HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1995-08-073IDENTIAL - COYf;Y|ERCIAL SID=IIJALK / CURBCI,IT APPL ICATIOI{,/ PER-IIT SPRINGFIELO 225 NORTH FIFTH STFEET gPRI}.IGFIELD, Ore,GOil A1 411 E}.1G INEERING D IVI 5 IOI'1 ffilcE No. 12b-3153 INSPECTION LINZ. 126 - 3163 h, JOts ADDE99: *A59=9*RS l'iAP NO. 5il3DlVI9lON, OLG R=C=IPT NOt -,./ CAg-1 c'i=-c< TAX LOT NO. OJNiR'IM / --Eqq- LJJCR< ESCRIPTIChI, 5r?5]JA!K' 7tp_ I a taY- PHC|{= NO_ -^#-t- Aluvr lt llsl9a _ JIr ci=_c<zD FoR D=L tNoJ=Nc l=5 cure-cur, * R=stD=Nrra y S=COND DRIV=UAY ( 5== TF?Ai=IC ) t< bz W fr,tf, =AUIR=9 APPLICATION FOR A *Co|{D DRI\zELIJAY(T-4.1a) OR A COUNTY Atr-IcA1Io|{ FOR FACILITY P=3.1IT (C AA-2O3) t= lN TFi= uG3. DA;E G A7,-t-lCA1lO:l oi.lN=R, I * e la-\ r= ^- - Y coNr=ACroR ia =GISTR.ATION NO, erP|fzeo =xPr=9, t a? ^-n3=CA PROCEDURE rcR NSPECTIC'N REAUE9T: c/.J,_L 12b-3'169 (ECOR9FR ) STAT= YOUR CtT.r D=S|GNAT=D JO3 NiJ-i3=R, )O3 AJ,DFE.99,Ty,p= # IN9FECTIAn R=AUE9TED A|.lD tlF.{EN YOU u,lLL 3= EADY tuR Is{9PiCTIO|rl. <-<-,^-TRACToR9 oR Otir!=RS NA,Y= A\D Pr1(2N= Nr.!'i3=R EAU=ST9 R=CEI\€D 5=-rcF= 1,OO /-t1 lilLL 3= HAD= Ti{= SAIIE DAy, EAJ=SiS I-=TER ],OC A,i UILL A= HAD= TI+= N=XT Ui2R<ING DAY EXI-qTl|{.s Sl.JlLDlNG P=RalT NO. ( IF APPLICA3L= , *YOUR CITY D=gIGNA;=D JO3 NO. I9T qllOaF * c== a'* sID=Il,lALK / DRI\GIL,AY FOR ALL CONCRETE PAVING TUITHIN THE STREET RIGHT G IUAY, TO 3= IIAD= #?ER AL EXCAVATIiG 15 COi.1PLETE AND FOA1 UJO=< AND 5U3-3A5= HATERIAL 15 IN PLACE ,.cU€ / AffiOACH APRO* A=T=R rc319 A= =R=C7gg1 PftIOR TO POJRNG CONCR=iE.L fre nhfu-"tloN. x *1F,v FEE9: glDEtlJALKg TOTAL FEff1IT FEE, rlO.OO + $O.|5/LF.( X ) OF IUALK 22- I1O.OO+*O.15/LF.(X) C'oi-1I1ERICAL DRIV=U,IAY9 5i]ALL HAVE 5'TO A'FLAIRgH,STA\DARD(; CURB.CUT I]JAL< X x a^t& I ;.{A\G CAR=FULLY EX,f1IN5D THE COi.1PLETED APPLICAT|ON FOR PER.1IT, AD DO I-{=R=BY C=RTIFY ;HAT ALL INFOSIATICI{ I-.]ER=ON 15 TR]E AITD CORR=CT, A\D I FURTH=R CERTIFY TI1I.T ANY A\D ALL I!OR< PE=OSiED9!ALL BE DONE tl'l /.CCO@ANCE tulTl{ Tr-.{= Ol?nNA\lCEg G THE CITY OF 9PRINC#IELD, AND Tt= LAl.IlS G THEgTATE G OREGON PERTAINING TO TI{E U]OR< DESCR,I3=D H=REIN, AND TI{AT NO OCCUPANCY tUiLL 3= HAD=G ANY gTFIICTUR= UJITi..IOJT PEBII9SION G THE BUILDING DIYISIC}{. I FURiI-.I=R CERTIFY TI..]AT ONLY CO}.ITRACTOAS uJi-io OR9 1OIO99 IIJILL BE USED ON THIS PROJECTA}.JD D * ARE IN.C'HPLIANCE IUITI.{/fu-u DATE F 7- 7t - REAU IRED IN9PECTICI.I9 s YGFIELC' dft,225 FIFTH SI RI.I: SPRINGFIT:LD OI] q..;: tr Oe PUB LIC WO R KS DEPARTM ENT ,ADA4INISTRATION ENG/NEEtrING DIVISION l\/tAINTENANCE APPLICATION FOR A SECOND DRIVEWAY / OVERWIDTH DRTVEWAY DA ./?€ APPLTCANT (PROPERry OWNER) APPLICANI-S TELEPHONE d- Please skelch the proposed drivbway. lnclude the following applicable ilems: house or building. proposed driveway. existing driveway. and sireet names. I nclude dimensions and measuremenls lo property lines. roadintersections and borderiog driveways. (See atlachment for an example.) t - .1, lo $e $\ "$ N t * + -Sr $ Eub l,r7 iluue{\\N 3 t sa (SBio le k L -{\ (,h $a I -- I {, 4 CP,t t 4,\ A$ U]q O ie/ , d, //re-Si-*;7 ' n Ot,rc ltt t7 ldd )o 3,s 7rO u ; /,{ lPy't'. A irct 44'x,5' b' F/,/Bn: Fe'rr, ft/ AII APPL'CATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFIELD THAT ARE WTTHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REOUIRE A LANE COUNTY PERMIT. Note: The City of Springfield will nol grant a second driveway permil on an Arterial or Collector Street. \ \ N\ \ d l.:l*]s l\rl i$lx ADMINISTRATION/ENGINEERING (503) 726.3753 FAX (503) 726 3689 MATNTENANCE (s1s) 726 3761 FAX (503) 726.3621 ADDREsS oF pRopERTy FoR DRTVEWAY peatan, . ,3 t'5 0' O,e,i7k * !r 1. Property type: Single Family Residence X Dupler ' 'Other L 2. The proposed driveway will take access (rom which slreet 3. The distance {rom the edge of the driveway to lhe nearest corner (measured to the curb return) is JO( f teet. ,{. The seconil driveway will give access lo: garage- carport- sioe yarOJ other- 5. The dislance from the;yoperty line lo the garage. carport. fence. wall, or other. (where ihe vehicle is to be parked) is .l ' teet. 6. Witl the proposed parking / storage alea cleate a vision obstruCtibn to adjacenl NoCertylyueways or to any.vehiculir movement on a publib street? (See vision clearance atlachment) /v (/ Applicant hereby agrees to install the requested driveway app[cant further area behind ttreagnees lo have 6'of concrete in the sidewalk area the back edge of the cement concrete. or 6- of portbnd The applicant agnees that il he/she does not pave the area behind the sidewalk within 30 days of cutting the curb opening. the City of Springrfreld has lhe adhority to close the driveway access by removal of the curb cuL All incurred cos6 shall be assumed by the applicant and if unpaid, said cost shall become a l'ren of the property. lmen lhis application is approved by the City. the applicant must obtain a clrbcuUdriveway perrnit from the Public Works Department. Engineering Division. CurUcut I Orivewav Pe a. On an improved street (existing curb): 510.00 plus S.15 Per lineal foot of curb cut. b. On an unimproved street (no curb): 512.00 c. On currentty unirnproved streels that are under construction: S12'00 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA 9-t' rc,--EJ--Q{ BUILDING PERMIT NO. TRA 9.1 ATTACHIViENT: Msion Clearance. Example #1 CTRAFFTC DTVISION * of ld standards. area behind the sidewalk shalt be ved a minimum of 18 feeL i APPROVED C/*;'"- ExAMPLE lJ- APPLICATION FOR A S (- rd- (Z-4*"") DA APPLICANT (PROPERTY ADDRESS OF PROPERTY FOR DRIVEWAY PERMIT:ri oRrb/-* tr APPLICANT'S TELEPHONE NUMB 72c-sr7 Please sketch lhe proposed driv'eway. lnctude the following applicable items: house or building. proposed driveway. existing driveway. and street narnes. lnclude dimensions ahd meastrements tb prope$ fines, road intersections'and bordering (See attachment for an example.) STREET NAME tt l5tI4'2st Ner cu wr^s House o-l,! n GI -{ Z7 1 ra 8o' 4 ALL APPLICATIONS OUTSIDE THE CITY UMITS OF SPRINGFIELD THAT ARE WITHIN THE URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY REOUIRE A TANE COUNTY PERMIT. 3saA- EXISTtNG DRIVEWAY I G<,a n] fuPos Note: The City of Springfield will not grant a second driveway permit on an Arterial or Collector Street. -J V r-.giOTq CIEARA.NCE 1.. "rru, -- -l oe t S. A3OVE CURts --4-112' ABo VE CUR ..4 z'<'i:= \\ I .l THIS Dll/rENSlOt{:25'FOA COFNER LOTS 1s'FOR LOTS AT ALLEY 1O' FOR DtrIVE\I'AYS II{ ALL DISTFICTS INTEFS=CTIO}iS 3?-i-, q a a( STNEET OR ALLEY M R. NT. STOUT Quallty Concrete Contractors (503) 343.68s4 orII All Phases ol Concrete Work& t 5/fr o / rsLt q- 7 Statement EContract E Prpposat D Date Total ,r/f-?5 6xot,,p /,bu Fnz f,?/to 3t'{ro' nc //: {x ti /,8a0.t4 730, oo l Snra, Df €u //ee OoeE 0,,/t - Vlrc Ex,c/i Dabeto 44 Aot)or, / ! Deiae //),4/ Stta b/n',( 'n J 7-. oL.*oh'r" E xi'/' c/ J6, oc't 8/".knn Ot?f,. Totat J 84o.oo ;7// 8o,,-fr^:;o/- DanT o N@ erla A,rt3 aoo 25t' 0 4o-,5" 5/l ,6 fia 5r// 4r,'[l; o/ /r /11' * / cl Submitted by Accepted f "' /4rs Materlal LaborDescrlptlon oO'6rl = o a /t)//o't >/z /at !a - /8 ,Cozl, * / /. ^An 0 f to,O . y'o./ar. 20' t-t' I /, v 2 J /:, tl Concrete is not guaranteed against cracking, freezing, staining and settling. All material is guaranteed to be as specifisd, and the above work to be performed in accordance with the drawings and specilications submitted for above work and completed in a substantial workmanlike manner with payment to be made upon completion. Signature Date ) /u, S,i ?5 / / Date