HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1983-01-17SPFlINGFTELD CrtY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 17, 1983 Richard and Barbara Silver 39829 Little Fall Creek Road Fall Creek, 0regon 97438 RE: Plumbing Violation at 3795 0regon Street, Springfield, Qregon Dear Mr. and Mrs. Silver: As a result of a complaint, a leak was found in the sanitary sewer waste line at the above referenced location. Your records show that you are the owners of this property. It appears that a hole was put into the sewer line possible to rrelieve a blocka-qe proUibm. The line has since been "taoed"---an improper method of pipe repair--and conti nues to 'l eak. The dra'in line must be properly repaired by using a no hub coupling on the-damaged pipe. Because of the potential public health hazard-Tnvolved, the waste line must be'repaired no later than January 3L, 1983. The waste line will be inspected on that date to ensure that it meets City sanitation requirements. Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated. PIease direct all inquiries to the Springfield Bui'lding Division at 726-3753. Si ncerely, ,? {:' r^v ;16 ao7';//t/'t+4 Roy Bordeaux Plumbing Inspector cc: Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Tenant 3795 Oregon Street Springfield, 0regon 97477 RB: SJ/ I h 225 North 5th Street Et'#T::sil'" E:::*"329960599 a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 o!g 2oI mt c) H oi! a) zo trFU (l) I\, FIrd t\,=E.U.E 6"3H e-+B!r-_(D S/ire# Eg9Ev x-g{(i\is r_l a Y TTA FE i;i*t# lrhiIFE .'-_?f F o Jq, 5e 9, o f,Jq,-qq,-9' a .S> t"l* # o inili "i\.,r? = O)(o F o 'lN -rr* 1F or Dti'o"rfita, trIo o E G'N\o (.o O)O (rr(o (D 7ll m I = :r o E tII] C ! ruVz ru/.'/@/ ) ffu cn,f* \.J SPRI]llGFIELT' CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works December 14, l9BZ CERTIFIED LETTER Richard and Barbara Silver 39829 Little Fall Creek Road Fall Creek, Oregon 97438 RE: Plumbing Violation at 3795 0regon Street, Sprinqfield, Oregon Dear Mr. and Mrs. S'ilver: As a result of a complaint, a leak was found in the sanitary sewer waste line at the above referenced locat'ion. Our records show that you are the olrners of this property.It appears that a hole was put into the sewer line poss'ibly to relieve a blockageproblem. The l'ine has since been "taped"---an improper method of p'ipe repair---and continues to leak. The drain line must be properly repa'ired by using a no hub couoling on the damaqedpipe. Because of the potential public health hazardJnvolvEe-TfiE-waste line must be repaired no later than The waste line will be inspected onthat date to ensure that it meet cooperation'is appreciated. Pl ease d'i rect a'l I i nqui ri es to t Si ncerely, Pa 8o*r4*,^/ City sanitation requirements. Your anticipated Springfield Build'ing Div'ision at 726-3753. Roy Bordeaux Pl umbing Inspector -A"t sncc:Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Tenant 3795 0regon Street Springfield, 0reson 97477 RB: SUl h 225 North 5th Street o Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 ST'HIhIGF!ELED CftY OF SPRINGFIELD Depaftment of Public Works December 14, 1982 CERTIFIED LETTER Richard and Barbara Silver 39829 Little Fall Creek RoadFall Creek, 0regon 97438 RE: Plumbing Violation at 3795 Oregon Street, Springfie'ld, 0regon Dear Mr. and Mrs. SiIver: result of a complaint, a leak was found in the sanitary sewer waste line at thee referenced location. Our records show that you are the o$/ners of this property. ppears that a hole was put into the sewer'line possibly to relieve a blockagelem. The line has since been "taped"---an improper method of pipe repair---and inues to leak. The drain line must be properly repaired by using a no hub couolinq on the damagedpipe. Because of the potential public hea'lth hazard involved, the waste line rnust be repaired no later than Decenber 27,1982. The waste line will be inspected onthat date to ensure that it meets City sanitation requirements. Your anticipated cooperat.ion is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Bu'ilding Division at 726-3753. Si ncerely, Pa Br*&*-' Roy Bordeaux Pl umbing Inspector cc: Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Asa abovIta prob cont Tenant 3795 0regon Street Springfield,Oregon 97 477 RB: SUI h 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 a 503/726-3753 SPRI]{GFIELI' CITY OF SPRINGFTELD Department of Public Works tru:gust 19, 1982 CERTIFIED LETTER Resident 3795 Oregon Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 Dear Resident: A recent observation of your property located at 3795 Oregon Street, Springfield, 0regon reyeals that it is in yiolation of the following City Codes: Sections 4-2-6, 4-2-9, and 5-1-1 of the:Springfield City Code relative to the storage and remoyal of household garbage (copy attached). An accumulation of household garbage exists on your property. Garbage nust be s.tored in covered containers and rernoved once a week. Therefore, by seven C7) days fron the date of this letter (r{ugust 27, 1982), the above described conditions must be corrected in order to confo::n to City Codes. Un1ess you comply with this requirement, further action will be taken under the Codes of the City of Springfield, Oregon. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely, /:/"4 Sally Johnson Enyirorunental Inspector cc Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney attachrnent sJ/1h 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753 SPlrINGFXEI.D CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Pubiic lVorks CERTIFIED LETTER October 12, 1981 Ilr. Stephen Cabe 89661 Demming E1mira, Oregon -o7 437 Dear Mr. Cabe: Irn writing r*ith regard to our recent conversation concerning the "camping vehicle" parked at 3795 Oregon Street. You informed mc that you were representing your brcther in response to my September 28, 1981 letter relative to a "busil being used as a dwel- ling in addition to a house on property zoned R-A, Suburban-Residential. After again confering with the City Attorney and Planning Department, the following TIME: il;So' PUBLiC WORKS GENE RAL COMPLAINT FORM DA rE2 b-/-82 X sutlding _ Engineering _ Traffic _ Maintenance _ Bldg. Attendant ADDRESS OF COMPLAINT: V IOLATION/COMPLAI NT: 3 z?r O KEGoA/ KEN S E u,/Ef ,P/A 1, COMPLAINANT:e PHOI'IE:b7 TAKEI'I BY: fl 5t A ADDRESS OF COMPLAINANT:374 /fr ts,€ Ee*o /^) .*4e,e /il6 Richard and Barbara Silver (OwnersJ 225 North 5rh Street -. Sprihgfield, Oregon 97477 . attachnent S.I/l s 503/726-3753 2!-/ 2,(E(a,.t,t i.,f fl,i ;i:: tt .;: ,j-t. ;,. ,- ql ... :, .1. .":.,:.: *ni ffiffi:".:? *Ies Sa nson - , ,T c,2 m mo zoc Add you rryer9. itemr l, 2, ud 3. rddrccr in thc 'nETURN TO" rpo 6 SENDER; (CC-\SULT POSTT'ASTtsR FOR FEES) 2. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TOr AEGISTEBEO NO.CERT!FtED '{O. lI{suBEO llo. P22 62107 {Always obtain ot The following serrice is requested (check onc.) O Show to whom and date delivered............-C f] Sho* to whom, datc and address ofdelivcry...-CD nr,srrucrrD DELTvERy Show to whom and date deiivered............_C O RssrmcrsDDELrvERy. Sh ,w to whom, date, and addres of delivery.t_ Mr. Stepehn Cabe 89661 Demming -Eldro-,- q t:eqon--g4 373. ARTICLEDESCRTPTIOiI: I havc received the article described abqo. $ct:AruR€ EAd&eaco OAuthorLodegcnt 5. ADDRESS (Cdnpr.r. oty It C. USTAALE TO DGLIVER BECAUSE: | 1979-288848 CITY OF SPF,I}TGFIEIJD SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 September: 28, 1981DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER Resident 3795 O::egon St::eet Spningfield, Oregon 97+ t1 Dear P.esident: A recent obsenvation of your prope::ty lccated at 3795 Or"egon Street, Spningfield, o::egon reveal-s that it is in viol-ation of the follcwing city code: Articl-e 6 of the Spri:rgfield Cornp::ehensi-re Zoning Code. Twc dwelling units ane not permitted on a SingJ-e Family Residential property. An inspector fr:orn this office obsenved a bus being used as a drvelling on your prcpe:rty. The bus was also illegalJ-y ecnnected to water and elec- iric s"ppfy. It must be Cisconnected from the water and elect::ie supply and disccntinued to be useC as a dwe1ling. Therefore, by ten (tO) aays fr-om the date of this letter" (October:9, 1981), the above desc::ibed conditions must be ccnrected in o::Cer to conform to City Codes. Unless you comply with this ::equirement or show cause why it should nct be com- pJ-ied rith, furti:.r: action may be taken unde:: the Codes of the City of Springfield, Oregcn. I^le trust that you:: compliance wil.l rnake such action unnecessary. Please dir^ect aIJ- inqui::ies to the Qinnana lrre -..vvL e- j , Sally Johrsoh Envircnmental InsPectcr cc: Rcnald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. LeahY, Assistant CitY Attcr:neY Rcy G. l4ason, Owner 2133 }Ionth 5th Street Springfield, Or:egcn 97+77 SJ/Is 3002 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CERT]FIED LETTER Resident 3795 Or.egon Street Springfield, Or"egon cc SJ/Is 3002 Rcnald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. LeahY, Assistant City AttcnneY Rcy G. Mason, Owner 2133 llorth 5th Street Springfield, Or"egcn 97+17 ?t 4 a.J*to s 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 q1 CIItrY O3= SPH,I}TGFIEL,D SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97 477 September: 28, 1981 97477 Dear P,esident: A recent observation of your pt:openty lccated at 3795 Onegon St::eet, Sp::ingfield, Onegon ::eveals that it is in violation of the follcwing city code: Ar.ticLe 6 of the Springfield Comprehensi.re Zoning Code. Twc dwelling units a::e not penrnitted on a Singl-e Family Residential pr:operty' An inspecto:: fro:n this office observed a bus being used as a dr+elling on youu pllcperty. The bus was also iIlegaIIy connected to water and elec- l::ic iuppfy.- It must be Ciseonnected from the wate:r and electr"ie supply and disccntinued to be used as a dwelling' Therefone, by ten (10) days from the date of this lette:: (Octoben 9, 1981), the above described conditioni must be co::nected in orCer to conform to City Codes. Lrnless you comply ',rith this requinement or shorv cause why it should nct be aom- ptieC rith, tur:tir"r action *"y-b" taken under the Codes of the City of Springfield' Oregcn. We trust that your compliance will make such action unnecessary. please direct all inquinies to thc Springfield Building Division at 726-3753' Sincerely, Sally Johnsoh Environmental InsPeetcr ' /2 i.\'t,t', 7ru?1? c r 6 -,b 4.re C) I CIITTT OF SP]EII\TGFIEIJD sPRINGFIELD. OREGON 9'' 477 August 6, 1981DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS located at 3795 Oregon Street, SPr mental Quality has estabilshed req Administrative Rules, ChaPter 340, of the real property abandoned, or sludge from the septic tank, seePa a sewage di sposal servi ce I i cense, or other material a roved the D ous ou contac a cens 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 Roy G. & Millicent Mason 2133 North 5th Street Springfield,0R 97477 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Mason: It has come to our attention that an abandoned septic tank exists on your property ing field, Oregon. The Department of Environ- ulr ements for septic tank abandonment in Oregon Division 7, which reads: "Each and eve which has been abandoned, shall have a ryil owner the ge pit or cesspoo I removed by a person ho'ld'ing and shall fill s ame with clean bar-run ravel rector or s author re res enta t ve.z sep c n pumper.ny are S nt e lei 'low pages of your telephone directory. Upon cgrypletion of abandonment_you or.your_ i^efiresentitive shoirld notify the Building Division of the City of Springfield for an itrspection by calling 7?6-3755. You will have unt'i'l September 5, 1981, 30 days from the date of this letter, to comptete the above and'call for an inspection by the City. Your anticipated cooperation is appreciated. please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division by ca'l1ing 726-3753. Si ncerely,.1 .", ,4 /(q, (/ 4 o' " L'y,\Y Roy A. Bordeaux Pl umbing Inspector cc: Josephy J. Leahy, Assistant City Attolney John Stoner, Lane County Envjronmental Health Division Sa1ly Johnson, Environmental Inspector File €€€$ ?oo 5 RAB/sh CERTIFIED LETTER