HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1985-01-02J865" i 985 Sprinqlield Ceniennicl year January 2, 1985 HA}iD DELTVERED 2ND N0TICE - 1st l"etter sent by Certifi ed Mail- I'1r. Gary Ensign 3789 Oregon Street Springfi:eLd, Oregon Returned 72/28/84 Ensign: Several r+,eeks ago, this office received an inquiry regarding a fence built higher . the ma.ximum allorsed height of SLz feet in the fifteen foot front yard setback area 37Bg Qregon Street, Springfield, 0regon. Our records shorv that you are the or^,'ner ,: this property. An inipection of your propeity found the fence to be 5 feet high. , additiorr, ttLr" was nG-permit issuetl for the fenc'e construction. Please refer to attached explanation of fence requirernents for interior l"ots. The inspector who respond ed to tlie inquiry about your fence has infolmed me that you ance before the Building Board of Appeals. The n ext avail- 1935. The deadline for submittal is 10 working days before the meeting date, or Jan uary 24, 1985. Enclosed is an applica- inforrnation parnphlet which expiains s and authority; T-ire appi icant must carry the rrburden of stp resent information to the Board that wi1I substantiate oard may app ro\..e a variance reqllest if it finds that the s the condit ion-s listed under 'rVariance Conditions* on the CTTT CF SFA,iNGFiEti) 97478 Dear I,h' than at of In the If you wish to apply for a. variance, you rlust srrbnit the request for hearing arplica* tion and a11 other pertincnt i.nformation, aXong with the $30.0C fee, by Thui.sday, January ?4, 1985. If yol, deciCe nat tc li;:peal by tlre abol'e mu=trtioned. date. the fencc must ccnpiy r+i-th al1 ai:piicabie City Codes and,/or Ci'di:rances irli t?rirti, (30) days from the, date of this letter (February 1, l-985J " Ii you appeal, hoio'ever, the fence may ------'-:- ^- :-,,*+i-l n ,-l^^;.{^n -i.- *oo.ila-'s.:itenain as is uniil a decision is rendereC' In respon-ce to 1.our iiiclui:'i--s concerning sther possible violations in ycur neighborhood, please accept the foilcwing rcspeiise : 1.. The house at 275 Sorrth 38th Strr:et was connected to the sanitary sel{er in 1975. The house at 265 Sr-ruth SBth Strcci '.{as elso ccn::.ccted tc the sanitarl' sewer i:t 1975, :As for constructi.cn r+ork in prLlgTess at thi:< acidress, th.e r*ork is co'rvered utrder a valid iruil.Jing permit. As long as worK prl3grcsscs aad <ioe-s not. lapse for ^^,{ 1r r: ntf ll i I225 :i:r1ii 3ti, lilirr:l * r,,.,:.:rr;i-rrj,-i, :) r:,rja a.":.i,'. 'i - : ./1 -il':i--.., t.-''*,-i ..-/\-^,1rAls.r JIC-JaUi Departme*t ei Pubiic Works Mr. Gary Ensign 2ND Notice January 2, 1985 Page 2. a period longer than LBO ciays, a permit Please diiect ail questicns to the Building is valid indefinitely. Safety Dir.ision at 726-3753. cc re1y, Sally J Environmental Inspector Don lloore, Building Inspector Da.re Puent, Acting Superintend,ent of Building enclosures sJ/Ih