HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-03-02ilt I_t ?/Lu4* I .'RE5TDENTIAL.' C OME IN A! I ON APPLI C AfiO N / PWJLIT 225 North 1th Stueet Springfi,e&, Oregon 97477 Building Diuieion / 40-o / a6 + SPRINGFIELD /70 500 20 5 )D fute: 1-0L'3 5Ta Iat ll iob Locaticn: Subdittision: A'seaso?s lidD il 3550 OtL€k.' l >f ,Aaen: -cs tAdrees:Pltone: -1 Dcc,qlbt 0lotk: //J 57717/- Sovt>t- f.-Akru-nca hA>urcG - aotrn- 0eq&Dc lfbT w/f|E7t* glstE>- , Date of Applia?Lort_Value ldditicn [?,- Cont?acto?s Addrees Zrsc-Znirzs Gsneral -ulc ET,ectrical )!echciczl Constmtction Lc?td.? It is the reapowtbility of tle pertrit io6a. tu eea;lat aLL inspecttow, cpe t;ad,e at tlo prqs tine, that ecch,;ilteda ia vea,fu.bte fuan the street, @rd, trat the p*nrit ced ie Located at tfu fzont of the ptqettg..1uiUin4 Diuicintz qzot:eti ;l^ot sla,Ll rcttin on ,le BuiUrsE Site at all zinea. PA\|ED!?,E !9R rlsw;Ior EEAWST, ,otl*TnorUl'state yo1/? citg ,leailgrwted job turber, iob n),1-eee, t'gpa of inspecticn @gavfotirtPectioll,Co|t"actaleila,ltera-,a,,e-o,,d,plonerulb*.-.2equeetateceiiedbeJ.cle-7:oo6ll.,il,L be nafu thf aane d4, ?oqwlts ncde afto 7i00 6n ttLZT'bb rud,e tlu n*t wking dag. ?emiterl lnmce;tcns B?.bl 1loYou, City Dee4wtd Job lftorbrl Is:. DElQ0;ifrcil AR Y)r:t 3'J-IL:::|CS l:l l Sodra.! ea,tell cqpei :t $opa*i Line Septic totk pzitttped d. filiad, sith gzanel linal - ,,',then cbcve izena ee eqqLeted cd uhett !.qtclitzcn ia cornlc=a or stn2c- atte naeti ai p:'atrises c'teotez ug. Nobile ilcnee Blocking od. Set-tg Plutnbit'rg connecticns -- aa)er ad, uater El,ecL:rical Cqneetion - Blcckirq, set-uo od, .ottnbing comectiona r;et Ze q.cra,'e<i befot e reque ating elcc:ri cal ir.specziot- Acceacory BuiHittX Final - After wrehea, skirt'Jng, decl<s, etc. @e e4Lated. lll l l F4e7of2 ?o bc rda fotnd. prtarE*tqof IflSTIUITON /VN.POR SARRJER iIS"lClIOfl : To bt nd,c aft* aLL insulaticn &d, rqrlc.nd uqot b*i*c oe in place hft before ory lath, gypslon boazi or taLL ooxing ia qplied., od. befora oa1 iaulztbn ia cotrcu.Ld.. DRY\IALL IIISPECI!?N: Tc be twd.e aftet aLL drU,nLL ia in placa, but prior to oq tqin4. AWERSLAB PLT]MBING. 9T,E*RICAL & @CXA]rcA!: To be md.e befote oq FOCIZNG 3 E)UNDAT|Cfl: lo be rnd,e @acatatcdod fonn oe erected, bi prtot to pounA cc,aaet3. UIID,RCPNUIID PLATEflG. SgITER.'1,4T9R, DRAfilAGE: To be na-Cc pnot to fil- Ltrq *enchea. WDEP,ELOOR PLAIEIIIG 4 i'IECAANICAL:@orfloor huukttotr, or deeking. POSI AND tsEAl'l: To be nadc ptiot to ffiof ftoor insdarior. or deckitrg. 1OI]GE PLAIBII|G. ILEERICAL 9 :'IECq. AI:IICAL: llo ,o?R La to oe cote:red. ,^n these inspecCa.a harte besn ione ad qrouet. FfPEPLACE: *Lon to plccirq fccLryncterLala od befote ft@ring l.napee- tion. ,PR4!!!1-: I'ttst be reatasted, aft*qptotal of ra,qh phtrbing, electr!- a,L & aecltodcal. ALt toofitt4 bracLry E chi:nttcys, etc. rast becqoleted. llo lprk is to be can- cealed. tntii thia ineoacticat haa'oean nanb oui qnueti. 17 *oqLr: steel 7.ocat'ion, botui, , @gzot zittg ot ,e,,-icc'os tn accotdolce uith U.B.C. Secttoa 2475. fi itooosro'n: Aftet, itgtalTzti-ott ial)@. C,IJRB ,9 AFPRCACE APfuN: AftET fOTmAse etectei but pr.ot a pou,ring conqete. SIDII,IALK & DRT,EIJAI: Fon aLL cotr- ctZte pct:ina tttthin atneet right- of-utcg, f.o be ds aft* aL! ezca- uating eaolete & font wrk E sub- ix,se ratertal in place. B :ENCE: 'irlet aolstc -- Aauiie ffi * rotsable eectiona tittot4;r Dil? pturnrl rJ d , ALl, proiect eatdiltbne, suc!'. a tls tnstallation of saeex t?eea, cc:n!;:ioa o;' ;'e rcqtircd Zotdscqir4, etc., itust be eatisfied before tl,a BUIZDI::C F$IAL :sr be reaueeted. $NAL BAILDINC: Tke Final tsuidnng Inapecfioa mnt be "equeited aflat )he litta! ?'Lmbing E1,ectrical, ad llectrotical fnspeetiona lsva been nade and apptoved. ?TTIAL PLAABIfiG FINAL UECTII,IIICAL IIEAL ELEERTCAL o .ALL :.\ANHCLES AND CLEAII1WS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJIISaIENT !0 9E !,L4DE ,';l N0 C1ST lC CPv tr J2 finJ r LtlP , 4/r> A?L -k<(t- .;'-/ 1'7 T D T il I u tr EtlI tl l I Refener:.ee llunbers L-C1C #Jcb ltunber: 'itnt sq. ftg. % cf Lct Coueraga # of Stories total Eeight iopogrq?tg Bedtooms: LCT ?WE _ fnte*'iot _ Corqe" _ Polltuuile CuL-de-sac -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This per,nnt is granted oa the euPress condition tlat the slnlL-, in aLL respects, confonn to the fudittance adop-ted SprLngfield, inel.uding lhe Zoning Crdinotce, regulating od. use of buildings, ad natT be suapetded ot teoolaC at Tation of dtA prcoisione of eaid }rdir'ancee. sail. constntction by the City of the ccnstnlcticn oty tine upon Buildtng Pawtt Sfute ^OtaL /S*aea Df House Lnt Faces - sq.FIc x Value llain G@dne C@Dott Aceegeo?q TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 c ,l Date Pa':d: {. Siqred: Plumbing Permit No person shall constnot, inatal?.' alter on clwtge dt7 ?Eu-c" eriating pltitibing or dtainage sAstal in altole oz' in pot, unleee eueh petson is tle iegal pbaseeaor of a obltd plunt*'s Lieense, escePt that a ?e_"sol rua q plimbiitg uork to prope"q alvich is outted, Leased or opetated by the qpli- eant. EEE CEARGE { Fizhtres Regtd.entia,L (1 bath) Seuet E,ZD oZ6 Plunbitq PenrLt 9tate -, O-), Electricol Permit Wlere State Lan reEtires WfD nUctrical uotk be done bg ot Electrtcal Contzv,ctor, the electrical pottion of this penrit sha,Ll flot be oalil until tlw 1,abel lae beq, signed, bg the ELecL:t'LcaL Cont?acto". *lotal N a,t,/Ext end, CirctL ta Semsice Mecho nicol Permit Esha,ot HooC Wcodstoue Vent FtL Permit fssu@tce llechanieal Permit -- ENCEOACHI&EIIT -- Sec"u,ittt Dewsit Sto?age llaintetwnce - Curbcut Sidanalk Fence LLectrlcaL LabeL MobiLe Hane IOTAL lOIOUNT DUE:* f MW CAREFIILLY gXildINED tle eontpleted application for pernrit, and cio lereby certify that aLL infotnation hereon is tru.e ctd. correct, attd f f"other eertify that uq ard aLL wz,k perfomred sltall be done 'La aeeor- dance rrtth the }pdinsrcee of the City of Sprtngfield, at1d. the La'ts of the State of }r,egon pertaining to the uo?k CeecyLbed herein, md. thac N0 )ccu- PANCII uiLL be nade of dtA sttucktre wittout perniseion of the Building Dt- uision. I furthet eertif:1 that otLy contz,actors md anrplcgeee aho are in conpliaree aith oRS 701.055 uLLL be used on this ptojeet uate t)7- Signed * ) PLan. Exatrtnet IlEM Pl,nn llhaaL Faa : :lo.?98 C:lARCE firranae PTll'S QO 6Pik E 3z o JTr e. Np l.r -t Fr P o o I D (n f1 c'r F, t D *u nr as \D> irn ;' oFc!>itt o\ l#(x! P ib3nt;\ or IiEv)m t B T t; t< \)c)o ZoI N- 0a 3?r$ c tr'/zn3 tri 4solOI \A$to.!oc sj -t' ;:F $s ?.o<- a ?-_ EX[r",g e( il wro L r)r\owr\ D l- l&l\ i111 iut;\ 9t,-t n D g s o\o t, o 5 P N rn Uc is nfil tt, \o t N(..\ f\ N c\ \rl\ Itl (l D T otnl $ Co0\ Ic l.t rl -I)fit)no;c Ib ^t-Uuuy 8lr,PP nVortzf'l Dor I r*\ziI\> :l-JsrJst (uN r.3n llrlr .t c, fo ]c(. Ds;c s 1., Ottl o -t||} t t x k \ll\r, \ \ \ \ \ s\ \ \ \ HflE is D 3H nlRi = ?s 9iin0r tPo}p gr -9Szo"orAFoET E d P I(o L B LI {)al!tp i bc-l i$ (,N aa n ?, q b rhcdm $ k B(, :Jt o EOIi $s 5mp'F{ br- Et.I il 'fi o ;rs 'l n F0 osr-r D r\ C tn -1 oTl a tr-t r/ ( o' I 1., i TU:(lr { a{ N{r.bPNo$Fil f,rtOZ c fii/ nE /nd\ ON)tlr\bUFrg \l o o il\ N\) ,$ I*i i rit i'l s;trrl --J- iD Rn \N(\ N Ni c\ Bt'l 0 \1 N se .\ s(..( or so |tcs rr o (1, {.G ol)' a Z- CAuu . /+" BolT, AAK+E AUtllvl. RA-rtr^E 5tL rcON 6 w, Aui PAnrB @nutl. oru I AUtJna tr$ rJ rr,,r . Auvrtt " l /.' A N u tE l4orrr .2 xY PLr.s-raE^rr€o cryL c_mrtA <.- /lcor=rrrlG + s,rgti)D,'. *1-/ flAfrr4-- o.,n- 6TrLucN /L,ArL utn,En4 Bgru Nofe i Fennne<r@ flrtAcrnl6 { r-eta S 7/+ " :r:vnr ot ostrr) L6Y., Or,: ri- Uf TO +'" A3ofr= clt Lrb s ,'i ,'' , ft wrt ^ , SOL U --N,4- /i-i- ft,$(rt-E 1 Eo x\ te,J r i'r * t ^wr cacss 'fi(|AL.,,, lr- Kwc- i I fi -) \ c6 CPD SouAr2- Re>oUtZcBi fl P rCAr- flcoP A/tO\rr{l- .1, \ \ \ \