HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-11-03El\q*aaEeNmffi*l.6..*, .. RESIDENTIAL.." APPLTCATION/PERILIT 225 Nor.th Sth Street SprLngfield" Oregon gZ4ZZ Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 #O a17ua llll Y Date: DEMOLruIO!'] Sanitatg setser ccpped et pnopenfii line Septic tank p,t,rped and filted wi.th gra;teZ Mobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing eonnee*ione -- aau)e? otd. aalen Electrical Ccnnection - Blocking, eet-up and_ plunbing connections mtst bb appoorsZdbefore requesting eleelrieal i.nspebiion Accessotn; Buitding Firnl - After pctehes, ekirting, decke,etc. ue eompleted. SPFII\lGFTELD Ceneral L It ie the reepon*ibility of ile perwit hotd,erJ.Y -tJt! etreet., ard tlwt the peht eard, ia*Building D,ioicion aVproxed pthi in tl1Z^i* to aee thdt all inaoectiotts ee nad.e at the proper tine, that ecch --d,tnees ie reqcohletocated at the fttttt of the orooertuon the Building Site at aLL'tihes." ffi#;:}W.i:x?".Ftr,,:;:,*Z,Zm'Zf-l,Zu,ffi!;:',r2LZf,"iZ:""iiZ:,.,';iZo7.,;b"h'*ill be made the edte day' ";A;;;;"^Li oj*, z,oo-o, ari be-nade the nest uorking'd.ay. 7e *tnrk ie couet,ed. requirc4 uapor bcriera @e in placebut_before ory Lath, Wpslnn boarC or LnLL 9oue?ing is applied, and beforeoty insulation is concealed. SITE INSPEC?ION eceauation, but forms nade Ll \ No to. these inspections lnue been and approoeC. ?o be nnde aftet, pt ior tc set up of Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nunber fs: be after a Laticn Loeation, bondor oerticals in U,B.C. Section FO-QTING & FOUNDATICIT: To be tmCeayter trenehes a?e escatsated and. forms. ote ereeted, but ptior topoul.tnS ecncrete. Wwn,w.qrffi,WII|A}E: ro be maCe piior-to-fiT_Lirg treneh-ee. 92!8!Lo0!_!t lME r!! & MECttANrcAL :'1o be nnd.e prior to installation of floor inaulation or deeking, ?o. be made prioz' to floor insulation or VO2DSTO||E: After iwtallation ieccrnpleted. l-9 DRY\.ALL INS?ECIION: ?c be made 14 after att a-rAiii-is in pLa,ee, - but prior to any taping. Final - lfiten abcoe itens are canpleted.and uhen Cer.tolitton is eornplete br s*\c-ture noued and. premises eleaneC up. MASONRI: Steel beans, grouting aceord.orce wLth 2475, CURB & APPRCACH AppON: After formsee ereeteC but. prior to pourtng con-cy,ete. SIDE\IALK & DRfVE't"tAy: Fop all eon-cr-ete pauing utthin street right-af-MA, to be nade after aLL -eeea- ttating axnplete & forn utork & sub_ base material in place.EIREPLACE: Pr.iot to placira faeinomatertala and before fronini tn"pnl_xlon. uFRA|IINC: I'tust be z,equested afterapproval of nough plwrbing, eiectni_cal 8 mecVnnical. nLL robfing bnaeing &- ehinmeys, etc. nast" beeompleted. No uork ie to be con_.cealed until this inspeetion ltae been nade anC approoed- ?ENCE: gatee P. A.E. hthen eonplete -- prottiCe ot' mouable eectione thtough ->4| )l rram zLUMBTNI L4 I 4 FINAL MECHANIIAL U4 ffi rinir, ELE:TRTIAL tq ALL p-roiect conditions, such as the i.nstallation of stteet trees, co:rpletion of therequired Lancsecping' ete, ' mtet be aatisfied befot,e- tie aui-ioinb FrNAL ean be requested. PilIAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Building rnapeetion ntuat be requeated aften the Final plunbingElectrieaL, and. Mechanieal rnspectZo"o'n"iL u"n ^LaL- ii-irr"i"A. -l Job tocation: Aaseeoors Map #?c,t Iat #'t1) Subdittision: A.mer: PhoneAddress:2 O<'6 Describe ly'ork:II Date of AppL icatian voue /fo z> ->a L a> Additian *ALL I4ANECLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?ITEIII TO BE I44DE AT IIO COST TO CW Page 7 of 2 Constmtetiott Lender bo( \ (age z JoB NO.5 2a8/g;ot ? ACcEss REe.- ?otal L-CO * Bedroons: f HAW CAREFaLLy EXAMTNED the compZeted. application for permit, and. d.ohereby certifa tha.t atl ;"1.r-"tiL"-;;;.;i"r r" t_rue and cornect, and. rfurther certifv that any "ra^ "!t "."i-izii"r-ed. srnrl be done in accor-d/tnce ."rLth the ondinanci" o1 try cttj.L|''si";yf1Ja, ;;d1;; io* o1 ,nuState of Oregcn pentaintng to the uoik b.slribcd henein, and that No OCCU_PANCv r'lilz be tace of a\u st?uctuae uithout permiesi,on Lr tii'ilataing DL-ulslon' r funthen cet'.tiiv that otly "onlii.rton" "ra ""p1.i.z""irho or. incazplianee aith oRS zol.oss u;.tl tr"u"ei-Z) onru ppoJect /:3t: Int Facee - DT House Accesa th I of lot Couerage fnteriot, Cor.ner PanhandLe CUL-de-sac { of Stories ?otal Eeight Iopography - Lot Sq. Ftg.LOT ?WE t x -- Fees -- Vq.Lue 4 TOTAL VALUE S.D"C. l.S x ca4r Date Paid Building Pennit ?otal Clwgea State Building Volue & permit rlis -pernrtt ia granted on th_e erpz,ess coruJition that the said constrttctiehalZ, in all reaoects, confonn to the Oriinance adopted 6y the City ofspringfiezd, inchdinq- tn-" 2"ii"i- c"ii"Z)ZZ, n.gutating the ccnstzttcticn?!,1r" of buitding_s," ord ^ry t,r" ,"rlZr1.1 o, reuokec at cny tim. ,pon ILatton of any ptcuisiona of Laid. odina;;;s- ) NO TLL Stgned: CHARCE SA Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani -> No pereon slnll consttuct, inatal?., alter ot, clnnge_ang ne, cr eristingplunbirq or drainaae sye-t-,n in uraie ot'-in part, unlese sueh person ie thlegal posees"on oi o uLua pt"riir;; 1;";;"., e,,cept that a p..r"o, nay dooffil,r", aork to property ,hi.h i" i*Lil"i.o""d. on opetatei by tne applt * rStateSutchatge Plwnbing pertrit Plumbing Permit Neu/Ettend. Citcuits Set"uice ? 3 FtrP were state Lan neauires tha.t the electrieal uork be done by an Erectricalcontractar, the etictrtc"t-p""lion-o:ititz*p"r^t.t shall not be uazid. untilthe Label has been sisned 17 liZ- iiLt*iJZL, cont o.tor, IotaZ u * Ll Electrico I Perm it CIIARCE *D. Eslmnat llood Vent Pot I aE->' llcodstoue 54. Permtt' f saudl,ce Mechanical pernrit h Mechonicol permit Permit Curbcut Sidaralk Nobile Eone TOTAL A!,!OUN? DIIE: *f.63a * Signed ti-stttpes v 4