HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 2019-11-26SPRINGIIELD OREGON Web Address: www.springfield-or. gov Permit Issued: November 26, 2OLg Building Permit Commercial Plumbing Permit Number: 811-19-OO26S5-pLm IVR Number: 81 1063994149 CitY of SPringfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54t-726-3753 Email Address: permitcenter@springfield-or. gov TYPE OF WORK Category of Construction: Commercial Submitted Job Value: g0.00 Description of Work: Site work & modular buildi ng plumbing connections Type of Work: New JOB SITE INFORMATION Worksite Address 3115 INDUSTRIAL AVE Springfield, OR 97478 Parcel L7023t2t00700 Owner: Address: 2BE-VENTURES LLC 4660 MAIN ST BLDG C sTE 500-2 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 LTCENSED PROFESSIONAL rN FORMA,TION Business Name EUGENE SAND CONSTRUCTION INC - Primary License CCB License Number L77967 Phone 54 1-683-6400 PENDING INSPECTIONS Inspection 3999 Final plumbing 3150 Underslab plumbing 3170 Underfloor plumbing 3200 Sanitary Sewer 3300 Water Service 3400 Storm Sewer Inspection Group Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com Plumb Com fnspection Status Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending Pending SCHEDULING INSPECTIONS Various inspections are minimally required the issuing jurisdiction indicated on dependent on the scope of work. Contact on each project and often the permit to determine required inspections for this project Schedule or track inspections at www.build ingperm its.oregon. govCall or text the word "schedule,, to 1_888_299_2821 use IVR number: 811063994149Schedule using the Oregon epermitting Inspection App,search "epermitting,, in the app store lfll.":,ilH:lrt#'.1ff:t started within 18o Davs of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 Days or ronser dependins on All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work wirt be compried with whether specified herein or not.:J,T,.j1,il::j""..,T:1,:ffiH:,,:?:n:,:j*kf,l*;;;;;;;i"J,,il,.,-,oions orany o*re. siaie or,oca, ,aw ATTET{TroN: oregon law requlres you to fotlow rules adopted by the oregon uarity [otification center. Those rures are setlt#i;;r1- es2-oo1-oo10 throush oon grr-oor-i-oro. ,ou .iv outuir-"op,l" i.n. rutes by calins the center at lsos; All persons or entities ,"tfojl1li work under this permit ar€ required to be ,censed unless exempted by oRs zo1.o1o(structurauMechanicar), oRs 479.540 ttrectricail,-a-nd oRs 693.o10-020 (prumbing). Printed on: Lt/26t19 Page 1 of 2 C ; \myReports/reports//production/O 1 STAN DA RD 'qrt h ? Page 2 of 2 Permit Number: 81 1-19-002655-PLM Fee DescriPtion Technology Fee Floor drain/floor sink/hub drain Hose bib Other - Plumbing SanitarY sewer - Total linear feet Storm sewer - Total linear feet Water service - Total linear feet State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (L2o/o ot applicable fees) Printed on: Lllz6l79 Quantity Total Fees: Fee Amount $19.6s $2s.00 $25.00 $2s.00 $ 106.00 $106.00 $ 106.00 $47.16 $4s9.81 1 1 1 76 50 85 C : \my Reports/reports//prcduction/ O 1 STAN DARD Page 2 of 2 PERMIT FEES SPRINGFIELD ,b Transaction Receipt 81 1 -{ 9-002655-PLM IVR Number: 8t I 063994149 Receipt Number: 473135 Receipt Date:11126119 City of Springfield Development and Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 54L-726-3753 perm itcenter@spri ngfi eld-or. govOREGON ww\r/. sp rin gf ield-or. gov Worksite address: 31 15 INDUSTRIAL AVE, Springfleld, OR 97478 Parccl: 1702312100700 Fees Paid Account codeTransaction Units date 11126119 76 00 LnFt 11t26t19 50.00 LnFt 11t26t19 85.00 LnFt 11t26t19 1.00 Oty 11t26t19 1.00 Qty 11t26t't9 1.00 Qty 1',U26t19 1.00 Ea Description Sanitary sewer - Total linear feet Storm sewer - Total linear feet Water service - Total linear feet Floor drairVfloor sinuhub drain Hose bib State of Oregon Surcharge - Plumb (12% ot applicable fees) Other- plumbing 224-00000-425603-1034 Fee Notes: Modular building plumbing connections. 224-00000 -425603- 1 034 224-00000-425603- 1 034 224 -00000 -425603- 1 034 224-00000 -425603- 1 034 224-00000- 425603- I 034 82 1 -00000-21 5004-0000 204-00000-425605-0000 Fee amount $106.00 $106.00 $106.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $47.1 6 Paid amount $106.00 $106.00 $106.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $47.1 6 $19.6511t26t19'1.00 Automatic Technology Fee Payment Method: Credit card Payer: Thomas & Sons authorization: 237179 Transaction Comment: via phone Payment Amount:$459.81 Cashier: Katrina Anderson Receipt Total:s459.81 P tinled: 1 I 127 I 19 1 0:53 am Page 1 of 1 Fl N_Tra nsactionReceipt_pr [r "r ? $19.65 Plumbing Pennit Application fffiaficltt ta+ Thfo permit is irgued under OAR 91&7s0{m$. Pemits eru issued ody to lhe person or cortla6or daingthe rort permihuFire if roI* ir not stlrH withir 1S0 days of imuenee or if wor* Ir nropcnCei for !E0 daya Y bnJ"* A/r*, frt -u+- fe,/ Mam. h "pd e as h"tt o(grvrate..,u-\s .Lna -s€- .-/h{"*- ^\ >te t Q-oo \-t 5f l"flst €ditcd 7/1/2'019 bjors \q -CO2 tv55'Permit no.: Date: t I ZQ tq Zoning appmval verified?No Sanitation verified?Yes ENo EI Residential Government fob site addrcss: SHe:a W: Narre: Address: frE:, E-mail: 5"..4 $tlrte:ZD: Busincss name: Address: Phone: CCB licenseno.rfi?qd7 BCD licetlse no.: licercc no.: Print name: Ncr rcgidontirl u33.00 s 2 bdroome/l litchen r52r.00 $ 3 bsfhrmm$l h'ehen i613.m $ (ovcrE€ch additio,lsl bsltroom tl32.00 s Each additional kitchcn (over I)tr3?.00 $ reviev)Rlgldeffirl trft ryrinHenr (includoe ptru 0 to 2,000 square Get r104.00 $ 2,ll0l to 3,600 sqrrar€ feet $r63.00 $ 3,fi1fu7,200 quare ftet rr43.fit $ feet and gr€atcr t or $ Com-mcrcial, iadsctrirl, ard d*ctlllgr frro-Ant'ly th*n ore or Minimumfee t102.00 s Bach ffxAuE n5.06 $ Mitellercour frcs 100'srm, scwer, u&line il{,6.00 s lach fixtre, appurlEoance, aad prprng t25.00 $torm net rrtmfion/&tention faciiity tl06.00 $ Inigdioa systErns/Baclf,low p*{n $ Pipiry 0r privab stom drainage '.- srsGms exceed.inn the firgt 100 fest ir5"00 s Specialty fixtrucs pa00 $ Reinspection (m. of hrs. x fee per ln )tr02.00 $ Specid rcquested iarpections (no. of brs. x fee perhr.)11fi1.00 s E*cb rdditioarl impxtiou: (t)ilrtr.00 $ Minimum fee $ Enter valuc ofirstrllation sd $ (A) Errer qrbbtal ofabove fees ffi niuua ?ermit Fcr $t 02.fi1) Etrter &c based on installatioa md vrlue.( $ (Bi Iavestigrtive tse (equst ro tAl)$ (C) Eltcr t2% surc,haqge (.12 x [A+BI)$ @) Tec;hnologrfee (50z6of [A])t TOTAL fooe and surclrrges {A t[rougt Il):$ Aa..rz^xa^e',*+ffiev1,vr^^g a-,-Asr>^5 tY.*' c,,- Ct'rr' 0r SpRINr.i FIIILD, OttL(;o\ made on me ora of iicensiagexgmpt This i324.0S $ater supply ll02.00