HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2003-06-16Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax 541-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2003-00495ISSUED: 0611612003 APPLIED: 06/13/2003EXPIRESz 1211612003 VALUE: SITE ADDRESS: 3333 OSAGE ST ASSESSOR'SPARCELNO.: 1802062108100 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Add heat pump and air handler Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Heating System TYPE OF USE: New Residential Owner: MICHELLE SMITH Address: 3333 OSAGE ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 PhoneNumber: 541-747-7241 Contractor Tvpe Mechanical Owner Contractor PACIFIC AIR COMFORT INC MICHELLE SMITH License 39237 Expiration Date 0312s12004 Phone 541-672-9510 541-747-7241 v # of Buildings: Primary Occupancy GrouP: Secondary OccuPancY GrouP: Primary Construction TYPe Secondary Construction TYPe: # of Bedrooms: SETBACKS Frontyard Setback: Side I Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: # of Stories: Height of Structure Type of Heat: Water Type: Range Type: Energy Path: Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: oh of Lot Coverage: Lot Size: Sq Ft lst Floor: Sq Ft 2nd Floor: Sq Ft Basement: Sq Ft Garage/CarPort Sq Ft Other: Impervious Surface Area: R-3 VN REQUIRED PARJ(NG Total: HandicapPed: Compact: \\o to$ Street ImProvements: Storm Sewer Available: Special Instruction: Notes: Square FootageDescription Tvpe of Construction $ Per Sq Ft Paee I of2 Value Date Calculated \ uuN I KAU r UK rl\r UKIYIA!$\I Building/Combination Permit Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Spring{ield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676Fax S4l-7 26-37 69 Inspection Line PERMIT NO: COM2003-00495ISSUED: 0611612003APPLIED: 06/1312003 EXPIRESz 1211612003 VALUE: Fees Paid Fee Description -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + lOoh Administrative Fee + 7oh State Surcharge Air Handling Unit Up to 10,000 Heat Pump Minimum/Adj ustment Mechanical Total Value of Project Date PaidAmount Paid $10.00 $4.s0 $3.15 $8.00 $12.00 $25.00 Receipt Number 2200200000000001070 2200200000000001070 2200200000000001070 2200200000000001070 2200200000000001070 2200200000000001070 6n6t03 6n6t03 6n6t03 6n6t03 6n6t03 6n6103 Total Amount Paid $62.65 To Request an inspection call the24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Rough Mechanical: Prior to Cover 2 Final Mechanical: When all mechanical work is complete. By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during construction. /./6_ cR leouired Insnections Signature Paee2 of2 Date IET*ll 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt Receipt #: 2200200000000001070 Dater 06/16/2003 JolrJourml Numlrer DgcrtDtiotr COM2003{0493 + 10% Admilistrative Fee 4.50 COM2OO3{&+93 HeatPu$p l2-0n COM20O3{0493 Minimurn/Adjustrnent Mechanical 33 00 COM20O3-0M93 -Mechrnical Issuance Fe* ,O.OO COM2003{0494 + 7% State Surcharge 3.15 COM2OO3-00494 + 10% Admidstrative ree 4.50 COM2003-0M94 HeatPump 12 00 COM200340494 AnHa ling Udt Up to 10,000 8.00 COM2O03-00494 Minimum/Adjustnent Mechrnical 25 00 COM200340494 -Mechanical Issuafte Fee-" 10.00 COM2003-00495 + 7% StBt€ Surcharge 3 15 COM2O03-00495 + 10% AdmidsEative Fee 4.50 COM2OO3-00495 HeatPump 12 00 COM2oo340495 Air Ha liry Unilup ro l0,OO0 8.00 COM2O03-00495 Minimun/AdjustneDt Mechanical 25-00 CoM2003-00495 -Mechanicol Issuance Fee* 10 00 Item Total:$187.9s Payments: o CreditCard PACIFIC AIR COMFORT INC djb 000095 016004 In Person Payment Total: 187.95 -ffi 6lt6/2003 2:35:l2PM Page I of I cRcceipt.rpt 2 2 s F i tt hS rree r, * ",;;?"?j"3 y ;i;)i 54l_726-3759 phone 541_72G3676 Fax December 02,2OO3 SMMH MIC}IELLE 3333 OSAGE ST SPRINGFIELD OR Job Number: Location: 97478 coM2003-00495 3333 OSAGE ST Project:Add heat pump and air handler Dear Permit Holder: The Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code provides that in order for a permit to remain valid, the work which has been authorized by the permit must begin wthin 180 days of the date of issuance, and an inspection must be requested at least every 1g0 days. According to our records, you obtained a permit for a project at3333 OSAGE ST which is set to expire on 1211712003. Our records indicate that you have not requested an inspection within the past tive (S; months. This letter is written to notify you that your permit(s) will be expiring shortly. If you are ready to request an inspection for your project, please phone the inspection line at 541-726-3769. If you do not request an inspection prior to the expiration date, your permit(s) will expire and additional permit fees will be required in order to complete your project. If you have any questions, please feel free to phone me at 541-726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor \rs, Dec-L9-Ol 04:46p 225 FtrTIJ STREET 65 t. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. P -O2 PERMIT FEE SC}IEDI'LEBELOW Nen Rssidertinl-Singlc or I[ulti-Family pcr dnelling unit. Service Included: Iterns Cost Sum 1000 sq.fl. or less - $10(r.00 _ Each addirional 500 sq. ft orportion _ $ 19.00 _ Honrc or Elearicat Exsiration "Consrr Contr. Expirarion PItone Uqfnsclftmtcr 2l)0 anps or less 201 aupc to4{l0 arry 40I afips to6flI ampf 601 arrps tri l0lX) amps- $ 5U.00 s 63.00 _ s 75.00 _ $125.00 : 3163.00 _ $ro.0o __ f,5O.OO __ $25.m .-_ $,ts.oo _ 0q .r I . ItrSillrtior, aled{ lfniaarior: : -&rcr l0fi)am$i/volrs _31?i.OO_ .. "'$wnnet0nty S 5O-OO- Ci,faiiporery Scrriccr r Ficrlcrs - . ''Installition, Alter{im or Rchcetiur l - :' ,; ..". zqf agrys.to.am.arps - 969-00 - :-'' Oh6{ll'b6fi)ams $10.00 Otftrflnimgsor'lfiXlwltss .l '' ..' .1'' i' "8" *o*e : .-' '., :- ElGclricien Cktuits OWNERIIIiSTAIII\TION Thc insia[flion is bciqg D& oa ProPGIt,' I o*n w[iicl isnotire*be for sale,'fcase'or rEL 0rvncrs Signffirr: orErleusion FerPaEl OniCimait Eadr Aditisal Ciurit or uith SerYiccwFe*krPermit $ 3.0O'--' ;.. E mislhiaru (Scr:rh/ltrdcr not included) I -r.r.*BP ob I'Ifie flttt' . -Erl{rin*allnion n4np or irrigation QignortuincLiehting Limited Bbrar/Res LimitedEmgr/Cmm Miuimtm Elcctric Permit Inspcclion Fcc 4. SUBTOTAL OIf ABOVE ?9/o Sttrts Surcharye 87o Administratiuc Fee TOTAL !\so'$S\NnL+\o\\3\ 5n. toS Perruits arc non-trirnstbnlble if uork is nol stnncd lyithitr lEO dals of issuance 180 days. or ifrvork is suspendcd for or of 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Springfield Development Services Department Public Works Department Official Receipt Receipt #: 220020000000000 1 073 Date: 0611712003 coM2003-00495 coM2003-00495 coM2003-00495 coM2003-00495 Add, Alter, Extend Circ Minimum/Adj ustment Electrical + 7%o State Surcharge + l0%o Administrative Fee 43.00 2.00 3.15 4.50 Item Total:$s2.65 Payments: o CreditCard CROW VALLEY Ih 000097 61 13 13 In Person Payment Total: 52.6s $52.6s 6/17t2003 9:28:33AM Page I of 1 cReceipt.rpt ,, \ ,l i . ttlAIJCH EI'IGINEEFiNG; J- 16-98 3:sOPltl; 5417460389 =>503 726 3689; 3'1 D 5r'r Srneer Spr'rr,gfierlrJ, flr'9196rr 97 477 r5411 746.t]t,37 Fex [541) 746-O3Eg #i;1 Bnanch Engineening it1 ( )crohcr. lqt)8 folr. Ertb Barnharl l'i, :ld Inspecttrr, (-i11, of Spnnglield ?:< Sth Streer 5 Jiri nulicld, Ol\ L)7 4'17 Poehit' I-ax Note 7671 ttarcy -t//b ar{ I Itl.: llA\'I)1,:N HOltlES, 3333 OSA(; t:r .)r rrr, t\rt rr_:r_u i)car iVlr lJarnhurt: Brrlrult h.ltginecrint ltas conduu,tcd an inspcction rrl'the placemcnt ot'rrvo htrld rlor+,n anchors lor Hrvdcn Httnres. 1'he insprcction inclutlcd noting thc placenrent of the anchors. relcr,'ant etlr,,c tlr:,rlrrces and placemenl ol'thc epox1, tlrc anchclrs \vcre- 7'8 inch threadcd rods crnhcCded l2 5 inchc-s irr a rrne rnch rliarmctcrholr, Thc nrinimum distancc Lo the edgc of thc concrcte sr.emu,all rvas I 3i.{ inches end thc mininrum crrii distancc rras _lu int:hcs lhe- manulactursr's stated rnininrunr r:dge arrd erid distarrr,;c.r rrc I i .r rnchcs and 5 inches- ruspcctivc'ly lirr 7iE rnch rod. The epo.x-y uscd tv:r.s "l)oll'ers Rawl" I rrt rt cr-Fa sI ad hc--s i v c- llrlrrrtotlteplaccrrrr';nLoIthcepoxy.thchtrlcsu,creblow'nclcanu,ithconlpresscdirir hrushctl, .Inrl bl(rwn again Tlrc holes !\'cre thcn lillcd approxirnatcly hall'('ull of epoxv and thc anchor,i lurirte(l in to Ih"'full embedrnent, lt rvas noted that epox1, llowed out the top of thc holc durinq thc placcnrL'nt ol'ths anchor iiiou lta'"c ltnl lunher (luestions. plcase don't hesitale to call Srrrccrclv I(tr k Hcrnandcz. EI I Il;tYdcrr Iitrrncs >I paqeJ-_firs ?**,+ro L)r: r)gP[ Fe Lr|T] F =i_@*tbr*ryrq;e _t'R?4<r E)c. Ptrurt,r $Fhr:nr t 'Hc #uf= Ftrr I Azv - 3a.5'7 IFIANSPOR]ATION Ctvtt SUFIVFt' .JIJ /l/tD& gPlBEEAglae SENT BY: BBANCH ENGINEERING; 10-19-98 3:43PM; 5417460389 => Bnanch Engineening 541 744 6968;#1 l1 16 (Xtober, 1998 31O Srh Scr.eet Srx'irrgfiehJ, Olegu, t 97 A77 a5,41) 74e.CE,37 Fax (541l746-0.349, Post it. Fax Note 7671 Mr. Bob Barnhan Ficld InsJrector, (litry ol' Springfield 225 5th ^Street Springficld. OR 97477 R]l; IlAYDEN txrrtirl'l],|Jt' Dcar Mr. Barnhart: Brarrch F.ngincering ha-s crmducted an inspcction of the placemcnt ol'two hold down anctrors for llaydcn Home-s. The inspoction included noting the placcment of thc anchors, relevanl cdgc distances, and placcrncnt of thc epoxy. Thc anchons were 7lE inch thrcaded rtxls embcddcd 12.5 inches in a onc inch diamercr holc. l'hc minimum distance to the edgc of the concretc stcmwall was I 3/{ inchcs and the minirnum end disrancc was 30 inches. 'l'he manufacturur'$ stated rmioimum edgc and cnd distance.s are I 3/4 inchcs and 5 inches, respectivcly for 718 inch rod. Thc e;rcx-y used was "Poners Rawl" Powcr-Fast adhesivc. Prior to thc placement ofrhe cpox.v, the holes werc blown clean with comprcrsed air, brushc4 and blown again. 'l'hc holcs werc thcn filled approximately half full of cpoxy and the anchors rwistcd in to rhe l'ull embodrnent. lt was noted that cpoxy llowed out thc top of thre hole during the placemcnt ol'thc anchor. - " lf you have any furttrer questions, plcase don't hesitate to call. Sincerely. Rick llernandcz. UIT cc: llaydcn Honrc.s aPmEB!{l.aD Iffit w_o"'fi'p*a *'' Pho.ra i Ptaoet ?Vb.obg Fat I TRANSPOFITATION CIVIL SUFVEYING '" l/lto:.