HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-03-059t#gfuir*tGZt)POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE UqB,PL JOB ADDRESS Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS + Construction approved by this permit: Water Supply: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT +r TRS, TL: Sugivision: This permit for the refeYenced property is hereby Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lntraction Ordinance, and/or other remedie6 allowed by law. Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Total Construction Value + Bedrooms + Plumbing Fixtures:+ Employees PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: Partitioning + Parcel + Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: side exterior: ; interior property lines: ;rear property line: Special lnstructions: For information call 687-4394, WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site lnspection # lnstallation specifications: lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special lnstructions: gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks I ntEiior property lines Edge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' Drainf ield--10- 10' 10' 1 00'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CONSTRUCTION PERMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: I nstructions: Group Fire Zone For plans information call between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m Directions to Site: Date lssued: c55-1 3 lane county DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SEBVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 By o I Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, ( \ Use Classification: i 7I S ITE INSPECTION APPRov E D REua nx s DI SAPPROVED Dare I Nspecton TOUNDATION INSPECTION APPRov E o REMARK S D r saepnoveo Dar e I Hspecton FRAMI NG APPRovEo Reuanr s I NSPECT I ON D DrsappRove o e/Dare I NSPEcToR LATH OR SHEETROCK I NSPECT I ON Dr sappRoveo I xseectonAPPRov E D REM ARK S FINAL INSPECTION APPRov E o Reuaax s DrsAPPRovEo Drr e I xspecron CERTIF!CATE OF OCCUPANCY Rceov ro lssuE D Nor Rerov ro lssuE Reuanxs Dare I Hspecron D D Dore- ( rl" /, -. -1 <^ Vlclnlty Hap N Job Locatloo Permlt il Permlt Perult )TRS,. TL Lot For Perntt #For Pernlt #For Pernlt t-ForPlcrt Plan For For Subdivision I Block ') ,l I It, 1- I I I I I 1 ,t ,/" ()-) i -7_1' T_)- l. I I I 8{:' I I l i I I 1 I -l Lane 13-Mar-1990 AI,AN JONHSON OR CURRENT OWNER3155 oRroLE EUGENE, oR 97477_7586 RE: PERMTT #429-79 1LP_lIgANr/owNER: Ar,AN roNHsoNCONTRACTOR: A. ,fonnson -' ADDRESS JOBSfTE: gf55 OrioLeDATE oF rSSUE: s trarch-iizgTypE oF pERMIT: n"=iJ"nliat accessory Building This letter is.youR NOTrFrcATroN that the.above listed buildingpermit has extrli""a u"a-i= ,,...nuti--""a void...r, per oreg,onBuilding code s""ii."r,-s6j, f at tossscl . section 30s rb) , osssc, states rrrt sha11^b" ifrg autr of the person*itg' :l".ffi ;i= :!Fiik:l= ;i":";:;ri:, ::,::tifl . the bu i ia i,,! -- - -" our records indicate that the rast activity on this project is inexcess of more than on" v"ar ago. The ';...iiiur"iTinl"tion andapproval 0f arl buildingi c stiuctui"=....,,^rgg.rired-prior to foroccupancy as required rf secti;;-;;;-i;), osssc. Recentlyr €lD-agreement was made between- Lane county and the citiesof Eusene and Sprinsii"iJ-r"=,r:.tins in"tn"-'"=J#i;; l, .r, ,urbanIil:"3t:i:""?'3:""X16*rlll";;::iiiY"i""itv ;il;-;;;i, .= wel, as ff your address is within the Urban Transition Area, dDy permit;:f]ffi:*:: '"=t re maae- to vour respecrive city r,,irai,q When applying for a_ new pgTi:., you may brlng this letter, as arecords referral, along iritt the-"or"iir"tioi ao"rrrlit=, i.e.,prans, details, "!"., irra-.rry previo.r= do"rrents related to permit#+zg-zg to your city' ,r"irAi"g-d"p"ifi"it,. Roger I'IcGuckin Building official cc: file Springfield Building DePt' / LAND MANAGEMENT DIV.'PUBLIC WORKS DEP'' / 125 EAST STH AVENUE / EUGENE' OREGON 974O-I ' (5O3) 687-4061 / FAX # (5O3) 6S/'3947 (!!',l.tDrnrgo FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Two Copies of Plans Three Copies of Plot Plans Mech/Plumbingr Checklis t Legal fnterest Document !ef"r, Check fnfo Sheet Applica Permit STRUCTURES CURR.ENTLY ON PROPERTY ^"*43 //,3 TAX LOT OUT OF ,PARCEL BLOCK / CITY ztPADDRNSS PROPOSED USE OE PROPERTY XLReside-ntia1 f]commercial I ndus tr ial f r,-,uri. I wo oJ sJ-^c- DECI,ARED S VALUE OE- BEDROG{S -' I # OF STORIES3ll # OP EMPLoYEES - SUPP Proposed xi s ting TELEPHONE NUMBER 74?-L ^ \ 2TELEPHONE NL]MBER PiR.!1 NAME s(Or> AND OSR TELEPHoNE I'MMBER SIGNATURE C f:rther F"iu: I HAVE EXAMINEDCAREFULLY THE COMPLETED FORAPPLICATION PERM IT ce rti thatdoandhe reby fy all fomatIN on 1Shereon uetr correctand and th I nterest INthe1egal thefollowing ofrtyprope record;con!ract rpurchase authorized wlagent evidencerh of authori attachetyce rti that and aI1fyany work fome dper fndone accordance therh Ordinance Laneof Cou theand Laws ofty the teSta o onOregrtai.ni theLo dework dscri-bepeng herein thatand NO OCCUPANCY bewill ofmade stxuctureany thoutwf th of thepemrssaon D.i on urBui ldingcetherrtithatrhwafyregis tration Builderthe fBoard forcefull eand ctffe AS oRs 70 055requiredby Ithat e thexempt forbasis xe npti on1SnotedheonreandthatonlymdsubcontractorswhoenployeesINarethcompliance055'loL wl be edUS on this ct I READHAVEprole ANDTHICHECKXDAPPI,ICATION THOROUGHLY NAME (pLease t> Parce]' Size rear fl lr,oooplaru 'In flood hazard area?YEs, SEE ATTACHED SHEET. Installation Record rssued? [ v"" I N" Date: l.rate: ilul No # ,fr tr SANITATION: s. I B. P. # COI'j.I.1EI.ITS : col"t\ENTs READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY I pr,aunrllc/zoNrNG: zone Minimurrr Setbacks, cL, front Partition # c", .id" Parcel # interior Date: Date: caIlon Tank Maximum Depth of Trenches InstaLlation Specifications: TOTAL VALUATION $ tE FeDescriptionSq. e k Fee te Surcharge DEQ Surcharge TOTAL FEE S s $ s $$ ,/ LANE COUNTY DEPABTMENT OF P UBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMEN 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 DATE T DlvtstoN, 687_4061, SEE REVERSE F'OR INSPECTION INFORMATION 7 (if 4pplicable))l Uao-e-I I ) ffi#?/',{:EIX,fi,L/.J n PLANS COM.TlENTS Lineal Feet of Drainfield . \"-:,. t I t SETBACKS AND OTHER CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. CATION OF THIS PERMIT, CITATION UNDER PROVISIONS OI LANE COUNTY'S INF REMEDIES ALLOWED BY LAW vroLATroN cAN RESULT ru Rnvol RACTION ORDINANCp,, AN,D,/OR .OTHER WHEN READY FOR INSPECTIONi. CALL 68T:4065. @N.---nE7E-EhETorof inspection, when it wiII be ready, your : A, !,IINIMUM OF AT LEAST 2 loq^ri.hd .Information ready name and phone number, 4 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE ,FOR INSPEC- r p"i.il-""*u'a., ' iobl address, type and any specJ-al directions to site. .. 1 BUILDING DIVISION REQUIRED INSPECTIOT.IS : 2 il L Foundation Inspection: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected and when aII *ffirffi"dationaredeIiveredonthejob.Whereconcretefromacentra1mixing plant (commonly termed "transit mixed") is to be used, materialP neep not be on tfre'job;,. ,. ". concrete slab or under-Floor fnsPection: -llo be made after aII in-stab or under-floor building #d#.fr...ip*#tffiiffi."."9s6ries,-.,9otheranciIIaryequiDmentitemsareinprace'but berore any concrete is poul;;:;-;i;;'-;;";tiii;s-r;;a"ii6a,'inttuhi''s the subrroor' i Frbmihq\ &' Insulation ,Inbpect'ions: To be made'aftey' the roof ' a'!-I f5atninq' f ire blocRing' "and ':--bracing are l-n place and aII pl-pes, fireplaces, chj.mneys, and vents'are complete and alI rough' electrical ano prumning are approvea. AiI wali insulalio.t and vapor barrier are..'in place' Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: To be made after aII Iathing and qvpsum board' interior anE-exE-erior;;".i"tH"ffiuro'"anyp1asteringis"ppri.a..,6u.roi..sypsui{boatdjoints and fasteners are taped and finished' 4 5. Final InsPe ction: To be made after the building is complete arfii before occupancy. AppRovAL REQUIRED. No work shall be done on any part of the building or structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining the approval of the buildj-ng officiar' such approvar shari u.-gir"" onr-y. after an inspection shal1 have been made of each successive step in the construct1"" ir indicated-by each of the inspections required' No.TE, AII building permits require inspections for the work authorized, such as but not limited to: A. Block waII: To be made after reinforcing is in place, bY!-before any grout is.poured' This Inspectlon is required for each bond beam pour. - There wilr be no approval untir the plumbing and electrical i-rispections have been made and approved' B. wood stove: To be made after compretion of masonry (if appricable) and when instal-lation is Eomplete. rnstalration shalr be in accordance wit-h an appioved, nationalry recognlzed testing ug.rray and the manufacturerts instalfation instructions' c- Mobile Home: An inspection is required.after the mobile home is connected to an approved sewer or septic system for setback requirements, blocking, footing connection' tiedowns' skirting, and plumbing connections' 1. Foot-inqs and piers to comply with state foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recommended bY the manufacturer' '\ 2. Mobire hcme minimum finish floor elevation sharl be certified when required by a frood- plain mciagement letter ' 3. Mobile home tiedowns, when required, and skirting shall be-installed and ready for inspec- tion within at reast 30 days after occup-r"i.--rieaow.,s and skirting shalr be inst-arled per enclosure- D.SwimmingPool:BelowgradewhensteelisinpJ-aceandbeforeConcreteispoured.Abovegrade wEen Poof--iFi nstalled' APPRoVEDPLAI{SMUSTBEoNTHEJOBSITEATALLTIMESDURINGWoRKINGHoURS.THISPERMITWILLEXPIRE rF woRK D.ES Nor BEGrN wrrHrN r8o DAys, oR fF woRK rs suspnuono oR ABAND.NED FoR M.RE THAN 180 DAYS' suspENsroN oR REVocATToN nAy occuR ir inrs pERMTT was isiuuo oN THE BASrs oF TNCOMPLETE oR ERRoNEous INFORMATION. ANYONE PROCEEDING PAST TI{E POINT OT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS WILL DO SO AT THETR OWN RISK' SUryIII4IE AND ALLIRNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEYS: L Permits shall be effective for one year from the date of issuance' 2.Uponcompler-ingtheconstructionforwhichapermithasbeenissued,thepermitholdershallnorify the Lane County Depar;ent of Planning u;;-a"n*unity Development by submitting the installatio,',-t".*a t;rm'- r#-o"piit"tent shiIl i'''tp""t th-e construction to determine if it complies wi.ih the ruies containla'in this division.' rf the construction does comply with such rules, the Department shalr i;;;;. certificate of satisfactory compretion to the permitihorder' rf tlre constrr:ction does not comply with such tt''i"t, t1't o"p'rlment' sha11 notif y the permit holcler anrt shail requrre .."iIil.toiy "o*pt"tior',-L"t"." issuing the certificate' Pailure to meer rhe requi-rements f'r =";;;;;;t;ii ""*'p:'"tion within a reasonable time constitutes a vio- ration "t oii asa-'oos to 454'745 and this rule' Setbackq -,subsurfece Sewage Disposal SeP'tic Tank From: Interigr ProirertY Iines 19: Edge of toua'qig'1.'t-of -waY I0 r Buildinq foundalion 5 r WeIIs, other watbf sources 50' Drainfield c t+-zs 10r 10r 10 ! 100 | bne counLy ACTI .ITY INFORMATION JHEET 6l!l-\I7COMPLETE THIS SECTION. INCOMPLETE FORMS WILL BE REJECTED! I ')Atntl c. @LUg^t N E e MAILING ADDRESS -,2?:g C ITY STATE ZIP CODE 747- 4772- BUSINESS TETEPHONE_?HOMtrTEIEPHONEI-BUSINESS TELEPHONE # HOME TELEPHONE # 2. PROPERTY ADDRESS ( IF DIFFERENT TnO 3 rvtae B FAFTeEL NTJMBEEI ( REQUTRED INFoRMATI0N) (from tax maps in Department of Assessment and Taxationor from tax statement) *#* ## ##-3 /0@d MTAX LOT(S) OR PARCEL # MINSE-IP MNGE SEETION M ZONING MINSHTP MNCE SMTIO"N ffi ZON I NG TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP ACRES 4 SUBDIViSI0N ( if appl jcabte BLocK fL _ 5 REQUEST (state exactly what you plan to do) 6 DIRECTI0NS T0 SITE G,r1^C Fn*.nn PD 70 ,-,lcqXz t) .A^AKA4LD TO C{Zr c- ** FOR STAFF USE ONLY ** ZONE/LAND USE: BY: - DATE:- TIME IN: OUT: NUMBER DATE -{n tJ-, {t- LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION / 125 E. Bth AVE., EUGENE, OR 97401 / 687-4A61 MAITINGIDDRESS-- SPpc D _(X€ Q z4 zt CITY STATE _ -7TP-TOM- LOT II tl AF.F.I..IfiAi{T .JOHN,SON, A[-AN Tr.-+ { 703??{ 310:t00 "sLJrrt}rvNE:I' NIDG TYFE U,ST. R { ll,J}'lf:. fi }.!l'iE: f nnH AF F'1... Nn Afi'f I nll nH-(. f Fi:t F T.t tlN I{ f:' rJF' f{f} Ffi BF, t_At{r::iltlt.ltll'Y nF-Fl' til'lV 1461' F:H:[:E].f'T * ?0,]d'$3 DATt. ANN'H :515:5 NR:TI.-H, "!F'ItINIF:IHI.,.D, I]RHGNN 1.fi'r EDRr.l,S 0 UNrr,S 00r STUhrE,s +HL..DGS 001 FH0NH 747 ADr)rt s'rl r-'T { I 0?fr: IJI..K 4'tJ-:: I.JNTT' N{].ST VAI...I.'AT'IT]N FEH DAYS rL 1.. l.1F:IH "tttFt F.{:H Hrr!'l S,.!F: l:,t:K NN . F'] XT'I.IF:HS t._u ;1046s3 t,,s Nn. F'F,SD,f S:I ftT}NNHCTOItS: MF-CHANICAL FHF. STATI: SURCHAITG[i I.'I.. AN CHE:{:H FEF. F'CK 1 15.00 E:ACH = 4:,{, ) 1 ? " ijtt) t', " r'fJ ,.1 -;r r:.' "l .r I -, Url'l'{l : Al-'P ,:iE.ftt! : {') 'rAK F-N BY r{1...H Tff ?, T{lTAl.- F Hlixx r( t-l H,ST . CnHF l...hT I0N DATH r_]TFt ?4.51 a a E ft')i)rslA f*ee.J Hrz r) lone countyflOLID SLIP fi!r-!- AI'Pt ICATION # I-OCAT I ON 7u,t:gfr - NAME ADDRESS ZIP CODE The above application is being held for the followinB reasons: \,/ Asw l\,Q 3i- tu"toDt L ',-/ zW-*,x':' ^/{"' Jt.lx tlbwrry S:ZE a;r At*eg+t Eg*,n.D LvotL ftaf*pail - I 44ryff1 .1*4W WNq b"4 Lr4ypffiypa fiyg V"qEt tt?.> frl&t Rf,te *aA @ c,t+tt,.t&1 Fe*,Du) YA+ -:;w<r ?1 I'ir-1ur*rrcr-,1 W Lp,Ar;, {d/L fu>t* f.P qtqg ft "reOU W$ tW) &>uhlafal Ate La Tp tre *elruep (f ry 6LA* .* ftet, Iillt/itufr/t . <- F t *+Ir w ? 4u*,4e#4 tuu 7, %n'rotbt J+s4-L34 9W, +/1 $w 1,-dvo)Edti&l SI E A V A ILABLE BY AP POINTMENT ONL Y (NO WALK-rrus)687-406 I E U Th'i s appl i cati on wi I I be hel d unti I above has not been furnished by tha If the information requiredate your appf i cation will be cancelled. 4ll RETURN THIS SLIP I.{ITH THE ABOVE REQUESTED INFORMATION. BUILDING & SANiTATION / PLANNING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I 25 East 8th Avenue / Publ 'ic Serv j ce Bu j 1di ng / Eugene, 0regon 97401 / - (SO: )68l -r,.),,1, '1 TI REF ORIZATION NAME (PLEASE PRINT)TR L#z *24-r* ADDRESS RpplrcRrur (0WNER ( ) REAS ELL I IT APPL I CAT SIGNATURE DATE FEES PAID FOR HASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS (SITE INSPECTIONS AND/OR APPLICATIONS TO INSTALL THE SEPTIC TANK AND DRAINFIELD) ARE ORDINARILY NONREFUNDABLE. SOME REFUND MAY BE ON THE BUILDING, PLANNING, OR PLUMBING PORTIONS ACCORDING TO THE AMOUNT OF THE PERMIT/APPLICATION PROCESSED. FEES PAID % REFUND D ) N) ( %trU % Iw% J!.-w*5b rAllfl) %Flood Plain Fee Building Permit Fee Mobile Honn Fee Plumbing Permit Fee Mechanical Fee Plan Check Fee State Surcharge Fee Septic Disposal Fee Site Inspection Fee DEQ Surcharge Land Use Application Plannjng Director Recording Fees Pa rti ti ons Copies & 0rdinances Surveyors Minus $25. for Processing Fee TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE REFUNDED DATE 24-17 -88/ Ac $ $ - L/; $ $ $ $ $ $ ---n /o $ lo $ /o $lo $ $ $t.l) $ $ S I GNATURE TO DEPARTMENT OF E Bui 'l di ng Permi t Ref und- State Surcharge Refund Septic Disposal RefundSite Inspection Refund Land Use Applications Planning Director Recording Fees Parti tions Copies & Ordinances Surveyors TOTAL AMOUNT RE $ PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: NAME -17 -BB/ 17-t. 42133/P ct.42134/P 42 42120/Prog 42124/Prog . 060 Rece'i. %d Recei . /c#xecei L6o Recei. 660 Rece'i. boo Rece'i Recei pt pt# p pt# pt# 7 / Acct.0 I 17 -88/21 060 060 060 010 Prog.Recei p P p p 4-17 24-17 5 74/Prog 1 9/Prog 44451 /Prog. Recei p Rece i p ADDRESS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISI0N / Prrblic Works Dept. / 125 E. 8th Ave., Eug. 0R 97401 (503)687-4061 PERMTT nja/AXf ol lo_---q b Hf/ lt POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE JOB AODRESS639 orlol.' Eutoc' (n. CoNSTRUCTION pEBMtT + t,'{.zg-tg TRS, TL: l7-O3-22-l-3 lL l0r500 Subdivision: c.rblrd Vtll.t., 2!d .ddLt ll, ELcL 12 This p€rmit for the referenced property is hereby .gt tovqlo Setbrcks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's lntraction Ordinance, and/or other remedie6 allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Alan Johneoa, 639 Orlole, Eugene, OR 97401 * Owner/Address: a& Contractor/Address: na Contractor's OS +r na Total Construction Value: $IO0O.OO Construction approved by this permit Nev roof on garege and prt door oo. Strructures rou on property: houee, # Bedrooms:Water Supply: na Telephone: 7474722 Telephone: Telephone: gAfageo tre + Plumbing Fixtures DE + Employees:ne PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: ''"Partitioning + Da Parcel +* na Parcel Size ; centerline of road, na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front side exterior: a ; interior property lines: na ;rear property line Special lnstructions: nonc DA na WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION For information call 687-4394,KeLler Site lnspection +t na lation specif ications: n8 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches Special I nstructions:mne Septic Tank 10' 10' 5', 50' n.e gal. min. septic tank capacity; DA Setbacks-'teiiffiroperty lines -rge of road right-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources Drainfield-T0-- 10' 10' 100'For information call between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,,ro CONSTRUCTION PE RMITS/INSPECTION DIVISION Type of Construction: 5il Group: R3 Fire Zone: 3 lnstructions See bacl of peruLt for requlred lnapectlon lnfor:nation. Use Classification SFD/Gar reood For plans information call 6gl-3?61 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., Jtn LnbFor inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and-5:00-prn-. hne countyDirections to Site: Date lssued: 03-05-79 c55- 1 3 Fron Belt Llne turn south oato Garrefatlo l{est on Mallard, north on Orlole" DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 0!' - BY: Haae Etrltn/Uf fiE Rccelpt I ,lob Address Tornshlp. Rangc, Sectlon, Tat Lot -_ Subdlvlslon App) ication for Structures now on the property loroporrd ucc of property: M 3 Rartdtntl!'l 17 Coonrcrchl DEPARTTIENT OF ENVIRONI.'IENTAL ITANAGEMENT PS8, l?5 tAST STll AVINI't EUGENE, OREGON 9740I Ci ty Lot Arrlgrcd !$cn 8l ock L ndustrlr /-/ hrblfa {ll:!cv]-!t, 6YAvJ -:tr>t/ rw-<r)4 I f thi s app'l ication i Lane County Code Chap owner of reco---duly authori z s for an , hereby certify that thls informatlon is true and accurate. l-pEase prmTI- agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Bulldl ng Code and property: to purchase; ter l0 (ing) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal-interest in therd;t purchaser;I essee ;holder of an excluslve opti on ac who is Inowi edSeaul e of-TfiI!-ffi I ication.r 5 l gna ture/Address Tel e Nhen permit is ready noti i,rner Con trac tor Contractor's 0SRl Ll-A, 2- or Date licant /-/ Orner l7 Contractor !a: {rafl /-/ pnone z1 Phone Phone Pl umb'lng by If Conmercial: , of itorlcs Resldential: f of bedroom SI test holes ready Fcc Lot e. # of employees _ I of unltr .4.SOS:Exlsting, BP # LJ Proposed, 5l t _ thlr . Oescrl ptlcn 0+t/ Sq, Ft. orI of Sttcl Valuation Fee /- $ Total Valuatlon: Plumbtng flxturer at Sarer/xatcr conn. at 4X State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy $$ z!(casrr 1t Cncct t $ $ Su lbtota'l TOTAL each $ each $ Recei ved $ t g /d,rct PERMIT PROCESSING Minimum setbacks: Connrents To be typed on it CP&l Ty pe.sLl To be typed on permit E> Fire Zone 5 Parcel #_ Parcel 5i i nt. Date Use Classification Zone t, front Part, rl t, sro rea r By Group rur4o? By Ior plans jnformation c Di s to site a ins tor l_ / stF0 f ceu /l / iJPc Plans to: CP&l set(s) I'IPC - set(s) Da te Requ i red Hold Sl ipto PCC Date toDate*Y'2202 )'j>E /7 Planning /-/ Public llorks / / Elevation /-l nla I Address f / F acil l ty Permi t /7 Environmental Health (q1 z-Da te Phone C74-L7 L L{..,WilA I Job Locatlon (Add Pertrlt ,l Pernl Ell Permi t. lt TLTRS,For Permlt /l Permlt Pennit For Plot Plan For For For For Subdivision Lot Block I 7 a { ( i# ,,"t\nc( "l_ 33 t c74 - 150 Vlcintty Map N L 7 -{- I F 5( r l I I