HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2000-10-16C'TY OF OREGO'V D EVELO P M E NT S ERVI C E S D E PARTM ENT Springfield Police Deparunent Springficld Firc Dcpartmcnt U.S. Post OfEce U.S. West Communications Northwest Natural Gas TCI Cable United Parcel Service SPFllt\.uFlELE, Springfield Utility Boad Lane Council of Gowrnments l,ane County Assessor Lane County Elections Department Sanipac Rainbow Water District Springf eld News/Register Guard 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726_3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 October 16,2000 Randy St. Clair 342 South 35s Stteet Springficid, Oregon 97478 RE: Street Address Notification Dear Mr. St.Clair: You recently requested that an addrcss be assigned to ,.our properly anrrently knor*n as Lane County Rcfersncc Numbcr 17033134, Tax lot 00304 (Laild Partition 92-P0278,patccl 2). Thc go,pcrty wili now be commonly known as 3463 Oregon Ar€nue, Springfield, Oregon. I will notify the following companies andlor agencies of this address by sending them a copy of this letter: If yor harre any questions, pleas feel frree to phore ne at726-3790 Sincerely, LisaHoppcr Buitding Safety Supewisor iQl]f-roi.llt.L .\DDRnss itrQursT CLe tfPropert ',' O,,..'ner: IlaiIing Aclcl :css 3 QZ )a Jf) L Cil\/.ff[p Sta[rl or ! LP , 7?q7 r Person or ,\..jcncy rcquc5t irrc,J citarrr-,1c i I other: tiran oi.,'ner; e-,'r Ir,: .--,-l- a-' ,-,.1 2?C /f3 tPlrone :!nrilcr'...ltcr-r-','ou Address of nr.-operty you are rcquesting to Ita're an aclclitional adclress assignecl: Assessor !{aD #,17 rt 31 3Ll PIease explain specifi-caIly vrhy you aCdress ass igned: !iCIA LUU ' a feel the Locati-on neccls an additional, i)ropoacal iicl,..l :.-e: s : Propcr:-Y o'..r:rcrs S igrla*-u re OFFICE USE Received By: Re f erence I'lunrber :Tax Lot #: Planning Approva DeniaI: Planning Review By: Date: - Derr iec.l :Approvecl : If denied, i:Iease explain: Date Received: I f approvcd, Reviewed by: (y) ew address Date: 4Qu,U,+ion $qe PoN( a