HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1980-01-24POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE jog looness: 795 ortore Eugene coNsTRUcTloN PERMIT # Lc-82-80 TRs, TL: 17-03-22.1.3 { 9400 subdivi.ion: c'aoe Far[ vLllage' Lot 5' Blcok 5 This permit for the relerenced property is hereby approveal. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must b€ strictly observed. Violation can resuli in revocation of this permit, citaiio; ;naer provisions of Lane County's lnlraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law Telephone: 747-LgBg Telephone: Telephone: ,rstruction approved by this permit:Box-wood-I,Ioodsrove-Dutch l,Iest rndla Ltd., <r"o{t!933rrt.) rcBo /t 3518 Structures noril on Property: dweL1-1ng Water Supp + Bedrooms:na +Plumbinq Fixtures: na +Employees: na Applicant/Address: Stanley E. Davis, same as above Owner/Address: s€lme Contractor/Address: same Contractor's OS * I Total Construction Value: n Zoning: na Partitioning + na Parcel +* na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: na side exterior: na ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line: na Special lnstructionsi na Parcel Size ; centerline of road, naPLANNING DIVISION For information call 687-4394, Carol WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + na lnstallation specif ications: na nslineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: na Special I nstructions: none Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' gal. min. septic tank caPacitY; between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.na ' l:acks .e?ior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield--lo- 10' 10' 100'For information call na CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION rvpe or constructioh..i;* ,r".9i?H1i.o'R!f"* bF.iq.iz":[ir"a .*altry'?Slf3''Jf$53#" ,irh iEB6"53X".n"lnstructions' woof;t?::""1?::?**" ch are enelosed. i.rorE: Read rhe insraltation inst,ructions carefuLly before installing the stove. Call for an inspection after the unit has been installed. For plans information call 68 For inspections (see back of this between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jirn Larnb call 687-4065 between 8:00 a'm. and 5:00 p.m. 7-37 67 permit) hne county Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 Off Game Farm Rd. ' at corner of Partridge and Quole 01-24-80 DE,ARTMENT oF ENVTR.NMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By: JSS/lky 0!r--- ,lll Narne fot APP1.acal5-on ll a 7-' TYPe of Construction GrouP Fire Zone Use Classification \IOBK SHESI Consttuction Petslts & InspectLorl Da te J1 gna ture 7 4-L64 ro RF 'rypEn oN pFRMrr: \rjonr'_<Tovr, lLlsT{LL,4It^^} st*A, r Rg lt\t.vkl,LED ,l {, DA H OREGON LOT NO oftrBo9?4$4 :.5 BLK 5]^ tsLDGS 001 .FE:g DfiYS.. 1s.oo f 0"64) r5^60 nH[ LANH Ct]U},ITY T'8F,1' ENV. APPL TCANT DAV].S, STANLEY ,^.T!* t ?033?{ S094O0 SUBDMAT'IE FARtf ..:NEt, BLDG TYFE USE ft NCI BDRHS._l:conr Appt No AcrInN DrscnrplroN .'-[rF' ."FP-Hp ":]T'P ,ttl"' OO NCI UNITS OO1 NO STOftIES Sfi FT UNIT {:N$T VALilATIUN HGT'RECEIPT # ADDR 795 ORIOLE, V I LLA6E TISBO EIJGENE LO N0. 8?80 t,S FIXTURE.S: BOX t,0OD NU.$'1... fiEcH CONNEI]TilRS: I,IECHANICAL. FEE TTA 1'E r'tlRCl-lAltGtr TILAN IHECK T EE 5. OO H.ACH 47; t\Y ENVl.l TOTAL FEE** ,f uR PCK .sIFrl AI(EN TiY ELEV ADDR COT,IF.LETHD BY fiFt CAD t,PC PLAN Fr:' Et Affidav it: I ' If this aPPl ication is for an agr cu tura bu i+.o*e1:Edki t_l Lr ifd.b.l/:/ herebY certifY that th 1ding it wi11 be used for es al I owed bY 2 is information 'is true and accurate' the State Building Code and I owi ng 1ega1 interest i ntheP ropertY o'lder of an exclusive oP tion to purchase i .ETOARTIIENT OF ENVIRONI4ENTAL I4ANAGEMENT^' ose.-tzs Ensr BTH AVENUE'"iierni, oREGoN e74ol Job Address 17 erl OLL Lt ApPl icat'ion for Structures nov,, on the ProPe +*me t**n,C}.frt** i rty I have pu rpos t-he f o1 and for no other Purpose h Lane County Code r 10 (zoning con tract Pu the er , who is Enoill6-dgeaul e 'lessee 3r=rf;FPt i f,e*Q dr. Date [1 mail ChaPte record rchaser;cation. z1 '740 X owner-----du1Y of authori to no r e S i gnature/Address l,ihen Owner permi Contractor Contractor' s If Commerc ia'l Residential: # of emPloyees *irofifiu,ttt:i'.--------.--- $$Siii I Existins' BP # /l ProPosed' SI # 6 Phone 7 t47 /77 Va]uati on tec or i ephone t-t APPI i cant [/ 0wner t_l Contractor lXr z1 7-1 Plumbing bYN Urri,f*.ffi i#.i::Sfi,.ffn+gr,i N phone iE[eiffi $ bTotal Va.l uati on $( eachv( each Subtotal $ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of 0ccuPancY at dL Parcel # 'int $Qls-ro $ t_l Received bY. lrJater SuPP'lY Proposed =- Year Instal'led PERMIT PROCESS ING Zone Existing .--- t $ $ TOTAL Parcel Size Part. #rearttside Minimum setbacks fron Comments To be typed on Permit CP&I TYPe To be tYPed on Permi t For plans i nformation call (a +t ion to site By Da te Da te Phone Fire Zone Use Classification Hold Sl iP to PCC Permit Control C.enter /Z By i nspec tor ) set( s )-. - set(s) Da te Date to PCC /-/ slFo Pla rL{CP&1 I /WPC /7 Planning /-/ Public l'Jorks |/ Elevation /-/ n/a /7 Address l-/ Facil i tY Permi t /-/ Environmental Health CP& i |,lPC Date Requi red Comol etedf-z FoRlNFoRl'lATi0Naboutprogressofdourapplicationcall C74.L7L 687-HELP ( SI test holes readY lffittiiffi \,,-rd JOB ADDRESS POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +I Subdivision: ', !TRS, TL *L' This permit for the referenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions ol approval must be strictly observed, Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lnfraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. tn9 Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit Water Supply: Total Construction Value Telephone Telephone Telephone # Bedrooms a + Plumbing Fixtures + Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + ;r Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: n*r Parcel Size na ; centerline of road, na For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection + lnstallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: Special lnstructionsi : ,: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks nterior property lines Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainf ield-_lo-- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERIVIITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction:Group Use Classification lnstructions: For plans information call between B:00 a.nr. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. toodstos. ,^Eotsll"et{on tFt+r1 ba lart: rf,grs lnrt*llntlon l"&strru€tto{ts vhiel oEESAtry 1S aesl onrloscd. $OtBr ttEao f lls lane countyDirections to Site: Date lssued: c55-13 , 8E eor luole DEPABTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 LI By 6l!' - 1 Fire Zone: SITE INSPECTION APPRov E D Reuanx s Dt sapPnovro Dare I Nspecron FOUNDATION I NSPECTION APPRov E o Reuanx s D r s appnovro Dare I Hsprcton I.RAM i NG I NSPTCT ION Appnovro D DrsAppRovED D Rrttanx s Date I wsprcron LAI'H OR SHEITROCK AP PRov E o Rrlrlnx s INSPECl ION Dr sappnovro Dar r I usprcton F I I.IAL I NSPECT ION APPRovEo D Drsappnove, D Date I rusrecron RruaRxril ?JA l.r lQlo S--4r0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Reaov ro lssuE RruaRx s D Nor Rreov ro lssue D Drre_lxseecron_ Lane Countg Date: 08-Jan-1990 STANLEY DAVTS OR OCCUPANT 3233 ORIOLE STREET SPRTNGFTELD, OR 97 477-7562 SUB.TECT: WOOD BURNING APPLIANCE PERMIT APPLICATION NO. BP 82-80 Your pemit applieation for a wood burni-ng appliance has expired. Eachperrnit issued by the building official, under the provisions of theBuilding Code (Oregon State Mechanical Specialty Code) shall expire bylinitation and become null and void if the work authorized by suchpermit is not conmenced within 1-80 days from the date of such permit,or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned atany time after the work j-s commenced for a period of J-go days. Nopermit shall be extended more than once. [Sec. 303 (d) OSMC] Section 305(d) OSMC states: trlt shall be the duty of the person doingthe work authorized by a permit to notify the building official thatsuch work is ready for inspection.rl rn addition, section 303(c) osMC, says: "The j-ssuance of a permit orapproval of plans, specifications and computations shal1 not beconstrued to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of anyof the provisions of this code or of other ordinance of thejurisdiction. rl Recentlyr dD agreement was made between Lane County and the cities of Eugene and Springfield resulting in the creation of an ,Urban Transition Area'where the respective city codes apply as well as theState of Oregon Building Code. Since the cities and Lane County utilizethe same state of oregon Mechanical specialty code, the sectionreferences listed above apply in all jurisdictj-ons. If your address is within a city Urban Transition Area or within thecity Iimits, You must make application for any anticipated permitactivity fo! a wood burning appliance (or other activity) witn yourcity'building department,. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have questions or feel you needclarification, please feel free to call me at 687-4466. Roger McGuckj-n Building Official, Lane County LANDMANAGEMENTDIV/PUBLICWORKSDEPT. / l25EAST8THAVENUE / EUGENE,OREGONgT4Ol t(503)6S7-4061 tFAX#(503)6S7-3947