HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1998-09-28Sep-29-98 tt:3OA Mor MORTIER P.C. er Eng;ineerlng P-o2 ry1. r24i PEAR! STREET ErroEl{E oFEGOil E 17'to I PllOllE (S.tr 4.-e0S0 r FrtX (5rl) 40.6859 'scptember 28. 1998 STBUCTUR^L BUILOING OESION r FIRE FRo]EoTIoN COOE @IYSULTANT O PI.ANCHEO(NG CONSTHUCNON INSPECTION 484-9080. Vcry truly yours, Owen G'rover, l'.E. olc/jjh Spriqgliel4-OB- - W.O. #l l 1 90-PSB 16, 1998, an inspcction by Monier Engiueering, P.C. was madc at the abovc site to how to fill a trcnch dug for piping and undercutting the footing. to support thc you for this contact nre at ,4b garrllr,eagl I llr0.l (t - 1 )4A4-6ass Hayden Homes 3258 Pinyon Street ,Springficld, OR On Scptonbcr It was.decidcd to placc controlled low strergth matcrial (CLSM), a low sturgth cementitous corrtroltcd density fill in leu of compactcd 3t4" - rock, into thc trcnch making sure there was a l: I slope at thq ends of the trsrrch. A reprcsentativc from Morticr Engineering, P.C. was prescrrt prior toadUuiirfgthefillingofthelrcnchonScptcmber23, lggStoverifythcslopeandthatthctrench was frccofdebrce.