HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-11-13CITY 0F SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department DATE OF LBTTER November 1.3, 1991 JOTIRNAL NIJI{BER 91-10-165 APPLICAIIT Randy and Patricia St. Clair 342 South 35th Street Springfield, 0R 97477 PROPERTY OIINER Avoalt Gied 3455 Oregon Avenue Springfield, 0regon 97478 EXPI,ANATION OF TEB NATIJRB OF Tffi APPLICATION The applicant is requesting the Partition (division) of a tract land into tvo parcels. LOCATION OT TEE PROPERTY The property invol-ved in this request City of Springfield (Assessor,s Mapf 17- focated at 3455 Oregon Avenue vithin the 31-34, Tax Lot 300). is 02 COHUEIiITS AS SPECIFIED IN ORS 197.015 Notice of this application vas sent to property ovners and occupants vithin 300 feetof the property proposed to be partitioned on October 22r 1991. The end of the L4 day comment period vas November 5, 1991. No persons submitted comments in vriting: Since no person commented in vriting, this decision is being sent to the applicant, ou,ner and engineer only. DECISION Tentative PIan approval, vith conditions, as of the date of this letter. OTEER USES TEAT HAY BE AUTEORIZED BY TEE DECISION None. Page 2(Jo. No.91-10-165) BACKGROT'ND/ SITE INPORHATION The area of the property involved in this application is approximately 25,0OO squarefeet' There is a single family house and a-number of ."tls"ory structures on thisproperty. The property is bordered by Oregon Avenue on the north and Lov DensityResidential properties on the east, vest and south. Each of these properties aredeveloped. The applicant vould l-ike to construct a single family house in parcel 2in the future. CRTTERIA OP APPROVAL Section 34.050 of the Springfield approve, approve vith conditions cri teria: (1) Development Code states: Theor deny the request based upon Director shalIthe folloving TEE RBQTIEST AS CONDTTIONED FI'LLY CONFORHS rITE TEB REQUIREHEI{TS OP TETScoDE PERTAIMNG To: LoT SrzB aND DIMENSIoNS, TEB EPFICIEMI pRo\[SroN oFPUBLIC PACILITIES AND SER\ICES, SIts.EBT THPROVEHENTS AND CONSIDERATION OFNATIJRAL FEATTJRES. Lot Size and Dimensions SDC 16.030 states: rrThe minimum lot size in alt residential districts shall be as foLlor,rs: (1) Lots on east-vest streets shal1 have a minimum 1ot size of 41500 squarefeet vith a minimum of 45 feet of street frontage.... (3)(b) In the residential distriets, panhandle lotsSubdivision and Partition process sharr have at leastthe pan portion, exclusive of the drivevay (panhandle).shall have a minimum of i,5 feet of frontagei: . . . " The Tentative PIan shovs that Pareel L has a street frontage of 110.24 feeton Oregon Avenue; the depth of Parcel 1 is approximately 148 feet. Thearea of Parcel 1 is approximately 16,000 square feet. earcll 2, vhich is apanhandle parcel, has a street frontage of 15 feet on 0regon Avenue and pandimensions of 50' x 175.23,, vith an area of approximaiely 6,300 "quir"feet (pan only). Both proposed parcels meet or exceed the lot size anddimension standards. Hovever, the folloving comments address both parcels: 1. The Tentative PIan did not shov the numerous accessory structureslocated on the subject property. A ten foot-vide rear yard setback isrequired betveen the aceessory structure and the nev property 1ine. Anexisting accessory structure may have to be relocated or removedcompletely to meet this standard. created through the 6,000 square feet in A single panhandle Page 3 (Jo. No.91-10-165 ) Although Parcel 2 meets or exceeds the frontage and dimension standards as stated above, the 50 foot depth of Parcel 2 should be reconsidered. A 10 foot-vide front and rear yard setback is required leaving only 30 feet of vidth for a nev house. The yard area is severely limited. Public Facilities and Services Electricity, vater, sanitary and storm sever are currently available to Parcel l and vill be available for Parcel 2. Hor^rever, drainage of Parcel 2 may require dry vells, and the sanitary sever may require a clean out. SUB llater requires a fee at the time of connection to rrater. Un1ess recorded on the Partition PIat, copies of the recorded easements vill be a eondition of approval. The folloving easements vill be required: 1. A 7 foot-vide utility easement along the vest property line. 2, A 7 foot-vide utility easement along the south property 1ine. 3. A 7 foot-vide utility easement along the north property line; note: there is a 5 foot-vide public utility easement already in place, only 2 additional feet vi11 be required. The applicant needs to coordinate the connection to utilities vith the utility providers. Street I rovements 0regon Avenue is a fully improved street vith curbr gutter and sidevalk. Therefore, the drivevay viLl be required to be paved (12' in vidth) at the time Parcel 2 is developed and a curb cut permit vill be required. Inventoried Natural Features There are no inventoried natural features on this site. (2) THE ZONING IS CONSISTEIIT rITE TEB }IBTRO PI.AN DIAGRAH AND/OR APPTICABLE REFINET{ENI PLA}.I DIAGRAHS. The zoning of the property in this application is Lor*r Density Residential.The property is designated Lov Density Residential in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan. The zoning is consistent vith the Mid-springfield Refinement Plan des igna t i on . 2 Page 4(Jo. No 9 1- 19-1 65 ) (3) DEVBLOPHEITT OP ANY REHATNDER OP THB PROPERTY IN TEE SAHE OSNERSEIP CAN BE ACCOHPLTSEBD IN ACCORDANCE VITE TEE PROYISIONS OF TEIS CODE. Parcel L is large enough to be redivided, creating another panhandleparcel. The accessory structures vould have to be removed and there vouldhave to be a 10 foot-vide rear yard setbaek betveen the existing house andthe nev property }ine. Development of the remainder of the property in the same ovnership can beaccomplished in accordance vi th the provisions of the SpringfieldDevelopment Code. (4) ADJACBNT I,AI{D CAN BB DEVELOPED OR IS PROI'IIDED ACCESS TEAT IILL ALLOg ITS DEVELOPHMM IN ACCORDAI{CE IITTE TEE PRO\ISIONS OP TEIS CODE. A11 adjacent lots have access to a public street. This application vi11not affect the development of adjacent 1and. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAT The Director has determined thatSpringfield Development Code requirements of this Code. the Tentative Plan satisfies the requirements of theand that conditions are necessary to satisfy the e st ar 1. The applicant viI1 have up to one r from the date of this letter to meet any tition PIatat tached condi t i ons or Development to obtainapprova)-. For Partitions inside the City Limits, a separate application and feeviII be required. The application packet vi11 require three tiueline copies ofthe Partition PIat, a title report and any other documents required ." ,"y bespecified belov. The application must be submitted to the the springiieldDevelopment Services Department. The Plat itself vilI be revieved Uy ttre CitySurveyor. Upon signature by the City Surveyor and the Planning Manager, thePartition PIat mylar may be submitted to Lane County for recordation. Noproperty may be transferred until the partition prat is recorded. 2. A Statement of Vater Rights must be noted on the ptat. 3 Easements as specified above must be shovn on the partition prat recorded easements must be returned to the City. or copies of the 4 Certification that the existing accessory structure has 10 feet betveen it andthe ne\+, property line; or it has been removed completely or relocated on Parce} 1. S Page 5 (Jo.No.91-19-165) APPEAL If you vish to appeal the decision of Partition Preliminary PIan Approval, you must do so vithin vith the Spri QUESTIONS pment e, Art 10d s of the date of this letter.Your appeaL must be in accordance APPEALS.e Please call the Development Services Department at 726-3759 if you have any questions regarding this process. PREPARED Ga Associate Planner