HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-12-07oneeipt # /OG 5.. RESIL NTIAL.. 22s North stt, s;toeffPLrcATr,N/PERI,rr Spz,ingfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTELD g, $ ,{P N Y* ") e) Ci signed:L Date:;"144 GeneraL l4echanicaL Construet'ion Lendet Reouired Tn sn eett'-cns It ie the reeponeibility of tle pentit hotder to aee tha.t aLL inspections oe nade at tlte prope" tine, that ecch addrees is readahie fian the at?eet, atd tlwt the pettot eatd ie Located at the front of the propertg.*Building Nuiciotz apprw^ed plan slnll yemain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PPocgDUpE FoR INSPE1?T2N RYAWST;CALL726-3769(z,eeot'der) state you! City desigrated job nwitber, job aCCtess, type vequested and aiei gou uiLL be ready for inspection, Contracta?s o? a^rnez,s nane and p\nne rwnber. Pequests receixed ;,viLL be nade the sane dcg, "equests nade aftet, 7:00 on tyill be nnde the nest :nrking day. You? City Desigr,ated Job Nutnbet, fs:BTeqtz of inspee;i.cn befcre 7:00 cn 5rJob Loeaticn: Aosessoz,e Map #Ias Lot # Sabditsision: O,met: Address:Phone:-o citA L Ly. DescrLbe htork: /5t x /8t eAnponr.(ittcludes 2'oveeha{g oN Sldes - 8t ovee6411q Or., faonr gide) fx-l NeD t-t Date of t2-t-t7 Addition RenoCeL value L/b7.U Conttactors OOtleR + SO ,Addres r Page 1 of 2 E il SfTE INSPECTI1N: ?o be nwde aftet, ezcaoatfon, b"t pttot, tc set ip of forna. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH{I:IICAL: To be made before any wz,k is couet,ed, F)1YLNG & EOANDATICN: To be rmCe @e"-tyenAEes are eicatsated attd forms are etected, but prior to Wut"t?1g ecnerete. llpltsgrullt D PLaM!!!9, EyE&_lLlL R, WortoliL-T@-6inehee. AilDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANTCAL: oy floon ineulation or decking, P)S! AND pElM: ?o be made prLot, toffitZ|Tffiio| floor insuT.ation or deckiry. ROUCH PLAIBII'|G. ELECTRTCAL & MECH- ANICAL: No uork is to be couet,ed until these inspections lnue been nod.e and approued.. 4I8EE!49L: PrLor to placirq facingnatAZA; and befot e iraning Tr"pnlo- tion. FRAI.IING: litust be requested after @aL of rough plwrbing, electri- eal & nec?nnical. ALt roofirry bracing & chitmeys, etc. rrust be . completed. lto ucrk is to be con- . eealed until this inspeetion has 'been made anC approxed, FTUAL PLUABIIG FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IT\SPECTION : To be maCe after aLL insulaticn a'td required uqor bmriera @e in p|.a,ce but before ory la.th, Wpsun baatC oz' tnLL cotsering is applied, and. before oty insulation is concealed. DRY\.ALL INSPECW1N: Tc be nu.de @a-Af@Afrs in p'tace, but priot, to ang taping. I,IAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond 666ilg"outing or rserticals in accotdorce tLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTOI,IE: @tnpT;tA. After installation is OR Sotitary saser capped at ptoperQl Lire Septic tank Etryed and fi.Lled t[th grateL Final - l{lten abcue itens are canpleted and uhen CarcLition is catplete or sttae- ture motsed otd prr,ri,ses cleaneC up. Hcmea Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa)e! od. uater CURB & APPRlACH AP?,1N: After fornsd,;Z;AiAEtnnor to pourtns cotrcyete. SfDE1IALK & DRIIWAY: For aLL eon- erete paofrAffi st?eet fi.ght- ef-txA, to be nade after aLL e*ca- oating aqnplete & forn wt'k & sttb- fu,se rruterLal in place. Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-up and plunbing connections rrust be aP??caed before requesting el.ectrical inspectiott Aecessory* Building Pirnl - Aftet, pcrches, skitting' decks, etc. are cotnpleted. PENCE: When eomplete -- ProtiCe gates or nooable sectione thnough P,A.E. ALL project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, co;:roletion-of the rcqiined Landsccpirg, etc., tmtst be sati,sfied befone the BUILDIilG FIITAL ean be z'equested. PINAL BafLDfNG: The Final Building fnepection mtst be requested after the Final Plunbing Electrical, anC l,teclnnical fnspections ltate been nade and approtled. *ALL ILANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTITEIII TO BE I'IADE AT NO CCS? TO EEY Lisc. # T a JOB NO. Zone: SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * LCT fWE _ fntetict Corqe? Panhandle CUL-de-sac Reeeipt # Signed: a ) Bedtoona: Lot Faces Energit Sgurees Tute Setbacks lleatp r.House Cataoe Access Ilater lleatel, Not th East -FirepLace South rFlf?-ae .Ilaodstoxe West NEM Sq. FYG x Value tbin Goaae Carport 27e qA7 -o Aceessoru ?O?AL VALUE ao S.D.C. 7.5 c Date Pai.d: lZ-)-8? Building Volue & Permit This perwit is granted on the erp?ess conlition tlat the said consttwetionslnll, in all rbspects, conformio the Ctdinance adoptedSiy the City ofSptingfield, ine?-uding'the Zoning Crdinance, regulcting th-e ecnstru-ctibn and. use of buildtngs, otd may be suspend.ed or reookeC at cnA time upan uic- Lation of qnA prcuisions of said Ordirnnces. Building Petttrit ?otal Clnrges State Plumbing Permit Nq pereon elwll 9onsbact, instal!, alter or ehange anA rled cr ecistirqyltn|ing or dtainage sAetalt in uhole oz. in part, unless such person is- the Legal poseessor of a oalid plwnber,s L.Leense, etcept tlut a person fla! doplunbing uotk to prope?tA uhich is orrned, Leased ot operated bg the qpli.- caatt. NO FEE * :;a CHARGE Fi.st'ures Resilential (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plunbing PenrLt State Electricol Permit whet'e state Lan requires tllat the electtical uork be done by an ElectriealCont?acto", the eleetrical portion of thie permit slla.Ll not be ualil. untilthe Label lns been signed by the Eleetrical Contracto?. * Neu/Eetend. Circuits Setntice State Iotal -- ENCROACI{MENT -- NC FEE LI|MUL ,( Mechonicol Permit khanet Hood llcodstoi;e Vent F@1 Pentrt t fssuntce Mechanical Permtt Secartt! Deposit Stot,age Maintenalce Pemit Cvtbeut -- Sideutalk Eleetz,ieal Iabel Mobile Hone taL * f HAW CAREEALLY EXA!|INED the contpleted application fot penrtt, @td dohereby eettify, that aLL infonntion hereon- ia trwe aid, clo*ect, cnd. t furthez, cer,+-ify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnll be done -i, oo"or-dance uyLth the 1rdinances of the ci.tA bf bpringfield, ard the La:,;s of thestate of Oregon pertaining to the uork cescz,ibed het'ein, end tlut No occu-Pl.ilcy t'rill b_e nnde of afy st"uctute rvtthout permission of the Buitding N-rsisio_n. r fut'ther eertifs- that only conttaeiors md. anplcyees uho arb ineonpliance uith ORS 201..05s uiLL be used on this project o /2-7-r7 TO?AL IIMOUN? DUE:*/7 0'Signed % Date Iot Sq. Ptg. % cf Lct Ccoaage_ # of Stories ?otal Height lopogrqhy hfrfiaee BTtl'S State Suychcrae ?otal Claraes ?ence ' APPLICATT2N/PER\4I? 225 Noyth Sth Street SprLngfield, ?regon 9Z4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 .. RES*)ENTIAL..SPFIINGFIELD ?as Ipt #560 'Re Subdiuision: Aesessors Map # Job Loeaticn: -oPhone Aaer: Address: Desa+be h,otk: / 5' x / 8, e at?pe,tr{),vcludei 2'oveQ64rle oN Sides - gt oven6,71,16 Or,, feotrside) t-fl Date of t2-t-fl7 AddLtiotz RemoCel value ,lL7.o! x F.eeeipt # /Ab 5 \v ,v' ,L\D'V Ir r 6ol Date: iz4-{S'7 General Constmtctton Lendet rt ia the respontibi-Lila .o1-tne pernrtt ho-t4d to aee tlnt all inspeetiotts ee nad.e at the ptope" tine, th,at 244ft c,l;tsse is neaCabi.f.y--t!y at?ee.t' and tltat the-pdrnrtt.eafi. ia Located. at thi froni of the prope*y-. - *Building Dtticion appraed ptot stnll remai.n on ti s"lTaiC site at aLL times. WoNREQWS?:CALL726-3769(z,eeond,el)stateyourCitydesign,ated'jobn,onbez,'jobacFness'tgpe i'#"""w"adyfo.linspection,cii""l.""-oya,mersrtaneaad'plnnenunbel,.P'equest8t,eceixed'*\'LL be nude the sane dcy, ?equests nade after ?:00 anr vLLL be nade the nezt wrki{ day. of inspee)icn befcre 7:00 cn yout, Ci.t! Desi.gr.ated Job Nutnber fs:Bzeqtz IIYDFRSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECUT-IIICAL: ?o be made before anAttotk iS eotlered. ffi ro_ormc a pounoartca: To be rmCel' I alte? tyenches ate escauated and. fotms ate etected, but prioz, to pourtng ccncret€. ANDERGPOUIID PLLIMETNC, SEWP., I,/,4TER, DRAIIIAGE: ?o be naCe g,ior to fil-Lirq trenehes. ailpERFL)1F ?LU|EING & MECHANICAL: ?o be nad.e prior to installafion of floortneuT,ation or decking. POST AND BEAM: ?o be nade priot toffi ta-t LaEi-6T o f fto or irzs uT)ti on ot decking. R1UGH PLU,tBrilc. ELECTRT.AL 4 ![ECn-Lntcnr,:MffiiTthese inspections hnoe been nade and approoed. TNSULAruON/VAPOR BARRIER ITISPEC?ION : requiz,ed uqor berie?a @e in place Lat before ory lath, Wpsun baatC oz, rnLL couering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. !.:owD Sonitatg se;er eapped at properoy- Lire Septic turk p;ozped and. filled trtth gra;sei llobile tlcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connections -- Beoe? o.td. uater SilE TNSPEC?ION: e.ccamation, but forne FNIAL PLUMBITIG EINAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ?o be nade afterpriot, tc set up of DRYWALL INSPECTf)N: Tc be nade aftet, aLL CayuaLL is in plaee, but ptiot to ang tapin7. I,LAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outing or oerticals in aeeondanee uLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. SIDEIIALK & DRfLEWAY: Eor aLL con- crete patsing uithin styeet right- 9f-1eA, to be nade after aLL exea- oating canplete & forn uot'k & sub- base matertal in place. linal - h1ten abctse i.tens are eanoleted azd uhen Cer.tclition is canplete'or strue-ture noued and. prer,rises cleanteC up. W0)DST),,.E: Aftet installation is atttpleted. CURB & APPROACH APPON: Afte? fonnsee erecteC but prior to pour.ing cotlcrete. Eleetrical Ccmneetion - Bloeking, set-up and plwnbing conneetions m;st be apprcxec before tequesting electrtcal inspeetion Aeeessory BuilCirg Pirnl - Aftar pcrehes, slcirting, decks, etc. are eonpleied.ETREPLACE: Pri,or to plaeira facinqtnct;;l;C and before |"r"i"s l,i"p"L- tlon. t\r' FRA-!'!ING: l4ust be requeeted after. appnooal of rough plwnbing, electr"i-cal & neehanical. AL! roofing bnacing & ehinmegs, ete. rrust be ' eonpleted, lto wz,k ts to be eon-. eealed until this inspection Lns I bee.n nad.e anC approtsed. IACE: hthen eonplete -- PtooiCe gates or nooable sections through P,A.E. \4 ALL pnoject eonditions, such as the installation of street trees, coryLetion of the requined Landseeping' etc,, rmtst be eatisfied befoTe the BUfLDIN? FIllAt can be requested. at\ PINAL B.UrL_DING: The Pinal Building Inspection mtet be requested after the Final plunbing Y/ Electrical, and. ilechanical fnspections hale been nade atd'approued. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJaSTltEilt rO BE I,LADE LT NO CCS? ?O Cny Pege 1 of 2 ,' ! Siqned: JOB NO. Zone: Building Permtt State Iotal Clwrges Iotal IotaL SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Beiroons: Sources Date Paid: I L'7'3" -- Fzes -- Building Vqlue & Permit This perwit is granted on the erp"ess condition tlnt the said.eonstraction stnll-, in aLL rbspects, conform to the Crdinance adopted lU tte city 2fSpringfield, i-neluding the Zoning Crdinance' regulcting the ecnstructicn od, use of buildings,'cnd mey be suspended or teuokeC at cny t'lme upon uic- Lation of dnA prcoisions of said 1rdinances. * Reeeipt #:3s Signed: Electricql Permit Where State Lan requires that the electrieal uork be done by an Eleetm)cal Contz,actor, the electrtcal portion of this permit shall rot be oalil util the Label lns been sigaed by the ElectricaT. Contracto". f HAW CAREFULLY ELAI,|INED tle conpleted applieation fon perrnit, dnd da ?ez'ebg certify that aLL information hereon is tvae and eoruect, and. f furtker eertify that any ard aLL aork perforned sVnLL be done in aceor- dance tlth the 1rdinences of the city of Springfield, and the Laxs of the* State of oregcn pertaining to the aork Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt, No )cCU- PANCy vLLL be nnCe of cnA st"uctute rtithout permission of the Building N-oision. f furthen certifE that otly contracto?s ad, ezplcyees uho ate in eonpliance uith 1RS 701..055 uiLL be used on this projeet ,t {",c,*.xr-'44L,'1 -/-{7T Lot Faces Setbacks Df House Ca"aqe Access. North Ran East -South F).7,?*a@. bt Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Ccuerage_ # of Stories FTG xI?EM Value Total Height Topogruphy LCT TWE _ Intericr Cormer Pctthandle CUL-de-sae West thin C,eaae Caz,port 270 /az-'o Acceasorlt TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c -5e Plumbing Perrnit No pe"eon shal.L consttuet, instalT-, alter ot elwnge ailA ned cr ecisting pluntbing ot dtainage syst*lt 'Ln tthole or in patt, unless such petson is tle legal pbssessor of a ualid plwnbet's License' eccept tlnt a Pe"sonnag do pltmbing uork to propert7 uhich is ottned' Leased or operated by the apPli- cant. N0.TLL CEARCE * ;;a Fi.Etu"es Resid.znti-a.L (1 bath) Saser Plwnbing Petrit State ITEM NO.FEE CiIARGE Res. Sa. ftq Nao/Ertend. Circutts Ianpa,ay Setoiee NC FEE llcodstooe 4 Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fot Erltanat ilood ,S PermLt Issuanrce Mechanicel Pemnt -- ENCROACHI"IENT -- Seetlritg Deposit Storage Maintenance Perrrit Cv?bcut Si.da,talk lence tleetrieal la.bel Mobi.le Hane TO?AL ITMOUN? DUE: */7 0'Siane-d Date /.) ao Total CTarqes State $ttehan'qe W