,: ii. t:., i::. i ..ti.:i:.:;r.:,ti.i,i i i.',:..tr,.,,,':1,,:: r:t:.:, ['", ,o('o) It 3i4 .l