HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2019-11-25OREGON web Address: www.springfield-or.gov Building Permit Commercial Structural Permit Number: 81 1-19-OO2263-STR IVR Number: 811066081402 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 Email Add ress: permitcenter@springfield-or.9ov SPRINGTIELD tb Permat Issued: November 25,2019 TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Type of Work: Tenant Improvement Submitted Job Value: $ 1,000,000.00 Description of Work: T.I. for Industrial Source - H3/SL/Fl occupancy IIB, separated from B occupancy VB building new awn trash encl and Worksite Address 35OO COMMERCIAL AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel 17023 12102800 Owner: Address: LAING LEASING LLC T574 W 6TH AVE EUGENE, OR97402 LICENSED PROFESSIONAL IN FORMATION Business Name MCCLAIN CONSTRUCTION LLC - Primary License ccB License Number 228L54 Phone 54t-22t-L86L PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 1999 Final Building 1999 Final Building 1260 Framing 1460 Insulation 1540 Gypsum Board/Lath/Drywall 1550 Firewall/Fire Resistance Rated Wall 1600 Ceiling Grid 1996 Final Inspection - Planning 8999 Final Fire Inspection Group Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Struct Com Fire Inspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCH E DULING INSPECTIONS permits expire if work is not started within 18O Days of issuance or if work is suspended for l8O Days or longer depending on the issuing agency's policy. All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether sPecified herein or not' Granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other state or local law regulating construction or the performance of construction. ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center. Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-OO1-OO1O through OAR 952-OO1-OO9O. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the Center at (503) 232-L987. All persons or entities performing work under this permit are required to be licensed unless exempted by ORS 7O1.O1O (StructuraUMechanical), ORS 479,540 (Electrical), and ORS 693.O1O-O2O (Plumbing). printed on: fil2i/\g Page 1 of 2 C:\myReports/reports//production/01 STANDARD [,r t ,OB SITE INFORMATION Permit Number: 81 1-19-002263-STR Various inspections are minimally required on each project and often dependent on the scope of work. Contact the issuing jurisdiction indicated on the permit to determine required inspections for this project. Schedule or track inspections at www.buildingpermits.oregon.gov Call or text the word "schedule" to 1-888-299-2821 use IVR number: 811066081402 Schedule using the Oregon ePermitting Inspection App, search "epermitting" in the app store Page 2 of 2 Fee Description Technology Fee SDC: Total Sewer Administration Fee SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee SDC: Improvement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater SDC: Improvement Cost - Storm Drainage SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage Fire life safety plan review Structural building permit fee Structural plan review fee State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (L2o/o of applicable fees) Curb cut and Sidewalk construction - multiple permit discount Curb cut fee - enter # of cuts Sidewalk construction - permit, first 90 linear feet Sidewalk construction - permit, addtl sq ftg > 90 sq ft, per square foot Quantity 267.2t 783.59 L763.79 3580.5 9254.79 6416,93 1 1 1 2000 Total Fees: Fee Amount $699.79 $267.21 $783. s9 $t,763.79 $3,580.50 $9,254.79 $6,416.93 $3,828.70 $5,890.30 $3,828.70 $706.84 $-42.00 $125.00 $ 12s.00 $240.00 $37,469.L4 Date Applied t IO /28120L9 Comments: No details provided. Please contact City of Springfield Printed on: 11/25119 Page 2 of 2 C : \myReports/reports//production/0 1 STAN DARD PERMIT FEES ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANNING SPRINGFIELD t6 Transaction Receipt 81 1 -1 9-002263-STR IVR Number: 81 1066081402 Receipt Number: 473113 Receipt Date: 11/25/19 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-726-3753 permitcenter@sprin gfi eld-or. govOREGON www.springfield-or.gov Worksite address: 3500 COMMERCIAL AVE, Springfield, OR 97478 Parel: 1702312102800 Transaction Units date 11125119 1.00 Ea '11t25t19 'r.00 Ea 11t25t19 Description Structural building permit fee Fire life safety plan review 224-00000-425602-1 030 224-00000-425602- 1 030 821 -00000-21 5004-0000 201 -00000-428060-1 069 201 -00000-428060-1 069 201 -00000-428060-1 069 201 -00000-428060-1 069 204-00000-425605-0000 61 7-00000-448029-8800 6 1 7-00000-448028-8800 1',U25t19 '1 .00 Ea State of Oregon Surcharge - Bldg (12o/o ol applicable fees) '11t25t19 1.00 Qty Curb cut fee - enter # of cuts 11t25t19 1.00 Ea Curb cut and Sidewalk construction - multiple permit discount 11t25l',lg 1.00 Ea 11t25119 2,000.00 SqFt Sidewalk construction - permit, addtl sq ftg > 90 sq ft, per square foot 11t25t19 1.00 Automatic Technology Fee 6,416.93 Amoun SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Storm Drainage 11t25119 9,254.79 Amoun SDC: lmprovement Cost - Storm Drainage Fees Paid Account code Fee amount $5,890.30 $3,828.70 $706.84 $125.00 $(42.00) $125.00 $240.00 $699.79 $6,416.93 $9,254.79 $3,580.50 $1,763.79 $783.59 Paid amount $s,890.30 $3,828.70 $706.84 $125.00 $(42.00) $ 125.00 $240.00 $699.79 $6,416.93 $9,254.79 $3,580.s0 $1,763.79 $783.59 $267.21 11t25119 3,580.50 Amoun SDC: Reimbursement Cost - Local Wastewater 61 1 -00000-448024-8800 11t25t19 1,763.79 Amoun SDC: lmprovement Cost - Local 61 1 -00000-448025-8800 Wastewater 't1t25t19 783.59 Amount SDC: Total Storm Administration Fee 719-00000-426604-8800 11t25t19 267.21 Amounl SDC:TotalSewerAdministrationFee 719-00000-426604-8800 Printed: 1 l/25119 3:58 pm Page 1 of 2 $267.21 Fl N_TransactionReceipt_pr Ir Sidewalk construction - permit, first 90 linear feet Transaction Receipt 81 1 -l 9-002263-STR Receipt number: 4731'i.3 Payment Method: Check number: 1949 Payer: LAING LEASING LLC Payment Amount:$33,640.44 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:$33,640.44 Printed: 11/25119 3:58 pm Page 2 ol 2 Fl N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr This permit is issued Svdrq(..n J under OAR 9 lE-460-0030. Structural Permit Apptication 225 Finh Streer o Springfictd, OR 97477 o pH(54 I )?26-3753 . FAX(S4 I )726-3689 \Lr-.0\" - e*.\\*-tt,.. (t\Fro^)ti/Jr h""q*) ht a q<:VRoC(DrD A GRg*-r- =)eB Permits expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. (/\- a o '7 vermitno.:,9(? -ZAj oate: l@13 rq LOCAL GOVERNMENT APPROVAL This project has final land-use approval. Signature:Date: This project has DEQ approval. Signature:Date: Zoning approval verilied IYes ENo Prope(y is within flood plain: I yes OF COT{STRUCTION DNo Govemment AND Commercial SITE City: Cor.;a.{;.17 State: 6 q ZIP.j1t11 Subrtivisionr l,otno.: -lles blh Refercnce:Taxlot l1 -aL-Jt -7t OWNER ZIP:?7 Address:,/ Name: State: o /€ r Phone:"q?-//39 Fax: .coYvLE-mail s th-is application:Building Owner Sign hcre: E fnis installation is being made on rcsideotial or farm properry owned by me or a member of my immediate family, and is exempt from licensing requirements under ORS 701.010. COi{TRACTOR Business name: Arf[ai ^ ao,^e\.r.,!ctio.- LL(' City: {-....-.State: oTL ZtPtT'|Vi Phone:tyrzlr- rB6\Fax ^c o4 ) E-mail: CCB license no.: Z Print name: CLrz.. l: e_ .( \o,. - Signature: Name CCB License #l'honc C Electrical {fi PlumbinsW*JBo MechEhicel {BD l. Valuation information l t s/Construction type: (a) Job description: Occupancy -t ?oo Cosr per square foot: Square feet: Other information 't'yrrc of Heatt Rl d, - \ -- €rishf, / glrt^ -Lz 6xrr* Energy Path: additionI nerv Ehlterarion (b)permit? [Yes IXo Total valuation: 2.fees table):(a) Permit fee (use valuation s S$27t (b) Investigative Ge (equal to [2a]):s (c) Reinspection ($ per hour): (number ofhours x fee pcr hour)$ (d) Enter 12% surcharge (.12 x [2a+2br2c]):s s (a) Plan review x permit fee (e) Subtotal of fees above (2a Plan (b) Fire and life safetl,'(650lo x permit fee [2aJ):sff)S' (c) Subtotal of fees above (3a and 3b):s 4. Miscellaneous fees (a) Seismic fee. l% (.01 x permit fee [2a]):( (b) Tech fee. 5%(.05 x pemrit Ge[2a]+PR fee [3cJ)$ tr'OTAL fees and surcharges (2er3et4a+b):, H1SE E Residential Job site ad4ress: 75 od' C',n^e,[zl A.-z- Address: ?o B.r S l L3z ( ^.t #,/:vr.l/ 5PRINGFIELD RTGOI{ www springfield-or gov Worksite address: 3500 COMMERCIAL AVE, Springfield, OR 97478 Parel: 1702312102800 Transaction Receipt 81 1-19-002263-STR Receipt Number: 472779 Receipt Date: 10/23/19 {s City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 perm itcenter@springfield-or. gov Fees Paid Transaction date 10t23t19 Units 1.00 Ea Description Structural plan review fee Account code 224-00000425602-1 030 Fee amount $3,828 70 Paid amount $3,828.70 Payment Method: Check number: 1929 Payer: Laing Leasing LLC Payment Amount:$3,828.70 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total $3,828.70 Printed: '10/23l'19 1;59 pm Page 1 of 1 F I N_Tra nsaction Receipt_pr \ /INSLOW PARTNERSHIP lnft,rnational (-otlt'anLl Intltt,trial Hrgit,rtc (\tn.sulranrs for rht pacilic Norrltsest 4739 Orcas Street NE Lacey, WA 9851ffi645 Web: www.winslowpartnership.com EmaiL will.winslow@comcast.ner Tel: (360) 489.1537 Cell: (206) 641.1434 September 3, 2019 Mclntyre Construction 91 S. DaneboAvenue Eugene, Oregon 97402 Attention: Bill Mclntyre HMIS for the lndustrial Source Gas Fillino and Storaqe Ptant Dear Mr. Mclntyre: A Hazardous Materials lnventory Statement (HMIS) has been completed for the lndustrial Source gas filling and storage plant to be constructed at 3500 Commercial Avenue+ in Springfield, Oregon. The new facility will house specialty, industrial, and medical gas filling operations as well as cylinder storage and maintenance. FACILITY DESCRIPTION The facility will fill and store industrial and medical gas cylinders to meet customer needs. Filling systems for argon, carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen located insjde the building will be supplied from exterior cryogenic bulli tanks. Filled I/inders will be stored on the gas dock in two fire separated areas, one for inert gases and the other for oxygen. Butane and propane gas cylinders will be filled and stored on an existing flammable gas pad, located near the NE corner of the property. Acetylene and hydrogen cylinders will also be stored on the pad; however, they will not be filled on-site. lnstead, they will be supplied by outside vendors. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT For the purposes of this HMIS, the facility is separated into and summary reports are provided for 4 areas: . Summary Report 1 - Gas Dock and Welding, Area 1o Summary Report 2 - Gas Dock, Area 2 (-ode (itnsulting Industrial Source September 3,2019 Page 2 . Summary Report 3 - Fill Plant, Area 3 o Summary Report 4 - Outside Storage, Area 4 Report 1 covers the inert gas portion of the gas dock and the welding room. Report 2 covers the fire separated space on the gas dock for oxygen storage. Report 3 covers the two rooms that will house cylinder filling. Report 4 covers all the outside storage. The HMIS was prepared using the 2014 Oregon Structural Specialty Code with allowable increases for sprinkler protection (this includes allowable increases to the MAQs for outside storage areas). HMls SUMMARY REPORTS - compare inventory amounts in each area to the maximum allowable quantities (MAQs) in the 2014 ossc rables 307.7(1) and 307.7(2). HMls LINE lrEM GHEMIGAL INVENTORY REpoRT - tists ail products alphabetically within each area. F!NDINGS Based on the HMIS, the following occupancies apply to the lndustrial Source gas filling and storage plant: Storage Summary Report Area ls MAQ Exceeded Occupancy 1 Gas Dock for lnerts and the Welding Room No S-1 Gas Dock F-1 Welding Room 2 Gas Dock for Oxygen Yes, for Oxygen H-3 3 Filling Rooms Yes, for Oxygen H-3 4 Outside Storage Yes, for Oxygen and flammable gases Requirements for outside storage above the MAQs apply a Winslow Partnership lndustrial Source September 3,2019 Page 3 Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this HMIS Yours very truly, WINSLOW PARTNERSHIP ll)ilL,lnvntvlfut*lnw William Winslow ClH, CFl, CMI Principal Reviewed By: len weafuV)ttu6ln1^) Jeanette Winslow MS, EIT Winslow Partnership Al B c lol E G H I J K ILI M N I o I P o R S lrl u x 1 BUSINESS NAi'E:lndustrial Source PROJECT DESCRIPTION Warehouse Renovation ADDRESS:3500 Commercial Ave, Springfield, OR CONTACT NAME:William Mclntyre PHONE:(s4'll687-2841 DATE:913t2019 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY STATEMENT FOR INDUSTRIAL SOURCE Fire Sprinklers? Area t x Area2 x Area 3 x Area 4 Abbreviations used for OFC/OSSC Hazard Classes ! 6 a o!g3oo6Io c!oa=Jt! BC 9q a=-rIS+ 6 BE:tEE9t9go OFC/OSSC Hazrrd Cbsres (Phyrl{l & H..hh) X271i 1 ox3 H272i 2 Oxidizor Class 3 ox2 H272i 3 Oxidizer Class 2 oxt Nong Oxidlzcr Class I OGG H270i 1 Oxidizsr Grs - GaseouE OLG H270| 1 Oxidizsr Gas - Llquoflsd OPUD Nonc Organlc Peroxid6 oPt H210i A Organlc Peroxide Class I oP2 H2ttl; B Organlc Peroxide Class 2 oP3 H242i C-F Organlc Peroxlde Class 3 oP4 Organic Peroxide Class 4 oP5 Organlc Peroxide Class 5 NR Not Regulatod Note:/1i The Globally Harmonized System (GHS) hazard classifications are provided for informalional purposes only. Where the GHS definitions differ significantly from those found in Chapter 2 of the Oregon Fire Code (OFC), the OFC definitions are used in this HM|S. E6 oa2Eoo tsEo oIo EoEoo^GO !3oa O! E6 6 OFC/OSSC Haard Clatccs (Phy.lc.l & H..lth) cul H226t3 Combustlble Llquid Class 2 c3A X227i a Combustiblq Llquld Class 3A c3B Combustible Llquid Class 3B CRF H28t Cryogcnic - Flammable cRo H281 Cryogenic - Oxidizing EXP H200, H201, H202,H20C, H204, H205 Exploslves FGG H220,H221i 1,i Flammable Gas - Gaseoug FLG H220,H221| 1,i Flammable Gas - Llquoffed FlA H221i 1 Flammsble Llquld Class lA FIB H225t2 Flammable Llquld Class lB Frc H228; 3 Flammable Liquld Class 1C FLS H22E, H260, H261t 1,2 Flammable Solld PYR H250;'l Pyrophorlc ! G- oaafroo()ro oEa! ; OAEE 9, c aaeitl "e:E 9L6 OFCTOSSC Hrzard Clmscs (Phy.lc.l a H..[h) UR4 H2tO; A Unstable Reactlve Class 4 UR3 H24t; B Unstable Reactlve Class 3 UR2 H212i C:F Unstable Roactlve Clrss 2 URI Unstable RGactlva Class I wR3 H260; I wR2 H261;2 Wat6r R6actlve Class 2 wRl H26li 3 Water Reactlvo Class I coR H3r'1, H318: tA .1C Corrosive NR H315, H3r9 lrrltant HTX H300, H310, H330;1,2 Hlghly Torlc TOX H301, H3tl, H33i, 3 Toxlc A-LI H229 Aerosol Levsl 'l A.L2 H223 Aarosol L6vel 2 A.L3 H222 A6rosol Level 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I g '13 14 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 30 31 TT Winslow Partnership I ox4 Oxldizer Class 4 Water Reactlve Clasa 3 B c D E F H I J K L M N o P o R S T U BUSINESS NAME:lndustrial Source PROJECT NAIIIE:Warehouse Renovation PROJECT ADDRESS:3500 Commercial Ave, Springfield, OR 97478 CONTACT NAME:William Mclntyre PHONE:(s/tl ) 687-28/tl DATE:91312019 2 3 4 6 7 9 Hazardous Materials lnventory Statement 10 UJtr lt o ,EIo B Ec a! Io .t(,0o o Go to CLoc. Bo E E3o HazMat Summary Report 1 - Gas Dock (S-1) and Welding (F-1) - AREA I 11 lndoor Storago Use-Closed Usa-Open Total lnventory Amountg (Stonge=Slora96+Use-Clo&d+Us6-Op€n)Maximum Allowable Qty i'i Amount! Unused 12 .olld3 gaa tolld!llquld.gar $lld!llquld.3olld!llquld.gat tolld.llquld.grr rolld.llquld.ga!aolld.llquldr gai t3 cL2 240.00 240.00 14 c3A 660.00 660.00 15 c3B N.L.N,L.N,L.N.L, 16 CRF 90.00 90.00 't7 cRo 90.00 90.00 19 FGG 125 125 2000 '1,875 20 FLG 30.00 30.00 21 F1A 60.00 60.00 22 F,tB 240.00 240.00 23 Flc 24 Gomb Flam Liq 240.00 240.00 FLS 250.00 250.00 26 OPUD 1.00 1.00 27 oPl ,0.00 10.00 28 oP2 100.00 100.00 29 oP3 250.00 250.00 JU OP,t N,L,N.L.N.L,N,L. 31 oP5 N,L,N,L.N,L,N,L. 32 ox4 1.00 1.00 33 ox3 20.00 20.00 34 ox2 500.00 500.00 oxl N.L.N.L.N,L,NL, Jb OGG 200 3000 2,800 37 OLG 30.00 30.00 38 PYR 4.00 50 4.00 50 39 UR4 1.00 10 1.00 10 40 UR3 10.00 100 10.00 100 41 UR2 125 100.00 1500 100.00 1.375 42 UR,I N,L,N.L.N,L.N,L.N.L.N.L. 43 wR3 10.00 10.00 44 wR2 100.00 100.00 45 wRl N,L,N.L.N,L-N, L, 46 coR 10,000.00 1,000.00 1620 1 0.000.00 1,000.00 1,620 47 HTX 20.00 20 20.00 20 48 TOX 1,000.00 1620 1,000.00 1,620 49 NR 323.0C 37,541 323.00 37541 N,L,N,L.N,L.N.L.N,L.N,L, 50 NOTES: r'r 2014OSSCTables3O7.'l(1)and3O7.1(2)usedforMAQS(MaximumAllowableQuanlity). MAQSareincreasedasallowedforsprinklerprotection. 51 Winslow Partnership AMOUNTS OVER llquldr 200 B c D F H I J K L N o P a R s T U 2 3 4 5 6 7 BUSINESS NAME:lndustrial Source PROJECT NAME:Warehouse Renovation PROJECT ADDRESS:3500 Commercial Ave, Springfield, OR 97478 CONTACT NAME:William Mclntyre PHONE:(541) 687-2841 DATE:913t20't9 I Hazardous Materials lnventory Statement 52 Summary Report 2 - Gas Dock (H-3) - AREA 2 53 lndoor Storage Usq. Closed Use - Opcn Total lnvontory Amount3 (Storegcf t Dalo..d+U&Op.n)Maxlmum Allowablo Qly '?'HaMat rolld.llquldt54 gaa llquld.gar rolld.llquldB elld!llquld.0r.llquld.0at .olld.llquldr 0aa .olld.llquld.gat 55 cL2 240.00 240.00 56 c3A 660.00 660.00 57 c3B N,L.N,L.N,L.N.L- 58 CRF 90.00 90.00 cRo 90.00 90.00 61 FGG 2000 2,000 62 FLG 30.00 30.00 63 F1A 60.00 60 00 64 FlB 65 F1c 240.00 240.00 66 Comb Flam Liq 240.00 240.00 67 FLS 250.00 250.00 68 OPUD L00 1.00 69 oPl 10.00 10.00 70 oP2 100.00 '100.00 oP3 250.00 250.00 72 oP4 N,L.N,L.N.L,N,L, 73 oP5 N,L.N.L.N.L,N, L, 74 OXil 1.00 1.00 75 ox3 20.00 20.00 76 ox2 500.00 500.00 77 oxt N,L.N,L.N,L,N.L. 78 OGG 18.432 1E432 3000 79 OLG 89.00 89.00 30.00 PYR80 4.00 50 4.00 50 81 uR4 1.00 10 1.00 10 a2 UR3 10.00 100 10.00 100 83 uR2 100.00 I 500 100.00 1,500 84 uRl N.L.N.L,N.L.N.L.N,L.N.L, 85 wR3 10.00 10.00 86 wR2 100.00 100.00 87 wRl N.L.N.L,N.L.N,L, 88 coR 10.000.00 1,000.00 1620 1.000.00't0.000.00 1,620 89 HTX 20.00 20 20.00 20 TOX90 1,000.00 '1520 1.000.00 1,620 91 N uJ c, C' I -l(,oo o ago N Eoo,oc. etg E E o NR N,L,N.L.N,L.N.L,N,L,N.L. 92 93 NOTES; r?:2014OSSCTables3O7.1(1)and3O7.1(2)usedforMAQS(MaximumAllowableOuantity). MAQSareincreasedasallowedforsprinklerprctection. 154X2 Winslow Partnership AMOUNTS OVER Amounts Unused rolld! 59 D L N R S 3 4 BUSINESS NAME:lnduslrial Sourcg PROJECT NAME:Warehouse Renovation PROJECT ADDRESS:3500 Commercial Ave, Springfield, OR 97478 CONTACT NAME:William Mclntyre PHONE:(541) 6E7-2841 DATE:9/3/201 9 9 Hazardous Materials lnventory Statement 94 Summary Report 3 - Flll Plant {H-3) - AREA 3 95 Indoor Storago Usc - Closod Use. Open Total lnvantory Amountt (Stongc+Ur.alor.d+U*Op.n)Maximum Allowable Qty Amountt Unusad 96 HazMal rollds llquld.gr3 rolldi llquld!gaa .olld!llquldi tolldr llquld.!ar dlda llquld3 9a!solldt llquld.gal rolld3 llquldr 0rr cL2 240.00 240.00 98 660.00 660.00 99 N,L.N.L,N.L.N.L. 90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 FGG 2000 2,000 FLG 30.00 30.00 F1A 60.00 60.00 F1B I 240.00 240.00 1 240.N 240.00 FLS 250.00 250.00 1 't.@ 1.00 oPt 10.00 10.00 1 1 00.00 100.00 oP3 2s0.00 250.00 1 N.L.N,L.N,L.N,L. N.L.N.L,N,L,N,L- 11 1.00 1.00 ox3 20.00 20.00 I 500.00 500.00 11 N.L.N.L.N.L,N,L, 1 3000 3,000 121 89.00 3,(9.00 30.00 1 PYR 4.00 50 4.00 50 1.00 10 1.O0 10 ,|UR3 10.00 100 10.00 100 't00.00 1 500 100,00 1,500 uRl N.L.N.L.N.L.N,L.N-L-N.L, r0.00 '10.00 wR2 100.00 100.00 wRl N.L.N.L.N.L,N,L, 10,000.00 1,000.00 16m 10.000.00 1.000.00 1,620 '131 HTX 20.00 20 20.00 20 1 I,000.00 1620 r.000.00 1,620 1 (', u.l4 I G' aE E Eo. ii I(, E0o,ou aG E E3o NR N.L.N.L.N,L.N.L,N.L.N.L. 1 ,| 2014 OSSC Tables 307.'l(1) and 307.1(2) used for MAQs (Maximum Allowable Quantity). MAQS are increased as allowed for sprinkler proteclion.NOTES: Winslow Partnership F H .t P 2 5 6 7T AMOUNTS OVER 97 c3a c3B CRF CRO 105 106 Flc comb Fhm Lld OPU D 11' oP2 11! 1',tl oPs oxd !:J ox2 oxl OGG OLG 260.0(319 UPa UR2 wR3 5 con TOX B c D E F H I J K L N o P R S T U BUSINESS NAME:lndustrial Source PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:3500 Gommercial Ave, Springfiold, OR 97478 CONTACT NAME:William Mclntyre PHONE:(5.r1) 687-2841 DATE:9/3/201 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hazardous Materlals lnventory Statement 136 rt u.tt og, g oo oo! o attoo.otr L a! E E:o HaMat Summary Report 4 - Outdoor Storage - AREA 4 137 lndoor Stoiage Uso - Closed u3e. Open Total lnventory Amounts ilaxlmum Allowable Qttr Amountr Unuled 138 .olldr llquld.gar aollda llquldr gaa tolld.llquld.iollda llquld.er.rolldi llquld.gat .olld.llquld!9ar aolldi llquld3 gaa 139 cL2 240.00 240.00 140 c3A 660.00 660.00 141 c3B N,L,N,L,N,L.N,L, 142 CRF 90.00 90.00 143 cRo 90.00 90.00 145 FGG 51.720 51720 2000 146 FLG 32,071.09 32,071.09 30.00 147 FIA 60.00 60.00 148 F'IB 35.00 35.00 240.00 205.00'149 F1C 150 Flam 35.00 35.00 240.00 205.00 151 FLS 250.00 250.00 't52 OPUD 1.00 1.00 153 oPt 10.00 10.00 1U oP2 100.00 100.00 155 oP3 250.00 250.00 156 OPil N,L.N,L,N,L,N,L. 157 oP5 N,L.N.L,N,L.N,L, 158 OXia 1.00 1.00 159 ox3 20.00 20.00 160 ox2 500.00 500.00 '161 oxl N,L.N.L,N,L,N,L, OGG 41,074 Et074 3000 OLG 6.502.00 6.502.00 30.00 164 PYR 4.00 50 4.00 50 165 uR4 1.00 10 1.00 10 166 UR3 't0.00 100 10.00 100 161 UR2 45,260 45260 100.00 1500 100.00 168 URl N,L.N.L,N,L,N,L.N,L,N,L. 169 wR3 10.00 10.00 170 wR2 100.00 100.00 171 wR1 N.L.N,L.N,L.N,L, 172 coR 10.000.00 1,000.00 1620 10,000.00 1.000.00 't.620 173 HTX 20.00 20 20.00 20 '174 TOX 1.000.00 1620 1.000.00 1.620 NR 17.244.OO 235,091 17,211.00 235091 N.L,N.L.N.L.N,L.N,L.N,L. 176 Winslow Partnership (Stomg..U..Clo.ad+U.e.Opcn)AMOUNTS OVER 32041 78074 6472 43760t l2t A B c D E F G H I J K L M N o P R S 1 HAZARDOUS MATERIATS INVENTORY STATEMENT - INDUSTRIAL SOURCE WAREHOUSE RENOVATION BUSTNESS NAME lndustrial Source PROJECT NAME Warehouse Renovation PROJECT ADDRESS:3500 Commercial oR 97478 CONTACT NAME:William M PHONE:54 746-5841 DATE:913l20ts 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 TINE ITEM CHEMICAT INVENTORY. INDUSTRIAT SOURCE WAREHOUSE RENOVATION (Chemicals Sorted Alphabetically Wlthin Each Area) 11 Chemical Name ( lngredients)cAs #GHS Basis of Classification HAZ 1 HAZ 2 HAZ 3 HAZ 4 Stored Use - Closed Use - Open Location Area 12 (lbsl (gals)(c0 (lbsl (galsl (cf)(lbsl (gals) 13 74-86-2 H220 H230 May react explosively even in the absence of air; SDS; HMEx FGG UR2 125 Welding Area 1 14 ARGOT{ ARGON MIXES 7MO-37-t SDS NR 14400 Gas Dock Area 1 15 ARGON, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7440-37-7 SDS NR 89 Gas Dock Area 1 16 CARBON DIOXIDE 124-38-9 SDS NR 874!Gas Dock Area 1 17 CARBON DIOXIDE, REFRIGERATED LIQUID 124-38-9 5DS NR 1.40 Gas Dock Area 1 '18 NITROGEN NITROGEN MIXES 7727-37-9 SDS NR 14400 Gas Dock Area 1 19 NITROGEN, REFRIGERATED LIQUID 7727-37-9 SDS NR 94 Gas Dock Area 1 20 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED 7742-44-1 HZ70 SDS OGG 200 Welding Area 1 21 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED 7782-44-1 H270 SDS OGG 78432 Gas Dock H-3 Area 2 Winslow Partnership -E- ACETYLENE A B c D E F G H I J K L M N o P R S '10 IINE ITEM CHEMICAT INVENTORY. TNDUSTRIAL SOURCE WAREHOUSE RENOVATION (Chemicals Sorted Alphabetlcally Wlthin Each Area) 11 Chemical Name (lngredients)cAs f GHS Basis of Classification HAZ 1 HAZ 2 HAZ 3 HAZ 4 Stored Use - Closed Use - Open Location Area12(lbs!(gals)tcfl (lbsl (gals)(o (lbsl (galsl 22 OXYGEN, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7782-44-7 H270 SDS OLG 89 Gas Dock H-3 Area 2 23 OXYGEN, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7742-44-1 H270 sDs OLG 260 Fill Plant 1t7 H-3 Area 3 24 OXYGEN, REFRIGERATED LIQUID 7782-44-7 H270 sDs OLG n Fill Plant t20 H-3 Area 3 25 ACETYLENE 74-86-2 H220 H230 May react explosively even in the absence of air; SDS; HMEx FGG UR2 45260 Flammable Tank Pad Area 4 26 AIR, COMPRESSED 1322s9-10-0 SDS NR 7340 outside Storage Area 4 27 ARGON ARGON MIXES 7 440-37 -7 SDS NR 83600 Outside Storage Area 4 28 ARGON, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7440-37-7 SDS NR Outside StoraEe Area 4 29 ARGON, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7440-37-1 SDS NR 1505 Tank Pad Area 4 30 CARBON DIOXIDE 124-38-9 SDS NR 64491 Outside Storage Area 4 31 CARBON DIOXIDE, REFRIGERATED I-IQUID 724-38-9 sDs NR 257 Outside Storage Area 4 32 CARBON DIOXIDE, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 724-38-9 sDs NR 17812 Tank Pad Area 4 33 GASOTINE 8006-51-9 H225 FP: -45 F; BP: 85-450 F; SDS F1B 35 Outside Storage Area 4 34 HETIUM HETIUM MIXES 7440-59-7 SDS NR 37720 Outside Storage Area 4 Winslow Partnership A B c D E F G H I J K L M N o P R S 10 LINE ITEM CHEMlCAt INVENTORY- INDUSTRIAT SOURCE WAREHOUSE RENOVATION {Chemicals Sorted Alphabetlcally Withln Each Areal 11 Chemical Name (lngredients)cAs fl GHS Basis of Classification HAZ 1 HAZ 2 HAZ 3 HAZ 4 Stored Use - Closed Use - Open Location Area 't2 (lbsl (gals)lcf)(lbs)lgals)lcfl (lbs)(gals) 35 HYDROGEN HYDROGEN MIXES 7333-74-C H220 SDS FGG 6460 Flammable Tank Pad Area 4 36 N-BUTANE VESSEL 74-98-6 H220 SDS FLG 18000 Flammable Tank Pad Area 4 37 NITROGEN NITROGEN MIXES 7727-37-9 SDS NR 47940 outside Storage Area 4 38 NITROGEN, REFRIGERATED TIQUID 7727-37-9 SDS NR 445 Outside Storage Area 4 39 NITROGEN, REFRIGERATED LIQUIO 7727-37-9 sDs NR 3000 Tank Pad Area 4 40 NITROUS OXIDE 70024-97-2 H270 SDS OGG 9882 Outside Storage Area 4 41 OXYGEN, COMPRESSED 7787-44-7 H270 SDS OGG 77792 Outside Storage Area 4 42 OXYGEN, REFRIGERATED tIqUID 7782-44-7 H270 SDS OLG 502 Outside Storage Area 4 43 OXYGEN, REFRIGERATED I.IQUID 7782-44-7 H270 SDS OLG 6000 Tank Pad Area 4 44 PROPANE 74-98-6 H220 SDS FLG 2077 Flammable Tank Pad Area 4 45 PROPANE VESSET (rPG)74-98-6 H220 SDS FLG 12000 Flammable Tank Pad Area 4 Winslow Partnership