HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-08-11oJob lacation: lc"r Iot frAaaeeaors l,lap il Subdioiaion: Asner: Phone:Address: zip:ci Rav-V7a fu"a <ry2rqg /6affi8 fr ?4:'4fu-= Deacrtbe l,lork: ValueDate of edditian RenoCel e lt..RESIDENTIAL - APPLTCAT- ;/PERMrr SPHINGFTEI.D !,r225 North |th Street SprLngfield, 2negon 97477 Building Dtuisio.n 7 26-37 53 \\\jJ, Date: rS Ceneral Plurnbing l.lechan a ec C, rica Elec Et:lanfv1€S OR Soritary aeoer capped tb property lixe Septic totk porped ard filled r'rith gta:lel Pinal - l'lhen abcoa itens are canpleted and uhen darcLition ia conplete o" stru'l- tuye noued ard premLaea cleaneC up' I!cmes alocking od Set':,tP Pltnbi.ttg connectiona -' a.ue! od uater Electrical Connection - Bloeking' eet-up . and olwtbinq connections nust be aPPrcu'ed i,"ii"" nequ-eating eL eelrical inspec'-iott Acceesory Building Pittel - After pcrchee' akirting, decks' etc. dre conPleted. It ie the fran the etBuiUing to (ee that aLL inapectiona ate nade at the ProPef tine, that oaeh cilrees is readabie reepottaibility of tlo pentit hodet 'tre'et. and ttlat the penrit oard ia Nii"lo" approted plan alall remain Located at the frant of the -ptoperty'on the Building SiLs at aLL ti'nes' PRocsDURE FoR INSPEffI1N .q13yESr;CALL 7 requeated and uhen you t LL be ready to-? -^iil be nnde the eone dcg, reqtteete nade 26-3769 (tecordet) stdte Yow' City Ceeigna-ted iob insoection. Contrdctors or A,ners nane and p'hone ".it'i ztOo'- viLL ba nnde the nefi tnrkitg day' iob aCdrees, t-YPe Reqtegti Pecelxecl ntmber, numbct. of inspeclictt befcre 7:00 c:t q STTE INSPECTION: ez;a"atlon;6; ?o be Iout City Deotgr,ated Job Nwnber Ia: To a required oqor but before otY ban'iet'a ate in Place unll coueting ay inau|ation priot to eet after uP of uilpERsLAB PLUMBTNG. EqECIRr-CAL e WNantdet; fo be nade before anY ffiiaercd. P1OTING & F)INDATI)N: To be nade M trerlcfes at'e escaoated and forme are ereeted, but Ptior to Wuring ccncrete. u NpqRGNU lt D PLUMB I Nc,, sEYtR.,W.\T!-!. - DRAIIIAGE: To be nflde Prlor to JLL-Tfi-frn lee. uilpERFLOOR PLULETN1 q MECI#-NrclL: ^To be npd.a priot to LnotaLLdt'Lon oJ floor ineulatton or decking' POST AND BEAM: ?o be nnde Prlor to ffifrTGtGTof ftoor tneulation on decking. .r Ttheae inspectiona lnoe been nade ard approoed.. FLP.EPLACE: Prior to plccitq facingnat;;i;T; and. before ftoning inepec- tion. FRA\|INC: l,tuet be requeated after @rornt of rough plwr,bing' - -electrt'dL E mechanical. ALt roofi-ttg bracittg A chinmeya, etc. iaat be , coraletcd. No t'tork ie to be con- ,"eil"d until thio insPectiot laa 'been nade anC aPProtted- lath, ,gyP-awt b1?fr- or, ia applted., od before is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: Tc be rrude ifter @,nTl.e .in place, but prior to anY taPittg. MASINRI: Steel Location, botd tffijgroutit'tg ot oerticala in assevadl.ce ttth U.B.C. Section 2415. I,I1ODSTOVE: Aftet inatallation ie erlPffia, CURB e APPRCACIT AP:IOL: Aftet .forns ave erected but Prior to Pou?Lng ancrete. SIDEIALK S-DRIW4Y: .Por .aLL con- crete pa,ing ulthln at?eec rLgnE- of-tnu'- to be nade after al,L exca- iLtf"L'o*,ptete & forn lurlrk & sub' fuse -naterial in Pkce. IEIICE: Vhen conPlete -' ProoiCe @ o, mooable eectione through P.U.E. forme. FTTIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECIIAIIICAL FIIIAL ETCCIRICAL The Final Buitdittg Inapection mtet be requeoted after the Fitul Plwnbing ;;;t-;;,";i lis pe e tli.onc'lr.rt a b e en nade atd- appr oo e d'FINAL BUILDINC: Electri,cal, atl ,ALL I4ANIICLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD'IUSTIIETIT TO BE I'L4DE AT NO COST TO CITY Pnge 1 of 2 t--l N ot,l T u n tr -.:AL|, project conditione, such aa ble i.nstallation of slreet !1e-e-e, conPlction of the required lnndsccp;ns:)-Lt".,'-r.xit tn "ottriizl-l"rz:r"-liz-auiLbtnb FriAL can be requested' JOB NO SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Rece il: L-CO G+ Bedroana: L f ilAW CAREFULLy EYANI\IED the conpleted application fon permit, and do hereby certify that all infonrution hereoi ie tnte atd conect, arul I furtier certify that any ard aLL uork perforaed ahall be done in accor- dance tith th-e- 1rdinancbe of the city of SpringfieLd, and, Lhc laae of tha, State of 1regon pertaining to the l/frk Ceacnibcd hereln, attd, that N0 oCCU- pAilCy ;itl tZ ,rnae of any atructure utitttout permiaaion of the Building Di- uiaion. f further .'ertl,fy thct o:tly eont'acto"8 and enplcyeea uho are in canpliance uith oRS ?01.oss uiLL be used on thia projeot t Enerou Sounces TttneInt Facee - lteatSetbacks Accega.lldter lleatet'P, L.lloue e Can age RangeNorth FineplaceEasttoteSouth Iat Sq. Ptg. I of Lot Cottenage I of Storiea Total Height Topogmphy ValueFTGTTEI'I TOT IYPE _ fnterior Cornen Panhandle Cul-de-aac tbin kt'aae Caroort Acceaaoru ?OTAL VALUE s.D.c, 1.5 c Pee: Date Pai.d: Signed: Building Vtllue & Permit This pennit ia gnanted on the eapte\s cond-itton Llnt the. saidrconstrucLion it-tt', 1, all rLapects, eonform'to the 1rdinance tdop.ted ll;y the City o.f ipnlAyinU, ;.nctluding' the'Zoning Cydit'tanc-e, regulaL-i-ng the ccnst.ucLicn-&a ""uL of Luild.inge," and may be- euapended or reookeC at cny bime upon uic- Lation of any prcuisione of eaid ?rdinances. I Building Perrrtt Total Charyed Stdte NO,FEEITEM Ei-rturee Resilential (1 bath) Sanitany Seuer l,lctet Plumbing Permit No pereott slnll constntct, inetall, alter or clat'qe cnA ned cr eristing pl"fif."g or drainage ayatet in uhol3 or in patt, unleas euch penson is the iegal p:oeeearo* oy"o uZlid pt*rb"r,a Lic-ens_-e, eicept that a pe"son,rld'l 40- ptiitf,hg uork to property ihi.t i" ooned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. JT?otal Charqea Plunbing Pernit State Surcl'arge Electricol Permit I,there state Lan requiree ttat the electrical uonk be done by,an Eleettical contractor, the electrical portton of this permit alull rot be ualil until the Label lae been signed by the Electtical Contractor, { Na,t/Ettetd Circuita Sentice ar+ a5? Stcte ?otal !Et CIIARGEITgM I a Seeuri it Mechonictll Permit -. ET,ICROACHMENT -. Eshanat llooC, llcodstooe Vent P@t Pennit Issuanee Mechanical Perwit Storage I'hintenance Penit Cutbcut Sida,talk ?ence .za Mobile ltone TO?AT. AMOUNT DUE: I /5-.?5-Signed te (,ocLue) /-(_<. -A[rIrRE$s- 3330 OREGON ST trESCn: r IRE trAl'tAr:E -fit,lNEH- GAftY BELEI(E 3:}30 OREIJON STEEET $PR INfir IELIT, 0REI30N * INEO" XEPA IR RES ITIENT IAL 1111 OOl*OO?-EU ILN ING PERI.{ IT OO?-OO4-ELECTE ICAL OO3-OO4*ELECTR ICAL OO4_OO4-ELEI]TE ICAt OO l -063-E IRE NAHAIJE 003*006*rRAH IN6 OO3-O09- INSULAT ION OO4.O I1-T RYI,'ALL OO5-019-T INAL BU ILT' ING OOl-063-E IRE NAHAGE 003-063-r IRE trAtlAGE 003-006-FRAH ING OO4-04?*ROUGH ELECIRIC OO5-O4T_ROUGH ELECTRIC O06-OO9- INSULAT ION OO7.O4 .ELECTR IC SERU ICE OO8-o44-ELECTR IC SERU ICE 009-011-nRYl,lALt, OIO-019-F INAL BUILTI ING r,.'J ILTI ING N IU IS ION JOE* $9O6LS .LEfiAL. tOT BLOCK F INAI., -vAtuli - I 0000 746-6 I 55 q7 478 r70?313106400 s90711 / 900?0tl -ENENGY- .$TATS- HEATI- ?. BLN6 ZONE H?O- STOR IES ELCIOTIPLA INRANEE. TIETIRI{ OCC GRF UN ITS Sfi TEET CONST TYPE -c0NTnAcT0Rs* GENL-EXCEL CONTRACTOR PHONE- PLI'tB- ELECT- t{EcH- T'ESGN. REPT CAT *940 SEN-RET{U IRETI PERI'i ITS----- *-EEH-SURCHAREE-NATE-RECE IPT-PERI't IT,T-----.-UALUE--- 80.50 x':.50 15,00 15 .00 4,03 1.13 0.75 0 .75 8907 I 4 890735 8908 1 I 8909 I I I 4388 I49 13 14631 E ILLETI 8907 I ? 8907 I ? 8907?5 8907X5 890735 8907X8 8909 1 1 s9 I 003 900308 900?08 l0roo B?07 ?5 900?08 900308 I0 35 NOTOH 380H 38 0H 350l( 350H 38 NOTOH 350K 350r( 38 0t{ 38 $ $ $ $ 0 0 0 A I]EA-H IN II'IUi'1 INSPECT IONS + RENU INEi'IHNT5 *EXP TIATE---ACT NATE- SEft-* INSPECT I0NS-------C0i',ll{ENT$***-- -----t'ATE"---RESULI-- INSP-- - C/N UPSTA IRS UP$TA IR5, tru iLITERS ELECT. *I5S1C 'JE ,i:;':Jl! ,h:iri!,,b6uL ELECTRICAL INS'TALLATION RECORD Job Addrest:33 b o?e6ql Property owner: Tenant:owner's Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Laber # 15t1c __22{67Supervi si ng E1 ectri ci an Date Description of Work: o Inspection Resul ts Electrfcal Fee Surcharge Total $22. s-A //3 s$Z$r-!J== #451 8,'!; 't E/e-* Job Ipcation: Tc,s lpt #Aeseseors l,lap # Subdirision: )tmen: Address: Value OC) Date of L tddition # " APPLICATJIN/PERWT 225 North ith Street Sprirqfield" 2regon 97477 Building Ditsisio.n 7 26-37 53 .. RESIDE\TlAL..SPTIINGFTELD Date e General Plumbing lanec tr El,ectr l,lec DEMOLfiIO!] OR Soilatg aeeer capped at pt'operty Lite Septic totk ptu;r'ped atd filled urith gra;sel Pinal - h\ren abctte itens are cctnpleted and uhen danolition is canplete o" atrus- tute moued and pretnLses cleaneC up- Hcmes Blocki,ng otd Set-:tP Plunbing connectione -' EC1)2? otd. uater Electri.cal Connection - Blockittg' set-uP and olunbinq connections mtst be appro';ed befite nequZeti,ng eleclrlcal i,nspectiott Aecessory Buildittg pctches, ekirting' decl<s, Leted. Firal - Aften etc. ate eornP Page 1 of 2 It ie the reaponaibility of tle permit hotdet to aee that aLL inapee-tiotts ate node at the p?oPet tine' that ecch ad'drees is reaCable fran the atnebt, and tttat the penrtt ca.rd ie Located qt.\h-e. frolt of the-property.inuitding tulviciott approu*ed pl.an shall remain on tlte Building Site at aLL times. d Iour City Desigr.ated Job Nunbet' Is: pt?OCgDURE FOR INS4ECIION R?QUEST':CALL 726-3769 (recorden) state your City Cesignated iob eady for inspecti.on, Contractors or otmers rutne and plone r"Lil be nade the edte dcg, requests-made aftet ?:00 an rrill be nade the nezt wtking day. nmber, iob aCdress, tYPe nwnbet. Requests recei"'ed of inspec'.icn befcre 7:00 on SITE '!9N: 3o be ttnde aftet' escaoatid-5nt prLor tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCHANICAL: To be trude befote anyffiTiiouered. ?OOTING & FOUNDA?I1N: To be rmCe Afrffio are escaoated and forna ate erected, but priot to pourLng ccncrete. I_-l.ZTNSULATION /VAPOR BARRIER ilISPECTION : I \,4 fo be rade after aLL insulaticn otd 7 required uapor ban:ie?s oe in Place '. bui before ay lath, Wpswn boatC ot tnLL cooet'ing is applied, attd before oty insulation is concealed. UNDERGROUND PLUMBTNG. SEWER, IT.4TER. DRAIIACE: To be nale Pmo" to t1,L- @-66"chee, UTIDERFLOOR PLUI$TNG & MECHANICAL :of floor ineulation or decking, POST AND BEAM: ?o be made Priot to ffiiffilGfio| floon iwulation ot &cking. ROUGH PLOIBING, ELECIRICAL & MECH: ANICAL: No wnk is to be co"*e"ed ,ffif,Tthese irapections ltanse been made ard approoed. DRYVALL IilSPECIION: Io be rrude aftur afl@fie in place, but, ptior to ang taPing. I,\ASONRI: Steel Loeation, bond. dffijgtouting or oerticals in a.ceorilotce t'tLth U, B, C. Section 2415. ilOODSTOVE: After installation is antpleted. CI)RB & APPROACH A?RON: After fonnsd,;;r,ectAffi pffi to pout'ing coretete. SIDEI\ALX & DR|VEHAI: For aLL con-. {1--crete wtins tvtthi,n atreet right- of-rxy-, to be nade after aLL ecca- oating caplete & forn uonk & sub- base rruterial in Plaee. YENCE: When cotnPlate -' ProttiCe @66 or mooable sectione through P.U.E, FTPEPLACE:ndtffi Pniot to and befote placi,ry facing froning inepec- tion. FRA\|ING: l,tust be "equested afte" approoal of rough plwrbi,ttg' electni- cal & mechanical. ALL t'oofing bracing E chinmeye, etc. naet be ; completed. No wrk ie to be con- ' cealed until this ircpeetion las : been nnd.e anC approued. FTilAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL nLL proiebt conditions, such ae tlo i'nstallation of s+-r'eet t!?"-l-,- eonpletion-of the ,nairna-i"a"caping, Lto., i"t be satisfi.ed befoie the BUILDI\IG FLNAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection mtet be requested after the Final Plwnbing nno7"l"i-t,--ord Mechanical, rnspectlons -twte been nade atd approoed' |ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE MADE AT IIO COST TO CITY DescrLbe Rork:t-t T trr T d Type/Cotst:Zone:Bedz,oomaOceupa/Lcy Group- L-co cSOLAR ACCESS REQ.- I of Lot Cooeraga_ # of Stories LOT TWE _ fnterior _ Conner _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac ?otal Height Topography Iat Sq. Ptg Access th Df House Lot Faces - -- Fees -- SQ. FTG x Lue Building Volue & Permit lhie pennit ia granted on the etpreao cond,ition tlnt the eciid_eonattwction shall', in all nZspects, eonforn io the ordinance adopted \iy the city of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning CYdinance, tegulating the ecnstructicn and use of buildinge, otd may be auapend.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon uic- Lation of ot7 pnct:isione of aaid Oy'dittances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c * Building Perwtt State Paid: #:?otal Clargea *Signed: N0.ILL CHARCE Plumbing Permit No pereon aha.Ll constract, inatal!, alter or clange any neu cr eristing pltnbirq or drainage syetan in uhole ot in put, unlees euch penson ie the Legal poseessor of a oalid plunbet's License, ereept that a pelson nay do plunbing usotk to propertg uhich is ouned, Leased or openated by the appli- eant. tistuz,es Residzntial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Pertrit State * Electricol Permit I,Ihere State Lan tequiz,ee that the electrical uork be done by an Electnlcal Contractor,, the electyical portton of this permit alwll not be oalid, until the Label lae been signed by the Electrtcal Conttactop, ?otal Nert/Ertend Circui,ts Sez,uice ITEM NC.FEE State * Mechqnicol Permit bhanet Hood Ucodstooe Yent Fat PetmLt fssucnce Meclnnical Permtt -- EIICROACEMEN? -- Security Deposit Storage llaintenance Permit C'urbeut. Sida,nlk ?enee Electz,ieal Iabel Mobtle Hone PLan Enonine?uate I HAW CAREEULLy EXAI,IINED the cornpleted appli,cation for permit, and do herebg certify tlwt aLL inforrruti.on heyeon is true and. correet, and, f further eertify that any ard all wrk perforned alwll be done in aceor- dance rtith the }rdinancee of the Ctty of Springfield, anil the lcaa of the* State of 1r,egon pertaining to the urtk CeeerLbed herein, aild. tlat N0 )ccu- PANCY t'rill be rmde of any sttwctu"e rrtthout penriaeion of the Building DL- oision. I further centify tlnt only cont?acto"s otd, atplcgeel dho aie in eonpliance uith ORS 701.055 ui.LL be used on thie project TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*U,53 JOB NO.